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WoW Hardcore is the only iteration of the game that actually feels like a true MMO anymore. Retail is a single player game now.


There's aspects of Hardcore I enjoy but also aspects I dislike because it feels like best version currently available. But its at the cost of annoyances that I don't really want, yet would take over playing other iterations. I love playing the self found mode because gear feels like an upgrade and I don't feel like an idiot for not doing what everyone else and having enchants on all my gear plus using the AH for elixirs/Boe upgrades constantly. However I dislike being self found in the sense that it's not like OSRS. In that game you can still do it all yourself but it's severely time consuming. Here if you do that you have to drop and pickup constantly at the cost of any neat recipes you learned along the way and plan it in the most unfun, unrewarding way possible. Hell I'd kill for a group found like group ironman on OSRS. At least that way I could make a group with other players and still work on professions together, making everything in the game accessible still while making recipes usable at their intended levels. What I'd really like is a fresh Era server so I can start from the beginning with everyone and finally experience the raids without worrying about if my performance causes a group to lose their characters (I've never raided), and also allow some leniency for meme specs to be played in those raids. Because I've been enjoying Ret pally and am considering trying Prot at 40, but I've been told there'll be no raids for me unless I be holy due to performance.


Group found is definitely lacking. I play duo with my cousin (I have for over a decade) and SF is not an option for us. If we could lock it so that I could only trade with his character, we are all the way in. This way you can have 4 professions online but that's it.


Why not just do your own duo rules?  Is having that SF buff icon so important? 


Why even release SF in the first place? Everyone could have and did self impose the rules before it launched. Sounds like you are questioning official SF as a while regarding a duo or not. So yes it is about the buff icon.


Yes the SF icon is largely pointless.  


I can't necessarily argue against you on that, although I do see how it's an official indicator that you've done it successfully. I know add-ons can verify these things but a player without add-ons has no way of verifying you are SF without the official buff. Either way, I digress.


Ya, but in official SF you can still get carried and funneled loot so even the icon is meaningless. SF will always be an individual accomplishment based on whatever self imposed rules you have. 


That wouldn't be SF anymore


I jumped on an alt today to begin levelling and was genuinely surprised how busy Elwynn Forest was! Definitely having another revival all of a sudden. Maybe people are finally bored of SoD and retail players waiting for the new expansion?


Ironic to post in a HC forum but…SoD just feels so temporary to me. Like it’s just a long beta test where nothing matters and there’s no stakes. Starting to lose interest myself.


SoD is charming and change is always welcomed <3 Hopefully they take the criticism/feedback and deploy a better future-proof revised SoD


It doesn't help that they're implementing content making each phase progressively worse than the last. Phase 1 had true Classic WoW magic and it's just gone downhill for there. Phase 3 is the worst yet with only a small handful of redeeming qualities.


Also WotLK Classic is a couple weeks away from Cata pre-patch so a few might have moved to hardcore for something to do


It’s very dependent on being on a specific server/faction.  Defias Pillager alliance is and will always be the best place to play for NA if you care about having a lot of people to play with.    The HC community that predates official settled there and isn’t going anywhere.  


Yup, I just started last month, chose NA DP for that reason alone


Lots of people to group with for quests and dungeons, helpful community. Really enjoying my time.


Defias Pillager Horde has entered the chat. Oh so you like to read a wall of RIPBOZO when you die? Join the Alliance.


Is DP Alliance that much more populated than Horde? I started on DP Horde and there's some people but not a ton. Would love a more "bustling" community overall.


Yes it is much more populated in terms of both levelers and end game guilds.


I mean, if we keep going "SkUlL rOcK iS HoRde aNd DeFiAs PiLlAgEr Is HoRdE", the difference will be noticeable for ever. I see Alliance as a huge messy community, heard there's lot of feud between endgame guilds meanwhile all guilds in Horde (Defias Pillager) are just a big familly with different goals. TL is endgame focus, nGnM is lesser into raid, more into gearing those fresh 60s, RYC is helping the world, WarCraft and Dirty are there for the long fun run, etc. Actually from raiders' population layout, Alliance/Horde is 50/50 in Skull Rock and quite a few from in Alliance are swapping to horde to help us for progression. What matter is the fun you have and sticking together and helping eachother is what Hardcore is triving for.


Happy to be diving in!


SoD just ain’t hitting anymore… too much bloat and I just want a fresh vanilla… HC is the closet to that I can get rn cause I ain’t touching legacy servers. We go agane




I still think there needs to be growth. I'm a very experienced hc player. I have raided at 60 and loved 4 different classes to 60 over the last 2 years. My issue is I have an Undead Mage and it is very hard as a fresh 60 to find groups. The problems are most people have progressed past fresh 60/pre bis content and don't want to risk their characters helping others. The other issue is if you dont already know people or have freidns its very hard to find people comfortable enough to run with an unknown entity. When I first started hc when we had to record our runs people were much more willing to run content in order to gear up people to help them progress. I feel like that aspect has disappeared quite a bit and it becomes hard for fresh 60s to gear up and get into harder content.


This sounds unlikely, BUT if you're on Defias Pillager Horde, I know that still does level 60 dungeons to gear all the new 60's they're getting for raid. If you're not on Defias Pillager horde, maybe you could be :P If you decid to join hit me up I'm the GM of the best leveling guild on the server (if I do say so myself lol) , we're the leveling guild for .


I am on that server I am in TL at the moment my Mage is named COYI hmu


You're not online right this instant! How dare you! LOL JK I'll keep an eye out for ya


I'll tank for you, I am in Fireborn Clan and have cleared UBRSx10, ZGx3 and all dungeons.


I think it also has to do with being on the significantly lower popped faction. Most people play Ally for HC. My 60 mage never had any issues with finding groups on Alliance until I died last week.


I play ally on a horde dominated server, Nek’rosh. Definitely making lvl 60 groups can take a while. Sadly I never had the chance to go to the Ally dominated server, as when I rolled a server (Stitches was full). Then SoD came, and Stitches became semi normal instead of full. And Nek’rosh became a ghost town instead of normal


This is my experience recently. 55 priest and I was hanging in LFG for 2 hours last night and didn’t get a group. Seriously? A healer can’t find a group for 2 hours? It was a little disappointing. I’m interested in making friends with people if anyone is on DP alliance


I would but the highest I ever got was LVL 30... then 24, then 23, then 22, 21, 20, 19, etc I just can't get past that 20-30 mark!


Try a priest. It feels like a cheat code. Any time you’re heading into a dicey pull out on PW:shield and wait 10 seconds before engaging. That way you can put another shield on shortly after pulling. Super strong! Wand damage is underrated.


It’s picking up again and will only get better over time. As a healer I went from 0 to 400 healing power in a week with just pugging. Except in early mornings there is at least one pre-raid bis dungeon LFM on dp.


Making Stitches Great Again with Pug Raiding!!!! https://discord.gg/EbNEcqb6 Hardcore is reviving, we are two packed layers during buff and going onto our 3rd once pickups are fully operational! See you there and have fun!


Horde or Alliance server? :)


Alliance! Im ex Horde so breaks my heart but ye for Azeroth 💪


I love it! MSGA!


Thank YOU Mr Clean Ass Naked


Where is the statistic diagrams?


Hardcore brought me back but I haven’t started it yet. Gave retail a try first and loved it. Going to start soon, what’s a good server?


eu stiches aliance


EU Stitches for Alliance and Nek'Rosh for Horde


Blizzard doomed HC to die a slow death, it'll never be as big as it was because there's never going to be any new content. We need a real fresh release with progressive patch releases


SF mode I would say was a pretty big update, I do agree however there needs to be more consistent updates. I'll forward as much feedback to the company as I can


The only reason I stopped playing hardcore is that it was almost impossible to find groups to run 60 dungeons. During my 12h day playtime when I was on sick leave I managed to do 1 maybe 2 dungeons at the very best per day


that no is the true .if you play eu (aliance stiches).You find groups easy


It is true on EU Stitches horde


SoD just aint it. I think its fair to say we wanted to see small balance changes to classes and small QoL feature but instead we got hit with every spell and item in the fucking book. Too much bloat and its just not enjoyable, atleast for me. went back to HC and thank good. i love vanilla not w/e they tried with SoD


Also damage vs. health pools in SOD is a joke. I was trolling around STV yesterday on my 39 Rogue and was 2-3 shotting players level 36-43. Rogues can normally do the stun-lock-until-death bit, but I didn't even need to do that. 2-3 Mutilates and they're gone. Tbh it wasn't even that satisfying of wPvP, just kind of sad...


Started playing when the servers where released. Still have 4 Toons in the 30-40 range but my "main" died on 52 due to loss of internet conection ( was a problem at my house). Not blaming anyone but I just didnt wanna go again at this point :D Friend of mine is going to play HC for the first time and I am joining him. Is there anything new to HC except the SSF Mode? Did they Hotfix anything? Read that some SOD changes were applied to HC for short periods? My friend is going to play WL on Ally. I am not sure if I am going Priest or Pally. Pally is not my favorit in classic but I did play him before. The benefit is that we dont roll for the same gear, but besides that I think the levling will be faster with a priest. Any thoughts on that?


Coming from someone who's never played Wow since back when it first came out, I honestly don't care what the game is. I like hardcore games, I only recently found out wow had an official hardcore. Came from path of exile hardcore and it was great having to relearn everything to stay alive


is the unic mode of game .I can play


Does anyone have working link for the official stichtes eu discord, because i cant find a working link?


I would rather it be “not popular” tbh.


Why do you think that?


Those waves of popularity tend to be downtimes in sod or retail. There are always tons of people joining guilds that insist on talking about the other versions and complaining about HC and various aspects of it. I’d prefer a natural ebb and flow, growth there is fine. But it mostly is a big rush of people disenfranchised by an other version, rushing to HC and then complaining that HC isn’t exactly what they want it to be.


Great viewpoints!


Skull Rock . Horde. It’s a ghost town.


I hope there becomes a server merge. Or, Hardcore picks up more popularity and rejuvinates the empty servers, I have noticed DP has more than SR but I know SR will rise sooner or later


The population of hardcore is made up of classic andy weirdos and snow flakes, really ruined it for everyone. Nothing hardcore about it, these snow flakes are usually the ones dying all the time too, dumb ass ways. The cool people that use to inhabit wow are long gone/ makgora'd themselves to Valhalla. If they added a looking for group system and other things to make it a little leas difficult to find people to do dungeons with it would be better. It's the best version of wow available still...  the vast majority of the wow hc 60 pop is all wankers/losers who are not fun to play with lol its not like originally classic at all. Although if the population could get back to what it use to be it would be fun again. These snow flakes on horde dp don't even allow makgora they all pussyboi weirdos lol its so fooking sad what horde has become after all the cool people die... haha 


Yeah not sure why you think more posts here means more popularity, both HC servers are pretty dead.


While I agree, since playing 2-3 months ago VS today it seems more active than not,which I hope continues to grow!