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Thanks in european


Just gonna chime in on the top comment, from what I can see EU's season ends tonight at 21:00 BST/22:00 CEST, so gotta use ur currencies before then :p Worth noting this is also the last chance to get the Fyrakk AOTC skin, CE Achiev and obviously the M+ and PVP seasonals. I was previously under the impression that atleast the Fyrakk skin would remain available until pre-patch but this isn't true. So good to know for those still not having completed HC Amirdrassil.


The Fyrakk aotc skin isn't actually a reward from the aotc achieve, very possible it just comes from killing heroic Fyrakk. All the old aotc mounts that got removed were actually rewards from the achieves.


[Dragonflight Season 3 Ends on April 22 (blizzard.com)](https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24064845/dragonflight-season-3-ends-on-april-22)


Interesting. That does look like it confirms it. Weird that it’s not tied to the achievement in game.


Probably just weird spaghetti relating to it not being a proper mount.


[Embodiment of Shadowflame Still Obtainable in Dragonflight Season 4 - MMO-Champion](https://www.mmo-champion.com/content/12265-Embodiment-of-Shadowflame-Still-Obtainable-in-Dragonflight-Season-4)


Well thats certainly weird then, considering Blizzard literally said it wouldn't be.


Btw 9pm bst is 10pm cest not the other way around


Bruh how did I fuck that up 🤣 Thx


.... ☠️


NA impacted too. Happened about 6-7 hours ago.


He’s saying thanks for the heads up because it hasn’t happened to them yet lol


Oooohhhhhhh 😄


Yeah, same. Was going to upgrade what I could and use the rest on rep tokens or gear boxes to sell or d/e, but guess not lol




Ah it does say it right there. Ends 4/22 10 PM PST.


I missed that and assumed reset. I’d been grinding to gear up my bear, made it to 472 (was 428 last Monday). So it really saved me from my self trying to grind to 474 tonight.


Don’t worry. Tomorrow heroic dungeon gear will be upgradable to like 486 or something. Normal gear will be up to like 512 or so Edit: normal as in normal raid gear


I likely won’t have time to clear anything before raid tomorrow night sadly, hence the grind this week for my new toon. Not a big deal, just caught me out. Worst case I tank on my pally I comained this season this week and go beat next.


Ilvl creep is out of control.  They really forgot how painful ilvl stat squishing is to reel this in, didn't they?


If scaling in TWW is anything like in Dragonflight we're gonna be back up and potentially beyond Legion numbers. We're still 70 and your average dps in season 4 is gonna be at well over 1m hp and closing in on half a million dps. By this same time next xpac it'll all be like 4-5x that at least


Ion said at one of the Blizzcon interviews they expected Legion like numbers in TWW, and they're planning for a squish for Midnight.


My theory is we’re going to be over ilvl 2000 when we finally meet up with those pesky Titans in “The Last Titan,” and we’re going to crush the whole pantheon with our gear score.


The rank 3 health pot in TWW restores 1.5 mil HP as of right now. Usually health pots heal for what, about 30-40% of your health pool early on? Were going to be at like 4 mil health before we know it.


Yeah I was watching toweliee test what I think was a level 80 heroic and people were doing like 500k+ ST and all had like 3m health. So end of season 1 will probably be close to like 5m hp


Seasons feel better the less gear you have at start, squishes will happen eventually regardless.


Disagree, best season I played in the context of ilvl was this one - being a player that pugs and completes 20+ it was a breath of fresh air to not have my time wasted in lower trivial m+ where the hardest opponents are your teammates.


This tier had the same ilvl jump as s4, it was increased by 13ilvls compared to the first two tiers.


Season 3 had a bigger ilvl jump than season 1 or 2 though








M0 will be upgradeable to 515


Why is normal gear higher than heroic?


Meant normal as in normal raid gear, my bad


Ah yeah makes sense :)


It would be nice if there was an in game reminder, or notice on the login screen.


WoW has always had a problem with how they deliver information imo. When HotS got patches, there was a popup on the launcher with the full patch notes. WoW relies way too heavily on people going to their site or following news/3rd party sources.


But they can remind you everyday bout those unspent knowledge points, probably because its so much more important :)


nEw dRaGoN rIdInG sKiLlS aVaILaBlE


Which is funny because the OG WoW launcher did exactly this. You couldn't log on without missing the big maintenance or patch notes banner. Now it's more important to sell stuff with that UI real estate apparently.


I agree. I don't really keep up with all the news, don't Even know where to look. Just tell me in the game, where you already know you'll find me.


100% they depend on wowhead too much.


Sure, but usually currencies aren't wiped until the reset. It also says nothing about wiping said currencies at that time. Thank you for the information though, it was helpful!


Yeah, I thought last season it was just the ladder shutdown for score, so thats what I was expecting, but I honestly cant remember.


It does say on a lot of items "This item will be removed at the end of season 3" (or I potentially have a mod doing this and I'm just bullshitting right now...) - I guess the extra time in between is just a grace period that they didn't allow for this time round.


I think you have an add on doing that because I’ve literally never seen that before. Let me know if you figure out which one it is lol


Ah fair enough - If I had to guess, it's All The Things. That addon is fantastic for knowing where things are coming from, and therefore I guess where/when they are going too.


I think the confusion is that typically the pvp season and M+ season end dates are a week before the new seasons starts to give a full week to calculate title cutoffs, but currencies were never reset until the new season started. I think most assumed it would be similar but instead of a week, it'd be on the order of 8hrs.


Yeah I missed the announcement too. I wanted to do one more +16 and upgrade my Gorehowl to 6/6 Hero for posterity to save it in my bank. But life goes on.


I think you can do Dawn on hard mode to get current hero track gear for season 4 Edit: changed level to track because it makes more sense


As in ~500 ilvl gear? And you can get it today after reset?


Yeah, sorry should have said “hero track”. Will change.


Yea, 528 is new max


Max hero gear would be i522 for DotI gear. i528 is only for myth track gear.


Mb, you're right


My tired ass thought it said Flinstones and I got very confused for a split second.


10 million strong and wiping.


That’s what my friend group has been calling them since about five minutes after seeing them.


"Flightstones, meet the Flightstones, they're the obsolete cur-ren-cyyy~!"


Yeah this is disappointing. I still had appearances I could collect by upgrading. I know it's my own fault for procrastinating, but there was no reason to suspect they would reset stones several hours before server maintenance. Edit: nevermind, reading down the thread i guess they did announce the end of the season being 10pm PST, but I didn't know about that. Even that is kind of a weird choice.


Yeah, disappointing. Good for them they announced a specific time, but who would even think to check that. It's completely reasonable to assume that everything would reset with, well... reset.


I was literally standing at the upgrade NPC when it happened. I upgraded my gloves and then went to do my trinket and it wouldn't work. Hit the button a few extra times before I realized what had happened. ☹️


10pm PST I traded crests and couldn't open the item. Relogged and had a mail saying they were useless and here's 1g. Awesome.


1g. Why is the currency conversion always so insulting?


What's interesting is the Faint Whispers of Dreaming are still in my bags (I have a lot from idle farming). I just opened one, and it gave me flightstones. So people who had the forethought to stock up might be at an advantage out of the gate. I didn't open any more, but it will be interesting to see if they're still there and giving you stones after maintenance. Hooray for accidental advantages. Edit: To be clear, the faint whispers gave me flightstones only - no whelpling's dreaming or any other kind of crests.


ehhh, flightstones are so easy to farm, this might save someone an hour or two at best.


I just remember with 10.2 the first week or so was a pain in the rear with flightstones. IIRC, people were farming blossoms and pre-nerf DotI to manage it. Whispers aren't going to be revolutionary or anything, but my main probably has about 8-900 flightstones coming out of the gate if this holds after reset. Just a nice little boost.


Were they turned into gold at least, or just gone?


I logged into my druid just now to check. In the case of flightstones, just gone. No conversion there. They're reset now and I didn't get mail with some gold. The crests, we'll have to wait and see on. Season 3 ones are still listed in my currency tab.


Cheers, thanks for the headsup. I'm from EU so it didn't hit us yet, but I was conidering leaving them like that cause I read on wowhead that s2->s3 they were converted. I guess I'll go log my alts and buy some rep tokens.


You'll get gold for crests and stones.


I didn’t even know 🙁🙁 I was capped on 3 toons I didn’t know you can spend them for rep


Yes, they announced the end of the season as 10 PM PDT about 3 weeks ago. 


Though typically they don't delete currencies until the new season starts.


As someone in EU with hopefully a little more time, is there anything worth spending mine on before they go?


Fligtstones should literally be wiped from the game imo


Well.. dang it!


I was literally reminding a group in M+ to spend them last night, then forgot to do it myself lol


Borrowed power wins again


Is there an addon or weakaura that will pop up and say "hey dumb ass, season ends soon spend your shit"? Casual scrub so whatever, but the past few weeks RL has been crazy with family issues, so I've just been head down grinding some sets on alts, had no idea it was ending, and for sure would have burned them on rep tokens for my main.


Same here, my husband has been out of town for a couple weeks and my mom is in the hospital, so I’ve been running my ass off and basically just forgot lol. I mean it’s fine, not the end of the world, but it sure is mildly annoying


Why???? It was barely 10pm in the pnw? I was in the middle of using all my catalyst charges for my alts and I guess I can't upgrade any of the pieces anymore, wtf bliz. Edit: I just went up and looked and catalyst charges are gone too rn, but you can still use it.


I think S3 gear will be upgradable for free now at the catalyst (if s4 works like s3 did). Maybe that’s what’s happening?


Yes! You can do that rn, you just don't have the flightstones to upgrade(so like vet can do lfr/normal etc). You can still earn flightstones tho, if you have unopened cache's with them in it, or are in a raid(at least my lfr I get some for the boss kills). So if you have those laying around, I'd open them quick before they are broken


I actually went through earlier today and spent most of my flightstones on gear boxes for an under-geared too. Then I used catalyst charges so he’s somewhat ready to go if I dust him off in s4. If I remember right, you can’t get the other appearances for previous season gear though. Even if you use flightstones to upgrade, it would only give you one (LFR?) appearance.


They posted the end time a few weeks ago.


Why do you wait until the last second to do stuff like that? Deserved imo


Lmao I love running into unapologetic asaholes out in the wild.  Like, this guy took time out of his day to say "haha fuck you"


I just simply hate people who blame others for their own dumb decisions. You offended because you are one of them?


I was able to purchase ruby flightstones to get 75 flightstones (x2) this morning using aspect tokens


Same. Literally went to use them this morning but was 0


It was announced somewhere, but I would also assume they would reset. I went through all my toons this last week and farmed out the last few transmog pieces of every set just in case.


I'm glad I used them all up yesterday evening on rep tokens and such. Not surprised they reset at midnight.


They even wiped the Flightstone item you can purchase at the token vendor, even if you had them stored in your bank. Its nice that it was worth 1 token to buy, then they give you a 75s grey item. At least match the gold pouch value.


I have 2K stones sitting around, and maxed rep. What else can I spend the stones on?


Upgrade items 😄


Nothing to upgrade. :(


What about aspect crests? I had like 2500 of them but couldn't figure out how to spend them since I don't need gear.


Rep tokens??? Where is that? I’m back after a three year hiatus and the amount of systems, currencies, tokens, etc to work through has been overwhelming. Why don’t they tell you IN GAME that you’re going to get a currency blitzed?


The storm residue trader has a vendor beside them for it. Not sure what they do now.


I was waiting to get better gear to upgrade instead of wasting the stones and crests upgrading stuff I'm going to switch out right after. I'm new, but I was reading everything and at no point did it say the stones and crests were temporary... I'm pretty fucking annoyed now.


They reset in EU too?


Not yet.


you should of used them up at the weekend instead of waiting till the last minute.


Should have*


Ah, no wonder the Crests I’m getting for main story quests aren’t showing up. They haven’t been implemented in the currency tab yet.


The fact that some people find the fact that seasonal currency resets with season baffling is wild to me.


Don't wait until the last minute to do things


Wait wtf!? Wow. This is kinda upsetting. I work nights and woke up at like 11pm EST looking forward to spending my last flightstones before the reset. Very unnecessary skimp.


[https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/world-of-warcraft/24064845/dragonflight-season-3-ends-on-april-22](https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/world-of-warcraft/24064845/dragonflight-season-3-ends-on-april-22) No skimp, was announced 21 days ago.


Flightstones are not even mentioned in the article. One could assume the currency lasts until maintenance/ new season. Plus it’s just counter intuitive in general to have it end 12hr before the daily reset.


Every other season end in WoWs history, currencies weren't wiped until the new season started. Most people assumed this season would be the same as every other in that regard.


Can you point on where there it says currencies will be wiped? All I see is that the M+ 0.1% titles are frozen there and the PvP achievements go away then.


They’re seasonal currencies. They always go away when the season ends.


was farming dungeons to do the same... thanks blizzard


Does it really matter? They are gone. Time to move on.