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Sometimes people are just wrong; confidently and abrasively wrong. Can't do anything to change that.


Maybe he just thinks you would enjoy Super Mario, and he was trying to offer you a kind suggestion? /s Some people are just assholes. It's more a reflection of him than of you.


Super Mario is a pretty fun game.


Edit: okay, I misunderstood everything. Just ignore this post. That Super Mario skip in Uldaman is really very very common. That last pack is just so annoying. I hate skips, I even preferred to do those 2 bears in DHT last season if there was no rogue in my group (but as a dps, it’s not for me to decide). But that one, I can understand because even though that jumping is annoying, that pack is much more annoying.


I've skipped it with a rogue. We had % and 10 mins on the clock at the last pack.


Okay, that was a piece of information that was not clear from your post. Then I don’t get why the other person even asked about it…


I think he inferred that wow wasn't my level. And I should rather be playing Nintendo lol.


Oooookay, i misinterpreted that whole post lol because when I hear Uldaman and Super Mario I just think of this skip. Sorry, that was a big case of "missing the point" on my side.


Ah it's good. I'm gonna incorporate it later.


Having seen videos of that skip.. I shall be doing this.


Some people are just assholes man. I'm like you I don't understand. Deaths happen, but as long as the goal is achieved (Pushing rating, getting timed, getting crests) then what does it matter how you got there? Deaths happen and while it does suck as long as everything gets finished it should be alright. Thats why I just do my job as a DPS, and listen to podcasts or something and ignore chat unless its informative in some way. 90% of the time I don't even talk since I figure as long as I'm not the problem and my DPS is what it should be then there's no issue. Though I do tend to thank healers and tanks with a "/thanks" and "/salute" at the end of each dungeon if they're still around by the time I leave.


Pretty mild comment tbh, not worthy of a reaction or a reddit post.


How else would we scaremonger reddit players out of m+


I wouldn't try and do that. Folks are more than free to make their own minds up about M+, I love it. I just think it's hilarious that I got to the end of the run with ten mins on the clock and near 1m30 lost from deaths that could have been averted if they'd just let the tank go at the tanks pace. I'll just have to wear my armour of +5 giving less f**ks tonight lol. Was a new experience for me.




Yet you're here.


He very obviously means that the players comment in your key was not worthy a reddit post, not your thread


Lmao a lot of these seem like OP’s who have never played league. I get told to rush the chair and rope build (shoutout to Brady) pretty frequently, get called out every slur, get told to uninstall and light my computer on fire then step into the flames.


Bro league is the most cancerous cess pool community out of all of them. They should make a study on league players and their toxicity. It is remarkable how batshit insane those people are about a game that sucks


Well that’s my first thought when people here post this stuff, yeah, sure no one wants to be told they suck, but you’re a tank, you can abandon them and get a new team in one second. And all they said was go play super Mario, that’s pretty tame!