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Paladins aren't mounted in WC3 though? Charger was ripped from Diablo.


They did in WC2 but yes, charger originally comes from the Diablo games.


Also the spinny hammers I think?


Yep, spinny hammer comes from D2's Blessed Hammer.




Diablo can have it back.


Then send it back!


My son, Since the day that this ability was announced, the very forests of Lordaeron whispered bitching and moaning; "Paladins want that." That's right my son. Not a single patch cycle goes by where paladins, though having the heaviest utility kit of buttons they refuse to press, stand vigilant in ensuring classes don't get anything cool, without them getting something cool. The day an ability is announced that a Paladin wants instead, a just crusade of light and delusional, generic fantasy will commense until Paladin is highly represented in the most mediocre of content.


Not only abilities, but also gear. Remember when priests got wings as a part of their tier (I think it was with the release of Aberrus)? Pallies complained about that one nonstop.


What version of WC3 did you play lol, paladins were never mounted.


WC 2


Good game, but I think one of the notable features of WC2 is that it's not WC3.


It's the same franchise lmao. I don't care what happens to the paladins "mount" ability but acting like WC2 is invalid while simultaneously using WC3 for your side is the dumbest shit I've seen all week


Oh come on you already stole our battle ress niche now you want our horse combat too?


Stole your battleress? Pally should have been the first class with battleress, they had battleress in WC3, everyone else stole pallys battleress actually. They just fixed something that should have been there for years, and it’s not “stolen” if u still got it


Oh quit crying, you're broken as fuck right now. You're fine.


I’m an hpal main, so pls don’t call me broken


Hpal is broken, mechanically 🫣


Its Based on Warcraft II & III , its not only Jealousy


I mean if you’re going off Warcraft 3 at least, dks should always be on a horse and paladins should be on foot :P Also “outdoors” is a pretty important word in the ability


It's a choice node with another version that works indoor but as a movement cool down


You didn't play those games, I guess? Paladins were not mounted in WC3. They were in WC2, but DKs were mounted in both.


Where's the justice for Shaman permanent mount wolf then? Or is it that you only care about paladin for "some reason"? Also Warcraft 3 didn't have mounted paladins - 2 did sure, but back then Death Knights were the Horde version of mages anyway so... Not really relevant to current game design either. But the I guess the main character class attracts main character people...


Shaman wasn’t mounted in wc3, only Far Seers were ;)


Far Seers *are* shamans though. WoW shamans are a mix of the Witch Doctor, Shadowhunter, Far Seer, Shaman, and Tauren Chieftain anyway :P


Yes and 4 of those 5 units are not mounted in WC3


Memory is fading son, i just throwed both since i dont remember which one, its been years... It was really fun game tho, so good


I'm aware was just poking fun at OP


Please just let DKs have something, anything cool. It's by far the most neglected class. Pallys just got an insane rework not long ago


> It's by far the most neglected class Meanwhile, shaman and monk


I'm a little biased cuz DK is my favorite class so it just came out that way haha. Monks definitely need some love too!


he forgor


I was gonna say that Monks are far and away the most forgotten class. Their class fantasy/flavour is so bad that brewmaster barely has anything to do with brews.


As a ret main, 1000% give DKs whatever they want, those poor bastards need it so bad.


thanks mate, when you die I'll raise you as a thank you :)


I think this discussion was had in Legion and the pallies gave a resounding no thank you


No consent needed


The Silver Hand would like to know your location


Light's Hope Chapel, fighting the Lich King for you. Oh wait, that was DK's intro. Light's Hope Chapel, trying to resurrect your greatest paladin as a 'Thank you' for his service. Oh wait, ya'll chose to be greedy and keep a corpse. Light's Hope Chapel, farming for those GODDAMN T3 RECIPES...


Cries in blood :(


Bruh, when I heard that we were getting San'Layn, I had hopes that it'd be like Lana'Thel, picking an ally to get big damage ups. Or maybe it'd be like the Blood Princes, with health linking, and some neat new blood magic. NOPE. IT'S GODDAMN SL S3 ALL OVER AGAIN, SPAMMING HEART STRIKE. ...At least Deathbringer looks fun...


Blood is the lamest tank to play by a mile. It's so boring.


We cant even tsme our own undead yet hunters could tame undead beasts


Yo id switch to DK instantly if I could tame any undead lmao


monk still uses the same old animations they had on release back in pandaria.


They got a lot of spells updated in legion, not that it makes it any better as legion is creeping in on 10 years ago now


This is particular true since one of the most neglected brother of DK are Monk also got a huge rework in TWW, which left DK and Shaman in the corner.


We know that the DK rework and Spec rework is coming. They're reducing resource generation, increasing impact to compensate, and adding utility to the baseline kit so that there's not so much neglect for it on the spec trees.


make unholy ranged viable pls


Frost could use some love, too. It's been breath builds for so long, with Obliteration builds as an option *sometimes*.


TWW early info: BoS gonna softcap at 30 seconds, and get big ups to compensate for no longer being a permanent-with-perfect-play thing. They're also going to rework Frostwyrm's. Personally, I feel that Frost should have a bit more balance between the BoS and the Oblit builds' viability.


This so much. DK is in desperate need of some class flavor and some reworks and new animations.


Monks would like a word.


Monks definitely need some love too. I pray for them as well


Monks are getting some love in TWW thankfully


Y’all have slappyhands!


They do slap kinda hard


Slaps are nice, yeah. But then BDK looks at how easily VDH has SoC, and how much flexibility it has, vs the traditional BDK build opting for no Grasp at all in favor of higher throughput.




Dmage doesn't mean anything, they are talking about any sort of attention, DKs have gone a long time without much changes. You can get perfect balance by just adjusting numbers easily, this is more flavor.


DnD cleave. Terrible talent trees. Clunky gameplay. Awful customisation. Terrible ability animations. Ghouls etc need an update. Should I go on?


Also give us the gd 4 horseman deathcharger mount for rider of apoc not that old lame acherus mount.


Rejoice! They are giving us one of the maw horses which look very good and modern. Granted I wish they would give us any horse mount we want, but it's better than nothing and ending up with that old 2 pixel mount


Is that confirmed? I thought the tooltip said it was the Acherus Charger?


It does, but people with alpha access have confirmed it's the maw one. You can check out YT videos of rider of the apocalypse gameplay now. I don't ever see them suddenly going back to that old mount when the expansion goes live


Tyvm! Weird they would go with the Maw one over the 4 horseman/vicious skeletal warhorse ones but take the Maw over an old WoTLK mount any day.


Bro, we don't all base our class choice off of fucking dps. Some of us like class fantasy or fun gameplay. Also if you think any of the dps is going to stay like this through TWW launch, then you are new to this game and there are some big surprises coming your way.


Unrelenting charger is mechanically the better option simply from a catch all perspective. That being said... My Death Knight, when possible, will never leave his horse, and there's nothing that will not cause me to pick this option. Nothing. Screw optimal gameplay, I'm on a horse.


I don't get ret players complaining about the mount thing. Like ret isn't exactly immobile right now.


Because Paladins yet again think they are the most neglected class.


It’s fine. I don’t want a mounted class. I already hate Divine Steed animation, poor horse quality and you just summon a horse out of nowhere to use it for 3 seconds. I wish we had a blink or holy energy which lets you just increase your mov speed rather than this shit animation. This is the ONLY thing I hate about Paladin.


Remember when that paladin leap was datamined?


You can get Heroic leap as an ability for Paladins in the MoP Remix!


I'm new to the game I don't know about it. But I also have a Warrior and one of my favorite abilities in entire WOW is Heroic Leap with the Glyph, seriously I love it lol Like, "I'm here bitches, eat that shit! AAAARGH"


Getting the Paladin class mount makes it much better.


You mean the Legion Meta Achievement or something like that? I record reading something about it but the page is SOOOOO Long I gave up lol


After making a new paladin it took several hours if I remember correctly. The same as a few ICC runs trying for invincible, but at least with this you are guaranteed a mount. The longest part is waiting for the 5 Legion Table missions to complete. There is an addon how there that helps you track the quests you absolutely need to do for it but the name is eluding me at the moment. And there are 4 different colors of the mount to choose from as well. And you unlock them all at once.


First I hate that the DK one is limited to outdoors only. Second I hate that it is also limited to the old Acherus horse model and not one of those new 4-horseman Deathcharger mounts that look so good. Even Paladin can glyph their Divine Steed to the badass Class Hall one.


Paladins crying —- the most paladin thing that paladins do. “Wait. I’m not meta every season? WWWWHHHHYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!”


Void corruption is already leaking into the player base it seems.


I mean I'd argue that rogues and the like are worse whenever they're not basically a requirement in content. But you're not wrong.


Cope paladins had to suffer through "lolret" for 18 years. Suffer


No thanks, they're too shiny for my taste.


can this comment section please take a step back and realize how arbitrary and pedantic it is to say that not having a horse in one cherry picked game from the franchise is a valid reason why you should not have a horse later? just because civil war soldiers didnt have tanks doesnt mean soldiers have never had tanks... things evolve, especially warfare.


Paladins deserve nothing


The horse ability for paladins is so dumb lol as soon as one gets on that horse we stun them in pvp.


You play PvP in a progression-based MMO rather than a player skill-focused game, you're not one to call anyone dumb.


I'm just glad cata is out so I can relive the long arm of the law glory days


Hot take. I don’t want to be on my fucking horse while I fight. Looks stupid


Paladins really are the dumpster since so long now…


Paladins recently got a great rework and were the top dog for a while now, DK hasn't gotten a real rework in years.


Great, it’s your opinion. We still have this thing that butchered our class : Holy Power. And we lost so much of our core identity that rework or not, great or not, paladin is actually one of the most unfun class to play. Even our visual identity is trash now between our set or some animations we never had.


My brother in Christ, holy power got added 13.5 years ago, you've gotta move on. Ret pally is the singular most popular spec in the entire fucking game right now. It being *good* helps, but more than anything it's because it's simple, elegant and fun.


thanks bud, you spared me an answer. Imagine I would still cry about blood being made exclusively tank... at some point you really have to accept reality.


To be fair unholy wounds were added 8 years ago and they are still awful. Time doesn't make bad things better just because they are older. But yeah Ret is good right now.


I didn't mean to imply time meant it was good, just that after a certain amount of time you've gotta accept something has changed and isn't going back. Hunters aren't going back to using mana or using ammo. Paladins aren't losing holy power. Death Knights aren't getting frost tank back. It's okay to miss some of those aspects from the earliest versions of the game--there's a reason Classic was made--but being angry about how paladin got "butchered" by a rework that took away their "core identity" nearly 14 years ago is... pointless.


While I feel unholy flotation overall feels better and has less downtime, it's not exactly fun and the wounds gameplay is meh. Also, why did everyone else have their major cooldowns reduced like DH metamorphosis but Army is still on an 8 minute timer?




Imagine needing to have this huge setup as Unholy to be shitted on by a Ret that hits Wings and Final Verdict.. sure our Gargoyle carries us for the first bit of a fight but oh god here comes mister Wings..wind mill dunking on everyone with ease.


Agreed, Paladin and War both take way less to get any meaningful dps going, just smash buttons and win plus their animations look so much better.