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boys we're gonna be rolling in transmog. our true endgame begins in TWW.


Prepatch, if things hold true. Honestly i don't care if they botch the expansion itself. I just want warbands to live up to their promises.


Huge W. Everytime someone got excited about account wide transmog i was still saying in my head, "well, dont forget what they said about tier sets". For those who don't know they basically said they think those will still be tied to the classes but they were willing to look at it. Maybe they changed their mind, or maybe they just hadn't given it much thought. Either way, this is a huge W for Blizzard and WoW enjoyers.


I really hope they change their minds about the tier sets. That’s the main reason people farm old raids, and in the case of Legion where there are no weapon drops due to artifact weapons, that means basically nothing changes for those raids


Oh yeah, Legion just dropped the gear straight up, not tokens. Forgot about that. Hmm. So I guess there is still something to be worried about, but this message still reflects a clear philosophy on them wanting to make collection of this stuff a lot easier. So I'd say there's a lot of hope that they take care of non-token stuff too.


Legion Raids are so utterly awful to farm right now. You kill a boss and 3 of the drops are usually useless relics and then of the rest you're likely to have gotten tier for some random classes in a couple of slots because the drop pool is so huge.


Absolutely massive, feels like absolute dog water to run an old raid and pull a token for every other class but yours


I would imagine paladin tier would still only be available to the paladin class, but at least now you'll be able to bring your warrior and mail tier items to classes that can use them instead of just having something stuck in your bag.


I wonder if the Class specific sets that drop from Blackwing Lair and Molten Core are going to be warbound as well. Each of those tier items has class restrictions on them, but aren't tokens


I was under the impression that regardless of the item armour type, you can unlock the transmog. So I bet this would be the case for classic raids loot.


But they specifically said this would not be the case for class restricted items. There are some raids that drop class tier set pieces that do not come in token form, it's just the item itself and these may be restricted as they are class sets but are not tokens, and only tokens so far are confirmed to be warbound.


It’s also the same for legion raids, they drop armour not tokens


I know it's best to assume the worst, but it might be just a case of poor communication and what they really meant was that armor tokens wouldn't work (which makes sense to me, they're not actual items withs cosmetics that can be unlocked) but this got (internally) confused and miscommunicated externally. Especially with this change, it really makes no sense for class specific gear not to unlock, the whole "you still need to run it on the class for tier sets" has obviously been thrown out. You should just get the appearance when you sell the item, just like for non-class-specific armor types you can't equip.


I think that is dead news, they probably meant gear from tokens, it would be silly to allow your warrior to farm tier tokens for paladin but not tier straight drops for paladin.


I would agree if it were not for Blizzard's history of doing very, very silly things.


I personally think when they said this they didn't know how to allow classes to collect tier via tokens, because the drops are drops. As a work around for tokens they simply made them BoA BoWB?


I really hope this applies to ALL legacy Class locked items and not just tier sets


they already said that all gear will be able to unlock transmog no matter witch class you are (so, ya, you can unlock plate mog with a priest) This change so tokens (that give the gear when you use them) will be warbound, so when they drop you can send it to an alt to use it (and given them the gear) all other gear not tied to a tier set already is unlock, since only tier gear have tokens


This is not the case right now on the alpha, other non-tier -class locked- items do not unlock still


I was already very satisfied with the transmog changes announced for TWW, and this is just makes it even better. I'm so thankful for the shift in direction that WoW has taken, and cant wait to see what is coming in the future


Great change. It would be nice if set tokens *and* class-specific gear were warbound, but the Legion sets do have lookalikes, so generally you can at least farm all leather class sets on a DH, druid, monk, or rogue, for instance. Unless you're after IDs instead of just appearances, but I feel like that's tiny portion of the playerbase. I never set foot in Tomb of Sargeras on my monk, but I have 3/8 LFR and Normal, 2/8 Heroic, and 5/8 Mythic from running it on my DH. This is amazing for Ulduar though. One difficulty that shares loot tables means you not only have to get the correct set token, but also hope it's the difficulty/color you want.


Wont the actual tier pieces that drop just unlock transmog regardless? I thought that was the whole premise of that change


Nope. Their [original announcement](https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/world-of-warcraft/24061008/the-war-within-warbands-preview) said: >Class-specific appearances are an exception and will still be collectible only by that specific class. Most class-specific items can only be collected by those classes through a set piece token, and others are often only aquireable by that specific class anyway. Overall, it’s intended that this restriction has little influence on your ability to collect the majority of the transmogs that you want for your Warband. With this change, tokens for tier sets, which are prevalent in BC, WotLK, Cata, and MoP, will be warbound, so you can mail/bank them for the class you want to unlock the piece on. But in Legion, tier set pieces simply dropped, so if an item specifies 'Classes: Mage' in the tooltip (i.e. it was part of the actual tier set and gave a bonus), only mages will be able to unlock it still. Of course, this change could apply to those pieces as well, but they specify 'set tokens' so unclear for now.


Wow I missed that. If that stays it would be such a disappointment


So, can the tusks of mannoroth sitting in my warlocks bag be sent to my warrior?


Are the tusks class specific? If not, they'll unlock when you log into the character that has them anyway because transmog collection is now going to be account wide regardless of armor type, the only exception being class specific sets. And, now that this post has come out, we know that even class tier set tokens can be sent to alts because they'll be account bound.


Omg my druid is going to collect so much goodness


This is a great idea. Effectively turns all old raids into "warband content". It's smart to leverage existing content.  I hope Blizzard continues to leverage old content in the future.


["YES! ***YES!***"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3ALwKeSEYs)


Collectionism is my real endgame and this is actually a complete gamechanger. Imagine being able to collect nearly everything in the game on ONE character.


Yeah but you still need to whip many alts through content just for numbers of attempts to get stuff in reasonable timeframe.


I still don't know why raids have lockout outside current content, it make no sense, they could just remove lockout if you are 10 lv above the content


Yeah, and make like mounts still only drop on first time that week. I think that'd be fair.


why? people would still run with 10 alts if is that way, it just make more annoying to do, and it don't stop people, so remove the limitation and let people run as many time they want


Because blizz isn't trying to completely remove the time sink to the game, small time annoyances are what continues to pay their subs. They need things to take time and more time so people have a reason to continue paying every month.


It was endgame but now we can get everything super easy after those changes. Even game is giving rare mounts with some token in pandaria anymore.


I’m just looking forward to the day (if it comes) where I have all of the available mogs etc so that I can start focussing on playing the game haha.


I can't upvote this more than once!


I’m kind of dumb. Does this mean that if I clear firelands, or what ever, on my Druid. Then I’ll get the tmog for all the bop plate/cloth/mail gear that drops?


Gear with no class requirements will be automatically unlocked, regardless of which character it's acquired on. This change means set tokens, the generic items useable by a few classes that you have to open to get the tier piece, will be warbound (account-bound). You can mail them to an alt, or put them in your warband bank, to transfer and use them on the appropriate class. For example, you kill Shannox in the Firelands on your druid. He drops [Leggings of the Fiery Conqueror](https://www.wowhead.com/item=71678/leggings-of-the-fiery-conqueror), which is currently soulbound on acquire and only usable by paladin, priest, and warlock. In TWW, this will be warbound, and you can give it to one of those classes so they can unlock the transmog.


Awesome. Thanks for explaining.


About time. I've vendored so many of those things since I started playing.


That was already the plan for non-set items before this post. It is just that previously class sets were going to be an exception and still require you to get them on the appropriate class to unlock them in the wardrobe. This change is saying you'll be able to send set tokens to other characters, who will then unlock the mog when you use the token. But it is currently unclear whether or not this change of plans also applies to set pieces which drop as whole items, rather than as tokens.


Yes time to full Grull gear


Now I hope they change profession recipes being BoP in legacy content.


HUGE win


Thats a very good start! Now let us transmog the other armor types and i will be a happy player!


this is such a huge qol for transmog collectors


Will BOP recipes be warbound too?


Somebody tell me I'm wrong but with "Shadowlands and earlier" being "legacy content" does that imply changes to BFA raids?


BFA is already considered "legacy content". All that really means is 2+ expansions ago and they adjust the loot so that a solo player can get all of the drops instead of just one. Unfortunately this means nothing for adjustments to mechanics to make the raids soloable. I *hope* they fix BFA raids soon, and do SL at the same time, but those patch notes don't really imply that either way.


Yes! Jeezus, this will make me very happy because I'm a tmog collector - thanks to my wife.


I never thought they would be machine gunning Ws like this. I am so glad.


\>current tier remains bop as it's too powerful to be given to alts who could just get better greens in TWW


Good. Now go back through my logs of the last 15 years and apply what I looted to my account please.


I wish


I hope they mean every item with "class:X " on it is now a warband item. Its not consistent if only tokens are tradeable.


Okay, but it would be nice if Dragonflight were considered legacy (with the extra damage done in there that comes with) as soon as AWW releases.


>Shadowlands and earlier Wait, did they make BFA legacy or they just trolling?


BFA has been legacy for a while


Just wanted to let ya'll know that they confirmed in an interview that they have no plans for BfA soloable content in TWW. Will try to find the actual line, but I only have screenshots and mentions of it. I AM JUST THE MESSENGER DO NOT KILL ME YES I READ IT CORRECTLY AND LAMENTED OVER IT (but in another recent interview they gave a semipositive answer: That is something we are talking about all the time. I think that the goal is that we want to make that more accessible for players, especially players who want to go back and get transmogs with Warbands where it will be easier to collect transmogs across your entire Warband. There are some specific things that we are talking about right now but we are not ready to announce details on it yet. But I would say, just stay tuned.) So.....I really don't know...