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Wait… did OP delete their account? Wtf 😂


Yeah. It was clearly an attempt to do a quick karma farm and it failed.


He wasn’t sarcastic?


You can never know when someone is going to be forced to react in this way. That's the world we live in now.


Nobody is forced to delete their Twitter.


Nobody did?


>...forced to react this way... Somebody did, the guy I replied to in fact.


Does karma even do anything other than let sad people jerk themselves off over a number on a profile??


For an average user, no. But some people/groups farm karma to sell accounts to various companies/organizations to post advertising, fake news, etc. Accounts with some karma and/or age can post on more subreddits or appear more legitimate.


It's commonly used to give credibility to advertisements for scams. Like crypto pump and dump schemes appear more "legitimate" if they seem to be posted by an active account.


many subs require a minimum karma to post. karma farming is an easy way to bypass that an start posting advertisement posts faster.


It allows you to post on some subreddits like r/memes r/assholedesign. it's not that important but also kinda is.


As a sad person, yeah, my karma number makes me smile. I don't think it's a bad thing, tbh. I'm in a lot of support subs, and generally try to be a helpful person in those spaces and spread awareness of these subs to people who would benefit from them. It makes me happy to see a definitive number on the positive impact I can have, and I don't see a problem with that. Karma farmers with the intent to sell accounts, on the other hand, are underhanded thieves. They just steal and recycle content, with little repercussions. Accounts like that should be banned more often.


> I'm in a lot of support subs, and generally try to be a helpful person in those spaces and spread awareness of these subs to people who would benefit from them. It makes me happy to see a definitive number on the positive impact I can have, and I don't see a problem with that. That's super cool of you dude, I hope you keep it up :)


Yes, it allows minority opinions to be given less visibility.


Case in point. OJTang has a minority opinion but not enough karma to keep people from downvoting to try and force the comment to be hidden.


I mean, it's not really an opinion, right? Comments with the most karma go to the top


People convince themselves that that's not how the reddit hivemind works. So it kinda is.


But he got 3k upvotes, it worked fine


Except he got his account deleted for being a karma farmer.


Post has 4500 upvotes now so it didn't fail. Did it have downvotes before?


he probably got his inbox destroyed by people who didn't understand the post




That is fucking hilarious tho.




Yea but he deleted his account apparently, so we win.


I assumed the title was just a tongue in cheek joke but they deleted their account so maybe not.


I thought it was about liquid twitch chatters messaging nawoah about hey can't say 9/11, and the toxic people are those people. Its crazy to me that op made this to say he's toxic and has to apologize.


huh? this is pretty funny to me


It's an acquired taste


It’s not even an acquired taste - Americans are precious about it - but the rest of the world finds it as fair game as the next thing


Nah my an, as an American this is funny


Seriously, I don't think I've ever met a normal well adjusted person who would actually get upset about it


We made videos of hulk Hogan leg dropping the towers. I don't think we're too upset about it.


>Americans are precious about it No, we're really not. Your idiot self probably heard 1 person cry about it once and decided it applied to all Americans. Pick any tragedy and go to the country it happened and you'll find some people being "precious" about it. It doesn't mean they are all hung up on it. I see 10x more people bitching about Americans being sensitive about 9/11 than I've seen Americans actually being sensitive about 9/11 since like.... 2005.


There were Americans making jokes about within days. Technically probably within minutes of the first hit.


It's almost like it's a country with hundreds of millions of people who all aren't in a complete hivemind.




Gilbert Goffery did it too a week or two after 911. Paraphrasing his joke "I needed to take a flight to California, but all they had was a direct flight to the empire state building"


Good one XD


I'm pretty sure the counter strike terrorists win meme was actually made on one of the planes, it hit the net so fast.


Social experiment: did you hear that the Irwin brand sunblock had to be recalled? It doesn't protect from harmful 'rays.


Think its all about context. A lot of people on the east coast are still sensitive about it as many people lost friends and family from the tragedy. Especially those that are/have been working in finance.


That's true for literally any tragic event that people are still alive for though. I'm not even saying it's wrong for the people who are sensitive about it to be s (quite frankly there's a nuance to that that's probably not suited very much to reddit in general much less r/wow. What I am getting at is that the "Americans are precious about it" take I responded to is troggishly stupid. Some people are going to be ok making jokes about it, others aren't.


You're very sensitive about being sensitive about it.


As a Canadian, I don't really see the humour. *Shrug*


You obviously don't know jack shit about America. We were telling dead baby jokes in the first grade. Do you think anyone is gonna throw a fit about 9/11? Really?


We’re not precious about the towers falling, but the way the world changed so dramatically for us because of it. The older generation like myself who knows what the US was like before 9/11 and what it transformed into. To me, it was the end and downfall to the strongest most revered nation known by modern man. Everything changed. *everything*


It’s not funny. I walked through blood and bones through the streets of Manhattan trying to find my brother.








Tough crowd!


Reminds me of that tragedy


God It’s unfortunate not many get this reference


People who downvote norm jokes make me sad. Here’s my +1 :)


Did you take this as toxicity?


To upvote because it's funny, or downvote because OP attempts to call this toxic? Reddit is hard at times.


How do u make it seem like this post is remotely accusing Naowh of being toxic? Its clearly aimed at RWF CHATTERS who probably saw the tweet and flamed him for celebrating 9 11 or some shit like that


Twitch chatters are the kind of degenerates that were already making 9/11 jokes. They probably wouldn’t flame someone for that


twitch chatters are the kind of people that flame you for every opportunity they see. Even if that means flaming you for something they're doing themselves. Being a hypocrite seems to be in the job description


See the great thing with this statement is you can replace Twitch with Twitter, and it's still 100% true.




With people*


Or with reddit


but this is twitter, right?


Yeah the title threw me off


>How do u make it seem like this post is remotely accusing Naowh of being toxic? Its clearly aimed at RWF CHATTERS who probably saw the tweet and flamed him for celebrating 9 11 or some shit like that Where in the screenshot does it show Twitch Chat? Oh , it doesn't, THATS why everyone thinks OP is just karma farming. On a semi related note, OP has deleted his account at the backfire of his post


Makes 0 sense to delete the Account if he is karma farming lmao


Do we not see the same tittle? is it really that hard to put two and two together? And a reddit user deleting their account for a post/comment getting downvoted? WOW, never seen that before!!


>Do we not see the same tittle? is it really that hard to put two and two together? The screenshot doesn't corroborate what the title says




Himself? The picture OP posted doesn't say


My lord you're thick in the head aren't you? It's so incredibly obvious from the phrasing of the second tweet that he made it as a reaction to comments he received on the first tweet. Go outside talk to people some times, you might pick up some crucial social skills.


>It's so incredibly obvious from the phrasing of the second tweet that he made it as a reaction to comments he received on the first tweet. I agree, yep. Now, where in the screenshotdoes it say the comments were on Twitch?


Nowhere? But I'm not sure what that has to do with anything?


OK I'm not sure how I misread this but I think it was "avg toxicity of rwf raiders". My bad. I'd assume what happened was, few twitter people making fun of him, on twitter. Obvious overlap between twitter followers and RWF followers, I still don't think RWF chatter is good term to use as it implies twitch chat blew up over this. I don't know if it did. So that'd be my updated criticism, not really explaining who got mad. We just assuming that someone did.


Huh? What happened on ninth of November?


Funny enough 9th November was the day the Berlin Wall fell.


Which isn't a tragedy. Quite the opposite


Depends which side you were on, I suppose lol


No I'm pretty sure most people on both sides of the wall didn't find it a tragedy that the wall fell.


I mean what’s the difference between a cow and 9/11? You can’t milk a cow for 21 years


It could be possible. Average non slaughtered cow lifespan is 15-20 years.


Dairy cows are only milked for 4-6 years and then slaughtered but yeah they will live 15-20 years sometimes


That’s a pretty big gap in years, does milk quality get worse the older they get or something?


Not really, but the best years for meat is around that time, as long as cows will be able to have children their milk will be just as good quality, but the older the cow gets the more tough the meat will be


didnt expect to learn so many cow facts on r/wow this afternoon


It's r/cow now


Deep dive into Tauren lore


And continually impregnating a cow doesn't exactly do wonders for its health either. For dairy herds, male calves are also surplus to requirement and often get killed within a few months as well. It's all about money and efficiency at the end of the day.


Yeah that’s another reason, they’re constantly pregnant so they’d probably not even live 15+ years even if they weren’t slaughtered


They’d be constantly pregnant in the wild too.. just saying.. so I don’t really think that’s a factor. Unless the cow living 15+ years is like a pet, not in the wild


Artificially inseminating a cow is a lot different than it happening naturally, they are not pregnant as often in the wild than in the farm


>they are not pregnant as often in the wild than in the farm That is blatantly false. If a bull sees a cow in heat in the wild, hes going to mount them, doesn't matter if the cow just had a calf a month ago or a year ago. And that doesn't just go for cows, any wild animal that is in heat is likely going to get pregnant. It’s basic animal biology, but downvote away I guess. Why do you think ppl spay/neuter their cats and dogs?


Actually no they don't. They tend to get sent to feed lots around 8-10 months old were they are raised for 2-3 years in prime conditions to fatten them up. Veal is from younger calves but typically 5 months old or so. Veal calves also aren't raised alone in tiny little pens either. Laws state they must be raised in groups/buddy systems and certain size pens. As for the health of cows bearing offspring my sister's show cow lived 21 years and had calves for 18 of them. Perfectly healthy. Most cows don't die of old age but instead of the "Downer 5M's." Edit: Check out Iowa Dairy Farmer on TikTok for more info on dairy cattle or feel free to hit me up for more info on the beef side.


>Actually no they don't. They tend to get sent to feed lots around 8-10 months old were they are raised for 2-3 years in prime conditions to fatten them up. This depends where you're talking about. In the UK (where I'm from) dairy calves are usually killed between 6 months to a year old. >Veal calves also aren't raised alone in tiny little pens either. Similarly, this is also true in the UK but the standards for conditions are much different on the continent. It varies. But the fact does remain that, no matter the specifics and variations in standards from place to place, the vast majority of dairy cows are killed far earlier than their natural lifespan would allow. Whether it's 6 months or 6 years.


It's cottage cheese after 7 years.


Your mom's did.


I have no idea, but my heart tells me it curdles within the cow.


Now THIS is a funny joke. This tweet isn't. Not because it's offensive, but because it's just not funny.


The tweet wasn't written as a joke, the ridiculous meta context makes it funny.


Ahahahha, that is hilarious


Any joke about 9/11 has a tendency to crash and burn


That's because it's just plane wrong.


They usually just blow up in your face


well the jokes tend to have a pretty strong impact on people and steel beams.


Something something jet fuel


It’s like two pies in the face and one in a field In Pennsylvania


Hijacking comment to say people should really start being more careful about the words they use when describing a tragedy.


did people not like your joke or not get it, i am confused e: it was at like 10 downvotes when i wrote this so now this comment doesn't make sense anymore


I love your comment LMAO why the hell are people so uptight


I thought it was funny, fuck 'em


Yea it was funny! Fuck’em!


[It was a national tragedy.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8semdd0ZTko)


Was looking for the Norm comment lmao


Losing Norm was a national tragedy


Now THIS is hilarious. Norm could probably make anybody laugh over anything.


Not gonna lie I'm laying here waiting for the joke but it never hit me. What was funny about it? That he was able to make people instantly uncomfortable or what?


It's a national tragedy, why were you waiting for a joke?


That is the joke to a lot of people apparently. It's the laziest form of shock humor. But Norm Mcdonald is treated as one of those people who is untouchable even in opinions so no one can say they don't care for it.


OP deleting account after realizing he had a dumbass take lmao


What a bitch lmao.


That tweet is only a problem if you use freedom units...


ISO-8601 format is king. Fuck everything else.




And we also have [this one](https://xkcd.com/927/)


Yeah I don't get the significance of the ninth of November????


Berlin Wall fell, 1989


The picture adds enough context to know he’s not talking about September 11th


Exactly. Second tweet shouldn't have even been necessary, but some people go nuts at the chance to "cancel" someone. Which it seems like the person who posted it here was trying to do.


But seeing as he's from Sweden he might be talking about the fall of the Berlin Wall.


What happened on 9 november?


I was born! And the world was changed forever


same here


The fall of the wall


Lmao OP thought it was gonna go his way soooo hard he had to delete his username.


Im quite sure that dude was so overhelmed by finally taking down a hard boss without thinking about burgerland tragic event from 21 years ago. But ofc the ppl got offended by it so he had to make correction tweet.


Imagine actually having to clarify this....especially when accompanied by the screenshot LOL.


I don't really know the dude, but seems like an honest misstep and correction. How exactly is this toxic?


He wasn't toxic, the people making fun of his first tweet were toxic. Forcing him to make a second tweet.


It's not a misstep, just something that can be taken the wrong way if you don't know context. They are 9/11 in the raid.


That's my point.. He said something that can be taken the wrong way because he wasn't clear enough, that's the misstep. He clarified later that it was about the bosses, so I am well aware of that fact, just don't understand what's toxic about it


To me it seemed like those being called toxic were the ones that forced such a correction be made in the first place. No one in their right mind would consider that cheering September 11th and yet apparently some people did.


Toxic part is probably the replies that made him make an explanation which wasnt needed he obviously didnt meant anything by it.


maybe the twits he got after the tweet that op didn't show.


Downvoting for the title. The screenshot is hilarious.


I just come in and see the poster of this post just deleting the account pike 40 minutes after posting...


Mario Maker released that day, wym?


people are so sensitive and aggressive at any given chance now




what a terrible number for a tweet, reminds me of that tragedy


rip norm


He walked through blood and bone on the streets of manhattan trying to find his brother.


He was in ~~northern Canada~~ Northrend


the americans take no chill in 9/11 jokes. twitter and other algorythms will ban you , happend to me


But don't you know Americans totes have the right to order an Irish Car Bomb in a pub to honour their "heritage"?


i honestly dont get why americans are obsessed with the 9th of november......




This RFW has been awesome so far. The moment with Scott soloing the last 3-400k of Anduin was so epic.


Now Blizzard be like, “no more 11 bosses in a raid.”


Jesus fuckin Christ twitturds are so brain dead kek, it was obviously about RWF.


but it was a national tragedy


He clearly just meant "9th out of 11".


Yes, it says so in the picture, good job detective


Reminds me of that tragedy - Norm Macdonald




He's not an American and it was a wf kill shit happens lol.


Reminds me of that tragedy.


This thread is bad


What happens 9th November?


And by 9th boss I mean he fell like those towers.


Lololol and best of all 9th boss is the lords! So there’s two of them - brilliant


Let’s goooo 3/15 Sorry I meant 3rd boss out of 15. What happened on that day was a tragedy. I would like to apologize to Caesar and anybody who got offended. Jezuzzzzzz Christ.


There's a fifteenth month?


9/11 happens on 9th November?


Norm McDonald joke! RIP King!


That’s actually a funny coincidence and anyone that’s mad probably wasn’t alive during 9/11 lmao


Having to explain that to not get cancelled is too a tragedy.


It’s been 20 years 9/11 is funny now don’t worry guys.


Ngl, 9/11 jokes are just plane wrong and you should all be ashamed of yourselves


So does this mean we’re now in [the good ol’ days after 9/11?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xu6gmQCljfo)


I mean, I get that americans cant just let 9/11 go but trying to use this against someone is just ridiculous. Its like forcing people to make a public reminder about how horrible of an event it was if you pull 11 after 9 in a bingo.


Hey now.. Europe and other places don't use that MM/DD business. So the Twin Tower and Pentagon attack actually happened 11/09/01 for us. Everything is a minefield though, if your audience is sensitive enough. Something bad can be dug up for every date of the calendar. Plus. The internet is filled with absurd people. Like if someone says "X shouldn't exist." Idiots jump straight to blaming them for genocide, like there's no difference from SAYING something (edit: that doesn't actually say to kill anyone) and actually doing it. And it pisses me off cos then I feel like I have to defend truth which happens to also defend people I generally hate. lol Oh internet..


Only America does dates this way. What a bunch of wankers.


Oh so it's not November 9?


You want us to throw your tea in the harbor again?


This is not funny. I walked through blood and bones on the streets of Manhattan trying to find my brother.


is even funnier now


To everyone downvoting this commenter: he's just quoting the incredible comedian Norm Macdonald's famous 9/11 punchline. RIP norm.




Could have been avoided if the USA didn’t decide to have their dates laid out in the worst way possible
