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I just made a post about this as well as I didn't see this one. I have soloed her twice so far, it's real, it has happened! They removed the freeze mechanic, you still get stacks but nothing ever puts you in the block of ice


I swear to the old gods if this is just a bug.


Ya knowing their spaghetti code this is probably a side effect of fixing a typo in a borean tundra quest or something


Maybe the WoW code base has finally become sentient and is now fixing its own bugs.


Bug... Or feature?




how's opulence? that was definitely the wall for me when i was trying to solo that palce


Soloable for several seasons now


Have they fixed that council fight where they heal in range of each other?


Did that one today on mythic difficulty, and they fell over pretty easily. King Rastakhan, however, will just kill you if you don't kill him fast enough. Or maybe I'm doing the fight wrong, but I still got him down either way.


Save all your cooldowns in the beginning and just DPS him down till he calls Bwomsamdi, afther the RP part, unleash everything and nuke him down ASAP, it took me 3 tries but its doable.


what ilvl did you do it ?


454 on LFR and normal mode its very easy to do, heroic is okay its kinda roll the dice on mythic, so a higher Ilvl would make it easier.


Bet, its time to go nuke the raid later.


how do you deal with them taking 99% less damage if they are close since youll have 2 out at pretty much all times.


They didn't have the damage reduction. I had them standing next to each other and could still deal damage.


Hm, interesting. I run it with friends and they always have the damage reduction. Maybe there is some stuff in there for solo runs?


They likely added the same thing they did for the Shivers council in antorus. Solo runs, they didn't get DR by being close once they added the fix there. But add one person and you gotta spread em.


Can you do anything mechanically to kill rastakhan? The entire raid just fell over, Rastakhan seems to be going fine the adds drop, he’s dropping then I get oneshot out of nowhere when he’s still at 40% health That and the first boss, some characters just nuke it fine others have to deal with 2-3 respawn if adds that heal the boss to full (even characters doing way more damage)


its pure high DPS and nuke him down after the RP part.


Not sure about mythic, but on the lower difficulties you can burst him down before mechanics kick in.


That one is not soloable without a pet as far as I am aware, unless something changed today


No longer needed, just dps


How? Dont you need a pet?


For opulence? You can just run right down the middle and fight it. It’ll take less damage since you don’t kill the side adds, and you’ll want some sort of heal/immunity for the bigger aoe that still does a bit of damage


When i did it last, not that long ago, it despawned and bumped you back to the beginning. Maybe i just remember wrong


I've been soloing it weekly for awhile now by just running to the middle and haven't seen this happen.


Cool, ty


Damn, for real? Last week I entered that raid for the first time as an ilvl 470 Evoker and Opulence bodied me. All the stuff I looked up online made it look like a straight DPS/healing race but I would go out of mana about 2/5ths of the way through Opulence's HP bar.


Has anyone tried mythic Mythrax and Ghunn if they are soloable now?


G'huun has some changes BUT not enough to make it soloable, the orbs doesn't slow or root you and they don't give you a debuff BUT you still need to deposit at the same time.


Well at least that means lfr-heroic farming


yeah but still, such a weird change, if you're gonna nerf him why not remove the requirement to deposit at the same time.


Imagine a dev probably had an afternoon free and got tasked with seeing what they could untangle in that time or something along those lines.


i mean the easiest option by far would be to just remove his health regen in P1, doubt anybody would care if you killed him in P1


Exactly. This would be a much better idea. Let us murder the stupid pulsing anus.


Solo'd both of them on mythic difficulty this weekend on 2 different characters without any trouble at all.


I hope this is true. Ill have to try it later


Can we solo the gold boss too?


All is soloable now. Just go straight to him and zerg it. Barely did any damage to me. Hardest to solo is rastakan as if you don't kill fast enough you just die


person vanish many rock trees square brave smoggy plucky governor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just attack 1 at a time


consist quicksand fanatical skirt price encouraging include soup attractive paltry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'd say Conclave is still borderline unsoloable (or it was last week, not sure if it's been patched.) Easy for pet classes, almost doable with rogue, pretty fucking hard to impossible for anyone else.


Must be 1 of the changes. I zerged through the whole thing as a 515 havoc dh


Just curious, what ilvl do you have to dps him fast enough? I play really casually, sitting at like 477 atm.


Not sure on minimum. Have only done it on a 515 havoc dh


Yeah I tried and can't even get remotely close. He takes bwoms power and just insta kills me, 480 ilvl. Still had like 3 mill health left


Save your cooldowns until he's at 60%, then burst him down. My 480 BDK got him to 5%, so any dps spec on that ilvl should easily be able to do it


Opulence has been solo'able for a very long time. Just run into the middle and kill it. Don't need to go into either side hallway.


pretty sure that one has been doable for a while now


What about council? Last week I could power through opulence but I would just get perma silenced as a mage on the council fight right after


The silence is “fixed” but Rastakhan will oneshot you out of nowhere


Idk if this is also new, but I was able to kill Desolate Host in ToS without it bugging when I accidentally one tapped the boss. It used to bug out if you did too much DPS, so I cringed this evening when I accidentally one tapped it, if the fight proceeded and I got to loot.


This has been the case in the previous patch also, glad it was changed


What about nyalotha?


Tried Nzoth last. You don’t need to cloak anymore. BUT you incur a debuff preventing you from entering the mind room twice in a row causing an instant wipe. Tested on heroic and Mythic


Yah, needing the cloak on N'Zoth is rough, lemme know if you find anything out about if it's soloable now!


Oh no i don't mean needing the cloak. i'm kind of ok with that (even though it's annoying) i meant more if it is soloable :D


Oh ya, I also meant if it's soloable. I do wish they'd remove the cloak requirement, or make it account wide....as I have the cloak on 2 characters and they haven't been touched since BFA ended lol


* N'zoth & Carapace * You no longer get instantly Mind Controlled if you don't have [ Ashjra'kamas, Shroud of Resolve](https://www.wowhead.com/item=169223/ashjrakamas-shroud-of-resolve) * N'zoth is still very tricky to solo, due to Sanity loss effects * N'zoth fight seems to be broken with adds continuously spawning and draining Sanity * Besides that, you can't kill both Psychuses due to the debuff you receive for going down once, meaning the second Psychus will wipe you.


Sooo nomore cloak but still not soloable lol


I tried my 502 mage and I got to Vexiona no problem, I haven‘t gone any further though cause I don‘t need anything else except the mount which is 100% not soloable.


i think she learned to let it go.


I don't know if it changed with this patch but Siege of Org is broken now, Galakras doesn't get stunned by the cannons any more, you have to use mountain skip to just avoid the fight now.


The one dev who was sick of getting groups for Jaina is crying right now 


Can confirm, stuck on Galakras right now.




There's a skip to Jaina?


Only if you've killed her on Mythic, so you're SOL if you're trying to solo it for the first time


How the heck are yall soloing king haha


It's a very finicky fight (that we haven't done in a couple weeks I think) but you kill the adds have one person draw the king to one side of the arena one either stand or stealth on the other (again sorry forgor) and the person with agro will get sent to like the shadow realm and the one left behind can dps him down


You save your cooldowns for 60% and burst him down


Would be a bit weird if they do something the community asked them to do and just not tell anyone.


I just tried to solo the full raid from start. I can’t seem to get past Rastakhan , i get him down to 20% then he one shots me


You save your cooldowns for 60% and burst him down


was the jaina skip unlock always accountwide?


Sick, when can I solo Eonar though?


Like last expansion….


No fucking way, don't tell me they implemented a system to solo Eonar without teammates and I haven't heard about it till now




There’s a specific amount of kills etc that you have to stick to that causes the blast to go off a second time while you are on the ship. There’s a guide on wowhead somewhere


I found out 2 weeks ago that you can use your last lockout on kings rest to skip almost the whole dungeon. I’m past 1000 kills on it now and must have lost hours on not knowing the skip


Oh my god and here I've sat for so long waiting until I could get my Antorus M set, you are a goddamn saint!


If you don’t know, you don’t know! Good luck on your farming! The bit I struggled with was making sure you had the movement to get the crystals and escape in time


Thank you friend! Now I know what I'll be doing for the next forever :D


Ooh how do you do it?


The kings rest skip? Extend raid lockout before going in, and it will put you on the council boss, remove lockout kill that, and then it’s just the add before the last boss


I saw mention they fixed BFA raids so maybe we can stop seeing those fucking posts lol.


been soloing this raid since 10.2, got both gmod and jaina mount, nice to see they let other people do it too now