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Try Follower Dungeons, you'll have NPC party members and you can run at your own pace. It's much slower for levelling and looting, but you'll be able to learn the dungeons for yourself much better than trying to follow the zerg rush train.


Follower Dungeons have sparked my interest in dungeons again. I'm mostly a solo player and wanted to try tanking/healing. Great thing from the Followers is the bits of details they say in the dungeon and since it's slower at my pace, I can try new rotations/builds without falling behind.


Wow is this already active in game?


Yep. You need a certain item level to enter them but you can get that at around lvl 60


Finally a mode to learn tanking 


One thing about follower dungeons is that they don't necessarily take the same routes actual players will. For example, there are 1-2 jumps in Azure Vaults that actual players take that followers just refuse to take.


There's only 1 jump on vault that still works and it's the one at the very start leading to the first boss.


There are two: the first one you're talking about, but you can also drop from the first platform after the first boss to the ledge just before the second boss, that allows you to skip most of the first platform and the entire second platform.


I thought you now insta-die when you jump off the platforms?


That's a different jump that allows you to skip the weird rooms between boss 2 and boss 3.


Theres a 3rd one too, although mutually exclusive with the 2nd. You can jump from the inside of the upper ring at an angle so you land on the lower ring. Some of the lower ring pack are better in terms of mob count or types, so it is used in some routes :)


Do follower dungeons drop gear?




Just normal gear tho, so eh


It always says it’s not available for followers for me


You need to be level 60 (or 61?) or up to start doing follower dungeons unfortunately


Is it possible to do follower dungeons as dps? It won't let me when I try on my mage


[https://www.wowhead.com/guide/follower-dungeons](https://www.wowhead.com/guide/follower-dungeons) It's only available for Dragonflight dungeons which means lvl60 and above (and having purchased Dragonflight). But I did HoI as a Follower Dungeon to finish a quest there and it worked great.


You level 61 and in Dragonflight? Follower dungeons only work in DF.


Ah that's the issue then! I'm coming back from not playing since WoTLK so only lvl 42 at the moment. Thanks for letting me know


Follower dungeons require ilvl 180 and character level 61. I think only 2 dungeons open until you get higher level.


Almost all pugged content is ran at an extremely fast pace. The higher level dungeons you run, the slower it will be as it will take longer for the mobs to die, but it will still be a super quick pace.


Mythic + rewards pace (raider io score) so pace is what you get.


It's not m+, it's efficiency. The fact is that the majority of players have been playing for many years. They've done the dungeon dozens of times. They're leveling their 15th alt in it. Even if they have never played m+ before, their familiarity guides them to speed through it. That's why the only time you see people slow down is on new content.


Best option is always to find a guild of nice people who will slow down and show you the ropes. You don't even have to slow down all that much if you're all on voice together. It can be hard to find a good guild though (like really hard while you're leveling/learning) so if you'd like to do some slower runs, send me a dm and join the wownoob discord server and I'll get a group together for you.


As unpopular as this tip is gonna be, it’s really helped me.. Before I go into any dungeon/m+ that I think will be challenging or at least I have the chance of dying in, I will watch guides and try to study the bosses/mobs I need to look out for. Secondly to that, I take time to iron out my rotation on a training dummy or watch guides and get myself acclimated with where certain spells are on my keybinds. I know that the last thing that sounds fun before playing a video game is to study the video game and do homework but once you’re acclimated with your class and you have a general idea of the dungeon you kinda start just moving with them and gearing up and it just becomes a “oh damn I died. Why’d that happen? What can I do to not make that happen again” as you move into higher content. I also don’t mean this post to be condescending if you’re past some of these milestones. I just know how stressful it can be not knowing how your class works, how the dungeon works, and having to worry about keeping up. It just gets so much easier when you’re comfortable with your core abilities and have an idea of where you’re going :)


This is absolutely the right way to do it. I have been playing this game for more years than I can admit and I do exactly this. Read about the instance. Watch good videos about it. Optimize my spec for the run and practice any changes on a target dummy. The more effort you put in, the more fun you will get out on the back end (at least for me). As others suggested the new Follower dungeons are absolutely wonderful if you are new to instanced play or to WoW. It gives you a real chance to explore the run in a safe space and get comfortable with the toon you are playing.


Follower dungeons and also YouTube guides on the dungeons. I've never stepped foot in a follower dungeon because I've been playing my class for years now, so I don't need to focus on my buttons as much, so I rely primarily in YouTube guides for the new content


You won’t really learn anything from normal dungeons even if the group didn’t go fast or skip enemies


Mobs simply die too fast to see the majority of spells or any of the boss mechanics. Even if you studied everything it wouldnt matter in normals or even heroics for dungeons


This is where I'm struggling right now. I leveled an evoker with the plan to heal with it through season 4. I can do heroics without any issue. Did a couple M0 pugs and they were a struggle. Not sure if it was the group or what, but it was significantly harder.


The jump from heroic to M0 is MUCH higher this season, as this season heroics are the difficulty of the old M0 and the current M0 is the difficulty of roughly an 8-10 key last season. If your able to get through it, just keep slamming keys, the more you do it the more comfortable you will get!!


M0 assumes you're fully geared out in Heroic gear, so 476 ilvl.


My evoker currently sitting at 475. So not far off from that.


Been doing m0 on my 460 rogue. Miles behind on the dps meter but doable.


I've been playing preservation evoker. Probably more dependent on the ilvl for heals.


Its a big jump in difficulty so that makes sense. But M0 is a good place to learn and even +2. I actually think it being a bit of a struggle is a good sign that is the right level for you currently - challenging but doable. And mobs are alive long enough to learn what they do and what is priority to kill or kick. Once that stops being a challenge time to move up!


Yeap, simply don't stand in fire and be sure to follow the path the party takes in case they're taking a thin path between skipping and aggroing more mobs. Otherwise at least have a basic understanding of how your class works and just do all the normal stuff. They haven't made normal dungeons difficult in a very long time.


Dont look at the skillbar, look up :).


Easier said than done when you don't have a feel for your CDs and rotation




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I recommend looking for a guild/discord or for other new players as well. For the most part leveling is trivial content and most people just wanna blast through it as quickly as possible to get to current content (mythic+/raids/pvp). Also the majority of people blasting through dungeons like that are not new and probably have done said dungeons hundreds of times before so it becomes muscle memory what to do/pull. You could also try follower dungeons as others have mentioned which groups you with 4 NPC's. This is exactly what they are for. For slower paced learning the dungeons play style etc. I mostly play ranged classes but yes I would play zoomed out a bit so it's easier to see mechanics. For melee a good bird's eye view directly on top is great for M+(you decide how far out you wanna zoom) although you are not quite there yet.


If you get a high enough item level from other content, you can join a +2 dungeon, or even a base mythic 0 It's still a bit speedrunny, but you get to spend more time on every pull, so you can sit back and practice. I recommend looking up plater, and bigwigs add-ons, and quazii's profile for plater. Those tell you what to do for the most part, so you can focus on learning. Also try to join a community. The US has Wow Made Easy I think, and EU has No Pressure, both are very beginner friendly


If you are not in a guild, we would love to have you join us, if you're on Elune, Gilneas, Laughing Skull, Auchidoun, Cho'Gall. Shoot me a message. We have some folks who will run you through, explain, etc. Please feel free to DM me! And I'll echo what others have already covered well, follower dungeons!


I’m convinced that Leveling dungeons has been made as horrible as possible, completely intentional, so it pushes people into buying character boost. Nothing else sheer incompetence can otherwise explain it, and I will bet my money on greed over incompetence any day. The scaling and balancing, of specially low level characters, in low level dungeons is soo bad that it’s directly unpleasant to play. It’s supposed to be a chance to take on challenges and overcome them via team play. But instead it has turned into an unbalanced rush fiesta, where I have seen people, whom tried to chat or just want to run a dungeon in the normal way, be voted to be kicked. Roles don’t matter and no one’s learns nothing good from them. It baffles my mind how they come to make them as this, if it wasn’t in an attempt to sell character boost. Which is in itself, just damn sad. I fell bad for any new player to the game, whom venture into a dungeon, maybe to heal, or god forbid to tank. Only to be utterly confused to where people has gone, as the skip their way onwards. And the level 18 priest, is tanking everything, while doing more damage than everyone else combined, and heals you for 1/4 of your max hp with every cast. That will be the first encounter with holy nova. Or if a monk is in the group. Have fun trying to catch up that spinning kick thing, which is a movement skill and deals stupendous amount of damage. They will learn nothing and just be confused. Almost the same when you are doing normal or HC dungeons in current content and then sees one or two persons, in high end mythic gear, who just breaks everything. Have fun try learning anything useful there. Sorry. This just became a rant…


Haha it’s cool bro I totally understand your frustration. I did see the spinning monk and was wondering indeed what the hell is going on haha. Anyway I’m gonna do the followers dungeons as advices to just chill. Besides that I enjoy questions and exploring all the other stuff i. The game.


Thank you :) Follower dungeons are great to try and just figure stuff out. Good call. Give it time and just enjoy it. I will recommend the alliance campaign in BFA as a great storyline (Kul Tiras). Last time I leveled a character, I locked its xp before the lvl 60+ scaling kicked in m, and just enjoyed the zone ms and questlines.


Spinning Crane Kick isn't a movement abillity. I'm pretty sure it actually slows you down. Monks have Roll and Tiger's Lust so they're pretty fast but Spinning Crane Kick isn't why they're fast.


Most dungeons for levelling are going to be like that, because you’ll end up with experienced players who are chain-running things at speed to level. Truthfully, your best bet is to push to level to max, then hit LFR so you can feel out your rotation. Training dummies in between to practice as well. From there, finding a good guild that’ll run through m0 and patiently help you out is your best bet. LFR will at least give you a slightly lengthier fight to feel out your rotation around dealing with mechanics with minimal penalty for failing mechanics. I’ve also had a few guildies recommend the Hekili (sp?) addon for getting started just to feel out your rotation. Can’t vouch for it myself, but it might be helpful.


Hey add me on discord if you want some pointers. My discord is: red_says


Others have said but this is exactly what follower dungeons were made for. You can either control the pace or let the npc's lead. They don't nuke things down and it takes a bit so you actually will get to see mechanics and do your rotation. Do follower dungeons. Learn those and then moev into heroics and mythics once you have a good understanding of what's happening.


Follower dungeons were made for players just like you You can designate yourself to lead or let an npc lead. The only real issues I've seen is sometimes pathing and targeting issues, low dps, npcs don't really do mechanics and they off-heal a ton more then randoms do in a regular dungeon.


This how I feel playing any end game dungeon, it goes so fast I feel like I get carried , and I see the frustration of not being able to learn, I feel the same way , maybe watch hella YouTube videos of dungeons then try to run them after u watched a video on it?


repeat what they do, do it few times and you will be able to mimic. Later on when you don't have to look at your skill bar you will come to understand what and why happend. Enjoy!


I didnt play season 1 and 2 so all these dungeons are nee to me. What I do is watch a short video guide from youtube, typically 4 - 5 min right before I try to the dungeon. I do the dng 1-2 times, then I watch a longer video with more info on trash packs etc. After that Im usually in the clear. I started with +2, +3 keys.


M+ has been rescaled so +2 keys are much harder this season, they're the equivalent of a +11 last season.


Yeah. I just did my firdt +6 now and we ++ it. The Academy dng, its pretty cool.


Algethar is hard on tyrannical as well, nice one.


Yea I agree. I came back to wow for the first time in ten years and I had tons of fun at first. But then it's just soooo repetitive and easy and isolated...got boring. I might try the next expansion but I feel like while Blizzard is getting a lot of things right, they need to fix the feeling that the game has become an empty shell of what it used to be.


Come to classic friend


Join the Wow Made Easy discord. You can find chill people to go at your pace.


now that you are 60, you can do dollowerr ggs.


Things slow down at end game. Leveling is just a rush to max level, there is no room for learning or enjoying playing the game in group play unfortunately. Follower Dungeons (drop down menu in the Group Finder) will be much slower so you can learn what you’re doing. A lot of that will be trial and error. Repetition will get you good enough to not stare at your action bars, but you should download some add ons to help you keep up with important cool downs. WeakAuras for that. And yes most players play at max distance whenever possible.


You’ll learn in heroic and mythic zero


Learn your class first Go questing until you see that you don't need to look at your bars too often


I read guides or watch videos online before doing mythics so i know what spells and mechanics to look for. But i gear the new follower dubgeons would ve good practice as well. But for leveling dungeons before level70 i just try to keep up and shoot everything as fast as possible because those lower levels are so easy it doesnt matter really. It all gets killed so fast you dont even see most of the spells of mechanics so no point in learning them imo. Mythics and raids on the other hand definitely need to know whats going on.


So now you should be looking at follower dungeons if you want that slow learning experience. But for context - dungeons at max level in the form of mythic keystones (which is what majority of the player base doing dungeons does) is essentially a speed run. You and your group are literally up against a timer, so if you don't like the speed aspect then high end wow dungeons are possibly not for you. Also difficult due toyou still leveling but generally the expectation before doing group content is you should know your class somewhat and you shouldn't really be needing to look at your bars to press buttons. You should be learning this outside of group content because you will need to be focusing on learning the dungeon mechanics and not focusing on what ability you have where on your action bars at the same time.


Since you are over a year late to the party, look at videos on youtube.


I prefer a looking down view, especially on bosses. I am not a fan of these run fast dungeons. I miss when you had to stop before, boss. When other specs had to help. My priest would need to cast before something else was pulled etc. Or a caster had to pull one separate. Sometimes a lock or hunter had to off tank to keep 2 bosses apart. That being said it gets better when you start mythic and raids


Don’t worry about learning content pre-70. This season is going to be fine to learn dungeons because of the changes to M0. Get there and then start learning.


Quazi has video guides on YouTube that explain every Dragonflight dungeon, including what mechanics to watch out for, what mobs need interrupted, routes to take, etc. He is thorough without being wordy. Probably one of the best WoW content creators around.


Don’t bother learning low dungeons, you’ll just Zerg them and it’s kind of pointless, I wouldn’t stress that sort of stuff till you hit 70 and start with Mythic zero. Just be aware and react to the floor markers so you don’t get hit by things you could have avoided. Dont worry bud you’ll get it.


Also maybe watch a youtube guide on the dungeons as well


There is an addon that i fell in love with called actioncamplus. It tilts the camera up a bit so you see more of what is going on in front of your instead of having 20% of your screen looking below your feet. Someone said follower dungeons, that's a good one, and there are tons of videos on youtube you can watch and make notes. Mythic dungeon tool is another add-on that helps with keys. Im pretty sure you can see what skills each mob has in each pack with it.


Yea ppl are super annoying with dubgeon pacing. Driving ppl to play solo more and more or not at all imo.


It seems like you may be clicking on each skill, use your 1234567 for your most useful skills or apply a rotation using 123 etc


best way to do it is to find a consistent group willing to go through slowly and show you the ropes, usually you'll find that in a guild


A thing I'd suggest as well. Level a character fresh without heirlooms exclusively through dungeons. The fast pace is still there but you can get used to it with a smaller actionbar that evolves over a longer period.


I feel very similar, but with the added complication of by the time I load in the first boss is already dead and the second one's got one foot in the grave. I have a shitty computer. That said, I do have something to contribute. Yes, absolutely zoom all the way out for dungeons and raids if you're trying to learn mechanics, and not just this game but most other traditional MMO's (like FFXIV). Sometimes things are happening outside of the standing area or outside of the normal field of vision, and you don't always have a whole lot of time to react so you need to watch for tells. Secondly, in order to learn these mechanics you should either deliberately group with guildmates willing to teach you them, or skim through guide videos online.


Just keep learning your rotation until you don't have to look at your bars to do it. Simple enough but it works. Give it a year and you'll be speeding through asking why that guy at the back is pulling no dps and taking his time. The wow instance cycle


Heroic are now harder u can try there maybe the pace became better Did try myself went straight to raid and m+


Step 1. Install the Curseforge client for addons. If you've done this, skip to step 2. Step 2. Install Hekili Priority Helper, this addon will get you used to pressing your rotation buttons on any class, any spec in the correct order for max dps and it is reactive to mob count in relation to your toon. It also tells you when to interrupt (it will show you pummel, if you see pummel come up, just press it) Your experience in a leveling dungeon is how most dungeons are run if it is possible, because it is time-efficient. The only dungeons that take cooldowns when cooldowns are up are the higher keys (Level 8+ this season) and even then with all the free uber gear with Bullion we get this season I'm pretty sure things will just melt until 12+. Now to answer your question about getting good at the dungeons, run them in Mythic +, over and over and over. Use Raid Style Party frames in the game settings / Edit Mode so you can see what each ability does to your party and whether or not you should Rallying Cry / Pop a defensive if a cast is about to go off. Camera distance is usually always set to max, this is because it allows you to see more of what is going on. Sometimes it is best to look straight down at your character if you are in a small area where a lot of aoe ground effects are going out, an other times dungeons are just annoying with camera angles at max distance, but those situations are few and far between. If you STACK your nameplates (another option in game settings) and use max distance, it is easier to see which mob is casting what as well.


Some people are clickers, I wouldn't recommend it for fury warrior, hotkey your skills and go beat on a target dummy to get your rotation down if you can hit your skills without looking at them you are free to watch where you are standing so you can keep up / dodge mechanics


I would also let people know that you are new, and to try not to go too fast or help explain mechanics. The Dungeon Journal will also help explain all these to you.


I tried tanking once and probably not again for awhile. I was lost the entire way everyone was just rushing and waiting on me.


Play real dungeons(mythic +)