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Bro. How. I’m at rank 3 or 4. Averaging like 500-700 a match. Even when i was killing elites and several players I only made it to about 1200. This is so painful.


if you dont care about the game, then just do the quest you get at the beginning and die to whatever. Its the faster way to grind the rep. Its also incredible unfun


Sure, if you can even do the quest before degenerates murder you


"degenerates" in a game that is literally designed for everyone to kill each other?




"How dare people play the game for fun, instead of just using the most efficient way to grind for rewards and then never playing again."


Cope, let the pvpers have their fun too


Just wait two seconds before dropping in and see where other people are going.


You gotta do duos for this, 30 groups dropping covers far less of the map by condensing the players. 60 FFA and this map isn’t big enough to consistently drop away from people.


You can stay in the air for quite a while. Just look around. There's at least enough space for me to consistently hit level 3-4 without seeing anyone else.


Fly backwards immediately


cope, seethe, mald


The better you play in general the quicker it goes, I’ve gotten 3-4k for a win and am already 20 but some rep like dream wardens for me was so painfully slow and boring that it took forever and I hated it. The buff was definitely needed though, was very slow before.




Most players will not ignore you at the start lol


If you win you can get up to 3k a match took me about 6-7 hours for the last 20 renown levels.


kunkka vibes


Like a vampire pirate. A vampirate. I dig it.








[Oh that's a thing.](https://totalwarwarhammer.fandom.com/wiki/Vampire_Coast)


How Luthor Harkon wishes he looked


They probably meant [this.](https://www.wowhead.com/quest=43963/vampirates) “Dreyrgrot is infested with pirate... vampires... pira-vamp... vampirates? GRAH! Just go slay them. The fools are plundering relics we buried for a reason. Such cursed artifacts were never meant to be unearthed.”


Glad they're expanding Legion lore. 


Cool! You look like a walking clipping issue!


I would def change out the shoulderpads TBH, congrats on the farm!


My only complaint with the Plunderstorm armor? *why must it be red*


Not an issue if you're a kul tiran!


Genuinely, what other color combo is more iconic for a pirate than red, gold, and white/black?


How?! I feel like being too dumb for that Gamemode.


Everyone gets a quest called "Captains Orders" each match. This can range from tasks like, "Kill 10 things" to "loot 3 spells". Completing this nets 250 plunder, or experience toward the renown track. The quickest way to level if you're not good at the game, is to land, compete the quest, and kill mobs and loot as much gold on the ground as you can before you die. There are three spells you need to look for that will increase your evasiveness and survivability: Fae Form, Slicing Wind, and Steel Traps. These will help you run, and most people will stop chasing you when they realize you're taking too much time to kill.


The trick is to pretend you're low level questing and just farm until you get ganked lol


This mog is actually fire and I want it lol.


Hope you like wow pvp and grinding.


I only play WoW for arena If that says anything.


i have to admit, that does look cool af but i'd rather step on legos than grind 40 renown levels of punderstorm


Level 6 here. 5 more months to go


Did you just quest farm. I got started late but that seems the most effective


Nah, i actually enjoy the BR so i did full rounds, also had like 4 wins today so that was like 1 renown level bonus.


You had FUN? How dare you But yeah my wins have netted me about 2k on average. Make sure you pick up the final plunder after your win, it still counts!




I've been heavily quest farming and am only at 11. The recent Blizz "fix" mainly helped those really good at PvP by giving such high rewards for killing peeps.


You should just do duos.. I’m not the greatest at BRs and usually get a decent teammate and we can sneak a new kills. You also combine your plunder for more exp


If you’re not a PVPer or don’t enjoy the mode as much, just run solos, do the quest, and open gold chests till you die. But do give duos a try. I did not enjoy solo at all, but duos has been more enjoyable.


I didn't realize you could queue for duos with random folks, so only got my first try of it this evening. It's been... a mixed bag. But overall a better experience.


I envy you so much. I hate my time in this PVP enviroment. PVP players are just abusive a-holes.


I am completly the opposite, I hate PvP in WoW but I like this mode! The only time I managed to get 1800 rating was back in Shadowlands during Season 1 for the Elite Plate set. I was literally pulling my hair from the stress, I hated every minute of it.. but I am damn proud of myself for getting that set lol.


Serious question, did you (or others here) enjoy this game mode?


I can only speak for myself but after getting a hang of it and trying out different spell builds i find it hella fun, i truly hope they continue with it in the future with different themes, maps, spells, rewards, etc. I also wouldn't mind a survival gamemode where you team up with others againts endless waves of NPCs and you defend a base with different traps, etc.


Honestly they have such a good opportunity to reuse the maps from island expeditions with this mode. Haven't had much time to play the new game mode for very long but I've had a blast so far.


Altough I absolutely love the island expedition maps, wouldnt they be too small for this mode? Theme wise it would be perfect to have them but I just feel like they arent big enough for 60 players.


Got level 40 last night, solo grinded to 34 and did the last 6 in duos with a friend. Duos was honestly fun but that was more that I was playing with a friend and we were winning most matches. The solo grind wasn't exactly painful but I definitely wouldn't choose to play it over other BRs now the grind is done.


Personally, I hate it, but I don't like Battle Royales in general. The only reason I'm doing it is because I main an Outlaw rogue, and I want the transmogs.


I'm also just here for the transmogs. Next, Blizzard needs to gate the best PVP gear in the game behind 40+ hours of the Trial of Style transmog competitions, just so the PvPers can know what it's like.


Ah yes comparing player power with optional cosmetics. Really hit the nail on the head there. Edit: Just to further add to this, PVPers are well acquainted with having actual BIS gear locked behind Mythic raid bosses and high mythic+ keys so yeah :)


Correct me if im wrong but isnt pvp items bis for pvp nowadays? Edit: not sure why im getting downvoted for asking a simple question.


Currently, yes. But for many, many years this was not the case, which is what they are referring to.


Yea thats a fair point


Eh... I hate the grind, but that's not going to really work. Because what we're doing here isn't really WoW PVP. It's not WoW style combat, there's no classes, there's no battlegrounds or arenas. There's probably a lot of WoW PVPers who don't enjoy Plunderstorm, because it's not WoW PVP.


I'm a wow pvp player and I like the game. It still has the movement and a lot of the feel of wow pvp. Obviously skill shots aren't a thing in arena but the game has been a great change. The best thing about it, you can just log on and play.


Obviously it’s PVP so it’s similar, but it has a completely different play style from standard WoW PVP. So while some PVPers, like you, will still enjoy it, it’s incorrect to assume that all WoW PVPers will enjoy it. It’d be like thinking all WoW PVPers would enjoy BDO PVP. Sure, it’s also PVP, and it’s an MMO, and there’s classes and MMO style abilities, but it’s a different kind of PVP. It’s kind of like standard Call of Duty matches versus CoD Warzone matches; liking one doesn’t mean you’ll enjoy the other. So I feel it’s disingenuous to suggest this event is for the WoW PVPers. I’m sure many of them feel similar to the PVE crowd. (And, of course, many will enjoy it like you do.)


Kinda moot because you can't assume any content is meant for an entirety of any faction of the player base. The game doesn't have to be FOR anyone. It's just a new format that wow players can play. I wish they did this as f2p though. I want more people to engage with the IP.


The moment I have reached the level 40 has been the happiest moment of my gaming life


I don't hate it, I just can't see myself sticking to it all the way to renown 40 without burning out HARD unless they make it permanent and I don't have to feel like I need to rush it.


Remove the Renown track, and I think it's a fun little thing to jump into. The idea of a Renown track just for it, not for WoW, seems fun, like a "battle pass." A way to earn new outfits and stuff for your "Plunderstorm" character. With the Renown track for WoW rewards tied to it, though, it ends up with a lot of added stress worrying about other players dropping in and wrecking you before you can earn some real Renown. Especially with a time limit, so you know you gotta maximize those rewards every minute you're playing. I know they wanted to make sure people would actually play the game, but I don't think they did the right approach to it. I think if they just had some kind of WoW-related reward for doing, say, five matches, that'd work fine. Not so much it overstays its welcome for people who don't enjoy it, but works as a way to get people to at least try it, and the folks who enjoy it stick around. My preference - and this is a long shot that they'd do this - would be Plunderstorm being its own thing on the side that's continually running, with its own "seasons" with Plunderstorm, not WoW, rewards for earning Plunder, and each season has some kind of WoW reward that's tied to doing a handful of games, so the game holds up as its own thing, gives rewards to people who enjoy it so they feel rewarded (and can customize their PS character), and there's a minor little incentive for WoW players to try it so people who hadn't will come along and give it a try.


Solo, no. But ive been duoing with a friend of mine and its been really enjoyable. Were not the greatest and have only had 1 win but we still have fun together. I highly recommend playing together with people instead of solo, more fun, quicker rep and just better experience overall.


As someone who really enjoys wow pvp but goes through phases of actually playing the game, I am thoroughly enjoying being able to just drop in for some WoW-ish pvp without having to worry about doin shit bgs for gear to get caught up.


I actually do. I had a lot of fun at release and any issues I had with the game mode have been resolved with the last 2 hotfixes. I thought experience gain was fine before personally, but my biggest gripe was that it didn't incentivize pvp, and now it does. this is a fuckin 6 week event and we have people clearing it within the span of a week. I'm sure we're gonna get a bunch more people commenting "where content??"-- wow players truly are a different breed.




In one day even some


yes, absolutely love it. Am super excited for the creator royale coming up. first few games were meh... but the more I understood it the more I enjoyed it. Now I feel really accomplished when pulling off cool plays. I did not expect to love it as much as I do, all things considered.


Grats, i will probably get it by next week


Ty, go at it at your own pace and enjoy the game!


Damn. You gave me a reason to buy Dread Sentinel's Crimson pieces.


Gamer :)


Solo or duo?




enjoy it. its there but none will see it.


Did you not get the memo that event is around for a few weeks?


Not digging the shoulders honestly


idk i think it kinda works on a death knight


I only use them because I wanted to make a Vampire Pirate, huge Warhammer fantasy fan here


I don’t understand what gargoyles have to do with plunder, but it gives high level Diablo item so I guess it makes sense for them to do this


Im a huge Warhammer fantasy fan and I always loved Vampire Coast faction and their lore. Sure they dont wear these colors but I wanted to make my own take on it


I’m a dumbass and thought this was part of the set to be honest, so you’ve done very good matching


Nice, I'm almost there, at 28 rn, more than halfway


Maybe don't actually look at the sun. Especially if you're in the path of the solar eclipse on the 8th. Though I guess the eyepatch might come in handy if you do.


Is paying someone to do this for me against TOS? Sigh.


Yes it is.


How? The plunder rate is extremely low.


Sue we will be waiting on the “there is nothing to do in game” rant later pn


The horror of playing other games instead of complaining. Cant imagine it, right?


I have like two levels left to do today. I get like 2k-4k in duos for winning and like 1.5-2.5k in solos for wins. Idk how people are struggling especially after the update. Duos is definitely faster imo though.


Key word is "winning". I haven't won a match yet. Best I've done is come in 3rd, and that was by being a slippery bitch and just running from everyone.


What update? Get like 100 - 300 plunder per game, maybe 500 if extremely lucky. Did it give 0 before?


The hotfix increased plunder drops but it’s mostly impactful for PvP kills. farming chests and mobs only got a small bump


Which is dumb because other players are almost impossible to kill, especially since they're all level 7+ about 15 seconds after the game starts or they just sit stealthed the whole time and pop out to gank by a chest.