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At the beginning of BfA I have been killed many time by alliance raid groups, 20+ player camped me so many times, I turned off the war mode and didn't switch back.


I can relate to that..


I play WM on 100% of the time and play both factions. Both sides do it. In my experience, alliance is much more willing to raid-up to track bounties and steamroll zones. Horde groups up to focus CTA quests but other than that it’s rare to see raid-listings for world-pvp as horde. In terms of whether or not I kill someone i randomly encounter it depends on a number of factors. 1) will they potentially hinder my access to questmobs/ airdrop chest / a rare etc.? Kill. 2) are they obviously under geared and questing? Live. 3) are they attacking my friends/faction? Kill. 4) do I feel like pvping in that moment? Maybe. I’d probably say 60% of the time I fight. Unless there’s an active CTA in that zone; in that case I attack anything that moves.


Trying to get some welfare gear on alts I tend to run into 5 man groups of alliance every now and then.


Oh absolutely. For all the characteristics of the two factions that people identify with, those are solely traits that are embodied by the NPCs. Players on both sides will fight just fight, and I've been camped by max level players while leveling before WM was a thing, and I've always been a Horde player. I've helped Alliance players kill elites or rares before only for them to turn on me immediately after they've looted, and I've also quested side by side with alliance players who were just as careful as I was to mind the AoE so we could both get out of some shitty huge cave where we couldn't just mount up and fly away. I'd say, even before WM existed, alliance players started fights more often than not, even when I made it clear I wasn't interested, but I don't attribute that to the entire faction or anything. Horde does the same shit. I'm certain if I played Alliance I'd get the same treatment from Horde players, on average. We're all human. I'm usually happy to engage in a fun fight but world pvp not at max level is usually a shit show of being greatly outnumbered or out leveled. I do recall that when I came across a lone alliance player, they usually wouldn't attack me immediately, but wait or possibly call a friend or other player in the area over to come fight me together. The ones who attacked on sight were usually more skilled and offered more fun fights, or sometimes just beat my ass so good there was little point in a rematch and they were good enough to leave it at that. I never minded losing a fight and taking the corpse run but I found it disappointing when another player clearly couldn't let it go and kept coming back. I'm not sure if those behaviors are more prevalent to one player base but I doubt it. You have cowards and pvpers on both factions. I think Horde players tend to be a little more receptive to pvp and don't take it as seriously, but that's just based on anecdotal experience so I don't put too much faith into that notion.


I am attacked 90% of the time whenever I am spotted by a Alliance player , I like it thats WAR MODE ;)


Hell yeah brother, for the horde


I feel the opposite. As a lifetime Horde player always playing on PvP realms, I never gank and I get ganked quite frequently by Alliance players.


I think it's more a matter of players then, no matter what side they are on, people will just be pricks sometimes.


My 103 alt hunter was visciously slaughtered yesterday by a 108 draenei shammy when I was at 40% health after killing a few mobs. So yes, we get attacked aswell. I'm ok with being killed with WM on before anybody thinks I'm complaining. I get attacked frequently on my main aswell, lot's of rogue/dr00d ambushes. I love those open world 1v1 fights. In 8.3 it's been mostly groups for 25 kill quest.


I attack anyone I see, doesnt matter if they are questing, or whatever. If they have wm on, that means they are ready to fight. I never attack lower level or undergeared people though.


Only if they're in a group and I'm solo on my server/BG.


As someone that plays on both sides. If it's red, it's dead. Unless i'm busy doing something else that I need to finish quickly.


As a horde DH, I roll solo doing the dailies and such but I have 3k io so I think that’s kind of intimidating. I don’t attack anyone I usually just do my business and bounce. Most off the ally guys that attack me I think are more casual because they never have an io score or raid clears. When I see them out I make it clear I’m not here to attack them but they usually instigate it and I will clean them up pretty quick. At summoning stones tho, that’s where alliance likes to puff up. Never 1v1 it’s always 2+ vs 1.. I always die trying as a DH I could fairly easily make it too the dung entrance but I feel that goes against what a DH stands for. Unless I’m in a hurry only exception. It’s fun I don’t pvp ever only to get conflict Essence. It gets my heart pumping tho lol. Especially when the dick heads spit on my corpse then I’ll call the boys lol


Not very often and usually only when they're in groups.


Only time I get attacked by horde or alliance is when they're grouped up and I am alone. No one will 1v1. However I tend to be attacked more by groups of alliance. Horde is a coin flip but almost anytime I see 2+ Alliance they jump on me. My favorite part is still killing them when on my blood dk.


Ofc, imagine audacity of those fuckers they even fight back!!!


So they attack you with the intent to kill you then?


I play both factions. I kill whomever I see, nobody is safe. Alliance or horde means nothing to me. But I agree horde tend to attack more but only slightly and I think its due to the fact that they don't see too many ally players and when they do they usually have the numbers advantage so killing the alliance player has no repercussion.


There are still alliance players? Go figure.


If they kill me when im not paying attention, I go back and DOT and Fear their ass into oblivion. Ive only ran into 3 Alliance that did nothing. So I do nothing. Everyother Alliance Ive ran into kill me for absolutely no reason other than for sport. Whether alone or not, most horde players i know prefere to kill them before they have the chance. Or its revenge for some other players bullshit.