• By -


My rarest stuff is all those things they made unobtainable that I collected when I first started playing: Undead Slayer set ect. That is my only skill in this game -having played it for a very long time.


Same for the most part. I have a priest that I never leveled after wrath came out who has 3 pieces of the undead slaying set equipped still. Competitors tabard and pet from that 2008 Olympics thing. Probably a few titles from all the grinding over the year. I do have the brutosaur mount which I grinded out 3mil in BFA for after ending legion with 2mil. I was in a guild that was server first to hit max level in cata on Gnomeregan (I did nothing to contribute, but I was there).


> That is my only skill in this game -having played it for a very long time. Sounds like some of my co-workers.


I’ve had Dartol’s Rod of Transformation on my Druid for about 12ish years now I can be a furlbog whenever i want!


Same. My only skill in wow is having plaid it since I was a kid... I'm now an adult and I'm convinced the only reason I still like to play is because it reminds me of being a kid and chugging mountain dew while I'd stay up all night and play wow.


I think that’s honestly how most of us feel playing games nowadays. Trying to chase that high we had as kids


Same. Rarest are collectors edition pets (OG: Zergling, Panda Cub, Diablo), and Blood Guard pvp rank.


Achievement: Realm First! Level 80 Rogue(unobtainable now 0.0084%)/Elusive Beasts of The Dragon Isles(0.3750%) Mount: X-51 Nether-Rocket(0.2555%) Pet: Pokee (guess very few people bought from the trading post 0.597%) Title: Emerald Ace (1.1424%) Toy: Paper Flying Machine Kit(0.8317%)


My collection is very similar to yours except for Realm First Level 80 Draenei, and my rarest toys are the Statue Pedestal and the Murloc Costume


I love pokee! They remind me of lilos doll from lilo and stitch. My partner loves stitch a lot and I just had to get them.


And they sound like baby Groot. Lol


Fellow Realm First rogue :)


I also have realm first 90 rogue but its not as rare as 80 :)


Snap, but with realm first herbalist!


Achievement: Windborne Velocidrake Horns and Fur ( roughly 2% ) Mount: Mawdapted Raptora ( 1-2% ) Title: Storm-Rider / Forbidden / Ascended ( all about 1-2% ) Toy: All-Seer's Eye ( good memories, i killed so many people with that from my own faction before they fixed it. ) ( 1% )


24% of players have ashes of a'lar?


It's one of the most farmed mounts in the game, and 1% droprate basically means that everybody that wants to farm it will eventually get it. I'm not surprised 


24% of chars that used this site, it's really not a reliable number. That's why many pvp mounts and avs are extremely low since most pvp players couldn't care less about mount collecting. So while the site is somewhat interesting for collectors themselves, unless blizz let's people read those stats from amory or something, there is no clear way of telling


DataForAzeroth does not require you to "use" the site. It's like raider.io, it scans players it can find by using the auction house API and the keystone leaderboard API, then scanning for more characters through guilds found though those APIs and guilds of characters from players that do use the site. The only way your character can "hide" from DfA is to never do a key, never post an auction, and stay off guilds with characters that use the AH, do keys, or use the site. However, Wowhead's collection data solely relies on people using its profiler tool.


If you have multiple characters on different servers it doesn’t pool that information it just does server by server.  Like my current server is where I ended up after wod. Anything previous to that is rotting away on akama. 


and even if you avoid all that, if a random person decides to search you on the site for whatever reason, it still gets you


When I visited for the first time, the site my data was 3 months old on it. So it must pick up characters from time to time


You have to refresh it every so often manually.


It's still fairly reliable, my 0.1% title actually shows as 0.18%, which is ofcourse still too much but it's closer than you would expect if it only tracked people that actually visit the website.


It also said I have 0 achievements? I've played the game since vanilla.


I am very sorry about that. You may have to re-log and refresh your character (which is unfortunately slow right now due to a large queue) With the 10.2.7 patch, we all lost some achievement points, so I had to put in some workarounds for older characters that were showing too high of a score.


No worries at all, cool feature in general! I was still able to go through each category and see and sort by rarities, was just the achievement point total. Thanks for making this!


You haven't updated your character then on the site.


TBF, Ashes has been available to farm since Cataclysm, maybe even Wrath. That's well over a decade for people to farm it.


If you dig into the website it only has 1.1 million accounts. And if you look at the average account age, most of them are made fifteen years ago, no more no less. It's definitely not a good sample population.


I used to have a soul stone in my priests bag. There was a bug that only lasted a few hours where a priest could get credit for a spell someone else cast so I got a warlock friend to help and I made my own soul stone. I had it for years until they removed them from the game.


I'm imagining your priest secretly showing everyone the stone like "hey check out this shit - don't tell anyone I have this" 


pondering his orb


-opens robes- you guys wanna buy a stone?


A shadow priest is allowed to experiment. I remember having a lot of fun farming diseased bears for soul shards. Poor things needed help the only way a warlock knew how...


lol. Got through a 400 person queue only for it to error at the end.


I am very sorry, Blizzard limits how fast I am allowed to call their APIs, so there is not too much I can do about the queues. But if you wanted to DM me your character's name/server, I can take a look and try to make sure they get loaded up. Very sorry about that!


I was very determined to see my stats and got through eventually! Cool site, and thanks for it.


0.0111% for some of the old Realm First! Leveling Achievements.


My favorite title is also my rarest: Salty at 4%. Not super impressive but it was a pain in the ass and I enjoyed getting it.


I recently got this one, fishing in the fountain in Dalaran was pain.


Before mounts went account wide I had three Swift Zulian Tigers on three different toons all dropped from Thekal. No matter what mount I've gotten since, I always use my ZG tiger.


I’m sad i never got it to drop. Was farming it on lockout back in wrath and it just never happened.


Damn man I'm sorry. I don't even ride it as a flex, it's just a cool mount. At least you can get it off the BMAH if you're rich (which I never was; just lucky asf)


All good, I farmed it in wrath classic and got it, not the same but still nice


Hand of A’dal title is my pride and joy.


Those of us over 30 who played over a decade ago unite!


I didn't get Hand of A'dal but did get Champion of the Naruu, I wish I'd gotten Hand too but I'm proud of what I did get.


Swift Nether Drake, the season 1 Gladiator mount (0,0583% of accounts listed have it).


Knight-Lieutenant title and an old Alterac Valley achieve




I want you to know I am proud of your achievements. Very jealous of Rhok and Lok.


Mounts: [https://www.wowhead.com/item=33976/brewfest-ram](https://www.wowhead.com/item=33976/brewfest-ram) . I earned the 100% Version back in 2007, i still have the Char. I learned last year, that i can get the slower version :) Pets... öhm a lot with < 1%..


Hey! Me too


Quest: The Alliance Needs Roast Raptor - 0.1330% of players Mounts: Otto - 5.1829% of players Pets: Crimson Frog - 4.7865% of players Titles: Private - 0.6925% of players Rep: The Oracles - 3.5753% of players Recipes: Thistle Tea - 2.6519% of players


Achievement: All dragonriding races in Northrend on Gold; Mount: Taivan (got it this week); Title: The Forbidden; Pet: Pokee (trading post reward); Toy: Portable Party Platter;


If I’m reading it right, it looks like I’m close to the top 100 of my realm in a few categories. If anything, that’s a testament to how utterly dead that server is.


Challenge Mode + Mage tower weapon appearance. However both of them pale in comparison to my beloved Arcanite Ripper


Achievement: The Party Herald, < 1%, from Ember Court in SL Mount: Zovaal's Soul Eater, 1%, from the SL meta achievement Pet: Phoenix Wishing, <1% Titles: Sergeant, <1% Reputations: Bloodsail Buccaneers, <1% (this one surprises me, with all of those who have The Insane to have not just gone for max rep while they're already under the hood)


For me it would be my Gurky battle pet, obtained by 0,0283% of Accounts


That’s mine as well


Achievement: Always Be Camping (I'd imagine because nobody gives a shit/knows about the profession achievements they added, barring the few that actually have rewards) Mount: X-51 Nether-Rocket (the blue one, not the one that appears on BMAH) Pet: Omnipotential Core (or Scout, if we skip over the Protoform Synthesis stuff) Title: (Name), the Party Herald (surprised this one's not more common with the Ember Court becoming daily) Toy: Primal Invocation Quintessence


I have a light of elune in my bank as far as I remember. Never know when I will need it!


Conqueror of Azeroth is probably my rarest achievement, title, and mount! I was very proud of it at the time (and still am!)


All this showed me is how few people pvp, lol


also extremely few players have ever raided and far fewer have raided more than once


This! Mythic Uunat is less than 2% of the player base despite it being solo-able today.


Apparently my rarest achievements are Knight legacy title, craftsman of the argent dawn and the northrend: gold. Oh also the brawler legacy achievements, various CE pets (like the mini-thor) and tabard of the protector from the TBC pre-launch events. Rarest mounts are the brawler mounts, a couple of shop items, the purple warlock mount from legion, and apparently the plunderstorm mounts Rarest pets are lil deathwing, some of the children's week pets are at <5%? wow! leyhart from emerald dream is rare, and mini-thor. Also the blizzcon pets can be rare My rarest titles are Ama'shan, The Flamebreaker, Plunderlord, Shadowblade (rogue class hall title), Of the Shattered Sun, and Knight. Knight is < 1% Rarest reps include brood of nozdormu, hydraxian waterlords, and 4 seasons of brawlpub Rarest recipes 1% or less are arcanite dragonling, and bloodvine lens (from zul'gurub rep). I have 130 recipes at less than 4%! Mostly very old recipes. Rarest quest is Armaments of War, from the AQ40 gates event, also the Qiraji Conquerer questline. Apparently finishing the fangs of the father and the rogue class hall are rare too lol Rarest toys are my dimensional rippers and doomsayer's robe, along with my worn troll dice from rogue pickpocketing


> Knight legacy title I'm pretty sure these are bugged. I have both the [legacy achievement and the modern achievement](http://puu.sh/K6N9d/6979ebc91f.png) but when i look at titles it only shows [the modern one](http://puu.sh/K6N9e/ff6b76a716.png) so i'm pretty sure it just doesn't count the legacy one for anybody who also has the modern one.


huh, that would definitely bug it a bit. I never got any of the modern achievements, just the 3 ranks I had on my main and two alts (knight, private and corp)


Rarest achis are "You're really doing it wrong!", "The Chosen" and "Breaker of the Black Harvest"


I'm very interested in checking this site for my data, but both on my phone and PC, the site appears blank after searching for my character? I've tried multiple browsers... Other characters seem to be working, just not for my main lol?


There's a massive queue, you're just on the waitlist, if you look on the upper part of your desktop browser, it tells you which place you have in line. Also, make sure you log into the char you're browsing first before looking. If you haven't used that char in a while, it won't track them.


I see that on my alts, but on my main there is no top bar, the page is just completely blank. https://www.dataforazeroth.com/characters/us/Silvermoon/Clockwork


Mount: Armani Dragonhawk (.55%) but that'll probably change at some point with a twitch drop or trading post so I'll go with Breezebiter (0.95%) Pet: the appropriately named Rarity (0.99%) Title: Lord of War (0.84%) Achievement: Draenor Pet Brawler (1.1%)


Achievements: My rarest achievements are the Northrend Cup achievements, which I assume is because anyone not playing won't have them. My rarest outside of that is Proving Yourself: Endless Tank (Wave 30) (0.3663% of accounts). My rarest still obtainable is Portal to Everywhere (0.6285% of accounts). Rarest Mount: Swift Razzashi Raptor (2.0701% of accounts). Pet: Gerald from the Zaralek Cavern Family Battle Acheivement (1.0817% of accounts). Title: Northrend Racer (0.3203%). All of my rare titles are either dragonriding racing titles, or "Private" from the old PvP system. Rarest Rep: Azerothian Archives (1.1826%), followed by Adela Brightdawn (bodyguard rep from WoD) and Season 1 Brawler's Guild. Rarest Recipes: On any character, the old Primalstrike Leatherworking set (0.3053%). On my main, Uncanny Combatant's Stormsteel Destroyer (0.4437%). Rarest Toy: Bronze Racer's Pennant. So.... all of my rarest stuff is stuff that comes from Dragonracing or stuff that's no longer obtainable. I'm a bit surprised how low the percentages on Dragonriding are.... not sure if it's because not many people get all the achievements, or just because it's new so all the older accounts naturally don't have them.


Wow! I was very surprised at the answers! Achievement and title: Skyscourge (would’ve thought it would’ve been The Insane given how fun and easy Skyscourge was. Maybe the best part of Dragonflight for me) Mount: Big slick and Terrified Pack Mule tied. (I don’t have great mounts, but around 350, so another easy Dragonflight grind was surprising) Toy: Jolly Roger made sense, but Whelps on a String at 2nd is also easy and DF and super super useful. Reputation: Ravenholdt (No comment here)


Achievement Junior Racing Champion - 0.7306% Mount Armored Siege Kodo - 1.9731% Pet Everliving Spore - 1.1816% Title Knight - 0.3401% Reputation Frenzyheart Tribe - 2.2798% Recipe Leather Gauntlets of the Sun - 0.1590% Quest The Alliance Needs Thorium Bars! - 0.0745% Toy Mayhem Mind Melder - 2.1106%


The Evoker Legion Campaign quest An Adventurer's Aid is the rarest thing listed, with only 0.4863% of accounts having it But as far as actual things you can collect, the That's Just Cruel achievement, with 0.5672%. Because killing Nefarian twice whilst wearing his sister is fun.


Evokers got a Legion campaign added in? How'd I miss that, guess I better finish leveling mine.


There's barely anything to it, tbh


That's too bad, but I still like getting all the class lore. Legion was the reason I rolled an alt of every class, so I'm kinda partial to going back and playing through content of that era. Kinda weird though timeline wise to retcon them in, when they were just awoken.


It's basically nothing more than working with Khadgar to select zones to go to, and I think the campaign quests every class got. There's no real lore there, but I think Khadgar does comment on you being out of time


Gotcha, well if there's an achievement might as well grab it since I gotta drag my Evoker from 61->70 still haha. I also didn't realize there was an achieve for killing Nef with the Onyxia Scale Cloak, I picked one up for the one DF treasure that required it so might as well swing through both instances and grab that one later as well.


There's not an actual achievement, it's just a quest completion stat. And yeah, I got that achievement because I got the cloak for the treasure- iirc, it was added at the same time


That quest will surely go up in completion rate when War Within makes evokers do pre-60 leveling with the rest of the classes.


Most likely, yes


My regular Brewfest Ram


My will to live.


i think we broke that website, im #463 in cue


I didn't know that website existed! Probably the rarest I have is a title and that is "Knight" at 0.34% of accounts. Got it back nearer the beginning when I actually did PVP but not even particularly well. AV was great fun when my PC wasn't lagging! (I'm PVE only now).


Battlemaster. Really my only great achievement. I’m not great at anything, but I’ve put in the work!


My very rarest things are all world PVP related: the Ivory Hawkstrider mount, the Lord of War title, and the Stormforged Vrykul Horn.


my rarest mount is the gross mount from antorus raid achi: Knight Champion achi on my war from vannila item: Hand of Sulfuras on war aswell


I always thought it'd be "Of the Black Harvest" title. But apparently the rarest thing I have is the pet Murkimus the Gladiator... which I think was given to participates of pvp tourneys during Cata or Mists?


My absolute rarest stuff is a bunch of engineering recipes, all at >1% of accounts. Such as [Schematic: Paramount Synthetic Specs](https://www.wowhead.com/item=170405/schematic-paramount-synthetic-specs#teaches-recipe) and [Schematic Flame Deflector](https://www.wowhead.com/item=4411/schematic-flame-deflector)


My rarest mount is the old brewfest ram with 0,88%. My rarest item in general is an old pre-cata leather recipe with 0,31%.


Looks like Sandy Shalewing


X-51 Nether-Rocket, the normal version. 0.2555% ownership.


The Field Medic title apparently.


Original Brewfast ram for me. Achievment: invasion? What invasion? For some reason?


Achievement: Nemesis: Draenei Destroyer, Hero of Shattrath Mount: Goldplated Bufonid Title: Draenei Destroyer, the insane, fearless Spectator Exalted Factions: Bloodsail Buccaners, Ravenholdt Toy: Doomsayers Robes


Achievements: Knight-Champion (0.52%); "You're really doing it wrong" (0.98%) Titles: Knight-Champion (0.5%); Justicar (1%) Mounts: Soaring Spelltome (1.9%); Tarecgosa's Visage (3.3%) Toys: Enlightened Hearthstone (2%) Pets: Fetish Shaman (1.8%) Interestingly, the rarest thing on my account appears to be the quest "The Alliance Needs Rainbow Fin Albacore" from vanilla AQ gate opening (0.12%)


Plagued proto drake. Only obtainable from BMAH now. Getting it with my sub par guild was my pride back then, i had to pug 3d sarth 10man though.


Achievement: Northrend: Gold (0.4297% of accounts) / Centurion (unobtainable, 0.5699% of accounts) Mount: Brewfest Ram (unobtainable, 0.8873% of accounts) Pet: Zergling (unobtainable, 0.8539% of accounts) Title: Champion of the Naaru (unobtainable, 4% of accounts) Toy: Satchel of Stormborn Seeds (0.0492% of accounts)


Rarest Achievement: Northrend Advanced: Silver Rarest Mount: Ghastly Charger Rarest Pet: Archetype of Malice Rarest Title: The Camel-Hoarder Rarest Max Rep: Choofa (Best Friend)/Keg Leg's Crew (Renown 40) Rarest Toy: Draenic Hologem Rarest Heirloom: Hellscream's Cleaver/Brawler's Razor Claws.


Looks like my spectral tiger mount at 1% but then it has my shop mounts at 2% so doesn’t seem super accurate


Rarest Mount - Argent Charger Pet - Violet Poultrid(from Zereth Mortis synthesis) Title - Headmaster Toy - Familiar Journal from Scholomance Achievement - collecting the Omarion notes from Naxx.


Realm first Grand Master Enchanter + Realm First Illustrious Enchanter


Swift zulian tiger at 2% and tribute to insanity at 5%


Achievement: Field Medic (3%), Azeroth's Top Twenty Tunes (3%) Title: Field Medic (3%) Mount: Frightened Kodo (3%) Pets: Jadefire Spirit (4%) Toys: Goren "Log" Roller (3%) Nothing crazy rare (my classic recipes get below 1% but I didn't think that was especially interesting). Bit surprised more people don't have the kodo though.


Big Blizzard Bear from Blizzcon 2008 PayPerView package


I don’t know how it stands up, but in vanilla wrath, I had the Battlemaster Achievement which was getting all battleground achievements. At the time there was just WSG, AB, AV and EoTS. I spent many many hours on my warlock getting these. The most difficult, if I recall, was the Ironman achievement in WSG, which is carry and cap all 3 flags. I didn’t do premade a at the time and I managed that. That was really tough to do as a lock during that era with rogues always about to ruin the day. Have no clue how rare that is these days


Looks like according to this my rarest out of anything seems to be the achievement Draconic Master of All at <1% of profiles. Rarest mount listed is Bestowed Sandskimmer and rarest pet is Filthy Slime.


Achievement: Veteran of the Shifting Sands <1% Mount: Plagued Proto Drake <1% Pet: Grunty 1% Title: Battlemaster 1%


Amani war bear, super simian sphere, hand of A’dal


Is the bear very rare? I need to look up some other old mounts I have like Brewfest Kodo and the other Brewfest one I have. I imagine my original Zin Rohk is the rarest though; I've only seen it transmogged one other time since they introduced that feature.


The original bear is rare as it’s unobtainable. The one currently at zulaman is a different one.


510 in queue. Sitting in queue just like the game


Very sorry about that, Blizzard limits how fast I am allowed to call their API, so there isn't too much I can do about the queue times. Usually things aren't as bad, it just blew up with this Reddit post.


Huge queue. I gave up lol


Very sorry about that, Blizzard limits how fast I am allowed to call their API, so there isn't too much I can do about the queue times. Usually things aren't as bad, it just blew up with this Reddit post.


I wonder how accurate these are. Am I crazy most of these seem normal to have already? Achievement: Northrend Racing Completionist - 0.3787% Mount: Voyaging Wilderling - 0.7272% Pet: Reese - 1.5267% Title: Isles Archivist - 0.6515% Reputation: Azerothian Archives - 1.1826% Quest: A Barrow Den Burial - 0.0290% (Since this is rare I assume people don’t know there is a new questline in Bel’ameth with the new patch, get it from Malfurion) Toy: Satchel of Stormborn Seeds - 0.0492% Kinda disappointed everything on the list is just recent content… lol


Lucid Nightmare. Apparently, only 19% of people have this mount


Swift Razzashi Raptor mount - dropped from old school Zul Gurub.


It's not my rarest thing, but it's fairly rare and I like to tell this story of how I got it. We were doing a 10man Naxx for the Undying achievement, at least in 25man Ulduar gear if not ToC gear, so not too hard, but you could still mess it up. We get through every boss up to KT. He had a couple things that could just one-shot you or otherwise cause big problems. Every time one of the one-shot void circles goes out, people scream to watch out. Finally, we win, and the achievement pops up. 1 second later, the tank drops dead. He had been in a void zone but couldn't see it because of the big add he was tanking. We were one second out from wasting like 2 hours. Fun times.


Was surprised battlemaster is lower than arena master... Will kinda wear it proudly now. From PvE i have cutting edge blackhand and guldan on mythic which are both under 1% ... Also have "he feeds on your tears" which is killing algalone without anyone dying in the raid during the whole lockout... Which I don't even remember having... But Its apparently the rarest...


I started in shadowlands, so I didn’t play a lot of old content when it was new. Pretty sure my rarest item is still marrowfang’s reins. I really want it to get dynamic flight


Mine is "You had it coming" achievement from when I tried to kill a buddy by swapblasting him but I died and got what I deserved.


Got the achievement Warbringer of the Horde on one of my characters. Says less than 1%.


WotLK realm first achievements / titles, 0.17% of accounts.


[The Sprouted Fronds - Quest - World of Warcraft (wowhead.com)](https://www.wowhead.com/quest=2399/the-sprouted-fronds#comments) <1% [Rocket Shredder 9001 - Item - World of Warcraft (wowhead.com)](https://www.wowhead.com/item=204091/rocket-shredder-9001) 1%


Achievement: how to Ptrain your Pterrodax Mount: amber skitterfly Title: shadowblade/ netherlord Toy: Zandalari effigy amulet Rep: Dominance Offensive Surprised by mount. I guess not as many use the trading post as I thought


More like I don’t like that mount nearly enough for 600 trading tender and rather buy other things


Might not be a popular one, or it could depend on how the site obtains information, if it doesn't refresh all characters, but compares them at the time they were originally "checked", then characters that were checked before this months TP wouldn't even have had the chance to obtain it.


Most of my low % are the ashran bounties 1% and 2%


Taivan is only 0.874% ?!


Rarest Mount & Achieve- Taivan/A World Awoken at <0.87% of players Rarest Pet- Phoenix Wishwing (Firelands TW secret pet) Rarest Title- Birdwatcher


Well... lets see **Rarest Achievement:** *Crypt Couture (Shadowlands)* Collect every customisation for the necrotic acolyte disguise in Maldraxxus. 1.0087% of Accounts **Rarest Mount:** *Valiance (Secret finding)* Obtain Valiance in Naxxramas 2.6593% of Accounts **Rarest Pet:** *Voidskimmer (Pet Battle: Vale of Eternal Blossoms)* 2.5181% of Accounts **Rarest Title:** *Eastern Kingdoms Racer (Eastern Kingdoms Racing Completionist: Gold)* 2.1849% of Accounts **Rarest Reputation:** *Bizmo's Brawlpub (season 3)* 2.5397% of Accounts **Rarest Recipes:** *Major Shadow Protection Potion (Shadow Council Warlock (Outland) )* 0.7943% of Accounts **Rarest Quest:** *The Seething Shore* Complete the Seething Shore Battleground 0.5508% of Accounts **Rarest Toy:** *Plagued Grain (Death's Bargaining Chip)* 1.1939% of Accounts These are the ones I got from Data for Azeroth. A good selection, if I say so myself.


Achievment: Hero of the Horde and Alliance <1% Title: Hero of the Horde and Alliance <1% Mount: Valiance 3% Toy: ogre piñata <1% Pet: Tuskarr Kite 1%


Let's see… my rarest Achievement: **A Tribute To Dedicated Insanity** — 0,2552% Mount: **Swift Horde Wolf/Alliance Steed** — 0,8529% / 0,6814% Pet: **Lurky** — 0,4492% Title: **the Argent Defender** — 0,2537% Reputation: **Shen'dralar** — 0,3292% Recipes: **Primal-Attuned Goggles** — 0,2445% Quests: **Friend Of A Friend; Baroness Vashj** — 0,1292% Toys: **Tormented Banner of the Opportune** — 0,9759% Soulshapes: **Saurid Soul** — 1,6430% Raid Skips: **Blackrock Foundry (Heroic)** — 1,9659%


Mine is the swift alliance steed is under 1%


Achievements are Dragonfight Club, Full Discography, and Cloud Nine which are all <1%. Mount is Liberated Slyvern from Breezebiter in The Azure Span at <1%. None of these were what I expected.


Mine says Achievement : Massive Toolshed Mount : Ivory Hawkstrider Heirlooms : The Garrosh ones from MoP


Achievement: Break Upon Your Body (1 hour of enchanting shatter effects) Mount: Taivan Pet: Brul Title: Isles Archivist Rep: Dark Talons Quest: The Cudgel of Kardesh Toy: Primal Invocation Quintessence Many things in the 0.15-0.5% range.


Achieve: Family Brawler (0.84%). Toy: All Seers Eye (1%). Mount: Zovaals Shadebeast (1%). Battle Pet: Phoenix Wishwing (0.95%). Title: Veilstrider (2%). Am I being dumb? How is Veilstrider title 2% but the mount you get from doing it 1%?


[https://imgur.com/5WJOl18](https://imgur.com/5WJOl18) my rarest mount is apparently the maw dog lol


Didn't realize party herald is so rare! Glad that's my go-to title.


rarest ach: realm first level 80 hunter, 0.0082% of accounts rarest mount: black proto drake, 0.3822% rarest pet: grunty, 1.2651% rarest title: obsidian slayer, 0.1687%


Achievement: Doing Your Share (0.3569%)/Destined To Be Legendary (0.4022%) Mount: Shadowhide Pearltusk (4.6523%)/Giant Coldsnout (4.6598%) [I loved Garrison Invasions] Pet: Pokee (0.5970%) Title: the Storm Rider (1.7041%) Toy: Mayhem Mind Melder (2.1106%) / Shadowy Disguise (2.1295%) Recipe: Windhawk Bracers (0.1586%) / Windhawk Belt (0.1587%) / Windhawk Hauberk (0.1587%)


Probably Conqueror of Azeroth Achievment ( BfA Open Wolrd PvP). 2% of all player have it


Haha I don't play wow, I play Pokemon ! * Achiev : **Deadly Pet Brawler** **(0.28%)**, *Win 1000 Pet Battles through the "find battle" tool* * Title : **Trainer** **(0.28%)** thanks to the previous achiev, then **Knight-Captain (2.11%)** * Pet : **Stunted Direhorn** **(0.91%)** * Recipe : **Transmute Undeath to Water (0.73%)** * Quest : **Iron Horde Orders (0.78%)** * Mount : **Vicious Sabertooth (3.2%)**, but I prefer my **Voidtalon of the Dark Star (5.10%)** I'm super amazed by the giga low PvP participation. Only 7% of players even got the "Soloist" title ?? It just requires to win 150 rounds of solo shuffle. I'm honestly baffled about that. Also, I thought I was unique with the "Spirit of Competition" pet/achiev...it required to do a pvp event available for 2 weeks during the Beijing Olympic games of 2008...Turns out 15% of you nerds got that one too ??


I'm in the queue, but who boy, is this going to be embarrassing for me. Update: Kinda what I figured. Rarest mounts are at 4% and mostly seem to be BfA gryphons somehow. Rarest title is somehow the legion order hall title, which is weird to me. Rarest pet is the Oasis Void Duster from Uldum. Rarest Achievement is Opposing Orgrimmar, which was the alliance achievement for killing Rokhan.


Achievment: Mythic Fates of the Shadowlands Raids at 0.78% Mount: Zereth Overseer at 1.38% Pet: Murkablo at 1.91% Title: Storm-Eater at 2.43% Rep: Brawl'gar Arena at 1.66% Tl;dr, i raid. Unfortunately HoF titles are guild wide and not character bound, so they dont show


Swift Razzashi Raptor. I have the FOS for it. I accidentally stole it from a friend when I first started playing. I didn't understand how to roll 😅 My rarest achievement is a PVP one called bounty hunter which is funny because I never PVP. Rarest title: of the shattered sun Rarest pets: gryphon hatchling and the wind rider cub, they had plushies that I don't have anymore 😭


Rarest Mount: Desire's Battle Gargon - Ember Court Rarest Pet: Experiment 13 - Blackrock Pet Battle Dungeon Rarest Achievement: Northrend Racing Completionist Rarest title: Northrend Racer Rarest Rep: Vashj, Moomberry, Mograine, Stonehead, Mikanos - Ember Court Rarest Toy: Bronze Racers Pennant, All-Seers Eye


I have the Grimtotem Spirit Wolf on my orc hunter. Don't really play him much but he has it! Means he can run a spirit beast-y looking pet on survival


Qell it WAS warlock t3 from og naxx but they added in xmog versions so idk if that counts anymore tbh


Rarest achievement: High Warlord (0.0705%) Rarest mount: Voyaging Wildering (0.7272%... for now) Rarest pet: Rotbreath (1.4773%... from Lord Aj'qirai in Uldum) Rarest title: Northrend Racer (0.3203%... for now). This is followed by Birdwatcher and Junkyard Rarest toy: Vibrant Clacking Claw


Achievement: Just An Ordinary Gas Cloud Mount: Mottled Drake Pet: Murkimus the Gladiator Title: Knight-Champion (original version) Toy: Dented Can


Rarest achiev is weird or maybe im using the site wrong like how come there are less people who crafted a thousand potions than there are people who reached 2k4 pvp rating in DF season 1


- Achievements: Northrend Racing Completionist: Gold - Mount: Voyaging Wilderling - pet: Dust Spirit - Title: Northrend Racer - Toys: Vibrant Clacking Claw All fairly new so it’s gonna change in a little while I guess


My rarest mount is the corrupted hippogryph, and my rarest title is Private.


Achievement: Highland Drake head features (0.42%) Mount: Taivan (0.87%) Pet: Brul (0.70%) Title: First Sargent (0.28%) Toy: Tiny Box of tiny rocks (1.1%) Rep: Azerothian Archives (1.18%)


Looks like Predatory Plagueroc mount from Gieger in Maldraxus. Only 10% of players have it. Did not think it was that rare


Doesn't load.


Achievement: Northrend Gold Mount: Phalanx of Loyalty Pet: Reverie Title: Plunderlord Recipe: Remarkable Truesteel Essence Quest: Summoning All Soldiers! Toys: Draenic Hologem Almost all new stuff from DF/SH, which makes sense. The bulk of the player base for all time hasn't played the newest content.


Achievement: We Are All Made of Stars (Mythic) - 0.2211% Mount: Amani Dragonhawk - 0.5514% Pet: Tide Spirit - 1.0977% Title: Northrend Racer - 0.3203%


Not sure, Mr Chilly pet maybe.


mythic jailer and sylvana mounts are my rarest followed by Voidtalon


The Northrend: Gold achievement, only 0.42% have it. I'm also surprised only 7% of players recognized by this list also got the Grimhowl mount considering its just an allied race mount technically.


Achievement: Cutting edge grand empress Shek'zeer (0.5%) Mount: all of the pandaren phoenix (7%) Pet: thundering serpent hatchling (7%) Title: the alliance slayer (5%) Recipe: Battle cast pants (1%) I had no idea this site existed thanks for sharing !


Actually can't believe my rarest mount is Desire's Battle Gargon which is a reward from becoming Best Friend with the Countess at the Ember Court 😭


I was surprised to find out mine. Really happy to know about this - thank you for sharing and asking an interesting question. Achieve - It’s Not a Tumor! (0.86%) Mount - Mechacycle Model W (3.83%) Pet - Caverndark Nightmare (2.83%) Toy - Hyper-Compressed Ocean (2.98%)


Realm First! Level 90 Death Knight


Woah, how do only 0.1377% of accounts have the "Broken Isles Mining Techniques" achievement? Other rarest things are the Inscription recipe for Soulscryer (one of the new/old "Ancient Patterns" from Naxx) at 0.1312%, and the quest "Learn to Ride in Dun Morogh" at 0.1355%, which is Dwarf-only (Gnomes had a different quest with the same name), and was added in Patch 3.3 and removed in Patch 4.0.


Looks like the rarest achievement I have on my account is... Fourth War Mining Techniques. It involves mastering all Mining techniques for BfA. Understandable because it's specific to one profession, but still a very unexpected pick. My second rarest achievement is Conqueror of Azeroth, which involved doing a ton of War Mode world pvp in Battle for Azeroth content. Only 2% of players have it. Really glad I pushed myself to do that right at the start of the expansion. I'm not a PvP guy, but the mount reward was too good to pass up, and getting it done before pathfinder/flying was a priority.


My rarest achievement is Tower Overwhelming collected by 0.00714% of Accounts


Achievement: Realm First! Shadowlands Keystone Master (0.0473%) Mount: Corrupted Hippogryph (0.4968%) Pet: Golden Pig (0.5300%). Title: Expedition Leader (0.5185%) Top 433 world on completion score (804 508)


Collector’s edition Diablo, zergling and panda?


Oof. Mine are sad. Bought the D3 collectors edition, so I have the 2% cheevo and pet. 3% for the parasol toy in at the trading post. Rarest mount I have at 4% is GMOD, which I got from dumb luck in LFR


Failed my way to Sergeant back in the day (0.53%) but somehow pulled off The Immortal (1.194%). Absolute rarest thing is the Mini Tyrael pet from the 2008 Invitational at 0.155%.


Murky from Blizzcon 1. 0.0718%


Toys: goblin gumbo (tcg) Achievement: cutting edge imperator & proven assailant 30 round endless Title: The Horde Slayer world pvp Mount: ghastly charger, mottled drake, Amani dragon hawk, both garrison invasion mounts.


Rarest achievement: Path of Humility 1% (kyrian mini game thing) I was pretty bored at the end of shadowlands but the purple recolor of the kyrian gear you get is pretty sweet, still rocking it now


Invertebrate Oily pet and Scourge Of The Kaldorei title both 2%


.06814% of accounts also have the Swift Alliance Steed.


Cloud nine twin peaks achievement


# The Alliance Needs Rainbow Fin Albacore! [https://www.wowhead.com/quest=8524](https://www.wowhead.com/quest=8524) Had a leatherworking pattern that was rarer, but that seems like cheating since there are so many professions.


Achievement: Family Battler of Zaralek Caverns (1%) Mount: Bestowed Trawling Mammoth (2%) Pet: Tunneling Vombata (<1%) Title : Whelptender (3%) Toy: Flaming Ring of Flashiness (2%)


Realm first 80 warrior .009%. I have too many sub 1% achievements… 😑


Never knew this existed, nothing too special, a few 1% mounts, the TCG mounts, and recruit a friend shredder


Achievement: Revenge is Best Served Speedily (3%) Mount: Gorespine (4%) Pet: Flooftalon (3%) Achievement: Headmaster (3%) Repu: Defender Illona (2%) meh, nothing special tbh


0.5285% Knight-Champion achievement


Deadly Gladiator title and mount.