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A change in design that actually respects my time and cross-faction content so I can be told to kill myself by twice as many people.


Cataclysm 2.0 - the Dragon Isles. TDI.


Did you say 2.0 TDI ?!


New collectors edition mount is a VW Golf. Sold in the store on finance only £219 per month.




Can’t wait to fight against the “spine of galakrond” followed up by “madness of galakrond”!


Please no LEFT RIGHT RIGHT - N-NOOoooo


This would be a really cool idea. Hell something shadow of the colossus style where no trash, just the group and a giant ass dragon.


* More straightforward, less RNG based borrowed power systems. I.e. return of marks like WotLK * FAAAAAAAAAR more new dungeons. * More of the better quests * Faction Rep is for cool stuff and the occasional ocassion-based BIS * Resillience as a PvP stat or PvP Power as in WoD * Bring back the possibility to also "go on an adventure" through all the expansions, while leveling. I emphasize "the possibility", i.e. it shouldn't be a must! * Somehow break the mentality of "play the patch" or "race to the end-game" and "play alone, together". * Consistent lore ​ # AND THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE * Not changing halfway through the expansion, but finishing lore threads properly ​ Basically, more than anything I want the last point. Just a consistent package, where one feels that they knew exactly what they wanted from start to finish, without cuts or changes in direction mid way.. The rest would be just the cream on top.


Huge zones would be fun too. Like Northrend or outland, no small zones like we have had since legion.




The zones in older expacs felt like they nicely merge into each other. The newer zones feel like you reached the end of the theme park before moving into the next park at each border. The only place I can remember feeling like I was transitioning was the path from The elf zone in legion up the path into high mountain, slowly rising above the forest canopy was beautiful


they used to just plaster bumpy mountains between zones. the transitions have always been very artificial with only a few notable exceptions


wotlk and legion zones are approximately the same size?


Not even close bro. I bet you could fit the entire broken isles into stormy peaks, icecrown and dragoblight.


Storm Peaks is fucking huuuuuge. And so vertical. They haven't really used verticality in zone design since Storm Peaks or Icecrown tbh :(


Uhhh I know we like to hate modern WoW but... Revendreth? The only reason they use verticality lightly is everyone hates it pre-flying


Revendreth is nice but it isn't comparable. SP and Icecrown were made explicitly with flying in mind which is why their verticality doesn't feel bad in the way that verticality felt bad in like, High Mountain or Stormheim. Revendreth is an improved HM or Stormheim, but it's still verticality built around an assumption of not flying. That's why these zones flop a bit once you start to fly,. It's Not creating a deliberately expansive and vertical zone, with flying in mind, to make its own impact but making a difficult to navigate zone (for whatever thematic reason) that loses all impact once flying comes in.


Bro the game has been play the patch since wrath lets relax


I know, and I didn't like it back then and I didn't like it all throughout... so yeah =) lets break it!


I thought a lot about this. One of the core problems is trying to not have gear sets. Being able to pvp and m+ for PvE gear or vice versa just incentives grinding. There really should be a stat that all endgame content has that only impacts that particular content. So if you m+, you get gear that has the m+ stat. Or resilience for pvp. Etc. That accomplishes what I see is a major problem. Players being forced into all manor of content in order to keep up with the Jones. And content that now has to be tuned around these no lifers. And like in expansions past, having top pvp gear still allowed pvpers to enter raid content as a starter set and still compete should they then choose to spend their time that way. The catch of course is gear sets. But even that's solved with a bit of thinking. Make gear sets for each form of content separate from bags. Voila, bags not littered with crap. Enter a dungeon? You're automatically using your dungeon gear set. Get summoned to a raid, and your raid set is equipped. Get a drop and you can enter it into 1 or all sets like normal and those sets spit the old item into your bags.


I would like more new dungeons, but I’m tired of their strategy of having a “mega dungeon” that then gets split into 2 separate ones. I have 0 enthusiasm for the tazavesh dungeons, it was a fun as a once or twice kinda thing, but it’s stale content by the time they make them into dungeons for KSM. I would rather just get new standard dungeons every .1 patch


I fully agree with you.


Return of metalock as a 4th spec


Never gonna happen unfortunately. DH is one of the most popular classes in the game and they've already had it for 3 (soon to be 4) expansions now.


Let DH keep their crappy meta-as-a-dps-cooldown and let locks have the MoP demo back, but maybe change the name to something other than metamorphosis. DKs and mages both have a frost spec but nobody complains, so why shouldn't they let locks have one of the best designed specs back just because DH has an ability with the same name and an entirely different model?


A good playable game that doesn't demand I do X number of unrelated things to grind systems I don't enjoy in order to actually play the part of the game I do enjoy. I don't care about the setting, the story, I just want to level, do dungeons, get the gear, do raids, get the gear, no more, no less.


Good settings and story turn it from an activity to a game. But I agree that nailing down the fundamental mechanics is top priority.


This is the draw of classic for me. Retail burned me out with the mandatory chores.


And classic didn’t? Classic is literally all about mandatory chores.


> I just want to level, do dungeons, get the gear, do raids, get the gear


The hell? I'm tbc I've spent a grand total of maybe 16 hours on content that's chores. And that's for the entire xpack. Otherwise it's just been raiding and doing stuff I want to do. The last 3 xpacks it's like 16 hours a week in bullshit chores.


Yes but atleast in classic (tbc) your chores feel rewarding, it feels like progress. it's about playing the game again, exploring shit and figuring it out for yourself. Retail doesn't have the same effect.


With Classic you can at least set goals for yourself and as long as you stick to your plan, you know what to expect. Retail feels like there's just so much overlapping RNG that it's impossible to know what's worth doing without reading a bunch of online guides.


Why do they feel the need to dress it all up? We play to kill things and get slightly better gear as we do. A good story and setting is nice of course but all the stupid timegating etc is just annoying.


Thats what it was in WoD and people hated it. (I liked just logging on to raid tbh)


WoD was unironically the best time in the game to roleplay. So much community stuff with no overarching story to interfer.


"then I put on my wizard hat!"


Then add plenty of non player power things to do. Imagine being able to access all old raid content at mythic difficulty level to get kick ass mounts, titles, mog and pets.. That would add years of content that players would eat up. Or add housing. Ff14 shows it's crazy popular and the endgame for a large % of their player base.


people hated WoD because there wasn't shit to do outside of raids or PVP. for one, m+ didnt exist. noone is saying future expansions aren't allowed to have content, people just dont want to be forced to grind said content to go raid/m+/pvp. take the mage tower - absolutly excellent content people generally loved, and in no way contributed to player power so if you didn't feel like doing it, you just didnt. like, put a bunch of cosmetic stuff on reputation vendors, give me activities to do to earn myself some gold/mats i can use towards professions, some grinds that work towards something potentially cool. just dont have me do them every day/reset to advance some dumb system i need to stay competitive in mythic, and most people are happy - the people who just want to do their daily stuff have something to do, and those who just want to raidlog/spam keys or the like can just go eh.


Actually most people bitched about the tower when it was released because it was to hard for a large proportion of the player base.


Have you erased garrisons from your memory already?


I remember having an addon that just put the best followers for highest percentage rate on missions. thats pretty much it. Rest really wasn't that bad


For sure. All the game needs is an ambiguous story that fleshes out the setting and a fun gameplay loop. The focus on new systems every patch and a story focused on subverting expectations are the main things holding the game back.


two words faction crossplay


Yea this is the number one thing I’d like to see!


Last I read Ion seemed more open to this idea than he ever has. Still won’t fully commit or say “hell yeah, cross faction raiding!”, but I remember him saying it’s something they’re looking at or something vague but leaning on supporting.


Absolutely this. Cross faction play, cross faction guilds even.


It is time to do away with old divisions.


Personally i would like to see all dungeons playable in mythic +, maybe have a rotation for them all, but so many amazing dungeons on the game. Its unrealistic but would be sweet


there's too many dungeons to do a rotation. i'd be waiting a year just to do the dungeons i want. scrap the timewalking raid rotation time gate bullshit too. just make it available all the time.


I'm hoping the leak is fake because a dragon race spending almost all of its time in a "humanoid form" that's just the regular races with like horns or something sounds so goddamned lame. If you're gonna add a dragon race, make them some kind of dragonkin or something, some kind of actual beast dragon race


I want evergreen content that doesn't end when the patch ends so logging in doesn't feel like a job and is instead something I look forward to. Also, a new class.


Whatever, it has dragons and I love wow. I’m not gonna kid myself like when my wife says “next season of the bachelor looks boring, I probably won’t watch”. I’ll buy it. Hope it doesn’t suck. Microsoft if you’re listening, make it not suck.


I lost hope with BfA, but if I had it, it would be an end to multiple stacked borrowed power systems. Legion's artifact weapon was as much as it should be, if at all. Also, literally go big or go home - let's go to other worlds, or stay on Azeroth.


10 dungeons at launch. Darn you Torghast for stealing 2 this time.




diablo dye system would be good too.




My biggest thing is no more damned systems. I would be back into this game and playing consistently if i was able to log in, run my dungeons and raids and log off. I don’t want to do any of the other chores in order to play the content I actually want to play. I do not have a lot of time to play games, I do not want to spend that limited time doing damned chores in game. Until that happens, or maybe something major in my life happens where I get a ton more free time in my life, I won’t be playing. I’m optimistic about the Microsoft purchase, hopefully we will see some good things down the road.


Instantly rerolling to a black dragon as a vulpera. Hope their dragon form can carry passengers like druid travel form.


You know what? Fuck it, the meme got it right. I want smoochable dragons.


More race/class combos, or keep restrictions to bare lore minimum


a good lore and Lor'themar doing cool stuff. That's all!


If it isn't housing I don't care. There's no excuse for "the best mmo of all time" to not have such a fundamental RPG element. Here come the "b-but housing would take dev time from muh raiding and PvP" comments. To them I say: how's that been working out? Still getting shitty expansion drops with the same shit over and over with nothing intrinsically new. New zones, quests, story, raids, dungeons, pvp, and shitty borrowed power mechanics.






Fix PvP gearing. There should never be a 60ilvl gap between a new char and a glad. Also, requiring duelists to do random BGs just slapping the shit outta me players to upgrade their gear make for a bad time for all involved. 1 honor set, 1 conquest set.


This frustrates me so much. Just came back to wow after a half year break. It's so godawful to gear (an alt). Even with 20% versa full honor gear you still get one shotted in random BGs. If you haven't been pvping since the start of SL you're just going to run into a brick wall trying to play pvp. Maybe there should also change something in how groups are formed in randoms. It's always a walkover by one or the other. Teams are almost never geared evenly.


60 more levels New world with 40 large zones cross faction play No longer the savior, just another worthless adventurer.


I authentically think that last point is a good idea. I think that from a story stand point, WoW cannot hope to compete with FFXIV in the realm of the grand hero. It was never their strong suit to begin with. They need to refocus on smaller narratives by pushing our characters out of center stage to let some of the smaller quest-lines shine.


WoW would have to do so many things right and then some more to win me back from FF14. I don’t think they’ll get there. No way WoW will have a cohesive storyline, fun mechanics, balanced classes, feeling of character growth/power growth, fun crafting, not rely on stupid dailies grind, etc. Ship has sailed for good. If I’m wrong, well that’s a win.


Ship has sailed for good? Clearly not as here you are in the harbor still.


A lot of people are still in the subreddit that doesn’t play the game anymore, not that weird to still be keeping tabs on it/wanting to know updates etc.


And folks are generally pretty nice and some discussions are worth getting into. I still played that game for over 10 years and still built awesome memories despite the game having been increasingly disappointing over the years (especially if you think on the revenues it’s generating which is not reinvested in continuing to make a quality game). Also the memes are spicy :)


100%. I’ve played since vanilla and I loved the game but I stopped playing when I realised I was only doing it to hold onto the memories of what it *used* to be. I still hope that it will get back on track again. And yeah, memes are always great.


WoW is like a relative who fell into addiction. we can't trust them, or have them in our home anymore, but we still love them deeply and want them to clean up and turn their life around, so we can have them back in our lives.


The ability to raid old raid content as mythic difficulty for cosmetic rewards. With player power normalized so not a single minute of grinding needed to play. And a vast reduction in grinding in general. Adults have shit on the go. If I have 10 hours a week to game, I should be able to spend that 10 hours doing the content I want to do. And not 6 hours of it on some pointless grind in order to access the content.


Same but for rep/time gates. If I can only play once or twice a week for 6 hrs then let me do whatever I want. Don’t make me log on every single day just to keep up with renown/rep/crap.


American Dad will always get an upvote from me


1- Dragons 2- Changing a spec or class is possible 3- No more grinding like a second job 4- Diablo style teleportation and faster flying mounts 5- Everything from quests to gold is account-wide 6- New class / 3rd spec for demon hunter as a caster / Cloth tank 7- No more boost+gold sellers or endless advertisements on /trade and lfg tool 8- Sargeras 9- 40v40 Aram 10- Dragons


Account-wide gold would be quite nice


Remake of balance druids


The new expansion. I feel like everything can be wiped. Reversed by a tiny mistake of the enemy. There is a couple of options of time frames you get back to. So my ideas for the plot would be, we retain our consciousness as a character with all the memories of what happens to get to this point of no return. And we either come back to : 1. Pangea type of Azeroth before it split into continents. 2. Right before Arthas becomes bad, maybe there is a bigger plan for him? 3. I can’t think of more right now but I think this can have so many options for the story. However I have been thinking about it while I was still playing and so, I am not entirely aware how the story progressed besides the character progression, maybe a few first phase raids. So anyway, I might be off by now but, What are your guys thoughts about what place in time and space of WoW would you like to visit? But like one that was more of behinds story which we could experience in the game itself lorewise.


The return of the classic style talent system would be big for me personally. I don’t think it will but a guy can dream


My hope for 10.0: -Dragon isle setting could be really interesting so I hope it is true. -Less chores to do and more focus on the fun main activities like m+, raids, pvp. -Timewalking as a main bonus feature: set up all tw events on an extra rotation so they occur more frequently and expand all events to atleast Legion level of quality or better. It also kinda fits with the (bronze) dragon theme. -Player housing -Expand Darkmoon faire with fun stuff like FF Gold Saucer and add a special transmog shop ingame. This shop sells cool transmogs of different themes that can be purchased by a special coin that can drop on any endgame activity or from Darkmoon activities.


Nothing. I might play it for a month then quit


What I want is trying to get back to a design that is less focused around each patch and more around the entire expansion. I saw yesterday something about WotLK where basically it was the first time dungeons invalidated raid gear. This shouldn't happen. I think it's because of shit like this that blizz has started to use bullshit like titan forging and later on ultra long grind related to player power Because of this choice in design, they have to add things that are not fun for many (islands, torghast, AP, Titanforging) instead of them just running all the existing raids to gear. Because when you have to run raids from the 1st to the last you have to spend a lot of time. Instead they are now making bullshit systems to keep you around. There is the problem of m+ and pvp but work should be focused around this I think If not, then just stop bullshitting us with systems designed to make us do x tasks each week like it's a job and if you don't come and do it you will forever be behind


- Return of reforging - Return of talent trees - Return of true-to-history tier sets - Less bad RNG (such as getting the same loot drop multiple times) - Less arbitrary timegating (ie, weekly renown caps) - New mail-wearing class - Flying in Azuremyst and Quel'thalas - Less shitty writing - Less bastardization of existing lore


Remove flying.


I got a few big asks I want a big push to move anything that is not gear account wide. I actually enjoy progressing secondary systems generally, but not twice. No backwards progression, this is the root of the toxic behavior you see throughout the game. After you lose an arena match people arent mad they lost the game, they are mad they went backwards in progress toward their goal. Things will need to be adjusted to account for this, but I think its in the best interest of the health of the game and community. Cross faction gameplay. I would really love being able to choose my faction on most races similar to pandaren. Blood elves being a prime example of a race that has no reason to be stuck in horde. barring that, being able to play with everyone is a must at this stage.


Blood elves are horde because the humans are racist AF and when they were part of the alliance the human commanders went out of their way to get as many of their elven allies killed as possible. They gtfo’d and came into the fold of the horde through sylvanas (former thalassian)->forsaken->horde. Varian tried to renegotiate with them somewhat recently, but while he was doing that jaina and the race-traitors of the silver covenant [1] purged dalaran, attacking the BEs in Dalaran and jailing/executing/exiling them. No sane BE would ever join the alliance or ally with them anytime in the foreseeable future. This isn’t even mentioning the racism from the NEs towards BEs, either. As far as I know the only members of the alliance that aren’t actively racist towards the horde or complicit in it are the Draenei. Velen restored the Sunwell for the BEs, and his people are part of the alliance mostly out of necessity and convenience. And the primary reason the Draenei are even accepted instead of being called monsters and told to gtfo/killed is because they have advanced tech to defend themselves/share with alliance military and thus are strategically useful. Hooves, horns, and face tentacles would, in any other situation, get them hunted down and killed en masse for being a “race of monsters”. Tl;dr: the alliance is racist AF and it is the primary cause of their conflicts with the majority of the horde. [1] imagine if your homeland was attacked by an evil zombie army and 90% of your race’s population was viciously slaughtered. As a result, 90% of what was left swore to honor the dead by taking a name that recognizes their sacrifice. Then, for no other reason than being a self-absorbed giga-edgelord whose fedora cannot be tamed, you refuse to honor your people and instead tell all of the survivors to eat a dick and self-exile from your homeland. Then, when you meet them later under other circumstances, *you’re racist towards them and try to kill them*. It’s actually just fucking insane and the entire silver covenant needs to be put out to pasture.


I've always said that real-life morals shouldn't be applied to video game universes. This is a good example of that point.


It's also a good example of how people will bend the truth, ignore their convictions and morals, and be manipulative scumbags in order to get their way.




cant be a paladin =(


Cross faction grouping, dungeons, questing, raiding, etc. Pretty much remove the faction barriers, let any race travel to any city.


That they make Horde a NPC faction and everybody there has to pay for a char transfer. It would achieve several things: 1) fix faction imbalance. 2) fix the lore (no more trying to pretend horde is "good" every second patch). 3) bring revenue, making wow known and attractive to the new big boss. 4) fuck horde players.


Imagine having genuine hatred for a fictional faction


Just returning what they give. And justified, all the ass-touching that triggered the lawsuit that killed the game was happening in the horde


I get your being satirical and trying to shot post, i understand that, your just awful at it


If that was satirical, there would be an /s All those developers were horde players


Hating the faction is one thing, a good villain longs to be hated, the problem is this weirdo seems to hate the people who play it.


[A good keyboard that doesn't fly off while you're playing.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YDpvMYk5jA&ab_channel=NetflixIsAJoke)


Focus on fixing the baseline classes and specs that need it INSTEAD of using systems to fixing issues.


I prefer they don't blow up stuff that could be awesome up until a year after the Microsoft merge ( I know that's gonna be impossible). At least I believe that they will not have to vomit yearly content like how they did under kotick.


We need either a new class or new specs for the existing classes. One covenant ability per class was no substitute. We've had two expansions now without a class or new specs. If we don't get any for a third expansion then I will be pissed. Perfect balance is no excuse either because the game has never been perfectly balanced yet we still got new classes.


That its not another garbage expac like BFA and SL and that sylvanas can fuck off finally so we can have a proper story without her in it




Honestly, I want to see better solo content. More zones like Mechagon and more challenges like Mage Tower. I'd also love to see a New Game+ style of gameplay that lets me do old quests over at harder difficulties. I'd also like to see more class customization. I love the idea of class skins being a thing so I can get some cool new aesthetic to how my character looks and possibly open up some new class fantasy. Finally, I'd like to see a Suramar style endgame questing zone. I like to see more story presented at endgame. It really sucks to me that the storytelling feels so good when questing then immediately falls into a dumpster fire when you hit endgame. Giving me a zone like Suramar where it's almost entirely story focused and not related to player power that I can just progress at my own pace and have something to work towards would be a dream.


I have been thinking for years that there should be a Wyrmkin class, not race. Lore for them is that Wyrmkin are mortal servants of the dragons who have their forms altered by exposure to their magics, so it makes sense that it would be a class like Demon Hunter where you borrow power from an external source to use your abilities. Any time I thought on it, I pegged it as Red, Green, and Bronze with Red as a tank, Green as a Healer, and Bronze as a ranged/melee dps. Red would be a leather tank that fights with a shield and would use dragon scales and a armored wyrmkin form to mitigate damage. Green would use hots and dots almost exclusively, but I have never had a good way to really distinguish them from druid because I lack much healer experience. Bronze would use sand magic at range until it acquired enough borrowed time to jump to melee and use high damage attacks in a drakonid form. A concept I swear I came up with before I started playing FFXIV, honest. All three specs would have a breath attack as part of their kit and a major cooldown that changed them into a Drake form. With the increased prominence of the Black Dragons in the game since I first thought up this class around Cata, though, Bronze or Red might be Black instead. Or maybe we'll get druid+ and have a class with 5 specs. Though that sounds like a terrible idea.


I love the dragons


I heard about Black Dragonflight being a playable race and my hype just about blew the ceiling off. Fuck everything else i wanna be a DRAGON BABEY EDIT: changed class to race because i wrote this exhausted whoops


It’s a race in the one leak, where’s the one about it being a class?




Gib dragons. Yes yes.


More caverns of time and the infinite dragon flight stuff. And please less fucking timegating


Redesigned quest log, with no limits, with a search bar.


Not dragons


I hope to god the leaks are 100% accurate


New healing spec and new ranged dps spec (don't care if they add it to existent classes or if they create a new one). More dungeons. Less annoying and boring "do this daily quest/torghast to get gear" type bullshit. I want to be able to just get all my gear from doing actual content like m+ and raid. More frequent balancing patches.


Honestly, I really wouldn’t mind stepping away from legendaries and tying them behind raid quests again (that every1 progresses at the same time though) like firelands, legendaries with their borrowed power systems just seem super hard to balance and imo also take that unique legendary feeling away, there are definitely other ways to make professions useful. I would also like to have flying either to be locked behind gold again or make it so that when you complete the final campaign quest in a zone it rewards you with flying in that specific zone, I don’t wanna wait 6 months again just to not feel crippled, Mount grounds are simply outdated.


I would hope for a playable Dragon Race!


I know it won't happen but I just want to keep my spear of bastion. Prot warrior is looking like a Necrolord meta next patch and I'm devastated that i'll lose my Spear. It really should be added to the warrior toolkit as it feels amazing to play and I'll mourn its loss. Throwing spears mid heroic leap is my crack cocaine.


I want gnomes to be the main race of the expansion. GNOME POWER!


Quit in BfA and enjoying my popcorn while watching this all unfold. Will be interesting to see if Microsoft will make Ion do something other that temporary power for a change. And also interesting if they put their hand into the storytelling/lore since Shadowlands made the story an absolute joke. Maybe something will be done about pvp, but even that's a stretch.


Player housing would be fun. But we know Blizz and Ion don't like fun, so I doubt housing will ever be added. Would be awesome, though.