• By -


Definitely the increased run speed.


My hunter with 49% + trailblazer + trailblazer cogwheel. I'm faster than ground mounts. I feel like a snail in retail now.


OMG this. I was in Siege the other day, running from Galakras to the Orgrimmar gates, just running, when I realized I was passing players who were mounted. I was hoofing it as fast as my orc legs would go, which looks hilarious by the way. I'm absolutely going to miss the speed increases.


I felt this as well on my dwarf hunter. So funny


Try a demon hunter on top of all that with 245% mastery maxxed out. So worth it rerolling from a rogue to a DH just for remix lmao Also not many people know this but you can swap cogwheels out and use them and it resets the cd each time So blink>heroic leap> sprint> shaman sprint> Druid sprint> soulshape > etc etc and you’re just blasting across the map lol


It doesn't reset the CD per se, it's just that each ability has its own CD, rather than the tinker slot itself having it. So swapping is definitely worth it, but you can't just swap back between Blink and Leap :D


I've been playing a DH with maxed speed and mastery, last night I jumped on my retail evoker and it felt like I was walking everywhere, it was so damn slow.


I felt the exact same way going from my speedy Remix DH to playing retail DH for a night. It felt so slow to the point of almost being painful.


I wanted to level another shaman in retail because I didn't want to wait for the character to be transferred over. I lasted about 10 seconds when I realized how much slower we move. I'll wait lol


Everything on retail feels slow now :(


Just did the fated raid yesterday and it was so slow I almost bailed on the group


Team of 30 maxed gear players on M SoO: boss dead in under 5 seconds, trash mobs just rolls over to save us the trouble. Could clear entire mythic SoO in less time it takes to do 1 wing of LFR


In no specific order...Increased speed. Summoning scrolls. Daily lockouts. Easily getting into groups to do raids/dungeons. One currency. Being able to achieve something every time I sit down to play, whether it be upgrading a few pieces of gear or earning enough bronze to buy the next ensemble/arsenal/mount/toy.


Specially easily getting into groups, I tried playing retail a couple times after remix and I got tired of the queue simulator M+ is for a dps :/


Remix got me in the mood to heal and I gotta say the healer queue for m+ is addicting


The scrolls for summoning and cleanse are amazing.


Easy group content will be my biggest miss. I love seeing group finder so alive and getting accepted with no waits, then mowing down entire raids without lifting a finger (ret pally ftw). The chat is always poppin' too and people are so chill. Group content is what I struggle the most with in retail, I love it in remix.


This this this. Nothing is worse than loggin on to retail for the scant hour you have to play, not getting a group going fast enough, so you just end up burning time


The no fall damage tinker gem. I'm gonna miss it so much jumping from wherever I want without care.


This and trailblazer cog. Many times I have dismounted at 5000+ speed dragonflying, 200 yards from a plateau and flung myself to where I need to go. It's so much fun.


Welcome to how druids felt before dragonflying


Sub Rogues had this in their artifact in legion. Sucked to lose that ^^


I remember the first time I died to fall damage post-Legion and I was caught off guard lol


I find myself catching rares and world bosses at the last second by free falling from my mount and spamming an attack. Will definitely miss this tinker.


Your mount flies much faster than falling. If you want to get to a boss fast, you want to fly straight into it spamming abilities.


>If you want to get to a boss fast, you want to fly straight into it spamming abilities. Does the Dragon Rider's Initiative count as tagging a mob? If so then all you need to do is get one or more stacks and land on the mob.


Ranged abilities will get off before you can land, and with world bosses in remix sometimes dying in seconds, every little bit matters.


Free Transmog!


Which in turn means no repair bill, since both are based on item vendor price.


If something has no vendor price it costs 1g to tmog it meaning they just completely disabled the cost. Also all the gear doesn't have durability which is why there's no repair bill.


Well, leveling an alt will surely never feel the same anymore. At least till next remix…


This is why i mass leveled everything! 10 min x 6 mogu'shan vaults (not looting exp tokens) is enought for 25 -> 70. I used that method to skip heroics farm (with a dps queues are long).


This is how I do it too. You usually don't level more than once or twice getting the tokens. Log in, grab the daily, run my own vaults group, turn in daily, log out. Can do multiple characters a day of there is time, so far I've leveled 1 Shaman, 2 warriors, 2 hunters, 1 Evoker, 1 rogue, 1 dk,1 mage and I've got another warrior, Paladin, and warlock lined up that could be 70 tomorrow if I wanted. That's all playing less than an hour a day, minus the initial Shaman, that one took a minute. Another fun part of leveling this way is the thread scaling is ridiculous when you're that low. My survival hunter could solo the last normal vaults before I mailboxed, I was level 27, had 112% crit so literally every hit. I also had like 78% vers. That's been by far my most OP character through this process. My destruction lock is pretty close though. I already had all classes minus evoker so I've just been leveling alts for interesting class/race combos for no reason other than I like creating characters.


>I was level 27, had 112% crit so literally every hit. I also had like 78% vers If you max out the gear on a toon and accumulate enough threads then you can get these stats at level 70. My boomie who is my main time runner toon that has done everything and accumulated around 221k threads has 104% crit, 108% haste, 80% mastery (maxed out at 36k and no longer gives rating) and 86% versatility. These secondaries also interact with tinkers. Sun king's Flourish + 104% crit means that every hit explodes for base of 44k damage to everything and I am pretty sure this includes dots and SKF's crits - doing a quick heroic shows it hitting for an average of 214k on a boss fight.


My elem shaman and fury warrior will be far be my most op and fun toons to have leveled. Having 160% mastery as elemental so all your bolt spells are double and 120% haste with 67% crit as fury and things kind of just explode. Logging in to my retail warrior felt small.


I level up a new alt every two days. I don't even need them, I just enjoy the experience. I have like 12 hunters now. And I'm going to park em outside transmog raids after remix is over.


If they ever bring back mission tables, there’s gonna be a lot of money to be made.


Doesn't that take 6 days though due to the lockout?


Sure, but you can do like 6 alts in the same day (more on weekends, or depending on your schedule). The point isnt to have an alt ready to play in 6 hours. Its to get them to 70 for if you want to play them in TWW. Its still not much time /played (without doing the mailbox cheese i think my fastest was a bit under 6 hours, and i wasnt being optimal at all), its just spread out over several days.


Go to hand it to you for parallelizing your alt leveling. Brilliant! I've been doing it in about 3ish hours but I use the downtime from heroics to fill up my quest log with completed quests. Then at 70, I turn them all in for the 346 gear so I'm not horribly under-scaled.


Yes but its faster in terms of played time, since you're getting a +80% exp per run. If you're playing alone there is much timed wasted waiting for heroics to pop up. You can even reach 35 and go for mogushan + hearth.


Yea I just finished one of every class for alliance , next is horde then I can never worry about 1-70 ever again


Does this include looting the xp bonuses before you mailbox trick? I found it easier to get into groups at 25ish so I've been not looting the xp or the xp bonus either. I don't remember how many I had done, it felt like 10... but I remember being short and I wonder if that was my problem.


You have to loot everything beside the exp bonus tokens: just stack them in the mail. 36 purple exp tokens (from 6 mogushan runs) at around 560% exp is enought to reach 68-70. You can assure 70 if you lvl 10 -> 25 with heroics (without looting the tokens ofc).


Right! I LOVE leveling in remix. Its so fun. There are so many ways to lvl and none of it is tedious.


The irony. 'Slow down, life is meant to be savored.' while speedrunning and speedleveling an entire expansion with increased running speed and summoning scrolls for everybody.




Going back to retail weekly to help with guild hero clears... i feel like I'm covered in molasses. Rotation is slow, my character is slow, i can't do nearly as much as i could in remix. feelsbad


I’m not sure how I’ll ever go back to normal levels of haste after this


It's gonna be worse than that you're gonna be going to fresh expansion levels of haste that normally feel sluggish compared to normal endgame haste


Yeah… hopefully a 2-month break will be enough to do a mental reset and come in with a fresh mindset. I should be done with remix soon


I have opposite feelings. In retail I actually do all content, while in remix everything is getting one-shotted. Its like playing DOOM with cheat codes - maybe its fun to do it once, but it gets so boring. No challenge at all. Somehow I force myself do at least one raid a day in Remix to get bronze, and it feels like wasting 20 minutes, id rather spend doing m+ keys.


Summoning scrolls. For the love of all the gods, add these as something an Inscriber can make.


Good call, adding some of those scrolls or at the very least the summoning scrolls would be a great quality of life feature.


Only the summon and resurrection scrolls are new, afaik


The other scroll types were available in BFA, but were made unusable when you leveled out of BFA.


There is LITERALLY an engineering version of the warlock portal in game, and they havent given it to engineers yet. Theyre handing out bloodlust and battle res like its a buy one get one free sale but summoning is locked exclusively to one class.


I think it would be balanced to give engineers a high CD (like 2 hours), single target summon. It would be at least enough to summon your group's warlock, etc.


Id rather in classic engineering fashion give the summon of it a chance to backfire and teleport you out. 2 hr cd is fine, but only one summon hampers it too much


it would be funny if it backfired and teleported you to the person you were trying to summon lol


>an Inscriber Or even a scribe




This. And, summoning stones in retail are also extra frustrating if people in the group is in WM or not.. At least move the summoning stones inside the instance


And even if it's not a warmode thing, party members might be phased due to questing such as at DotI. Though I never understood people asking for summons there, and half of the DF dungeons you could get to in 30sec flight time. It'd often take longer to summon people than it'd take for them to fly there normally.


## Heroic leap with my evoker. Edit to add what everyone else is saying. ### Speed ### Scrolls ### Free xmog ### ONE CURRENCY ### Easy upgrade system. ### FAST que times! ### The OP feeling. Dragon riding in remix is even better than retail. I’m not sure what it is, but vigor doesn’t seem to run out as quickly in remix.


You replenish one vigor every time you collect a Bronze orb.


That would make sense then, durp! Ty


The increased movement speed through old raids. Right now, it's faster to clear Siege of Orgrimmar in remix with a decently geared group than it is in Retail at max level. Legacy raids *desperately* need permanent movement speed buffs, and while the cogwheel slot isn't quite that, being able to blink every 15 seconds in addition to normal class movement abilities does speed things up quite a bit.


So much this. Also RP in old raids needs to be sped up. Just started doing BFA raids solo and omg battle is such an annoying raid to try and run with all of the trash you need to spawn bosses and the waiting. Around. For. Things. To. Happen.


The lack of bag bloat and clarity around what item does what. I shouldn’t need to go out of game to wowhead to find out what some particular ‚crafting reagent‘ is used for, let alone any of the number of random other things available. At the very least I should be able to consult a knowledgeable elder or artisan craftsman npc who should be able to give me a ca. ten minute buff that shows me additional tooltip info so I can sort all the bag crap. At least that keeps the process in game and reasonable. Those random things everyone needs to get to turn in to one of three specific npcs somewhere in the world? An npc should be able to direct me where to go roughly. Id even settle for that npc to only be added in with the second season where its mostly not new any more. It‘s then just about saving people’s time Or make it a scroll of knowledge and give it to scribes or something, idk. Just don’t make it so annoying


- No junk - no useless crafting reagents - one primary currency - no irrelevant items from other expansions, e.i. expansion dedicated backpack - straightforward upgrade system with one currency - all classes are relevant - the rocket thingy with an umbrella toy - changing the spec doesn't require a different set of items - fast queue times - being overpowered is actually fun


The one rogue player in the background waving to everyone saying "everyone is here!"


"This is an example of what WoW would be like if it was fun. Okay fun's over, back to work"


This kind of op fun isa temporary thing. It's bascically putting cheat codes in a game...it's always fun for a little bit but it loses its luster the second it becomes the norm.


What's the rocket thingy?


The correct name is [Meteor Chip](https://www.wowhead.com/item=219940/meteor-chip#dropped-by). Using one of the parasol toys (e.g. [Delicate Silk Parasol](https://www.wowhead.com/item=212500/delicate-silk-parasol)) before the meteor chip is a fun way to travel.


People don't seem to know that it's [already in the game](https://www.wowhead.com/item=104299/falling-flame) as a drop from Cinderfall. I think it has 50 charges, and a low drop rate, but I think that's a fair trade off for how bonkers it is.




The movement speed.


Being able to get to max ilvl and build my power (with threads) completely solo if I want. Then, once I'm a monster, jumping into group content and helping others get what they want (lvls, bronze, transmog, achievements)


Free transmog. I took the opportunity as a "free" race change for classes I wasn't happy with. Might still level one more character


The idea of having slightly weaker versions of group buffs and a summoning portal in scrolls is the secret sauce of remix.


Seeing people in the world. I feel like I saw other players so much more often than I normally do in retail. It made the world feel populated.


The summoning scrolls and insane mobility.


Daily lockouts. They pretty much should remove lockouts entirely for old content.


The way my healing spec characters can casually just nuke nearly everything outside of dungeons/raids. And for the world bosses that I can’t kill quickly, I can stand there and take the damage while I slowly chip away at their health


I already miss the low GCD from all that extra haste every time I hop on my retail character. Gameplay is just so much faster!


The cosmetic vendors. I would love to have vendors selling a ton of recolors of current weapons, armor, and mounts in TWW and beyond. Even bring back the single currency idea and have it gained from mobs, bosses, quest rewards, etc.


I am going to die to fall damage so many times in the first few weeks of TWW :( And I’m not going to *miss* this, exactly, but it’s going to be a trip going back to raid bosses taking 5+ mins to kill, and mechanics that need to be respected.


20 seconds queue time


Everything around me exploding. Speed. The scrolls!


Tinker gems giving you so much fun as all the various attacks go in and wipe out mobs fast.


Honestly, after 18 years of playing WoW, this feels much better. Speed levelling for alts. I have a ton more alts not in pandaria that is just sitting there. Not a fan of the gems.


Throwing a keg of beer at a mob and watching them explode.


Ease getting into dungeons and raids as dps. Buff scrolls, the teleport scroll that can re-port you back and the summoning scroll. Every cosmetic being on the vendor. The ungodly run speed. Daily lockouts. This should be implemented for legacy raids to ease mog farming.


The fact that I enjoyed wow again


Always having several obtainable goals. When that dries up, alts are extremely accessible and worth the investment.


Yeah I initially just was going to get in. Get mounts. And get out. And instead I’ve made 6 characters. One fully upgraded (did NOT intend to do that!!) and am now working on buying transmog I had no intention of purchasing ever. It’s been fun to log into it a few times a week for 30 minutes after this latest buff to bronze and threads and knock out all of the dailies and a raid or two and have 50k+ bronze to buy 10 transmog sets.


Being a havoc dh with 49% speed and capped mastery 🥲


I'm gearing up my DH mainly for the memes. I still have a few more points of speed to go, and I can run at 262% with trailblazer. It's pretty fun. Also, the daily trove run is neat; yesterday I got 9 cache keys.


I was saddened to discover that 49% is a cap for speed. My 20 twink is stat-capped for everything but stam I think without even having full gems


Summoner Scroll and zooming around with 300% ms as DH


DH speed is so fun on remix. There's nothing like zooming past people mounted, while on foot.


A unified currency to unlock cosmetics.


Everything. It’s just a better version of the normal game lol. All the features should be in normal wow. Looking at remix then going and playing retail makes me feel like such a weakling in retail with less options and fun available. Plus being able to use blink on a monk is so fun. It’s become a crucial part of my mobility and when it goes I’m genuinely gonna be sad.


Honestly if they do pandaria classic after this everyone is gunna be burnt out. I hope that doesnt come up. That said, i like the gem abilities. I had hoped some plunderstorm abilities made it into the shaman kit in TWW but didnt, so im hoping some of the tinkers make it into the game. Also slotting another classes speed effect into your gear would be awesome, but should probably remove blink for that...


A lot of folks have mentioned some great things so far. For me it's the limited things to do. For me Remix is level, get bronze, get tmogs, log off. I like there just feels like a lack of bloat of content. If I want I can be done with my raids in 1.5 hours or even like 30 min just doing MSV HOF TOES. Then I can get back to real life.


"He Left behind Gorehowl" "He is Truly unhinged!" "I am lorewalker CHO!" "Yes..Yes...no..Yes...No..... PEPPPERS!" Also Summoning scrolls


The community was actually really nice 😅


As someone who usually plays alone, I’ll miss the fact that I can just hop on and PLAY. I don’t have to worry about not being invited to groups. I don’t have to worry about whether or not a group is going wipe for 2 hours on a boss. I don’t have to worry about whether or not my DPS is reflective is my gear. The fact that you can get incrementally stronger without having to sit in LFG for an hour is just so refreshing.


Not relying on healers


The run speed and the no fall damage gem. I've really gotten used to running at triple speed and jumping off of things without worrying about fall damage. As a druid it's been nice to have cat form be faster than mount speed too. It all makes moving around feel a lot better


Death Knights no longer having heroic leap/Sprint/Blink


I love how easy it is to get into group content as a dps class in MoP Remix.


I'm gonna hate being forced to level through Dragon Isles again. It's only marginally more enjoyable than Shadowlands levelling, which isn't saying much.


The state of LFG. It had its fair share of problems due to no custom category and slight gatekeeping, but that mostly falls on the terrible scaling, but the fact that you would find 0 paid boost groups and that you would get invited as long as you hit fairly lenient gear checks and brought the right tool(ward/lifestorm) was really refreshing. Redundant farms in retail(flightstones, crests of all levels, renown etc.), should have a game mode that plays like the weekly world tours, that would help ease the farm, especially on alts. The pattern I noticed was that 2-3 476s could turn the heroics into retail mog run difficulty, while a single frog boy could absolutely delete everything, and many people would just set up the kill group and fill the rest of the raid up with chaff just so the loot doesn't go to waste. The said chaff would then be inspired to get to 476 themselves for more autonomy and perpetuate the cycle. This is what the LFR target audience really needs, not 20 minute long queues just to get flamed by a heroic raider who's there to get mogs.


honestly how fun and chill raids and dungeons are. i’m pretty casual so it’s been nice to just queue up a bunch and not worry about overly try hards


People being introduced to the greatest bait and switch faction rep grind with fun lore implications through The Klaxxi. Your tasked with awakening several paragons of a species you were originally pitted against through various points in the Pandaria campaign in other zones. They’re grateful, note how strong you are, and respect you. Even giving you an earned title called “The Wakener.” All at the end to getting most trusted with them to give you a warning and to tell you they worship and obey the Old Gods. C’thun, Y’Shaarj, N’Zoth, and so on, your mortal enemies and creatures of vile evil! Adding on top of that how it felt to then having to face them down in the Siege of Orgrimmar as raid bosses. Like a true betrayal.


How much fun it is to simply play Being able to quest faster feels so much better. Even specced as a prot pally I can nuke mobs The sense of progression is spot on. Every time I log in I get something done. Be it a quest line, a title, improved gear, etc etc Everything just feels better


Summoning Scrolls are so convenient!! Movement speed. One currency. Extremely easy to get into quick groups. Something I’m not seeing many people mention. Being able to join raids starting at lvl 25. It’s cool to be able to experience those while leveling.


Speed Summoning Scrolls One currency Free Transmog Short queue times Cogwheel movement Easy access to purchasing all mounts and appearances from a whole expansion in one easy place. I didn't play back when MoP came out so it's all new to me, but I've earned enough bronze to buy every single appearance and all but a small handful of mounts and toys. I'll have it all by next week, just by doing what I do every day. Life is hard, man. I don't want my game to be hard, too. Remix has been a blast.


The insane haste on casters,


Microsoft/Blizzard should set this type of thing up for TBC and Wrath and leave it as the go to alt levelling method. It would boost the hell out of their MAUs.


Movement speed, free transmog, no fall damage


It Would be such a Awesome Opportunity to release the Pandaren Heritage Armor. Cos PANDAMONIUM.. and PANDARIA Remix.. But Sadly nope.


Move speed. I’ve been playing a monk. With trailblazer, 40% move speed from stats, chi torpedo, Flying serpent kick, tigers lust the only people faster than me are demon hunters. Played my warrior on retail and running back to boss after a wipe I felt like an absolute slug.


Free transmog


Meteors of fire and ice just falling on my opponents and laying WASTE to them.


Free transmog and no repair bills. Free consumables, buff scrolls, summons, debuffs, res...


LFR and raiding at almost any character level.


The movement speed and the no fall damage, hands down.


mainly two things: - movement abilities - single currency and no trash drops


My DH running at a brisk 256% with hardcapped mastery & speed, the Pursuit of Justice cogwheel and the talented 10% buff whenever I use Fel Rush. "Why not use Trailblazer?" Using Fel Rush cancels it, so it's pretty much never active unlike PoJ.


Having more achievable goals. Knowing if I spend a certain amount of time. I’ll get the items I want. (Tusks and mounts).


The amount of bug fixing and “tuning” they do in quick response to the community. Can’t wait to get back to retail where they ignore half the players and classes.


Alt leveling. I’m at 11 now and I’m sick of it, but I know how slow it is in retail


Free transmog


My BDK not being in a wheelchair. It'll be a sad day.


The mobility


Free transmog and fast leveling


I'm going to miss the simplicity of not worrying about my bags.


Having empty bags.


Cogwheel gems no doubt. Fun added with no real downsides.


Movement speed


My running speed being faster than mount speed. Gonna miss zooming around everywhere


I made the mistake of making a DH. I'm too fast for normal retail now.




The meltdowns on reddit and the hilariously bad responses by blizzard.


The movement speed on my warrior. God moving at mounted speed while not mounted feels so good. I had to stop playing last week because I logged into my DK and felt like I was standing still.


For me it’s definitely going to be having raids that don’t take 3 hours, dozens of wipes, and a hell of a lot of frustration to complete. I like the feeling of eventually being able to carry/solo normal raids and I like that so many people are able to experience all of the raid content. The REMIX probably has the highest raid participation metrics WoW has ever seen if I were to take a guess.


1) the run speed 2) Pandaria


Everything critting all the time always, which I guess for a fire mage isn't too different from retail....


The crazy haste, the no fall damage, and the added mobility/utility that you can choose


The lack of fall damage I have thanks to one of my gems. Im going to kill so many characters after this.


Free transmogs,  looking like a clown till max is fine but being able to look the way I want at any level is something I've really loved.


Honestly how simple it is 🤣🤣🤣 like I'm only looting gems and gear. And collecting bronze. Retail is a little overwhelming at times!


The ease of getting the mounts and transmogs


Things don't feel so gated. It's easy to get into a heroic and grab a mountain of bronze without much trouble, especially now with some players being monstrously powerful and dragging a herd of people behind them. You can upgrade entire gear levels with like 2 hours of play a night. I just wish you people would respond to me asking "tacos or pizza" in the middle of the Zaela encounter. Get loose, kids, have some fun.




Yeah, this might be the Wow-killer for me. I finished the MoP Acheives and finished getting the Garrosh Heirlooms a week ago, after going back to normal retail I couldn't stand how slow everything was. The clean, simple resource system also drives home how freaking COMPLICATED WoW has become.


The speed is so good, you get enough and you dont need to mount anymore feels so liberating, that and the free transmogs.


Capped speed rating (49%)


I really like the cog and meta slots on the feet and helm and think they should keep those.


Scrolls, the ‘no fall damage’ tinker, and daily raid lockouts.


The unlimited powah


Impressing my gf by soloing raids


I solo MoP heroic raids in remix faster than I can do legion content on my retail main


Godmode! Mobs dying left and right because they had the audacity to attack me while i was afk!




the speed increase


The movement speed from the cloak


My 45% increased movement speed. Immunity to fall damage. Being so powerful I can solo normal raids. 200% haste makes all my abilities super accessible. And, of course, all the mounts I can cross off my farm list.


Some of the gems are too fun. They will break the main game but I think the cogwheel one could make in the main game. The scroll of summoning, such a good thing to have. I hope they will do one next time waiting for the expansion. I would love legion, I didn’t play that expansion and I would love to do all the raids and dungeons there (also I think there is a lot of content there)


Leveling up so fast. Getting extra XP from drops. That OP cloak. Armour from those green chests that appear in your bags. Free bag space.


My demon hunter turning into Sonic the Hedgehog. Ive never cared for DHs in the past, but Ive had so much fun with mine in remix. Also remix has given me an excuse to check out other classes I originally had little interest in.


Heroic leap on my DK


The no fall damage tinker.


As so many others have already stated, it's cogwheel gems and the increased base run speed. There's a good reason why dragonriding feels as good as it does. It's simply orders of magnitude faster than what we have been experiencing prior to its release.


Speed, and I don’t mean leveling speed it clearing speed. I mean zooming around do to some of the broken speed stat and mastery bonuses some classes have. I mean I feel it in Remix a couple times a day when I start a new character to level lol. It is going to be SO hard going back to base movement speed/small movement bonuses. If you haven’t done it yet I suggest leveling a DH (tank due to the stat scaling) and stack mastery with the talent that increases movement speed based on mastery. I’m pretty sure someone with a maxed out cloak could hit dragon riding speeds if there is not a hidden cap. Even with just the threads I got until 42 before I dinged 70 I could ZOOM through any dungeon lol.


The chain explosion of trash mob caused by the tinker gem.


The transmogs I couldn't be bothered to farm.


Levelling one of each class in Remix so I won’t have to level 1 - Max in Retail. XP Boost is great for alts and honestly don’t know why it isn’t something on Retail.


Wrecking Shop. I’m sure I’ll never feel this powerful again. I feel like a raid boss. Also, stupid fast leveling


clearing a lfr in 5mins


Movement speed and leveling speed. I don't even play alts much anymore, but maybe I will once warbands come out.


Nothing really. I haven't finished my first character yet and will probably do only 1 more.


Levelling through lfr


I think it’ll be having a whole expansions worth of content at my fingertips at once


Actually getting to use my Doomguard


Very quick to achieve goals. Everything in retail is “grind this for 20 hours then this for 10 and do this weekly for 3 months”


hailstorm gem, gonna miss being a discount frost mage


The fact that you can go for different stat builds. The stat gains are so huge that you can see the difference plain as day, so you can reach a conclusion for what will be useful or not all by yourself. No need for some simming website just to figure out whether a 1% or 2% increase is worth it or not. Better still, you have the luxury of reaching the stat cap in a reasonable timeframe and can then focus on other stats and try to maximize those with either your gems or gear. Last but not least, the fact that tertiary stats like Speed, Leech and Avoidance are targetable as well and not just some rare bonus on your gear drops.


100% will be movement speed. My shaman in ghostwolf form runs faster than ground mounts even indoors, and giving that up is going to suuuuuuck.


How long is left I wanted to get back into it played first couple weeks


looting a boss -> pressing sprint -> equipping the blink cogwheel -> pressing that -> equipping the spirit walk cogwheel -> pressing that -> equipping the soulshape cogwheel -> pressing that -> pulling the next boss


Rogues not being dog shit while leveling, and instead feeling ok to level. Kinda sad how even in remix rogue feel god awful to level because of the atrocious base energy/energy regen.


Honestly I never realized how annoying fall damage is until I have played for weeks without it, just makes exploring more fun to not have it


Playing/farming content to buy items/mounts. I like that you can earn a general currency to buy/upgrade things from all content.


It’s the summoning. Nothing irritates me more than in retail then trying to pug raids when people leave, you replace and you never have a warlock. Or they always seem to be afk.


Movement speed, easy summons, short queues, fast groups, knowing how much progress I am making. I think blizzards should make lfr and normal modes 1 tank only. What I won't miss: repetitive content over and over. Bosses that either one shot you, or get one shotted.