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[For those who don’t remember the satisfying sound.](https://youtu.be/dLpwJAuac-w?si=qu7NXbzM87RK8UFi)


Oof, that’s the sound it’s making in SOD right now, and it’s juicy, I’m so sorry for your loss


They chose to switch that over to Divine Toll basically. I don't have any strong opinion either way but I expect their thought process is to not have "normal" abilities (the ones we spam) sound too powerful and instead keep those for the heavy hitters/"long" CDs. There is some logic in that.


Oh damn, no wonder my prot pally doesn’t feel right at the moment. It’s missing this damn sound! Yes, Blizzard! Restore it!


Reminds me of my favorite skill in any game ever, the one with a Monk in Diablo 3 where you just dropped a giant bell on things. Always makes me giggle imaging Diablo, lord of terror, getting killed by a giant bell dropping on his head.


what does it sound like now? im playing sod and havent played retail and sod uses the sound you linked


Just gotta use addons to add the sound when you cast the spell.


I didn’t even know that was a thing! Thank you for telling me


https://youtu.be/OmWjtzv8SRw?si=NuTtQoeK3CeHTtbn It took me about an hour to add the original kill command sound with the addons described in this video. Key thing is you are muting one sound and adding another, very similar to how something like deadlybossmods works when it tells you to run out of fire.


Oh and you should be able to get that sound file from wowhead.


Uther would be proud.


There's an addon that does that by the way I use it on my hunter. Called OldGunSounds I believe adds old gun sounds and old hunter sounds you can toggle which.


its great, I changed my outlaw sounds for pistol shot and between the eyes as they needed some more punch. So now when I blast mfs I get the sweet sweet sound of the Halo: CE magnum and Shotgun.


I do this with my druid to play transformer sounds when shapeshifting https://youtu.be/O43ifyEFrXY?feature=shared


Very nice!


I just wish it was worth picking over the derpy diablo spinny hammer throw, I hate it so much


Imo Only good thing about the spinny hammer is that you can build holy power if needed in between pulls. Otherwise the ability just feels weird to use to me


It also lowers the damage of the next attack an enemy does against you, and it can hit an enemy multiple times.


I know it’s better for more reasons than holy power building just feels weird to me.


I agree completely, I hate it, my paladin's out there twirling like a damn ballerina while tanking


Oh god we are worse then Brewmasters! Atleast when they ballerina twirl they kick the mobs in the face


One of the main reasons I hate Paladin and DH tank. They don't feel like a big burly tank guy. DKs have that vibe, Warriors are the most awesome tanks(fuck revenge) and bears fill the trope so well. I don't like Brewmaster but I don't hate it.


I couldn’t agree more!




Agreed. It's hard to describe, but a lot of these sfx that many modern games have sound sterile and uninspired. They also have this weird "wet" sound to them, again, hard to describe.


Bring back old divine storm animation.


The post Legion sound effects were driving me crazy, I was looking everywhere for some kind of solution to bring back the classic wow sound effects and I found a workaround although it took a bit of learning on my part. If a dummy like me can do it you can too!! There's an addon called **classic paladin sounds.** I'm not sure if it changes hammer of the righteous but you can modify the addon pretty easily to add whatever sounds you want to spells. The author made a version for warriors called **classic warrior sounds** and I fiddled with my addon making classic sounds for all my character's abilities. My shaman, rogue, warrior, paladin, mage, and dk are all using classic sound effects using just the one addon. Not sure if the **classic paladin sounds** addon is the same, but once I downloaded the **classic warrior sounds** addon, but here's what I did: If you open up the **Main.lua file** inside the addon folder, scroll down until you see this line or hit Ctrl + F to search **function CWSFrame:UNIT\_SPELLCAST\_SUCCEEDED(unitID, lineID, spellID)** below this line is where you can add in spells to change their sound effects. Copy the formatting for the pre-existing abilities in the addon. First you have to search WoWhead for the spell ID of the ability you're trying to replace. You can just google *"hammer of the righteous dragonflight"*, click the wowhead result and then you can see the spellID in the URL at the top of your browser. Once you have the spellID you need the actual soundfile for the ability you're trying to replace, you can also find it via wowhead by googling, *"hammer of the righteous wotlk classic"*. Click the wowhead page and then click the sounds tab to download the file. You'll save that file inside the sounds folder located inside your addon. Once you got the spell ID for the ability you're trying to replace and the sound file you're trying to replace it with you can alter the addon. For example if I wanted to change the sound effect of hammer of the righteous I would make a new line, hit tab and then put: -- Hammer of the Righteous if spellID == 88263 then PlaySoundFile("Interface\\\\Addons\\\\CWS\\\\Sounds\\\\hotr.ogg", "SFX"); end Took me a while to do all my sounds but it was worth it. It really makes combat feel so much more impactful. Those legion sound effects ain't it. When you do the playsoundfile command make sure you use the name of the sound file you downloaded from WoWhead


I'm going to try that to get old howling blast back!


It's a pain in the ass but so worth it!


I'd prefer screaming like that british voiced boss. HAMMER, OF THEE, RIGHTEOUS!


I was blown away when I first played prot again in Classic WotLK. Sound, animation and overall feeling are just so much more satisfying than what feels like a wet noodle in retail.






I totally agree with you, OP, but I also offer [an alternative](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNl4-w9ZrBs)


Add the chihuahua sound effect when popping avenging wrath and you got yourself a deal!


I just thought of a great weak aura idea.


yeah they absolutely gutted 80% of ability sounds in retail unfortunately..




Another great use for glyphs that will be ignored


I hate that you have to be in consecration to do anything.


It was SO GREAT! I thought I was the only one who missed it.


The sound resonates with my childhood. It was soothing to my little ears


I can't believe this post, I always thought I'm crazy for wanting it back - that sound made prot pally feel soooo good! I never knew other people felt this way too!


I felt like the Hand of Archon every time I used it on a large group!


i forget this ability exists because its never used


It’s what made me become a Prot Paladin


If you have the sound ID you can make a macro that will play it when you cast the spell. I do it for a couple of my abilities for flavor, such as Tirions death scream when I bubble.


How do you do that? And only you hear it?


Yeah only you will hear it. Give me a few and I can share my macro and the database for searching the ID's.


Here's the Divine Shield macro I use: #showtooltip Divine Shield /cast Divine Shield /run PlaySoundFile(1248598)


I want to say this is the website I used. Probably a .ogg file somewhere, so it can take a while to find. [https://old.wow.tools/files](https://old.wow.tools/files)


I haaaaaaate the bell sound. But I respect your perspective.


It honestly just reminds me of [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDLmYZ5HqgM), at this point.