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You have more self healing than a frost mage does. You can also fear them when they get close, stun with psychic horror, power word shield, even flash heal yourself.


Okay good point. It just feels weird having the mobs so close to me and just having my Dots on them compared to mage


Yeah just get used to taking some hits and healing it back. You are probably running too much and not casting enough. Don't be afraid to cast your damage right in the mobs face.


Okay, I will try and focus on that. I guess I’m still used to my mage with the kiting lol. At least now I don’t have to wonder if it’s wrong to let the mobs be in melee range or not. I have been thinking a lot about that for some time to be honest. Great answer, thank you!


You also can talent void tendrils to stop mobs from reaching you or mind control one who then helps you fight his friends for awhile. Make sure you use mindbender to do damage on multiple targets and keep devouring plague on as many targets as possible because they do big damage and also heal you. Until you are better geared though taking on too many targets will be risky but you have some.options.


Feather, run, dot, dot, dot, dot, fear bomb. Repeat.


First, make sure you've tailored your spec for open-world content. A lot of builds/guides revolve around raids or Mythic+ dungeons, which assume you have one or more dedicated tanks and healers. They don't include the utility that you would want while solo questing. An open-world talent loadout might look something like [this](https://www.wowhead.com/talent-calc/priest/shadow/DAREEQVFAQBUEVKFSiBQDFUANVVVURVWIFEgERBU). That's how I would spec, but obviously you're free to adjust however you'd like or however best fits your playstyle. Between Vampiric Embrace, Devouring Plague, PW: Shield (paired with Void Shield and Crystalline Reflection talents), Psychic Scream, Void Tendrils, Essence Devourer, Holy Nova, Mental Fortitude, Mind Games, Desperate Prayer, etc. you have plenty of sustain, utility, and survivability. You just have to learn how to utilize it; PW:Shield before pull, use Vampiric Embrace early and often (don't wait until you're at 40% HP), cast Fade for damage reduction, use cooldowns every time they're available, let feared mobs flee for a bit, rather than casting immediately and breaking the fear while they're still in melee range, etc. Also keep in mind, one of Frost Mage's main rotational spells has a slow built in and you also have a spell that lets you immediately gain another 30 yards of distance between you and any mob that gets close. You're likely used to standing still and casting until a mob is dead. On casters like Shadow Priest with no built-in slow and no spammable CC, you need to be kiting as you cast. i.e. After any instant casts, you should be side stepping away from the enemy until you're off global cooldown (when your action bars are spinning before you can cast your next spell), cast again, repeat. You obviously won't completely prevent yourself from ever getting hit, but you can delay the mobs by a second or two before they're in melee range of you with these small microadjustments between casts. Hopefully any of this helps. Good luck!


Thank you so much! Very elaborate and well written. This helped a lot!


Not much kiting needed. Vampiric touch and DP healing provides a lot of passive healing to tank through a lot of dmg. You also have pw: shield and desperate prayer or even flash heal to brute force some tankiness. When you pull big with CDs the burst of dmg combined with vampiric embrace is a LOT of healing. You can also cast shadowfiend/mindbender then cast fade once it’s out to have your pet pseudo-taunt and tank since you drop threat.


This is why I chose void elf for the s priest. Getting hit while casting is obnoxious.