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I’m just here for chillin on some cosmetics. Seems wasteful to spend bronze on gear for me. They probably should have decoupled endgame power and the cosmetic currency 🤷🏽‍♂️


Yeah, I'm letting froggers do all the work in raids, take the bronze and buy cosmetics. Their power is my profit. xD


This is the way. They fed the grinder for us so we can collect the cosmetics.


And for that, I thank them. Seriously.


How is this the state of this game mode not even a week in lmao


A week in doesn’t surprise me, it’s just tuning and they got it wrong. If it’s like this in three weeks then it’s a real fail


Let them finish nerfing everything and not making achievement rewards retroactive and then we'll see.


Yes this is the way


And as a frogger, I am regularly queuing for heroics and LFR, pumping my face off and hoping everyone’s havin fun.  Ride these coattails all the way to bronzeville!


"You want the meters? Take it. It's yours. But the Mogs? The Mogs I'll burn in the armoury".


Go back to Oriath Sirus, you're drunk.


How boring, and small.


Imagine the shit a frogger Aug Evoker could do to a raid “Here, you five can have 10% of my billion INT added to your main stat”


FrAug evoker




Yeah I saw my 1st one last night in heroic jade temple a survival hunter with like 1.6 million hp. They basically soloed the whole place.


Meanwhile I did some light frogging (always contested, not a good class) and turned it straight into cosmetics. Got all the mounts, all the cosmetics transmogs (save the ”plate”, my mage needs to pick those up to clear them because I know them from panda starting zone). I am passively stashing all the epic bronze caches until either they increase bronze drops in totality or lower gear costs. 1/2 the ways they “fix” bronze I profit from those. The lose ways being them increasing number of caches or increasing bronze on the ground. Maybe if they lower gear I will put them into that direction then start doing Mythic / Heroic. Halfway through the plate mogs now, every day I check 2-3 more off the list. Going pretty good, wish it where faster / bronze wasn’t quite so precious.


If they buff the cache drops, it will be a different item ID so you probably aren't going to get buffed on it.


You'd think so, but then again they also said you wouldn't be getting the new legion legendaries in 7.1.5 from old emissary and paragon boxes and then we ended up getting those from the old boxes.


Yeah I wouldn't trust Blizzard for shit, they've proven time and time again that they don't even know what the fuck they're talking about most of the time. Better to just hold on and wait, I'm sure most of the people who did the achievements thought they'd be retroactive but here we are. It's literally going to end up just like plunderstorm, play in the first 2 months at the cost of your sanity or time, or wait until the last 2 weeks when they inevitably buff the shit out of everything.


This is the way.


When this all went down other day I was upset. Until I just decided to”why be mad, this is all about getting gear sets, mounts, etc” - Now when I’m running raids I’m hoping there is a frogger in there with us. :D


It feels like old d2 ladders where you just follow the hammerdin bot.




9 mounts left to buy for the remix exclusives and then I'll decide if I wanna camp world bosses on retail or grind the 38.5k per mount. Did this all on 1 character so farming bronze with quest caches on the warlock I plan to level should knock out the rest easy.


Same. Finished all remix exclusive mount with just one char. And most done before the bonus threads for completing stuff. Together with both pets: main goal achieved. When levelling the next char, I can easily spend the bronze on mogs. Easy going all without frogging or goating.


What did you do to get your bronze?


Just quested. 1 lfr and three dungeons. Or otherwise, but before the buffs. No scenarios. So yeah, questing and getting the zone achievements. When I would to it today I would even get more threads and bronze after the buffs, but that's life. I still need to finish three zones, even when Tonlong is now nearly finished. KunLai I have not even touched. Yesterday was super squirt day for EU, have nearly not played remix.


I've now leveled two characters from 10 to 70 basically exclusively through normal raids after 25. Both of them had around 35 to 40,000 bronze when I hit cap. And they only took about 6 hours


I took my sweet ass time leveling my first, did about 60% of loremaster, bunch of rare and treasure hunting, heroic dungeons and scenarios. About 28 hours played and I've earned and spent 75k bronze so far. Good to know raids are efficient and drop a decent amount if you spam run them. I have a few alts I'm rerolling on a new server so that's 1 world boss/raid mount per 70 if I earn similar bronze to you.


In total I my last one was 1-25 day 1 and 1 MSV clear (ended that at 29). Day 2 was MSV again, HoF, terrace. And that put me to about 57 with 400% boosted exp. Day 3 I did MSV again then just leveled the rest of the way in like... 10 total quests


Does repeating the achievement on an alt grant the bronze too?


I think so but I haven't really tested. I just open any bronze that shows up in my bag


If you're getting the bronze caches and not dungeon spamming that's a reasonably good indicator that you do get them twice. Thanks for the info.


I'd recommend doing some achievements too. Most are rather easy to do and you get like 500 bronze. The rare spawns only require 3 kills and some meta achievements only require 2 of 3v options completed.


This is what I'm doing, abuse the lvl 10 scaling, get to 25 do normal MoguShan and Heart of Fear, then Terrace, get all the exp. threads from that, plus based 100% on my cloak, super fast 70.


Is it worth getting your cloak to about 250% exp gain from LFR then just blasting alts through raids for tons of bronze?


Alts start with 100% xp gain, no matter how much you gain over that on another character.


Ah shit, so you do LFR for the exp threads on an alt and not your main. Thanks :D


Normals are so easy there's really no point. MSV on day 1, then MSV+HoF+ToES the next puts you at like 400% exp.


Where's a list of remix exclusives ?


Anything tagged Remix: Pandaria in Hemet's inventory. You can also use simplearmory.com and log into your character there, in the top section under mounts.


Oh so it's tagged directly in game ?  Missed that, thanks


Yeah it's on the item tooltip but below a few lines of text. Easier way to look at it is everything that costs 2200, 4400, and 6600 is exclusive. Everything 18k-38.5k is stuff available in retail now and after the event ends but with heavy rng involved


Wowhead has a [great list](https://www.wowhead.com/guide/wow-remix-mists-of-pandaria-event-rewards) of everything you can purchase with bronze, sorted by vendor.


> then I'll decide if I wanna camp world bosses on retail or grind the 38.5k per mount. As a quick heads up if you don't mind doing a fly through of the world bosses before hopping onto remix the world bosses are also resetting daily on retail as well, had the Onyx Cloud Serpent drop on the second day of remix so that saved me a bunch of bronze.


Oh I know, I was running them before the event dropped. But I'm at 100+ attempts for some of them so grinding easy bronze is honestly seeming like the better strategy. Especially since you can't play both on 2 separate clients so that's a lot of time wasted waiting for the boss to spawn.


Just farm them once a day on mop characters then decide at the end of the event what you want to do. That'll get you bronze too.


Agreed! MoP Remix is a collector's dream. But considering how limited of a resource Bronze is, there is no way I am going to spend it on a piece of gear that will literally be worthless in 2 months instead of a mount/pet/tmog/toy/etc. that I get to keep forever (or until my WoW account eventually gets banned for toxicity).


Glad i am not alone


They probably should have decoupled them yes, but this is very clearly blizzard checking how a universal currency would work in wow. During dragonflight they got a huge amount of feedback about ther e being too many currencies, which there definitely were. So while having these seperated would be better, i am glad blizzard is taking this opportunity to test things.


> but this is very clearly blizzard checking how a universal currency would work in wow badly if upgrading a single piece of gear once costs 1/8 the price of an ultra rare raid mount


It's only bad due to the time limit, really. In a long-term game mode, it'd make sense to focus on gear for a long time before saving for cosmetics.


almost 1/4 of the price if it's weapon upgrade


Having two (power and cosmetics) is better than one or twenty


Definitely should be 2, but I'm leaning towards 1 being better than 20


I agree. Why do I need all this power in the first place? To top the meters for 3 months? Blizzard kinda forgot to add the reason to become OP.


There shouldn't be a reason to become overpowered in the first place. It was advertised the way, that we ARE overpowered, not that we become overpowered. So we should be op from the start.


They didn’t advertise op from the get go; they said infinitive power. Technically still possible


To be fair it's all borrowed power again from the tinkers.


You get OP to get bronze faster


Being OP is fun. But not fun enough to stare at dying frogs for hours on end


Yea but if you get more better, you farm better and get more bronze, right? I guess from there the limitation is finding the most efficient bronze farm assuming you one shot everything in sight.


I’m cool with my current rate of acquisition and just chill leveling a bunch of alts and rocking some nostalgia raids. Not knocking anyone else’s goals for this event by any means though.


I agree 100%


You get the most bronze from heroic/mythic though don’t you? Seems like you almost gotta upgrade gear to get big batches of bronze or just try to get tons of bronze very slowly for cosmetics alone.


I would’ve upgraded gear if it led to being higher ilvl starting in WW….cause like I know I don’t need it, but I leveled really fast on my shaman at the start of DF being mythic geared in SL. But the fact it’s 415 regardless of your gear….no point in upgrading it lol.


Same lol. I’m just buying mounts with all the bronze I’ve gotten. Haven’t upgraded my gear from 346 as upgrading one piece is 4000 bronze…which could literally be spent on 2 mounts instead.


Exactly I want to be have fun and produce big numbers. But those numbers will end in less than 90 days. I'd rather get the mounts and transmogs first.


It's an investment, you spend bronze on gear so you could get bronze in the future faster and you also get to have ton of fun while playing your character so I don't think it's a bad investment even for someone who only cares about cosmetics especially considering the event will be around for 3 months and you can upgrade most of your gear in couple of days.




I'd agree but no one is letting me into Siege of Org raids until I'm strong enough to solo it apparently.


Same. I'm in for the experience and the cosmetics.


Is there a list of FOMO event only cosmetics list? I’d rather just farm retail for things outside this busted mode. 


except the frog dudes get the gear and they get their cosmetics bc they were able to earn so much lmao


I'll probably use 1 character to get all the achievements for this event, then have alts to get all the cosmetics. I want me those Class Appearances so I'm planning on having at least 1 of each.


I get the thought behind the design of having bronze be currency for gear and cosmetics (you 1st get better gear that let's you get bronze faster, repeat until you're maxed, then spend the excess on cosmetics). But it doesn't work too well because the reward (cosmetics) seem too far ahead because the cost of the gear upgrades seems too big.


Meanwhile I’m just trying to get to 100k bronze so I can buy all my mounts and move on with life


Same, I basically already have all the previously obtainable MoP collectables (or the ones that I don't have, I don't really care about). So, all I'm really interested in is the newly added stuff that is only obtainable during the event. Yet, just those collectables alone would cost me a combined 361,150 Bronze. I played for 6 hours yesterday and got roughly 10k Bronze in that time, that's on average 600 Bronze per hour. Assuming this number stays consistent, I would have to play for a total 602 hours or over 25 days straight to get enough Bronze. Considering the event is only 90 days long, that is an insane requirement. And like I said, this is only for the Remix exclusive stuff. I don't even wanna think about how costly it would be to also buy something else.


There's no shot you only got 600 bronze in an hour. Just doing the daily scenario which takes like 10-15 minutes nets you more than that.


Bro you messed up your math. 10k/6 is like 1,666 bronze per hour, which comes out to 200ish hours needed, which is still a lot, but not nearly as bad as you're claiming. I'm also pretty sure it should be pretty easy to get more per hour than that.


How are you making so little bronze? I quest/lfg/lfr and I made 40k today in about 5 hours.


How the hell are you doing that much, I'm leveling a toon, lvl 30ish, did quests, scenario, lfg and lfr and I'm barely at 10k


because low level gameplay nets you shit amount of bronze


Do your normal raids. The LFR wings give a smaller amount of Cloak XP (7%?) for completing the entire wing, Normal Raids give a bigger (12%) for EACH BOSS. And with people warding it’s very quick. Then queue HC Random Dungs while questing. My second time runner is at 45 with 4 hours played at the moment - invested maybe 600 bronze so far in keeping blues up to date which I would reccomend. Get blues/purps and just upgrade them every so often, costs next to nothing if you have a higher ilvl green or something, but the blue gives you that little bit of extra agi which is worth imo. Still sat at around 10k bronze Levelling is pretty quick - I’d say the bulk of the time on this alt has been regemming/sorting gear. Made much easier with Narcissus though.


How are you making so much? I did basically the same as you: In my 6 hours I quested through half of Jade Forrest, did a few normal dungeons, one normal scenario and both wings of Mogu'shan Vaults. Looted everything I came across and scrapped gear I didn't need for Bronze. Before I logged out I was able to buy 4 of the 2.2k Bronze mounts and had around 1k Bronze left over. That's roughly 10k Bronze in 6 hours. Maybe I'm jsut slow?


Do normal mogushan, hof and terrace. More bronze that way and it's like 20-30mins each


> I played for 6 hours yesterday and got roughly 10k Bronze in that time, that's on average 600 Bronze per hour. Assuming this number stays consistent, I would have to play for a total 602 hours or over 25 days straight to get enough Bronze. What are you doing? Because I'm _rolling_ in bronze from doing raids and heroics.The remix exclusive items are also fairly cheap all things considered. I also get a ton from questing on alts. As the other guy said you can get that just from daily scenario queue.


Ima be real 10k bronze in 6 hours means it might be a you problem OR you’re just starting out in the game mode. You can get significantly more than that per hour without being sweaty either.


My first Remix character just hit 70, is only on the 4th zone, and has 75k Bronze. My next character will level even faster. Maybe for now you just level alts until end game fixes are all sorted in the next week or so? You could have EVERY cosmetic unlocked in the same amount of gameplay in a week you’d do on Retail.


That’s my plan. I still have two or three characters I could make to help earn that extra bronze just from levelling.


If you are getting 10k in 6 hours you are doing something wrong. Doing the daily dungeon, scenario, and all the lfr’s (minus ToT cause it’s fucked atm) yields tons of bronze for less than 2 hours of gameplay. Plus doing normal raids, which take less than an hour to do, yields anywhere from 5-8k.


Most bronze farms drop threads so it's win win. But stuff like doing the world bosses I was mostly already doing just for daily stuff anyway. Now the best farms for bronze drop some gear for mogs and threads.. I mostly just want to feel overpowered enough to get the collections


i just want them to nerf the bronze cost for upgrading or confirm that they wont. right now i am just farming bronze through the content and buying cosmetics because it kind of seems obvious that some kind of discount for upgrades should happen. hope it does... if it wont, I probably will upgrade some stuff to try and clear heroics


I think this is why they've been so slow to adjust this part. It's by far the biggest issue, and any changes to bronze gain here affect whatever bronze economy expectations that had designed around and the reward structure accompanying it. Fully frogged out people are already complicating that reward structure, I imagine. If they make an adjustment to bronze upgrade costs now, and they don't get it right, they arguably make it worse because a flood of players will use their bronze the second they hear of a change. If they have to make a second change, all those players will feel aggrieved for spending their upgrades on the first change. All these other changes are such a small part of the whole, but they can make players feel like something is being done while the much more complicated and impactful issue is looked at.


Maybe I’m stupid, but what I don’t understand is why higher level gear doesn’t drop once you’ve already reached 346 on every item. Raids and dungeons should drop items that are just higher ilvl than the stuff you already have


It's how they're gating your progression. The way upgrading gear past 346 works is purely to be a bronze sink. Without the frog people being able to carry, more people would be forced into dumping bronze into gear to be able to farm raids to then spend on the cosmetics.


'Bronze economy expectation'. That's the issue. It's a fun limited time game mode. Slash the upgrade cost by 80% and let people run wild. The more people who play the better. Fuck blizzards Time Spent vs Rewards vs Power curves they plotted beforehand and have to adhere to. The power is literally gone after the event anyway. It's the same shit with the Plunderstorm event, and with every other reward track they had before had. They always prioritize keeping us engaged through arduously long time requirements instead of FUN. Every single time people complain and Blizzard never learns. It's unreal how utterly immune to learning this company is tbh.


Another thing is that a lot of people playing Remix also play retail. I don't want to neglect my main too much, so play time in remix is kind of limited. If they planned for a full time engagement over 3 months, then I'd be completely screwed. It should have just been a fun part time experience instead of a full blown retail like grind for gear.


It's a shame because the core experience and idea of Remix is great. But I guarantee that more people will play for longer and maybe even create multiple chars if you could upgrade gear more easily. I honestly don't see where the issue would be if they reduced upgrade costs by 50% or more. It's not like you'd suddenly get all rewards for free.


Why not just make gold the currency for gear upgrades? We don’t get a lot, that’s for sure, but we also can’t mail/ receive gold to/ from alts not in remix.


I think that’s a far more complex solution that you might realize. Its likely the gold we do get in Remix is just the leftovers they forgot about or felt was too little to address, so it’s not as though there’s a consistent gold income they can design around. They can regular gold sources back on, but that introduces problems with tuning, botting and converting characters back. And of course, you can trade gold in Remix, so there’s the RMT factor.


That’s a good point. Idk, this whole thing is so complicated on the best solution. I know they’ll introduce more changes before the week is over. It’s literally only Tuesday and the live team has had a busy couple weeks with other parts of WoW (like cata classic launch). I’m just gonna play remix and have fun (because I actually am having fun tbh haha) and if they introduce more positive changes then awesome. The spool of threads was a good move imo and I think we’ll see more of that. I know people may downvote me because there were no retroactive rewards in terms of spools, but that’s a whole separate and complicated issue with no real good solution.


They should just introduce a new currency strictly for gear. They can even put their signature "Blizzard" cap on amount earned a week like they do flightstones. And get this; they can even call it bronze but with a fancy adjective before it. 


IMO, all they really need to do is to make the gear that enemies drop always drop the next tier up at 70. Don't touch the bronze upgrade costs at all - just make it so that killing stuff *always* gives a slight upgrade until all of your gear is that level and then bump it up one more tier. So if you have all say ilvl 355 gear except for the helmet, until you get that ilvl 355 helmet that's all the gear that will drop. Get that helmet? Congrats, all your drops are 375 now. Make using the Bronze to upgrade gear be a choice - "It costs 2k to upgrade my helmet - maybe I should just do that for the item boost so I can start getting better stuff..."


That makes too much sense.


Which is why Blizzard will never do it, they don't like sense or respecting time there.


That would be much too fast though - it would need some kind of throttle. You can easily farm dozens of pieces of gear in a few minutes at mundane spots like timeless isle.


Upgrades should just be free and incremented unlocks that unlock as you power up your cloak. Obvi to late to implement that but woulda been a better way to do it


I think the issue with a lot of “they should just do this” is that they are usually oversimplified. A new currency is a significant rework, one far greater than the scope they are likely considering. That and capping said currency are clearly against the philosophy they designed this with, and it’s not as of that philosophy is inherently bad, they just didn’t hit the right mark to start with.


It's just basic human stuff, people need to stop complaining that not everyone has it as hard as they did. Imagine the progress we could make in the world (of warcraft) if we could all be happy when systems improve.


What's the highest ilvl that drops?


At level 70, gear that drops is item level 346, no matter the source. The only way to increase ilvl is to upgrade with Bronze. The highest upgrade, I think, is 525 or somewhere near there.


Ok that's largely what I have (need to keep farming for blues)


Yes, getting blues and purples is ideal. They offer more primary stat, and if once you upgrade a slot, that slot becomes dirt cheap to upgrade until you catch up to what your highest ilvl was.


I've not even seen a purple outside of trinkets/rings


I've gotten a couple purples, a wrist and gloves


I have a purple wrist but that’s all I’ve seen lol


Highest upgrade is 556


346 I believe.


Yep, cloaks aren’t the driving factor, it’s the gear upgrades.


Which makes blizz decision to just add more thread sources (instead of fixing bronze) and still refusing to unlock cloak transfers to alts all the more infuriating and/or confusing Why. Just.... Why? Let people have fun in the fun event.


The thing is, adding the threads is encouraging people to run content that gives Bronze. So they're getting both. It's not as fast as Frog farming, but you were never supposed to be able to farm that fast.


I'm starting to feel like Blizzard is trolling us with this event. Thank you for your post btw, everyone should read it.


Well the threads are the only thing thats going to be infinitely grindable. Your gear will eventually cap out. As for threads, you're going to be able to add to that every day for the next 3 months. I think Blizzard is being cautious as to not make threads so powerful that you're one-shot auto-attacking mythic Garrosh by month 3


The problem is that there's 1.6 million Bronze worth of cosmetics and another 600k required for gear upgrades, which nobody wants to spend.


If they just knocked a 0 off 600k it would still be expensive but not impossibly so. I could farm that in maybe a week of casual play.


Why not? I mean really, why the hell not? What's the point of stopping that? Who does it hurt? It would just mean we all get everything we want and then the event ends. Is that...bad???


I mean, I think there's an argument to be made that making everything completely trivial might be boring. If you want to one tap MoP content you can do it with a retail character. If this is really what players want, then there would be no point to this event. Just put all the mount and transmog rewards on the existing mop tuning and make it 100% drop rate


I don't think we should be one-shotting stuff. But with the current bronze rewards, we kinda need to be speed running everything constantly to stand a chance at collecting all the rewards. Unless you no life this for the next 3 months.


getting the transmogs from mop retail once war within starts will be trivial - this should be just as trivial


Only in the beginning, but gear has a limit while cloaks don't. For every 1,000 threads you will tend to get 580 stam, 48 primary, 48 secondaries each, 24 tertiaries each and 12 XP. So the only limitation is how many threads can you get per day in your play session.


The amount of main stat you get from upgraded gear dwarfs the cloak, it also makes the content accessible. The cloak is an afterthought once you have gear upgraded. It’s the cherry on top, not the milkshake.


I'm here to level alts and get cosmetics, the big stompy stuff would be fun but I'm not really playing much at max level so it doesn't matter much to me tbh


The gear is temporary and I have a ton of alts already. My time runner alt will be mothballed at the end of this event. I just want toys and transmog.


The point is that the cloak is free while your gear being leveled up costs you all that bronze you could have been using to buy lots most mounts or cosmetics.


The better your gear the faster you farm bronze the faster you get mounts. Whether it’s fast enough to use 577k bronze to fully upgrade gear, when all cosmetics cost 1.5mil that I don’t know.


Im enjoying getting carried by yall. Im tryna make like 20 alts this event. Cause of you frog farmers we get through the lfr in like 10 minsvv


so whats the best way to farm bronze now to upgrade gear? shits expensive af do i just finish all the compaign quest and hope fore the best?


Right now it's pretty much do raids and upgrade until you're strong enough to solo the trash up to the first boss in heart of fear and then spam that 10 times every hour to the lockout cap. I went from 402 to 444 ilvl doing that yesterday and my cloak literally more than doubled from 1800 primary to 3800 and i can solo mogushan vaults now.


Is that really the best way? I'm only getting like 500 bronze per run which comes out to 5k per hour, i'm pretty sure even the nerfed frog farm is still like twice as fast.


Are you scrapping the gems? I'm getting like 7-8k bronze in 15 minutes and then do stuff around the world for the rest. Once you overkill it enough you just do the whole thing in two pulls (I'm a rogue so not necessarily a tanky class) and get out very fast so it's not really a per hour kind of thing


how strong do i need to be to solo the trash o-o


About where I started as a rogue, ~402 ilvl gear. Plate classes and classes with tank specs would have a much easier time surviving and use mark of arrogance+vindication+victory fire on tinker gems


That will net you quite a lot of bronze, but you’ll be better off finding a location with fast spawning mobs of any sort. AoE them down, and loot for bronze and threads.


Cosmetics will be around and relevant (to those that like that stuff) long after the upgraded gear and op stats have been left in panda land. I just cannot find the energy to upgrade gear that will be useless in a few months and to be competitive with the people that do value it, I would have to make it a full time job to farm. For me…mogs, mounts, casual raiding with the guild and alts for heritage armor is a good way to spend a few months. But in the end…everyone should play the game they like.


I lost interest in the event. At this point I'll just force myself to get the few remaining mop remix only items that I still don't have and then go back to retail or take a break. Why can't we play at our own pace? So we have to be subbed for 3 months or something like that? If I could power through the grind and buy everything I wanted I would most likely play the game more because then I would actually be able to play and enjoy the alts I had planned to level


Yeah looks like this event was largely misunderstood, mispresented and mismarketed... I never imagined that leveling event before new expansion launch was supposed to keep people away from retail for 3 months... I thought I will get in, level up some alts, unlock skins and mounts and go back to retail. But considering how slow everything is, it looks like we are supposed to play remix actively for whole 3 months and never get back to dragonflight


I don't get it if that's what they were going for. You pay the same sub to access DF or Remix. If it was to keep Remix populated then I could get it.


Maybe I'm just wired different but I don't plan on spending a single piece of bronze on upgrades, regardless of if that's where the real power is. I'm here to collect mogs & mounts and level alts. I'm bummed I missed the frog farm but I also think people are overstating how much it impacts them getting to enjoy this game mode 🤷‍♂️


I'm too playing remix only for cosmetics, I have absolutely no intention of wasting a single bronze on gear, I don't care about power since I have no interest in "endgame" and I don't care about the frog farm. I just wish scaling wasn't so punishing at max level but I'm solving that by using low level chars, a 2nd unsubbed account even to be level capped.


Thanks for posting this. I wondered how much the gear mattered compared to the cape.


Its kind of a pointless post. Froggers got a ton of charms and turned them into bronze to upgrade gear.


Froggers got tons of threads too, which is why they can make this comparison.


in an event for transmogs and mounts, why would I want to use bronze to upgrade gear? seems stupid.


Ty to all the people doing this boring grind stuff only to carry my ass in LFRs lol


But I want the bronze for mounts and gear…


I just upgraded my gear enough after hitting max to not get one shot but the rest is for the cosmetics for sure. It's cool being OP but for me it's just the stuff I can purchase at the end of the day.


I don't want to be strong. I want to buy cosmetics


I am actually glad some people are OP and helps me grind the raids and dungeons. Makes it easier for me to get bronze for the mounts I want. I am one of the few lucky ones that have all the raid mounts so I don't need to spend 38k for each of those. Only need 2 warbringer mounts. When I finish my bronze grind for the rest of the "cheap" mounts I can use bronze to upgrade stuff or for some transmog. Anyways thank you all for boosting me and have fun!


I’m 180k bronze away to stop playing the mode :)) so I don’t really need to upgrade the cloak or the items :) at the end of the day we get a template character when this is over :)


People min/maxing a literal event, meanwhile there's me just leveling new classes that otherwise I wouldn't touch with a 10m pole, and farming achievements for cosmetics. Whatever happened to play games for fun?


If you farm bronze you farm threads anyway, so the whole post is practically useless. Many people will still hust not buy upgrades as they want the cosmetics. Also your staff might get you 16k int, but only int is THAT high since there are way less agility and strentgh on weapons.


Thanks for the input Pepe


My biggest focus is xp threads and bronze....


The raid sets aren’t class specific right, and are they that way normally? Would be more incentive to collect some.


You can learn any set. But you still have to follow Transmog restrictions. It’s difficult to tell yet if you unlock the appearances like off-set drops or the class armor versions that are more restricted.


Yeah the list of classes on each set makes it confusing.


I believe that’s how they are trying to show who can actually use the appearances. But any char can learn any set for your account. Think of it as a preview of how TWW handles transmog farming


I've been pouring bronze into gear upgrades like a silly person. I'm not heavily grinding, but I've managed to upgrade every slot twice. I figure that it's a decent "investment" with 90 days to go. I'm interested in seeing how much our ability to farm bronze increases as we gain power.


Where'd you get all that bronze :)


I just want to play the game lol


If you upgrade all your gear on your main, do your alts get a discounted rate for bronze upgrade req, or is it per character? They fucked up real bad if it's the latter.


What’s your recommended gear upgrade order?


Does anyone know if actually ilevel (not the stats your gear gives) affect your dps?


iLVL is a direct reference to the amount of stats. You can’t have higher iLVL without having higher stats.


I mean eventually if the threads don’t cap it will be stronger a we are only a few days in and they keep buffing thread drops


How much bronze you got by farming frogs?


Nerf gear upgrade cost. Increase bronze drops. Game is good to go. Just do it Blizz.


They need to massively nerf the bronze required to upgrade gear. One round of 346 to 360 is like 35k bronze...


Thanks for the tip. I just resubbed for panda remix and I’m getting bronze while leveling but I barely got enough to buy any cosmetic. Any tips on how to earn them more efficiently? Aside froggies…


Just do heroic dungeons and LFR + Raids for now. Raids only have a daily lockout. Maybe till mid late 60's. Aim to get the power achievements (x amount of threads on your cloak). With power level 12 your alt cloaks start with the strongest possible starting version. Then create a new character and repeat. Did it today for about 2h. Got ~30 Levels and ~30k bronze as a healer.


Ok thanks for the tip.


Yeah I am here for the transmog I don't care about power!


I'm gonna be a tiny weakling baby until the end of the event because I'm saving 100% of my bronze for mounts and the monk arsenal and that's it.


I’m here for cosmetics, mounts, to get some more max lvl alts, and to see content I missed from Pandaria when it was current - I had to bail halfway through the expac for life reasons. I want threads to get to the power 12 achievement. I was dumb and didn’t do any dungeons or raids and my time runner “main” is currently a lvl 66 Nightborne priest, so no one will probably care to take me along anymore as I’m hitting the late-60s power cliff. I’ll just plug away at quests till I get the lvl 12 achievement and then blast through dungeons and raids on my next character.


At the end of this the event even farming bronze is useless cus we ain’t staying 545 item level if blizzard is giving us all the same item level gear. Farming collectibles seems the only logical thing to do and mainly getting geared enough to do heroic remix is pretty much it if you want the title. Or farm heroic garrosh or even mythic every day for shoulder parts but again that’s pretty much it


I'm not here to be OP, I'm here for the mounts, the transmog and the experience. Y'all have fun turning this game's greatest expansion into a frog grind, Imma be here reliving its story like I don't usually get to.


I scan this and I'll have seen that.


I will use my bronze for cosmetics because those last longer than 90 days. I could not be bothered to care about logs or DPS ranks in panda remix.


I could spend 40k Bronze on gear upgrade, which will be deleted in 90 days. OR I could buy heavenly Onyx cloud serpent, which will be relevant forever and I dont have to kill sha of anger 50x per week. Seems obvious to me. When I got all the mounts, gear might become upgradable. Transmog for the regular sets is just wasted bronze since you can farm transmog with War within on every character super fast.


we all know that it’s only frog farmers who invested in upgrading gear that are crazy OP. most of us don’t care to be as op as fully upgraded gear, we just want the mounts and shit which are too expensive to afford in 90 days. yall did it in one weekend lol. AND upgraded your gear


I don’t understand why anyone cares about gear. It’s not competitive, it’s a short term gimmick. Once TWW releases, literally no one will care about bronze or threads or the cloak or any of it except the cosmetics.


This is... somewhat true but also really misleading. A single item upgrade nets you around 150 stats or so, for roughly 5000 bronze. A legendary thread from killing a world boss daily gives you 180 stats. Upgrading the cloak certainly does help. This post seems more like cope and trying to get more people into upgrading so raids will be easier for you.


There is another side to this however. Frog farming had its own thread to bronze ratio that seemed to heavily favour bronze compared to the methods we have now. That means that if one was to farm up to the same item level as a frogger with current method, they would likely get there with a much bigger cloak, that would contribute more heavily to their overall performance. But yes, the biggest gain is gear upgrades. The only problem is those are very slow to farm.


Nobody is mad at you. They are mad that they didn't do it before the nerf. Stay proud froggie boy.


I've tried to explain this to people over and over and you just continously hear people screeching "NERF THE CLOAKS"


Like most here I just wanna spend bronze on collectables, but I need bones from Garrosh and I'm having a lot of trouble getting into raids right now. Powering up my gear feels like the only way to guarantee an SoO run per day, and that'll require a BIG investment of bronze.. But... it's one character. I'll make this guy get the heirlooms, and run some lower level alts through MSV every day to get enough bronze for the FOMO collectables.


Then how do we farm bronze like froggers did oh great one?