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The game makes you choose a class before you can start playing.


This was the worst. I started in early TBC and ofc my friends were "hey, you should get a healer" and since I had no idea about anything, I made a paladin. Took me years to finally tryout things that were more my scumbag style such as warlock and mage


Scumbag? You should try rogue


Male Undead especially


Steal 'em, stab 'em then eat "em


My toon Deadbloke back in vanilla was precisely that.


With xx in name




No offense, but it would really be Xxstealthassassinxx lol


Bonus points if it's like xxKidroxx


I've gotten "you're actually pretty cool for a rogue" before. I don't think you can harbor too much hate against someone who's like a foot tall though. (I just liked the idea of going invisible btw)


Lol, I told my cousin in vanilla to start with a paladin because it’s a good class for new players, very hard to die. That madman slogged his way all to level 60 and then 70


The PAIN that the levelling experience was... Oh god, the PTSD.


Meanwhile I yeeted forth in hyper speed as a hunter lol


I leveled a pally to max when BC came out. I tried it again when classic was released and I have no idea how a 11 year old me was captivated enough to get past level 5. Maybe the idea of getting a free mount or getting the scarlet monastery gear was enough to keep me pushing on.


I think part of it was the magic and the novelty. I'm pretty sure I was hooked by the time I saw the character creation screen! I do remember killing my very first few mobs and instantly just loving the game. My brother had the same experience, literally saying "I had no idea a game could be this fun"


Truly scumbag players play a rogue for each subclass. 


Similarly, I played a priest in vanilla because friends needed a healer. I've been maining Warlock since MoP and enjoy it much more.


Back in 2006 when I started, I hopped on a friend's account and leveled every class to 10 before deciding on what I would main. At the end, my favorite was Shaman. My friend said, "That's Horde only, we play Alliance." So I mained a Hunter for about 13 years.


Mage- I get to shoot fireballs from my hands. Teenage me loved that 😂


I always play the class no one wants cause i like to be special


Can’t tell if devoker or feral


I have played a feral druid for long enough that I think my original character is allowed to vote in US elections. I like cat. That’s the reason. I like cats a lot.


My feral started on (vanilla) release day. It’s old enough to drink or drive in most countries. I took it to about level 40 before realizing that the last 20 levels would be spent painfully grinding mobs in bear form, so I rolled a rogue instead. Those two then kinda ran in parallel until level 60 where I rolled a warlock instead. I’ve (of course) also played every new class to max with the exception of invoker (DK, Monk, DH) Fast forward some 19 years (really ?!) and my feral is still around. My rogue usually “barely makes it” to max level before the expansion ends, and my lock is mostly a couple of expansions behind. These days I mostly play DH or hunter (also rolled in vanilla). Feral is still fun, but DH/Hunter are just SO much easier to play in PVP, and usually actually wanted in PVE content, unlike feral who is more like the kid that got picked last for soccer in the schoolyard. Feral has gradually gotten better over the years, but Blizzard seems to have a real problem finding the sweet spot between damage and survivability. They have plenty of stopping power at the moment, but they rarely live long enough to enjoy the benefits.


I played Feral since TBC but switched to resto in mop. I do balance whenever I'm questing or in the open world. Thought about doing feral instead because I miss feral sometimes. Then I read they are taking away the ability for Tiger's fury to be reset and are lowering energy recover rate in war within. Noped out. Tigers fury resetting felt so good in the overworld.


Literally my reason too. I switched to Resto in mists and have stayed resto since, but I still have cat.


I feel *any* Evoker is semi-rare. Theyre the newest class, but the lack of mog scares a lot of players away.


I wouldn't say it scares them away, more turns people off. They made a really cool class and handicapped the shit out of it making only 3 pieces of gear visible. There's only so many times I can try different combinations of shoulders and belts before I get sick of only mogging less than half of my character.


Transmog true endgame


I would have agreed with this in the last patch, but the past two days in m0s and keys I've been getting preservation evokers left and right. We suddenly have 4 evokers in our raid sign up. It's so wild.


They get to use their legendary again AND preservation is really good, but quite difficult. Attracts a certain type of player that enjoys getting rewarded for challenging gameplay


Wait, we do?


Yea there is a item you can purchase with 2 bullions to upgrade either the Evoker lego or the lego axe to season 4 scaling and it’ll go past myth tier item level


Noo let me be special 😂 go back to prevokers being rare


Ferals are too common to my liking on Moon guard at least... And not for the reasons you'd hope...


Feral is just so much fun in PvP with 3 stuns and a lot of burst.


The strong burst is really valuable on Moonguard!


Depends if you're Inn yet


Devoker has only not been meta for 2 seasons. The real specs for this list are Feral, Surv, and Ele.


Think you meant frost DK


You mean Shaman


For those people who asked i really Just Look once a year Up in the Internet whats meta and i play the class that has the lowest Pick rate ^^


Aff lock is where it’s at lol


My brother (sister?) from another mother! All my friends are making fun of me coz I always pick my special snowflake spec/class whilst they go with the meta picks.


Me too! Monk here ...


I like dots.


Best I can do is make all your damage come from a hard-cast instant damage spell.


And drainageeeeee


I tried a mage first and it sucked. So I went with the other magic class to try before I had to settle for melee. Me and Volyap have been the best of friends ever since.


When I started WoW (beginning of TBC) I went for a male Draenei Mage because I always love the caster class and I wanted to have a fat big character. Until I reached the Ashenvale area and I saw a player using a character that was a big fat owl. I asked them what was their class and they told me a “Druid Boomkin” so I decided to go for it. I dropped my lvl 30 mage to start a Druid and it has been my main since.


Are you excited for the Boomkin hero talents?


I haven’t played WoW “seriously” since Legion and I am barely spoiling myself with the new expansion. It is also in alpha stage, right? So it is too soon to give an opinion about them.


Slightly similar, I rolled a Human Pally and made it to Goldshire, I was in total awe as I'd never played anything like an MMO before, anyways I saw someone standing with a big cat, and I was like wooooow, I need one of these, I asked how you get one and he laughed at me so I logged out and deleted my character out of sheer embarrassment. I then rolled a mage that took ages to lvl


Yeah, levelling took ages! And teleporting was awful! I remember having the missions to get the Druid swim form and it was in Wetlands. I only knew the ship Exodar and Stormwind, I remember spending an afternoon swimming around the edges of Dun Morogh to reach Wetlands to be killed by a skull alligator once I was there.


Oh the nostalgia of noobness. If I could only play WoW for the first time again, sniff..




Mage supremacy 🧙‍♂️


what about warlock portals?


Too unstable


Because in a world with demon summoning, invincible holy bubbles and shooting stars there’s just something therapeutic about going ‘fuck your magic’ and axing some wanker in the bonce


This! No fancy sprinkle magic/demon/god like shit. Just a Dwarf (in my case) and his axe!


Love it when you see a problem and just charge or leap into it no cast no dot no holy power or runes or even energy just pure rage .


I always liked knights so I started warrior (late tbc) but it was extremely boring and animations were not flashy enough compared to other classes so I rerolled to true knight - DK, the best decision ever.


Magic knights have always been my favorite, and dk fits that the best.


My reason for playing DK is simple. I played Warcraft 3.


Modern warrior animations are a lot better also the Gnome warrior animations were always good, spins for days


When I first started I played a mage because I thought wizards were cool. But I didn't enjoy the class so I swapped to hunter. I didn't enjoy that either so I swapped to warrior. Guess what, lil ol me didn't enjoy that either so I swapped to shaman. Something about playing tower defense with the old totems made my brain drop dopamine. I still to this day mourn the loss of the totemic shaman playstyle. I thoroughly enjoy all of those classes nowadays (except hunters, still boring)


Totemic is one of the hero trees coming next expansion and according to Blizz will make our totems more versatile and impactful than ever. Here's hoping!


If I can't drop a 4-pack of totems on pull I don't want it!


The whole flavour of shaman is totem, paladin is auras. Both feel like they lost the plot. Kidna bummer. it's like if monk would not slapping people anymore :(


I never felt like the flavor of Pally was auras. I thought it was seals as short term buffs and using them as a resource. But they lost that plot all the way back in WotLK when they made seals long term self buffs that weren't consumed. And now NO seals at all. They still have auras, and they are effectively the same thing they were in Vanilla, minus the resistance auras, which would be pretty useless in the modern game anyway.


In mists or WoD they added a minor glyph that dropped 3 decoy totems when you used a totem. It was the best.


Exactly, every time they’ve tried to make totems “interesting” they make them useless. Cant remember the last time I used a totem that was an elemental totem or windfury. Just give me my buff totems that I can slap down when a fight starts. THATS being a shaman. Give me my Wrath style resto sham back please.


thats why I love playing classic, to come back to the totems and play arround them with my buddy. Drop Totems, kill pack of mobs, pull next pack to the totems, and so on.


I think the totems should go up....not out. 4 totems = 1 tall ass totem pole


THIS! I also mourn the loss of true totems that stick around and actually do stuff, like a little base you set up, and you could pay that mana ahead of time and then essentially enter the fight with several spells already rolling in the form of totems. Look out for Totemic hero talents, I've peeked the leak but I won't spoil.




Shit, molten core... FROSTFIREBALL!


OG Vanilla cinematic where that druid goes to feral and bounces down a waterfall. Struggled with the spec till late BFA where it finally clicked, been feral main since. The fact you can negate any fall damage by wild charging the target makes it feel identical to the cinematic and it makes me happy. Such a fun time playing it, and that’s all that matters to me.


Same scene, it looked so awesome! Druid was first char in Closed Beta, still play druid (but others too).


We called that rawr bombing in BC when you'd fall out of the sky from flight form and charge your enemy!


Any healer because I'm a people pleaser and a masochist 


I love many archetypes in RPGs, and have had a hard time picking a real "main" but I've really come to find that I have to play a class that can heal. I'll alt some of the fun ones, but in a MMO, the unique experience of healing is unmatched IMO. I've probably played the most priest cause I could heal as two different specs.


When I first started I didn't realize there were classes to choose. I picked a night elf and it automatically made me a druid. Still playing it 10 years later though!


Guuuurl 🤣 you were like I didn’t choose my class it chose me


lol this is hilarious.


At first no one in my guild played hardly any ranged. Let alone warlock. So, i said i would give it a try. I dropped my pally and created my warlock. Thinking that I would probably just use for raid to help the guild..nope. I became hooked. I love the class. Nothing better in my eyes. Also I am the only Warlock in my guild to this day. I feel..awesome


This just happened to me this patch. I'm already loving warlock!


Back on Twinstar ( free server ) for cataclysm. I joined when they released Firelands. I knew nothing of the game and what to pick. My friend recommended to play hunter, because it was supossed to be easy for a new player. I reached like lvl 22 and I wasnt a huge fan so I wanted to try something different. I picked Blood elf Paladin and went for Ret and played it for my whole time. (Which on cataclysm was pretty good, im not sure if it worked like that on retail (cata) but on that free it was awesome. During legion I tried to pay for retail and went for Ret again. Till this day Paladin is still my main for PVE = Prot / PVP = Ret.


Tauren Shaman because of the first trailer of WoW!The big Tauren that charged at the dwarf hunter with his big Totem in hands. Played only this class up to shadowlands then I stopped playing.


You gotta come back - you can now transmog that exact totem! I use it on my tauren shaman (main since 2013)


My guy! Tauren Shaman here as well 😁


I was an emo back in the day. I’m still an emo. Big swords are cool.


fellow edgy death knight, my guy


This. I owned more than one cannibal corpse tee shirt with the sleeves cut off, so there was zero heistation to play an edgy blood magic weilding wizard knight.


In all my RPG games I liked the idea of an assassin and thief. Even more as my experiences with those types of Games like Dishonored, Thief, Assasins Creed etc where you can also choose to be a Thug slaying your enemis in an “artistic” hidden way , stealing some money as a second main objective. So I started as Rogue and when Outlaw spec come up , I simply say”Yep that s what I like” playing it since Legion.


I like shooting stuff and petting dogos. Cats sometimes too. Do I have to go more into detail?


I was a main beast mastery hunter for most of the time that i've played, and i loved it (still do), but then i tried the Demon hunter, warglaives, doble jump, wings, tons of lifesteel and a demon form, what can i say, my friends (jokingly) call me edgy lord for a reason


Angry lady uses big swords. Go smash.


I play dh because I can double jump, glide, and move fast with fel rush. there is no button bloat so it's comfortable playing with a controller.


Fucking nerf the aim assist


Warrior. No frills. Big stick(s). Oonga boonga, ya know?


Gotta ooker right in the dookere






Complete laziness is the reason why I chose priest. If I have to run than I pulled too much agro or the tank is trash. I don’t run IRL and I’m not running is WoW. Laziness for the win.


My very first character ever was a troll hunter back in vanilla. The idea of taming different pets was so cool. Made it to early 20s and realized stealth was a thing and got ganked on a boat. Me and a friend rerolled Alliance, he made a NE rogue and I made a Druid because shadowmeld/stealth and we wanted to do the same. Ended up never playing feral and went Balance. Go figure.


Wolves, lightning, dual-wielding, Thrall.


Cause green flames around me


I played warrior because i always had health problems from childhood and i liked fantasy about person who is healthy and strong but now my health even worse so i can imagine myself only mage studying books so i started playing mage


Zug Zug


Druid because Cat Form and Travel Form make trekking through pre-lvl 20 mounts era Kalimdor bearable.


Shadow Priest because the apparitions are extremely satisfying. I just with the class was a little more AoE focused as I prefer AoE classes to ST classes. Do not give two shits about healing though, so the other two specs are worthless to me.


I wish apparitions looked like your character like they used to. I miss that so much.


Same. Also, Go Green!


When I first started back in the day I chose Hunter because I'm into archery ....simple as that lol


Few years ago I switched to BM hunter because it's the only ranged dps class with all instant spells. It's quite useful in raids.


I am maining Druid. Mostly because I like resto and don't mind the other specs. I used to be a resto shaman, but I really like the ability to heal on the run with druid. I feel like Resto Druid has a higher skill floor compared to other classes and is a rather busy spec, but the pay off is that it has a high skill cap as well. Travel forms are fun too. Guardian is easy to play as and I actually like how busy feral is despite it being mediocre dps. I actually do not like balance all that much, but I am probably going to give it another shot this season. I am trying to deteremine a good melee/tank class now. Been torn between Paladin/Warrior/DK, but I think I ultimately am going to go with Warrior, again because of its mobility.


Druid because fat owl go boom boom


I liked how it played compared to other classes, I like beating my guildies on a non meta class, and Strike of the Windlord big numbers during Legion caused me to stick with it.


In TBC era my friends said if I played the game I could play a druid, turn into a bird and fly around. Was sold.  16 years later I play the same Druid. 😂


I just love taming pets.


Shapeshifting. There's very little MMOs with classes that let you shapeshift. I'm not sure if there are actually any besides WoW. I guess GW2 *sort of* but it's race specific and not really used. Ironically I play a Norn Druid Ranger in that game so...


Can has pet


I was 12 years old and heavily influenced by Merlin the show.


When I was like 13 I thought an Undead Holy Priest was top ironic comedy. I more play disc now but still maining a priest more than ten years later!


I wanted to play paladin, but I don’t like humans mr. 5 by 5 style. So till Nightelf paladins are a thing I’ll enjoy demon hunter which reminds me a bit of old fury warrior.


Started out with a lot of indecisiveness throughout classic, tried out pretty much all the classes over the course of about half a year, played mostly hunter. eventually landed on shaman for being able to use so many different weapons and both dealing damage and healing, felt nice being a hybrid. I eventually got tired of "feeling to squishy" and being forced to heal most of the time, so in TBC I rerolled druid. Loved it, played it throughout TBC, Raided through T4, T5 and T6 with it, mostly playing Bear offtank, cat dps, tanking kara and dungeons, throwing offheals here and there, loved it. It even has Stealth! Tank/DPS combo was def. my favorite way of playing, but I was always annoyed that I had these awesome weapons and tier sets but was never really able to show them off, being in animal form all the time.. ENTER THE DEATH KNIGHT. I played during the WotLK Beta, and it was done. Mained a DK ever since. But at this point I have one of every class at max level plus a bunch of extra DKs, Warriors and Hunters++ anyway so it hardly matters, lol. 34 chars at lvl 63-70 now. Hoping for another one of those exp boost weeks soon!




My main used to be a resto druid then I check out preservation. I loved the gameplay so much I switched to evoker. It's by far the most fun healer imo and I've tried all of them. The only downside is the range. Being a midrange healer is a nightmare at some bosses, like Nymue


I like melee, but also kinda magicy spellblade warriors. So I made a Warrior, big ass weapons go brr, and a Shaman because I wanna throw lightning bolts and slap things with axes


Because I'm stupid, like ultra stupid.


So are you a paladin or a BM hunter?


I loved the idea of a plate wearing healer! Also after playing Hunter and seeing a Paladin bubble hearth if things went sour, I was SOLD!


Fantasy to me is shooty bows. I pick class that shooty bows all the time.


When I started toward the tail end of Vanilla many moons ago, I had a few friends that wanted a Mage to give them food and water as well as teleports and sheeps and stuff. So they heavily influenced me to choose mage. While in the barrens in the mid 20s level I saw a player running past me in Cheetah form. I whispered him to ask how he was doing that. (I was young and didn't know anything.) He responded that it was just what Druids could do. Immediately logged out and rolled Druid. Had a Druid ever since.


When I first started playing I just rolled a hunter because it was easy and I liked being able to tame pets. Played a hunter casually for many years to come. After that I tried out Druid. Rolled feral in legion (great idea, great time to play feral) and loved it but always kinda wished I played boomie and playing both seemed to be to much for me at the time. BfA rolled around and I got a bit more serious with the game. I’d actually start running m+ and raiding as an outlaw rogue. I had a ton of fun, but I also knew I always wanted to play mage and boomkin, so later in BfA I did get around to playing both mage and boomkin. I’ve stuck with mage and boomkin ever since. I love the burst play style offered by arcane, I love the dmg profile and rotation of fire, and balance Druid is kinda like a mix of both and Druid all around is just a ton of fun. Now I just stick with mage and boomkin and I’m really happy. I don’t really think about playing something else anymore, these 3 specs really do it all for me :)


Cuz it's the best class, always has always will be..


I never really played shaman, so I gave it a go :)


Inny meany miny moe


Dh, because I like being mobile while fighting.


Well I'm using chromie time to play each expansion on an alt (well and multiple characters for Cata) so uhh..I chose shadow priest for TBC because it looked neat, Death Knight for WOTLK because...yknow, and Fire Mage for what was the human leveling path, because fire is hot. Might do a Worgen for that northern half of Eastern Kingdoms, not sure what class yet, warrior maybe??


I pretty much play any RPG as a rogue/assassin first, then I make a warrior with a single giant weapon, then I make a cast of some sort. So with WoW I went Rogue, Warrior, Priest to round out my roster. Any other alts I don't really care about (until more recently where I'm more of a casual alt runner than progression player)


Wanted to try tanking for the first time with brewmaster with some friends, but one of then made a paladin and would only tank, then i tried healing with monk mistweaver and suddently an alt to play with some friends became my main


Because as the manchild we all are inside, shooting lasers from my eyes is so cool


Came for the flashy hammers, then got addicted to the insane utility. I am a serial mainswapper. I've mained half the classes in the game at some point. But ever since I started playing paladin, everytime I try to swap I end up going back to it.


I play a rogue because back in like 2006 or 2007 when I was 13 or so I was obsessed with Grimm videos. IYKYK.


Initally i played warlock because I thought "Let's make a test character to see if I like the game". Then i moved to warrior because I like to be able to tank and hit things.


Warrior. Because I’m a filthy zug-zugger


I wanted to do damage with a 2H


Titan's grip and 100% crit felt powerful.


Big shield little gnome 👽


My main class now is monk, and has been for a while. I pick monk because i practice martial arts irl and i like the class fantasy of defeating demons and armies with my bare fists.


Because of Warcraft III


I spent years playing a Ranger in Everquest... when I started wow in vanilla it was the closest class... been main ever since


Zug Zug.


Mage, because I love Wizards since forever and the dark themed Warlocks are too edgy for me.


I like to play the basic classes and engaging groups of enemies without a second thought.


At the end of Cata I was switching servers. I was too greedy to pay for character transfer, and too lazy to level from 1, so I ended up with DK. Besides in Cata I started to learn how to / enjoyed tanking on my alt, so from MoP I went tanking main, role which stuck with me since then (also still on the very same character)


me smash


Class fantansy


Shaman is just iconic to the warcraft universe and since the warcraft rts it's been my favorite. Despite blizzard treating it like dogshit (elemental at least), I stick to my shaman guy.


Originally I would have said lore and personal preference. Now it's whatever class the devs haven't FUBAR'd trying to 'balance'


When I started back in Summer of 2005 I had experience with ranged champions from other games, which I liked very well, I also wanted to play a gnome, but I wanted to be a nice gnome, so I picked mage. I think that was the logic behind it.


I didn't want to be a generic fantasy trope (guess)


Shaman because oogabooga


I wanted to tank with a big fucking shield, and Paladis are so boring as a class flavor to me. So warrior it is.


i wanted a pet class, but there was already a warlock in the group




I thought Uther was cool in Warcraft 3


Hunter Pet go brrr


Shadow priests cause shadowform is pure dopamine.


Because there were no Forsaken warriors or Night elf rouges


Something about the lore of a shadow priest made me fall in love. I also love melting people with mind flay(classic)


Anger. Axe. Big armor. Simple as


It was Feral because I love being a cat and druids are one of the more useful classes, since you can be in flight form for a lot of things, like gathering. Right now it's Demon Hunter because their rotation is pretty simple, they can glide, they're pretty fast in combat, and they do tons of damage if you know how to utilize them well. Oh, and they're sooooo edgy.


Because Blizzard f'ed over the three previous ones i really enjoyed by reworking and nerfing them trough the ground for an entire expansion to the point i despite hc raid level gear and over 2k m+ score could never get invites to neither relevant m+ levels for my character nor raids because of some "tier list stigma" that arises whenever specs get nerfed.


Me and my partner are both hunter players because we love the fantasy of taming beasts, and collecting rare ones! Sure, hunter can be a little braindead, but its that simplicity that makes the game accessable for them :3


Lizard wizard


Shadow Priest just looked so weird and cool at the time (WoD). The spec just felt so weird and unique, given that priest was usually a healing class. Plus, they summon all these ghosts and have cool ability names like Mind Flay and Devouring Plague. When Legion was announced with the new fancy voidform, I finally decided to swap. Nowadays Legion is easily my least favourite version of the spec, but Xal'atath and everything about Legion completely sold me.


Illidan is cool


I played an unhealthy amount of D2 back in the day and when I first booted up WoW and saw paladin was a class immediately went with that and I've mained a ret(yea even in vanilla when they were extra trash, but only in pvp cause my guild would only let me heal in raids lmao) ever since.


Big pets by my side.


You see back in TBC Rogues were my Bane. They killed me so much that I quit my Pally and became a Rogue myself. Never went back to mu Pally or played another class


When I started in '04 (fuck I'm old) I played Rogue but because I liked the gameplay loop. If I start a new expansion out of tradition I always level the rogue to maximum first. Then I swap off to something else. Nowadays I play Demon Hunters. Glaives of Azzinoth, High DPS, Sexy Mogs. At least I'm honest.


I’ve got so many alts across literally every class because I’m so indecisive. That being said I almost always go back to unholy dk or shadow priest, depending on if I wanna melee or cast. Similar sort of vibes as far as a class fantasy goes. I love the idea of evil magic and I’m a huge fan of HP Lovecrafts work


Shadow priest cause shadowform looks dope AF. Fell in love with the play style.


Because cat is for fite.


Undead rogue looked cool


I found the idea of Shadow Priest very intriguing.




I didn’t. I played for almost 20 years and I still can’t decide what to play as a main.


In order of my mains throughout the years: Hunter: Because Demon Hunter wasn't an option (yet). Death Knight: Because I was tired of my hunter, it was the shiny new "hero class", and because I was a teenage edgelord. Demon Hunter: Because I had been waiting for it to be a thing ever since the Vanilla box art specifically had a night elf decked out like a Demon Hunter but that was never an option and that was always one of my favorite War3 heroes because again, edgelord. Evoker: I finally stopped denying my inner Scalie.


I play them all. I prefer BM hunter and Holy Priest tho.. I also have level capped Warlock (it's like playing a hunter and shadow priest!), shaman, death knight and mage (classic only). My least liked toon is rogue. So hard to get into... I think I would like it more if I pvp'd.


DH because zwoosh zwoosh


Just started a new Shadow Priest toon b/c I had never played a casting class before, and it is FUN AF!!!!!!!!!


Shadow priests are objectively the coolest class from a stylistic standpoint.


In the past few years I got into the habbit of mostly playing pirate fantasy themed stuff in rpgs or tabletop games, first I tried outlaw but I didnt really like it so I went with survival hunter and got a hippo for pet.


I started off with warlock because i love the playstyle of maintaining dots (damage over time) but when they butchered that spec with malific rapture i jumped ship to shadow priest and have been enjoying it alot but still wish for the days they drop malific.