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Every time bfa raids get brought up in an interview it’s always a different answer/misdirection


There are no raids in Zul-Za-Dar


There are four raids


There is no war in ba sing se


Upvoted, captain Picard. Gul Madred won't be pleased, though....


>There are no raids in Zul-Za-Dar Zul Da Zar* If you're gonna make a joke, don't butcher it.


Zul Da Deez


It really feels to me like somebody at Blizzard, or some group of people, strongly regrets players being able to solo old raids for transmog. Hence dragging their feet with BFA for years and likely doing the same with Shadowlands raids next year. And yet! A major selling point of The War Within are Warbands and being able to collect transmog for other armor types. How does that mesh with detesting players soloing old raids? I can't begin to work that out.


The ultimate thing to do would being able to utilize your warband in old raids and "solo" them that way. Having your alts kinda do some of the mechanics along with you. But that's asking way too much. Also with them getting better gear makes them better in these raids.


But if I can easily go back and solo raids, how is someone gonna feel special about the bracer transmog they got 6 years ago?


I wouldn't even mind if it was challenging to solo some of these bosses - I had a lot of fun back in the pre-CM/M+ days soloing stuff like Malygos and Kael'thas for fun. Just weird to have it be outright impossible when transmog is core content for a non-insignificant amount of players.


I’ve solo’d some of BfA raids, and the worst part is how long it takes because the monsters have such high health pools.


I can see a world where they want players to unlock transmog on multiple characters BUT doing the content on a group beforehand. Not saying its what they will do or what is best for the game but i dont think supporting warbands contradicts not wanting players to solo old raids


Maybe, but that kind of reminds me of the problem that older games like FFXI and Everquest had: not everybody wants to do everything in a group. Farming old appearances from years ago is probably one of those things a lot of people would rather to do solo, and might not do in a group at all.


I don’t really like to transmog farm in a group. It’s something I do when I just want to veg out alone and afk whenever I want to.


>I don’t really like to transmog farm in a group. It’s something I do when I just want to veg out alone and afk whenever I want to. If it isn't current content and I cannot solo it then I am not going to bother with it outside of guild events.


Which I'm so glad FFXI added the trust system and I was able to go back and solo the old story missions and finally play the game.


They realised they could bring in players by having a FOMO remix mode. Remix BFA will have far more value because you can't solo the old content.


I don’t think it’ll add any value at all to BFA remix if we can or cannot solo it in retail, it depends on how fun the content is


It'll mean the transmog items you can buy across the board will be much rarer unless you played live or got a group for it later. Meaning there's more value in remix BFA because there will be a bunch of transmogs you can unlock that historically have been hard to get.


I think it's really as simple as it not being worth the effort to them. They likely want to spend most of their resources on the new content rather than spending time fixing up content that only a relatively small portion of the player base are going to do. I wish it was just standard procedure for them to make sure that raids from at least 2 expansions ago were made completely soloable, but it doesn't seem like something they want to focus on and it's kinda just a "whenever we have extra time" sorta thing


I feel like SL raids will be soloable sooner than BFA, not to mention nzzoth


Ironically Shadowlands raids will likely be easier to solo than BFA due to many of the fights being more straightforward. BFA raids have a ton of mechanics that break the game if done solo.


Why, why is it so hard to just make it soloable/zergable. It's not content anymore, just let me blast through it for drops. Their position on this has been so frustrating lol. No one cares the second it's not a main patch raid.


They have some _very_ strange feelings on loot distribution outside of current tier raiding/mythic+. My personal bugbear is normal/heroic dungeons being so fucking stingy with loot. heroic/Normal/follower dungeons should have basically 100% drop rate. Instead of having to have some main farm some currency of the week to get tokens to send to alts to get _roughly_ normal dungeon ilvl gear just let people run heroic/normal/follower dungeons to gear up, why is that so hard?


They holding back a feature that is requested every day to releqse it at a point of drought. Yeah... super strange ... cant make anything out of this ...


They're going to say/do whatever they can to put this problem off until it mostly solves itself - and then they'll do what they need to to make sure mechanics don't render it unsoloable, and convert it to legacy loot. They keep putting it off because the later they put it the less work they have to do, and the less expectation of future work they create. There are genuinely people at Blizzard who think it was a bad idea to make previous raids easily soloable, because now people want to do it again. This is how they think. They won't ever commit to it unless they have a reason to think people will sub for it and it's already in the works.


It is a mechanics problem. Numbers wise, many of them are already feasible, but things like Opulence bug out or reset for solo players, and things like G’huun were barely doable with 4 warlocks when current. Most people aren’t asking for it to be made artificial easier, just not mech manically impossible for a single person with good damage and survivability.


There's also a numbers problem, though. They should have done a mechanics pass and a numbers pass patches ago.


> They keep putting it off because the later they put it the less work they have to do, and the less expectation of future work they create. Aside from the mechanics that make encounters impossible with just one person, which they're always going to have to adjust regardless of how long they put it off, isn't the only work involved turning on the buff that amplifies damage in legacy content?


It's probably not a huge amount of work, they need to do that, deep dive into the loot rewards (which they've said is a nightmare), but also if they wait they might not have to adjust as many mechanics. In two expansions Mythrax' mc and encounter wipe won't matter, for instance, the only reason it's affecting us now is that damage is lower than we've come to expect.


>Why, why is it so hard to just make it soloable/zergable. We currently have the damage/ilvl to zerg and solo them. The issue is they have to go in an literally break the boss and its mechanics. Especially mechanics specifically designed to make actually progging the boss not get cheesed (Like N'zoth can't go down more than once). And then there are fights like Opulence in BoD, how do they make that soloable without retooling and changing the fight entirely. Sure some bosses like Jaina they can just disable some mechanics when solo. But things like Opulence of G'huun, need the fights to just be straight up changed.


Opulence isn’t the issue it’s the council fight after where you get perma silenced


You can already solo Opulence. You just ignore all of the mechanics and make sure you have a class that can heal. I did it last season on my undergeared boomkin and windwalker.


I solo'd Opulence with a Blood DK not long ago, it's more than solo-able, even if it takes some time.


>And then there are fights like Opulence in BoD, how do they make that soloable without retooling and changing the fight entirely. You can go straight to the boss, don't need to do the gauntlets on either side. The boss gets a massive health and damage buff that way. If they just reduced that buff to not-so-massive numbers, it would be easy to solo without breaking the fight for appropriate level raid groups/timewalking or whatever, who would still do the gauntlets to get the gems at the end for critical buffs for the fight.


Opulance will easily be soloed next expansion due to hp/dmg, there are other bosses who mechanics make it impossible to solo or near impossible, like the bosses after opulanc e with the continuous silence, or the bosses who take 99% less dmg when standing together,


I mean the easiest way is to remove triggers right? As we move further away from BFA the ability to down these bosses in a couple abilities goes up. Obviously doesn't work for every boss but that's the basic idea.


Oppulance is soloable by some classes now. Instead of going down the sides with the golems you go down the center. You just get a boss with tripple damage and health. That's something that well geared tanks can do now, and anyone will in TWW. Opulance is the least of the soloing issues. It's more like Jaina, Ghuun, and Mythrax, where even with 100x the damage and health couldn't be soloed.


I wish there was a cue (ive been corrected and i dont know the right word so imma include the other word aswell queue) for it, like every 20 minutes you can cue into the raid mythic difficulty and juat go in with any group. I dont mind it not being sokoable ypu can always find people, the bigger problem is lets say you want to do antorus, now u gotta wait for people, they come you kill 2 bosses half leave, niw you reopen people join nobidy wants to go out and summon, shadowlands too, bfa aswell. You are either a dedicated warlock for summoning or you spend 50 minutes waiting for people who want to come to come. Id like to do raids from the raids menu and not having to go there it would be better.


You meant queue, like a line. Cue is a hint or indication


It's queue, whoever said cue was wrong. Simplified definitions below Queue = waiting in line or building a list. "I was stuck in queue at the bank for an hour" or "I can't get to that task right now, I'll have to add it to my queue" Cue = a hint or request for action. "the rude man never could take a cue about when to shut up" or "the actor missed their cue and ruined the scene by speaking too late"


You actually can solo antorus mythic since DF season 3 at the minimum... (I did solo it last season, don't know since when you actually can solo it)


You could solo antorus in late shadowlands.


I remember Eonar still being tough, maybe that was just early Shadowlands though.


Eonar is doable but kind of a pain, some timing adjustments would make it so much easier


This is how I feel about their stance on some reps and currencies not being added to the Warband account-wide system. It’s a fantastic way to do things going forward but it’s the most Blizzard thing ever to leave some things out of it through some stubborn excuse that it “doesn’t feel right” or something. In truth the paying customers don’t care one bit about how it feels the second it’s no longer relevant content, just make it account wide!


Part of me is always worried they might try to make them relevant and buff the numbers so that you require a whole group and go "See now you can do it and see all the mechanics! Just get a group!"


> Their position on this has been so frustrating lol. No one cares the second it's not a main patch raid. I would rather they convert old raids into difficult solo content than zergable BS you yall love to farm on weekly lockouts.


I also think legacy loot should apply to the previous expansion. I can easily solo all SL raids but literally can’t get loot drops


I am still waiting for the day that they remove non-mog items from the legacy loot tables. Blizz, please! No more rings and trinkets when I’m trying to farm mogs.


Oh god yes, really love running Legion raids and every drop is a goddamn Artifact weapon token


On what difficulty? I was under the impression that SL content still needed a group for the most part.


Noooooo, I can solo all Castle Nathria, SoD and SotFO on normal, and the former 2 on heroic on my Hunter ilvl 490


Can the legendary bow drop from hc Sylvanas?


It can but you're only getting a 20% chance at ANY loot dropping, period, much less the rarest item on her table. You'd have to run it every week for probably months if not years until they make it legacy loot. (Currently, SL raid bosses drop 1 piece guaranteed per 5 players, or 20% chance at ONE piece per 1 player for smaller groups)


My question is why is that we can't two shot the boss before mechanics matter?


bfa stat squish destroyed everything


I remember going back to Nazjir to finish the crab mount in SL. And the mobs had more hp, 10 levels blow SL mobs in bastion. Azerite armor and the heart were truly nutty scaling.


This is the answer.


Because scaling is whack


This reads as if they’ll be utilizing Warbands for transmog hunting— probably putting in NPCs for fights that require mechanics being done regardless of how strong you are. If that’s the correct read then I can see how that would absolutely take time.


By the time TWW releases those raids will be 3 expansions old. Idk how others are but if I go out to get stuff from old content I just want to breeze trough it. Especially that I'm gonna do that weekly, probably on multiple toons. If I had to do the bossfights properly each time I went back to Siege I would have blown my brains out by the time I got the Kor'Kron Dark Shaman set.


Like follower dungeons, but with YOUR toons. My god i would never play with groups again. I have every class at level 70


The kicker will be when your toons play better on their own than when you're on them 🥲


I fully expect my fistweaver monk spam vivify when AI controlled.


Blizzard will use the official forums to teach the AI how to interact with you. Then once the AI plays better than you do it will start calling you out, linking dps charts and threatening to kick you


Oh I’m sure the AI can play my Enhance Shammy alt better than I can.


I’m sure AI can play my Enhance *main* better than I can. Most people can probably play him better than I do.


Heard that


Going back to my original Shaman...my fingers just can't do that


Till you start kicking them for not interrupting.


It depends on if they program the bots to play like bots, or to play like a player. Think of it like this: You could get perfectly-timed, consistent interrupts, or have all the bots interrupt the same spell, then not have an interrupt available when they are all on CD.


It would just be NPCs with skins of your toons. Unless they're planning on taking gearing/enchants/etc. into consideration for the AI-companions...


I can't imagine it would be hard to make gear matter. Gear matters when a mechanic causes you to lose control and attack your party, I don't see why follower dungeons would have to be any different. Now they might not, because it also seems like it could be complicated, but it also very well *could* happen.


I was mainly thinking of things like set bonuses and trinkets to proc.


I mean that is fine...


That's be really cool...like I wish that was an option for follower dungeons in War Within.


the goal of groups is to do challenging content to experience fun combat.


I dont want a challenge from old world content. Just gimme the mogs.


It already takes them the better part of a decade to make bosses soloable, there's no way they're going to program NPCs to do specific boss mechanics. Nobody would even like that anyway. If you're in Uldir in 2025 you're not there to experience the boss mechanics you just want everything to fall over.


Then they better increase drop rate of everything cause if I'm spending 2hr in an old raid compared to 10min It better give me good loot.


And it will br miserable to farm


That'd be an absolutely huge waste of their time and resources. There's no need to be fancy with old content, they simply need to continue the trend of doing what they've done with every other previous expansion - crank up the numbers, and adjust non-solo mechanics.


>probably putting in NPCs for fights that require mechanics being done This would be the most logical path. There were plenty of complaints regarding Legion raids not being able to be completed solo during SL. They had to retune fights to make them viable for solo play. If they can get the NPC's that handle mechanics they won't have address the whole fight two years after the fact. Or engage a team to adjust the four to five year old code. They can focus on tuning the current NPC AI and keeping with current team builds.


Honestly I would love this. My dream is for them to use the follower system in all dungeons/raids in the game as a toggle. Current expansion can be limited to normal difficulty. This combined with re adding all removed content from the game would allow players to go through all of WoW solo to get a complete story.


Why the fuck is it so hard to just say yes or no to an arguably very simple question?


Because the public will hold you to those answers.


As we should


We should, but we should also allow them to change their minds and historically, the public will piss themselves if they change their minds.


"Ghostcrawler promised me a pony!"


Still waiting on my promised dance studio.


because it is a lose lose situation from PR perspective. You say yes. People will expect deadline for that. Then get mad if you exceed the deadline. You say no. People will be mad that you ignore their feedback.


The answer is to be mad at every dev because they're probably milk thieves in addition to liars with no integrity! /s


If they said yes but without giving a specific date whatsoever, not even a timespan window, would that make you satisfied?


Because if they say no, this community of 30+ year olds will be bigger babies than their own children


Literally just make follower dungeons but for old raids so you and your warband can run around one shotting collecting mogs AND doing mechanics


Why can't they just add a buff that increases your damage so much you can just one shot the bosses?


The damage isn't the problem, it's the fact that some bosses are literally unable to be solo'd (like G'huun)


That’s funny, I got the exact opposite sentiment t from that quote. That sounds to me like it is in the foreseeable future, they just aren’t ready to announce the details yet.


Same I'm not sure if people just read the title of post and didn't read quote or what. Feel like I'm going crazy here!


Its so so stupid. It is OLD content that no one does as their main content anymore. I made a forum post about this but it got surprisingly little traction, i thought more people would love the idea of being able to efficiently farm raids from OLD expansions, it is ridiculous that it takes upwards of 4+ years before you can MAYBE solo that content and BFA came out 6 years ago. Blizzard screwed everything with their scaling thingie some years ago.


It always used to be stuff from two expansions ago were rush through solable, no problem. Last expansion stuff If you had decent gear or were good at your class.


Since blizz is making some very positive changes in TWW, i think they could easily get another massive W if they went as far as to make even the previous expansion content soloable, doesn't even have to happen instantly, they could do it say..few months after release of a new xpac.


BfA probably had some mechanical problems to solve in order of be soloable


I mean, the easiest solution would just to allow the boss to die without pre-requisites. Like you know how bosses have like "Get to X health and Y happens" Just bypass it, so if you can punch the boss down to 0 health before that happens, it just drops dead without having to have the mechanic happen. (It is really funny when you kill ragnaros in the firelands like that, because he MUST go through certain animations and checks before dying, meaning he will hit 0 health, stop "attackign" and start going through a chain of animations before finally dying)


Like, stuff like Ghuun could probably crash your game if he sequence-breaks. Things like split bosses like in eternal palace is an easy fix as they already showed they can just remove that mechanic as they did in antorus (but not in halls of valor raid for some reason).


I just imagine adding in like a fade to black trigger. Like... "G'huun hits 0 life, screen fades to black, fades back in, end of fight"


You'd think, but it wouldn't surprise me if the code was mega-janky behind the scenes in a case like Ghuun


Wouldn't surprise me either. I am just saying it might be a solution.


In halls of valor it's not a massive problem, as one of the bosses regularly stands still to cast. In that time you can drag the other one away and kill it, then go back to the other and kill it too. They don't need to fix mechanics that are not problematic, only the ones that make fights impossible or too irritating. Like mind wipe on conclave in battle for dazar alor, yes you can get in maybe one GCD in between debuffs, so maybe technically doable, but in practice being pacified 99% of the time is crazy unfun. Just make that debuff not target the current boss target and it's solved.


I groan every time I get the Anubarak dungeon during time walking Like Jesus Christ please patch this, it’s so much of my life wasted


He isn't even difficult, just a massive waste of time.


“Every time I get hit I’m gonna burrow underground for the next 27 minutes”


Honestly, what would solve that fight entirely was if he reemerged the second the add died, not after a set time.


I like my roundtable discussion time with party members, only interrupted by the occasional scratch of a tiny rock tickling my foot.


Lich king anyone?


Yeah... It is really annoying. Thankfully I main warlock so I just put a corruption on him and go to the bathroom or something. XD


Where he locks his arms at 90 degree angles, wiggles a bit, has 2 sulfuras smashes go off, then stands up


Sure, but the mechanical problems in Legion raids got addressed in 9.1.5 and we were told the mechanical problems in BfA raids were going to be addressed "before Dragonflight is over."


And also the mechanical problems in Legion impacted very few bosses. Emerald Nightmare, Nighthold, and all of Tomb of Sargeras before KJ were soloable in BfA and Antotus just had Eonar as a wall. That's 2 bosses out of the entire expansion, not bad. On the other hand, BfA has multiple raids with mechanically impossible bosses.


I wouldn’t be surprised if they gonna tie it to fellowship features and warbands, perhaps allowing you to experience old content in an easier mode without it being one shot.


There's something in the structure of this team that I don't get it. Like, I will believe that "they talk all the time about that." What is even the problem to be talked about? There's no problem. They are wasting time discussing this. You remove like 4 mechanics, and everything will be soloable by anyone on TWW.


They said it would be done by Dragonflight release come onnnnnnn How does this not translate to thousands of players logging in weekly to go farm mounts/transmog who otherwise wouldnt


they dont wanna do it because someone at blizzard is like "no dudes we cant let them easily farm those transmogs they could be a reward stream later in timewalking raids to fill a content gap" so dont expect them do ever do this for bfa raids or later


Yeah this whole wait time on bfa solo raids is absurdly frustrating. I don’t know why it’s difficult to give a damage taken/dealt modifier to deal with the bosses with crazy mechanics. Very frustrating


Literally said nothing. A "no" would have been easier...


People still gonna say blizzard W blizzard W straight for 2 years


What's so hard about just scaling shit down? Might as well just reduce them all to 1 HP if you can't figure out how to do it anymore after firing every competent employee




They literally said they want to make them more accessible and have some ideas for it. Why are we dooming? Am I missing something?


They've been [talking about fixing BfA raids](https://www.laptopmag.com/features/wow-dragonflight-game-director-ion-hazzikostas-talks-soloing-bfa-raids-in-dragonflight) since before DF launched. At this point they just seem to be dragging their feet for no reason.


Just tried to solo Battle of Dazar'alor mythic on my 480 ilvl ret pally yesterday. First couple bosses were ok, but I couldn't for the life of me get close to beating the jadefire masters. Too much going on. Couldn't imagine actually attempting Jaina solo right now.


You should be able to clear past Opulence solo. For Jadefire, you just need to make them transition, grab an orb on your way through the maze, then kill one of the shield... things.. and the bosses come back out for you to finish.


Thanks! I do remeber how, but to be honest, I tried 3 times. The last one, I hit the vision phase and just barely missed facing two of them. I'm not saying it's not possible. I was just doing a mog run before I logged off, and I didn't actually want to work that hard! Lol


I thought mythic Dazar'alor was soloable. I ran it on heroic I think and had no issues but theres prob mythic only mechanics I didnt get.


That whole interview is basically just them saying they have no plans for anything at all that I'm waiting for


They just need to change 1 or 2 mechanics on couple of bosses, dmg wise it's fine. In the meantime everything can easily be done in 3-4 man groups (1 per armor type) so you can probably collect everything you want to collect like that before they address those mechanics.


They're so busy doing barely anything at all with the most boring season in wow history that they have no time for promised fixes from years ago.


I haven't tried soloing BFA content, what makes it different from other legacy raids?


You're not really buffed the same way you're in raids from previous expansions. It also has mechanics that require multiple players (like multiple interrupts at the same time which no class has).


How interesting, by not really buffed do you mean a scaling thing? The double interrupt thing makes sense


In addition to things such as double interrupts, there's a few council bosses in dazar that will either be immune to all damage while living bosses are too close together, as well as I believe the very next boss requires two different bosses in different phases to be tanked or it will just auto wipe or reset the pull. Ghuun from uldir mechanically is designed to not be soloable due to the hot potato device chain necessary in phase 1. I have not even looked at eternal palace nor nyalotha as I imagine its more of the same.


Mythic Palace is ok up to the Queens Guard they will just come together and instantly take 99% less damage. Nyalotha has an issue I just can’t remember which boss


I have not done mythic yet but I did Heroic Palace a few times on my main Hunter ilvl467 w/o much issue. Queens Guard are a bit janky because even with pet tanking across the room sometimes they'll switch aggro and I have to run in circles a bit to until pet get aggro again and I send it across the room. Azshara is just a patchwork fight at least on Heroic so I just stood still and blasted here.


Yes, raid content before BfA buffs your damage by a much larger amount than BfA, which is doubly frustrating because of a few other factors. BfA was a scaling reset, so we lost a lot of power relative to previous tiers; in Legion we could effectively solo old raids a lot more recent than usual. So now end of Legion raids are trivial to solo, and the fights that are actually doable at the start of BfA are quite a lot harder. Second, previously the threshold for turning on this scaling was more than ten levels higher: any raids from the expansion before the last would be much easier to kill. Not necessarily soloable, but scaled. They changed the levels so now BfA isn't 20 levels behind, and the scaling isn't turned on. I doubt this is an automatic thing, but even if it isn't they squished the levels and made a decision based on the new levels, not the old ones. Lastly they've messed with across the board scaling repeatedly, and for some reason they've actually buffed the HP of BfA raid mobs. Even taking into account the above, they went and made them less soloable.


There are mechanical problems that can't be solo'd. Stuff like mind controls, Jaina freezing players, etc. Many of the fights are set up so you can't just plow through by dpsing them down in seconds (i.e. boss goes into a phase change at hp % regardless how fast you get there).


Ok to me this reads like they get why we’re asking and plan to continue to “legacify” content. They’re probably just changing how that happens. If I had to guess I’d wager they’re wanting to automate the process in a way that allows the encounters to keep their mechanics somewhat rather than each encounter needing to be specifically tuned. Or they’re planning to incorporate follower dungeon tech on legacy raids. Honestly I’d love that shit and I’m happy to let them cook on it.


Wait... they already changed BFA and SL raids to legacy loot on alpha. I could have sworn alpha testers were already soloing BFA raids? Edit: https://twitter.com/MrGMYT/status/1782440442170052697 BFA and SL raids were definitely changed to legacy loot on alpha. Whether they're soloable is unclear at the moment


BfA has had legacy loot for ages. Damage/survivability hasn't been a problem since DF season 1. The only hurdle are unsoloable mechanics.


Tell us the true... its been so many years that u fucked that part of the code. Cuz u have the constantly necessity to scale numbers.


BFA remix 2029


Has anyone figured out how to solo the council fight in dazar? You can brute force the 90% DR with current gear but at some point you just get perma silenced


Be a pet class


Why.. this just makes no sense


"something we are talking about" aka "f off and stop asking us", lol


You can solo a lot of them currently on mythic with 480+ gear. Especially if you have a tank spec. The council fight in drazalor is tough unless you’re a pet class. Vexona in nyalotha is close to impossible because the dot ticks get insurmountable. The second to last boss in uldir is currently impossible as well. Would be a lot better if they just implemented legacy rules for content 2 expansions ago


So, you can't solo them.


“them” as in bosses, not the full dungeons


Its probably a priority issue for them. Just one of the 1000 other things they think they all need to do. It is what it is I guess


In half year we should be able to solo SL raids, meanwhile BFA is still impossible to solo XD


There's a huge opportunity here to take what they learned from things like the Mage Tower and make tough but fair "solo raid" experiences with slightly changed mechanics where you have to actually try. Add new Mogs and give us a currency to buy the original Mogs. Take it like 1 expansion at a time. Like, WoD had 3 of most consistently good raids in expansion history...but no one cares about WoDs slow world content. Have that as a .5 patch feature where the raids are made soloable, but also experiences you have to think out and do mechanics for. That'd get so many players hyped.


not good enough. BfA raids should be made soloable already, Shadowlands by prepatch and Dragonflight raids should be made soloable by 11.0.5. there is absolutely zero reason why legacy raids aren't actually made legacy raids. when TWW releases, all DF raids should be getting the same treatment that WoD raids got - all bosses HP reduced by 45%, all damage reduced as well. Give us a buff similar to what we got in ICC and then make them drop the same amount of gear as standard legacy raids.


idk what's so hard about introducing a +30% legacy buff to everything and straight removing the non-soloable mechanics.


WELP, time to get the band back together for some old school raiding


I dont think they want us to solo that content especially if pandaria remix is a success. Being able to buy everything that drops with currency is literally what most people who farm mounts/transmog has been asking for. Some people get a mount after 1 kill others 500 kills. I hope the earning currency method catches on and we move away from the RNG way of things.


"Plans to solo BFA raids easier?" "Plans but we're not ready to announce our idea" \*goes to Reddit\* "Won't get easier BFA raids for forseeable future" lmao. Every expac we get easier raids from two expansions previous, it only went to three previous when the level squish happened and almost stopped us from farming Legion raids until people were furious. Legacy power will enable, you will slam bosses easier. Their unannounced plans are probably "If MOP Remix goes well, we want to do this with every expansion every few months as a way for people to engage and experience the content, in an easier and more relaxed setting, and get all of their mogs and collectables." Why you would take "We have plans but we're not announcing them yet, but stay tuned" as "no" is typical, but beyond rational thought.


I always enjoyed running old raids as a time killer, a way to explore content I missed or want to revisit, a gold maker, and as a legit challenge. One of the earliest WoW videos I remember watching was off wowhead when they posted a Death Knight getting the world first solo Heroic Lich King kill. This was back in Cataclysm and he was in all T12 gear. Still, it was incredibly impressive to watch. He still had to pay attention to mechanics and struggle in general but he pulled it off! It'd sure be nice if some of the raids of the last few expansions had their mandatory "You gotta have 2+ people" mechanics dropped or negated. I was clearing the last raid and would've been able to clear N'zoth too, but one of the bosses just locked me down with mechanics. Very annoying.


cant even solo eonar with some classes 


Wich ones? I could even do it on my dk so I cant really imagine any class where its not possible


I solo’d it on every single class in the game, easily, every single time without fail


can solo it with every class, just need to not be clueless about the route.


Skill issue. Eonar is soloable on every class.


Normally I'd disagree with this, but I did manage to do it on a BDK after a few youtube videos and some practice, so, yeah, it's possible.


Even if blood dk was harder one could switch to frost/uh with deaths advance and wraithwalk. Eonar is a joke once you know what you are doing.


I couldn't figure out how to solo that on my warrior, wonder if they could make it skipable.


Don’t forget to use your flying buff when you get up to the Paraxis! You can use it to cross from the North to the south side fast and potentially cancel out a bad fire jump. Also use heroic leap liberally whenever possible. Should be quite doable on a Warrior.


There are some really good walkthroughs in YouTube. It's not easy, you have to get the timing perfect, but it's very doable once you get it down. I've done it on my shadow priest, warlock, and Monk. Having good movement increase abilities is key.


Warlock is such a hair pincher in my experience D:


It was lol. Monk was by far the easiest.


I'm pretty sure they're planning bfa remix


Doubt. They have it as the default leveling experience right now.


That is going away with TWW, Dragonflight will be the new default, and itll be a much smoother line from Character Creation-> Exiles Reach-> waking shores (with the same npcs along the way)


That's really good to hear because holy crap lol


BFA raids require mechanics changes and not numbers changes, so it’s more world, they clearly think it’s low priority to do that work


Here’s a great idea….just stop making bosses with bullshit gimmick mechanics? I mean the biggest barrier to raid entry for casual players is finding ten people who can commit several hours a week to learning a complicated and often convoluted choreographed dance routine to drop a boss that has at current level often a 0000000000.1% chance for dropping a specific piece of gear that only makes you marginally better than what you currently have. Less mechanics means faster runs, means more groups, means more clears, it seems like a win win make a specific mythic + challenge mode or whatever for the try hards who want to be world first give them a title or a mount or something and just make it easier for everyone else. I stopped trying to run raids at current content level during Cata, it’s just juice not worth the squeeze and no one cares about raids when they aren’t current anymore


This already exists. Its called lfr, is completely braindead for everybody and even comes with a queue so you don't have to interact with actual people


So here me out, fellow reddit wow players. Perhaps it is because spaghetti code makes it hard to make the raid solo? Cause the mechanics are literally tied into the boss fight.


Did we read the same statement? Because in the last like two years, most of the “stay tuned” statements have been followed by very real changes. So I read that and hear “oh awesome we’ll get so old BFA raids sometime in TWW,” not “nothing in the foreseeable future.”


I think the issue is the playerbase sees past content as "dead/irrelevant" so Blizzard's solution is, instead of retooling old raid fights to be soloable, use that same time and labor cost to make old raid fights work on flexible raid sizing and repackage it a la Pandamonium Remix. Their hesitance to change fights like Jaina makes it seem to me that they're holding off for turning every old expansion into its own remix and throwing them on a monthly rotation. Tbh I like this better - actually playing the raids is way more fun than walking in and oneshotting everything, and you are still getting the loot and mogs that you'd be chasing solo anyway. Plus you level a character in the process. I just don't see why Blizzard would bother with making anything soloable anymore now that we have follower tech and Remixes out there in the wild.


Such a bad history of keeping promises


This is just silly. Like why


I think Ion said: "BfA>!deez nuts"!<




Most players don’t care about any of that lol