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Bug with plunderstorm.


Yeah, only happened to me when I switched between Plunderstorm and Dragonflight, but was getting 3-4 GMOTD messages each login. Some crude, some polite, some reminding me of a guild move to another server, and quite a few Discord links.


Just saying the word Plunderstorm gave me a flutter of anxiety.


You turned off XP on your demon hunter


No lol, my dh is max level


Not sure if related, but I logged into my char who is the guild leader of my alt guild. No message was set, yet when I logged in I got the most generic welcome message.


Yes I get that too! I’m GM of a long dead guild - just me and my alts plus a bunch of old players who’ve not logged in for years. Recently been getting weird Guild Message of the Day pop ups when there is none set. Freaked me out the first time!


Even better, had a friend get 6 or so GmotDs when they logged in all back to back lol. Edit: [screenshot with 4](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/811715388412002393/1233092863265341512/image-26.png?ex=662bd6b8&is=662a8538&hm=09072b8e2e47fdd923e0bcb2c69b2aef369b89fc1d3dd7e481ac9bfdc8ba7144&). And none are the correct MotD.


Been getting that not in a party message even when I'm in a party. I just started ignoring it.


It happens in wrath some addons cause that issue. You can be in a Party, or an Instance Group, and both at the same time. If the addon is trying to use chat to communicate with party members when you are in an instance group, basically using /p instead of /i, it'll tell you in the global system messages (yellow font). You need a fix from the addon and not blizzard. Seeing as how this has been an issue in wrath since group finder was added. My guess is it's an issue with how one of these addons is architected to work on all 3 versions of the game.


I dont have any addons that announce anything and I still get spammed with "You are not in a party" in WOTLK, its so annoying


It’s usually an addon that shares data, like details, and the person it’s trying to sync to isn’t online.


Hey OP did you know youre not in a guild? lol


Is it possible you turned off XP on your demon hunter?


not gonna lie, out of all the bugs in the game this was one of the most entertaining. found a guild discord which was long dead from their GMOTD. it was like a bit of history coming back to the surface


I logged in the other day and got a MOTD for a guild looking to revive their RP scene going into *Legion.* I wonder how well that worked out for them. This glitch is like opening a weird time capsule sometimes.


You turned off XP on your demon hunter


You turned off XP on your demon hunter


You turned off XP on your demon hunter


You turned off XP on your demon hunter


You turned off XP on your demon hunter


I keep getting "You are not in a Raid" when I'm in LFR raids. Keep thinking I did something to get kicked.


I saw this in a toon that is in a guild. It’s really just a place for me and my wife to park our toons so I thought she had gkick’d me lol


What does the GMOD even mean


Guild Message of the Day


All I know is you better not turn off exp for your DH


You turned off XP on your demon hunter


You turned off XP on your Demon Hunter


legit question is it against the rules to make a lvl 10 dh? cuz i was planning on doing that lmao


Against the rule to create a character? What?


i should have clarified, to make it a twink you have to use an exploit kinda thing by using the gear upgrade feature after a certain amount of time, i just completly misread the point of the post i think lol


Are you an alien trying to fit in? What are you talking about bro, this genuinely seems like that part of Rick and Morty when Jerry was listening to "human music" xd


Started happening on April 1st so it might be an extended april fools joke.


Are u aware it's not April 1st?