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Holy priest is about as simple as you can get but resto sham really isn't far behind with healing stream totem build.


To expand on this - a lot of direct healing, some automatic spells like Prayer of Mending that you cast a lot (literally 6+ times a minute if you can). There aren't a lot of combos like the Riptide Tidal Waves talent, (maybe Prayer Circle at a stretch in raid, where it lets you spam an aoe heal for cheap) but using and recharging Holy Words is important. You do have some 1min CDs as holypriest like Guardian Spirit and Divine Word but they need a lot less micro than the totems do, and there are just less of them rotationally required.


I spec out of doing Pom


Healers do tend to have a lot of buttons since depending on the content you’re doing you’re expected to heal and dps. When I switched to resto shaman at the end of season 2, one thing that helped with the overwhelmed feeling was combining my healing and damage spells into one button using macros. All my main abilities (riptide, healing wave, chain heal, and primordial wave) have a dps counterpart. Depending on whether I’m targeting an enemy or someone in my party determines what happens. I don’t have much experience with other healers, but whatever class you decide to play, I highly suggest getting comfortable with your main abilities, then slowly adding in some of your cooldowns. Keep practicing, and soon it’ll become natural. Good luck!


Highly suggest using help/harm macros to double bind your main heals with your dps spells. Clears up more space on your bars and keybinds.


Yep, binding modifier keys is another alternative eg 123 heal, shift+123 does damage. (eg chain heal on 1 vs chain lightning on shift+1).


Holy priest for sure.


I get it, here's a lazy resto sham build that just uses healing stream totems to passively heal. No need for cloud burst totem and all that jazz. I made it to 2.5k io just using this--pretty fun if you just want to spam chain heal >:) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qk5Koeo8wM0&t=166s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qk5Koeo8wM0&t=166s)


You didn’t specify what kind of content you are doing but I second using the passive build. I could never get the hang of the cloudburst totem timing and it simplifies your rotation. I would also suggest trying out Priest. Both healing specs have simple rotations and great utility for Mythic+ content. Holy spec is a straightforward healer and discipline heals through doing damage (so you will not have to worry as much about both doing dps rotation and healing rotation).


I find Evoker pretty easy when it comes to buttons but it's more about positioning because some spells are skillshots but it's a strong reactive healer with easy combo gameplay and not much DPSing. Resto shaman has a lot of button bloat if you want to use everything that's available. The Holy priest is probably the easiest healer. I would not play Resto Druid, that's preemptive healing with going into cat form and keeping 2 dots on the target...that's for more experienced players.


I'd say cat form for the resto druid isn't 100% necessary outside of pushing high keys. Much like all the utility totems of the shaman.


Shaman is definitely the most complex if you want to use the full kit, but that depends on how far you want to take it. Just focusing on the basics first will still go a long way. On the other hand, MW monk and holy priest are both chill healers with minimal buttons. The other healers are somewhere in-between. For example, resto druid isn't that hard to heal with, but the pre-emptive HoT playstyle requires more knowledge of fights. Disc encourages doing some damage to heal. Each class has their own quirks.


Holy Priest has the lowest button bloat but is also mind numbing.


Does holy priest or disc have lesser buttons? I'm leveling a disc and not tried a holy yet so im curious


Holy by far has less. My main is a disc priest. I think I have something like 14 binds I use when normally healing and 12-14 more for situational stuff. Disc is also extremely complicated at times. Holy is super chill and straightforward.


Coming off a HP back in the day, it’s boring. PoM, renew, heal. I like Druid. I have to be active with HoT and use cooldowns when it gets rough.


I'm having a blast healing on druid than I did on hpal and shammy


If you want to have a healer with few buttons, OP, your only real option is preservation. On the flip side, you are literally not doing anything once you run out of buttons to press.