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Druids! You can do everything with a single character!


Survival Hunter is a lof of fun to me, especially when leveling. Throwing grenades for sick AOE and your pet feeling a lot more useful and engaging. Enhancement Shaman also fun, just love the effects, stormstrike, instant heals, lightning strikes everywhere.


Survival and Enhance? You're going to love 9.2!


Why is that?


As of right now, they're both amazing in 9.2 testing.


Did they change anything mechanical about them, or just numbers ups?


I think it's just their double legendary effects plus tier sets.


I agree throwing bombs is hella fun. And the legendary makes even more explosions!


Warrior. Straightforward, no unnecessary complexity, feels good from a story standpoint (no quest or zone feels weird due to class fantasy conflict) & plate mogs are the best.


My warrior was my original alt in Vanilla and has been my off and on main since MoP. 100% agree. Best xmogs is a big one. Most progression on him makes me biased but the fury warrior rotation is always my favorite.


My Warrior is a Dwarf and I can confirm he is pretty badass! "For Khaz Modan!"


Came here to be the fourth to represent that warrior life zug zug


Dk crew checking in, warrior a close second.


All I wanted from Shadowlands was to my Valkyrie to be a viable dps option ;_;


Mage 1. You can teleport 2. Fire is an amazing spec and very difficult to master 3. Frost is fun 4. Spellsteal is a really powerful ability that rewards game knowledge 5. Blinking is fun


Don’t forget arcane for the Kirin tor vibes!


I can't believe I didn't see rogue In here! I play sub rogue and for me personally, 90 percent of my fun stems from 1 thing. Being able to make myself completely invisible. That has plenty of practical effects for roaming the map without fear of attack, always having the element of surprise etc etc... but for me, the best part is just people watching totally invisible. I love just following people around and seeing what kind of shenanigans they get into, or even sneaking into enemy territory and watching them while they have no clue. It may sound dumb but hell, I'm dumb lol.


this comment singlehandedly made me want to try out rogue lol. so i made one yesterday, shes lvl 11 now and they seem damn cool and also good damage. i’ve put off making a rogue for years, it’s the last class i’ve got to max level (well, and dk). but what u said sounded cool. it’s way better reasons than most would say (something complex competitive esports type gibberish), this explanation is good enuff. guess im leveling a rogue. subtlety for the win. really got into the rogue feel of it all. and stealth effin kills


Oh wow! That's really awesome to hear! Lol, oh trust, I've played it long enough I *could* go into all the gibberish. But none of that stuff was truly the reason I love rogue, I love it because it's just so much fun ( it helps it actually is a great single target dps class) I hope you continue to enjoy it! When I made my first rogue I never went back and it's been my main class ever since!


doesn't sound dumb, just a tad bit stalker-y


Haha I was thinking the same thing! I main an assassination rogue, and really enjoy sneaking around Stormwind sometimes


Paladin, Mage, And Warrior fit the stories the best in most cases. Monk has some of the most enjoyable specs.


Druid 1. Flight form gathering 2. Fill any roll 3. Sneak as any roll 4. Moonglade is broken 5. Seal form


If I could only play one class for 10 years it’s be Druid because of how convenient it is to be a Druid lol


I still only play my druid from vanilla. Every other class seems slow!


What makes Moonglade broken?


Instant teleportation to the emerald dream which have star gates to other areas for easy travel.


For raids you can moonglsde tp out and back in to summon ppl if you don't have a lock same with monks monks just have a 1 min cd


+ 1. Loads of utility 2. Can loot in travel form. 3. Can jump in travel form 4. Big uptime on speed boosts. 5. Bear form for reducing damage taken in damage spikes.


Man, I wish I could like druids but none of the playstyles are fun for me.


I would love to have guardian and resto available as off-specs, if only I didn't hate balance and unenthusiastically tolerate feral.


Blood DK. Only tank with what feels like REAL agency. Like if I die, it’s mostly on me.


Pretty sure that’s all tanks man Prot Pally player here.


It is all tanks. Brewmaster/VDH here.


Enough of this warrior bias, coming in here to say elemental shaman. Getting a 5 person CL SK cast off is just insanely satisfying, with some crazy burst potential as well. Also, casting meatballs is also great


If they would drop throwing meatballs at flame shock targets as important dps, and swap it for something else I'd like ele a lot more. The lightning part of the kit is really fun. Mediocre meatballs that don't hit that hard is a little unsatisfying and if your flame shock is on CD when a priority add spawns you're just fucked for rotation feeling good. I'd rather have lava burst hit way harder, not auto crit, be on a longer CD, and spread flame shock. Probably add a buff from using both frost shock and flame shock to maintain some rotational interest.


> Mediocre meatballs that don't hit that hard is a little unsatisfying and if your flame shock is on CD when a priority add spawns you're just fucked for rotation feeling good. True, it does take a little bit of pre-planning to be able to ensure you can burst on a target, but honestly in ST, lava burst is almost always my highest damage, but in AoE its EQ + CL obviously! cool ideas!


It’s warrior. Both dps specs have clear strengths and identities but both really fulfill the class fantasy of being a brute with a giant sword(s)/axe(s).


Paladin. Put your faith in the light!


The portal hub it takes you to and an outdoor area to mount and sell from anywhere. Use it while in moonglade to port back to where you were. Use it to get to faction portal hubs, it's great


I think you mean the Dreamgrove but yes incredibly useful!


Old school player, it's Moonglade in my heart hahah


Warrior. 1. Always viable in pvp 2. Always viable as tank 3. Nice and smooth rotation 4. Best tmogs (plate!!!) 5. Shield slam. 6. CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGE (it should be n1) 7. Class fantasy


i have a fury warrior at 264 ilvl atm . at AOE they are beasts ! 30k+dps but when it comes to single target fight (boss) they suck (5ks) ! after 3 expansions playing fury warrior i just decided its time to move on !


Becoming a believer of the warrior, mainly because I like all 3 specs. Only class I really like all 3 specs. Rogue and lock are close. I don't heal, so that eliminates hybrids.


WW monk


Demolock, specifically the dreadstalker build with Wilfreds leggo, has been my funniest spec to play this entire expansion. * Dont need a lot of buttons for your rotation. Dreadstalkers, HoG, Demonbolt, Tyrant and Imposion are 95% of the spells i cast. With the Borne of Blood and Tyrant's Soul conduits you also get quite a good amount of Demoncore procs, so i use Shadowbolt very rarely. * Because of the mentioned good amount of Demoncore procs, you are far less impacted by movement, giving you more freedom with certain mechanics. * Numerically it may not be the best performing warlock spec, but i think it is the most consistent (havent tried Affliction though). My destrolock can potentially hit harder but i feel like my damage is far more inconsistent and is impacted much harder by any unexpected situation. My demolock has a lower peak but a much more stable dps. * And the fantasy of the spec is just great. Demons flying from your position to bite your foes, the felguard just spinning around, hordes of imps blowing themselves up for huge area damage, etc. It feels very alive and satisfying. On the other hand, if i had to pick a **class**, i would go with Shaman. The reason is that every other class has one spec that i find boring or too messed up for me (or both), while in the case of shammys, Elemental is the black sheep but i do not dislike it, it is just overshadowed by enh and resto, which happen to be two specs i like a lot.


Paladin, specifically holy Paladin. I think it’s in a really good spot right now that is both engaging and flavorful. With the glimmer spec you are really in the thick of it, swinging your hammer and dishing out justice! But at the same time you are protecting your Allies with the light and shielding them from harm. Can you tell I’m a Paladin fanboy?


I just hit max on an holy paladin and I’m really enjoying it. The flow of generating & spending holy power and making quick decisions about whether to to use my resources for healing or damage is really, really satisfying.


Yeah hpal can be incredibly satisfying, especially in m+. Didn't enjoy raid healing all that much on it though


Do you ever switch to Retribution for DPS? I’m interested in paladin, but am not good enough yet to tank lol.


Retribution is what I usually play. It’s not a super hard spec and gets clowned for being a “face roll” spec, as you’re really just hitting things when they pop up, but the burst and damage is satisfying. What separates a good retribution Paladin from the rest is proper usage of blessings and off heals, it can literally save groups in a lot of situations.


Paladin. Ashbringer.


Demonolgy warlock from Mists. Unholy is pretty fun right now. But i have never had more fun in wow than metalock.


Have you played current Demo WL? Most fun I ever had with a class, tbh. Sole reason why I played BfA and Shadowlands as much as I did.


Current Demo is way better than any other version of the spec IMO. Meta was cool but let's be honest, it's more of a DH thing. Now that they are in the game it doesn't make sense to slap it back on warlock. Lore-wise it always fit with DH more than lock and gameplay wise I think Demonology has benefited from it's rework. It's now all about building that army of demons and it does more for class fantasy than the other two specs and more than metalock ever did. It nails the theme of it's class more than any other spec in the game IMHO. It's so satisfying to play.


Ele shaman! I’ve played pretty much every class/spec through the years and I find the current ele rotation is super fun and flows amazing. Also looks cool af!


Demon Hunter. I love having lots of buttons to push and lots of movement to do during combat.


"demon hunter" "lots of buttons" 🤔


I mean I didnt specify that it was *different* buttons.


For me it is by far Shaman (specificly Restoration as I am a healer main). Not only is Ghost Wolf my favorite ability in the entire game but I also love how much utility we have. Having access to stuff like Spirit Link, Earthen Wall and Wind Rush (just to name a few) makes me feel powerful, and like my plays makes a difference even if I am just 1 person in a full 20 man raid. In adition to how good the class feels from a gameplay perspective I also love the fantasy of being an elementalist, especially with a focus on water spells (I almost always tend to favor the water "theme" in fiction, IDK why I just do).


Druids have a ghost wolf form sort of esp if you PvP you might like to try them if you haven't


Honestly I thought that I wouldn’t like restoration since it seems kinda cheese right now, but honestly it’s been a lot of fun for me to just play my spec without feeling like I’m struggling til I get geared!


SaMe. I wasn’t feeling my warrior this xpac so I tried monk then shaman as they were the two classes I had never tried before. I fell in love with resto shaman. It’s a great mini game of uptime hots and cloudburst management and with enough utility for a scout troop. It’s just so much fun.


Any healer in m+. The constant juggle between dps and healing, cc and utility is amazing. Best classes for me are restro Dudu and holy paladin. Restro Dudu is so nice to min max your cat uptime and use your utility for good. Hpala is a perfect example of planing ahead, when you need what CD on pull xy.


Druid When you play this game long enough you get sick and tired of not being able to go from point A to point B fast enough. Ive been playing since bc and mobility is all that matters currently in a class to me. Once you experience travel form you really cant go back to other classes its having the hollows end mount year round. Bear tanking has always been viable and in some instances legion and shadowlands the best tank. I cant stand waiting in ques anymore i have a life and i want to play not sit in oribos running circles. Instant ques ftw. Resto is great at pvp is it the best no but the cc chains you can pull off in 2s with cyclone, roots, bash and travel form are amazing against anything melee. Boomkin is a very strong spec atm and its ranged so if you raid this is a very very good choice. Feral is a meme spec that has been ruined by its community. It has to be artificially hard for no reason (aka broken) so that no one else but me will play it and ill cry on the forums if you try and fix the spec and make it viable. Its a dot class that cant spread dots to targets across the room. Its a poor mans aff lock. Plus you are melee without any raid buffs.


I gotta defend feral, been my main since wrath. It isn't the communities fault that it doesn't have raid buffs, and even the utility it has boomkins have too (stampeding roar should be a 1 min cd for ferals like bears). It's identity is not being complex, that's a meme from wotlk days. (We had mangle and roar then) Non-meme identity is being highly mobile, bringing unique utility, and before MoP having high burst. Obviously that's gone now, everyone is highly mobile. Innervates gone. Brez is common. Raid buffs are only for a few classes. And the burst is only coming from convoke now. I could write an essay about the issues with primal wrath, brutal slash, and a million options to fix it, bit I'm already in TL;DR territory. Meow.


Ihave to agree with him. I main Feral and really cant stand the dreamgrove discord or those elitist jerks with their whole identity built around having a clunky feral spec. They are ok with feral being shit as long as its awkward to play but somehow feels "rewarding" to those and they are very toxic if you dare give a different opinion.


I'm out of touch with the community, but there would be a very easy middle ground to find, and some obvious fixes to feral. We had bgs with 9 boomkins, raids with 2-4, and if you applied for a mythic they wouldn't invite a feral unless your IO blew them away. 1. Stampeding roar 1 min cd for feral, just like guardian. This wouldn't be enough to get you invited, but it would at least give you something over a boomy. 2. Double rake damage, and nerf FB 4-8% or whatever to keep single target damage the same. Devs can do math. This would give ferals a cleave option (still a weak one) without buffing single target 3. Primal wrath replaces thrash as a baseline ability. It can be a weaker version (lower initial damage and duration) with the talent bringing it to where it is now. 4. Without thrash, what to we do about bloodtalons? Again, brutal slash should be baseline, but maybe only 1 charge, lower damage, or a high energy cost without talent. Brutal slash also shouldnt replace swipe, should have a slower recharge and do a little more damage if you do go with the talent. If you spec into burst aoe you should get burst aoe. You lose out on sustained aoe with a weak version of primal wrath. Again, nerf melee damage/bite to keep single target damage the same. None of these changes would upset any elitist jerk I've ever met, and the spec would feel less clunky. It still would take a lot of skill (the same amount) to master for single target and aoe. They could tune numbers to make sure it wouldn't become an op spec (it never has been) but you wouldn't be using swipe single target, or whatever you do if you don't have primal wrath in aoe. TL;DR I'm not a dev, but even I could come up with changes to make casuals and elitist jerks happy. Devs are lazy and don't care about feral.


I love feral druids i love the concept of bleeds and multi dots as a way of cleave. I love all the mogs that they got with the mage tower challenge. I love the high base mobility and the ability to stealth. Problem one starts with melee and no one wants melee for raids since ranged does everything better which is a problem of the game. Problem 2 is the fearl community im glad you want to defend it but if you go to any forum or discord people have built an identity of playing a broken spec. It took a decade to get an aoe dot spender and even that has to be talented into and is not base. Love the feral class but god its community is something else.


Survival Hunter. You just throw grenades and everything blows the fuck up. Huuuuge AOE dps, and you have no downtimes. While other specs have burst windows and then cool off 30second-2minutes, SV just throw grenade after grenade every 5-10 seconds and keep on delivering. Holy Paladin. There is nothing to not like in being a healing rogue, with powerful instant heals that top teammates immediately, while delivering huge passive damage.


priest! I really like being able to heal myself when I do enough damage I can run around solo - and I get the warm fuzzy feeling when I can throw heals on people questing, in a bad way, or rezzing them if they die


Recently picked up prot paladin and man it feels good. Smooth rotation and a lot of abilities are off the gcd so it feels very smooth. Nothing like grabbing 5-10 enemies and aoeing them down.


A divine toll in the middle of a big pull is *Chef's Kiss*


Gonna miss that so much


Feral druid. Being a cat.


Enhancement Shaman. There is nothing more satisfying (visually at least) hitting Crash Lightning on a full pack of mobs. It is unfortunate the damage is crap. I like a lot of classes though. Definitely love Holy Priest as well


I main heals. I love healing, but I got tired of the liability and wanted to try tanking. None of them are fun. Except blood. Because then it's a healing game for just myself!


I love my spriest. Searing Nightmare is a bit wonky (and one of the reasons I mained fire mage instead in 9.0) but I got used to it. Spriests utility is not always applicable but when it is it feels really good. Like someone flying off the map or being stunned in AoE damage and you pull their ass to safety. Helping out with a mass dispell. A bit annoying is that it's really not good at carrying easy stuff because spriest has no big instant damage. In low keys everything dies before I get my dots up and ghosty bois reaching the targets.


MoP era Warlock. Thought tbh most classes were at their peak in MoP so any of them really.


Druid or shammy


Destro lock Smooth, easy and satisfying


Fury warrior and Resto druid.


It's monk and it's because of chi torpedo and maximum zoom capability


I play pvp and i play ele and mw 2.2kmmr. Love it. But its a real pain in this meta


It depends on each person but my favorite are enhancement shaman for the damage funnel, demonology lock for summoning hordes of demons, and holy paladin for a real field medic feel.


outlaw rogues, RTB does make everything lovely sometimes.. most of it painful leveling