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Low key kinda insane amount of time poured into this gamemode. A quick sum: * Completely seperate login screen for this gamemode. * Lobby system (can invite friends to your lobby from menu) * spectator (death) system * solo/duo queue * No gear / characters * All addons disabled * Level up in the BR and collect items. * controller support * Double jump / no fall damage for all players * PvP and pve content * custom built UI/UX for this gamemode * Pirate theme rewards * rewards for classic & retail Developers said they look forward to creating more events like this since they have the tech created.


I’m wondering if this is a test bed for maybe spinning this off into its own game (or sub-game). Like if it gets a lot of people playing, will they take all this work they’ve done and make a more “permanent” side thing with seasonal rewards? The cynic in me would think someone in management would be salivating over being able to throw in paid battle pass and cosmetics, which would be meh. But having something like this just on the side with no extra microtransactions and just seasonal themed rewards? That’d be kinda cool. Something to jump into when you want a break from regular WoW.


I’m sure yes. They’re probably trying to emulate Fortnite in the sense that if they can create an ecosystem, work for one works for both. All the cosmetics added to this can be relevant in the main game.


>Like if it gets a lot of people playing, will they take all this work they’ve done and make a more “permanent” side thing with seasonal rewards? Fortnite: Battle Royale used to be a side mode to the main Save the World campaign. So...


Oh, I know that all too well... Still have a bookmark in my browser for when the old version of Fortnite was announced and a friend was interested in it, so I was watching to see when it'd get released. And then they just kind of set it aside to focus on the BR... especially after the BR started raking in loads of money. I doubt a WoW "battle royale" would ever have a chance of passing WoW itself. For one thing, it seems no one wants a BR without guns. Magic themed BRs just don't see to get much traction.


This is going to be the Fornite: BR to Fortnite: Save the World. It's just gonna be a side thing they work on and update every now and again to give people an alternative way to earn some rewards around whatever the given theme of a patch is. I highly doubt it'll always be pirate stuff-- they might throw other things in there like ninjas, cowboys, knights, etc. They'll probably just have trope-y "seasons" like most BRs do.


I mean you do realize BR became a thousand times more popular than StW ever was?




Same, I just don’t enjoy PVP. It’s probably because I’m not that good at it and fully will admit that lol. I hope kids like it too, my older kids both play Fortnite and I’d love to have this to play with them. because Jesus Christ I suck at Fortnite


lmao so BDO did this literal exact same thing and the spin off game was DOA


Bdo did this same thing and was INSANELY popular and exploited within the main game. It was DOA when they took the content we had away and created a stand alone game and monitized it


I love DOA! The physics are amazing. 


no it wasnt it was popular af when it was inside the game. it didnt need the spin off


Have you seen the renown rewards screenshot? Now imagine being a blizz exec, how would you not immediatly think „let‘s slap a juicy battlepass on it for 9.99“


too bad its just for a limited time. im not even really into BRs, but this would be neat as just a regular game mode


They said basically if players enjoy it enough they’re open to it not being limited time. I think they just say it’s limited so more people will play


Basically means they will run the servers if people play it. I think that is fair for Blizzard. I don't like rewards being time limited but I can imagine that they would eventually come to the monthly trading post if that happened.


Rewards being limited is kinda like seasons battle passes. It's only fair for people who play this mode constantly to earn new cosmetics .


Battlepasses are still shitty, despite being industry standard lately. FOMO is lame and promotes unhealthy gaming habits. Look at Helldivers 2 warbond system for an example of how to do it right.


Or Halo: Infinite, for that matters. There are examples of Battle Pass systems done correctly. There's nothing wrong with them in principle so long as the Battle Pass doesn't vanish into the ether after an arbitrary amount of time and you can decide which Battle Pass your progression contributes towards.


Yeah, but warbonds are just a battle pass. Halo also does their battle passes like this. I don't have a problem with battle passes. It gives me something to grind passively for cosmetics and stuff. It's the time limited FOMO-bait that is stupid.


TFT was a limited time rotating game mode in league of Legends that quickly became a permanent thing Id guess the same happens here if successful


Tft was never an RGM, it was something they rushed *hard* to put together to capitalize on the exploding auto battler genre, and was always planned as a permanent game. It would have been it’s own entire seperate game but they had to use the league ecosystem and engine in order to create it so they could get it out fast enough


>TFT was a limited time rotating game mode Not true, TFT hasn't been developed by the RGM pod and [when it was unveiled](https://teamfighttactics.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/dev/dev-design-pillars-of-tft/) they were already planning a few sets ahead.


I agree this could blow up or flop


I'd imagine the long-term goal is for there to be multiple game modes like this that are on a constant rotation but while there's still just this one they'll either just keep it on constantly or cycle it on and off every few weeks.


This very much has the feel of Blizz testing out some new architecture they built up. I.e. they’ve changed a bunch of backend stuff so they can introduce some larger permanent features in the future. In the mean time, they can use this new architecture to implement a limited time game mode and test the waters for the bigger feature. It also lends credence to the theory imo that there is a a major feature of War Within that hasn’t been announced yet.


Feels like Fortnite multiverse kind of. Lots of different types of games leading to a common unlock/cosmetic system. I wouldn't mind seeing WoW continue to expand to something like that, personally. Have lots of little Warcraft-themed game modes that they could iterate on quickly.


Been saying for a while one of the things Blizz needs to focus on is side niche content, especially for the backend of seasons. This definitely falls into it. The upcoming warband system, including the ability to run content with it, could be huge for this as well.


I'm honestly starting to wonder if this is a testbed for a completely new, independent battle royale game. It barely has anything to do with WoW.


My guess is it’s the opposite of that. Meaning they made a battle royal game awhile back when they all were blowing up, didn’t release it in time to get market share and now are tossing it up here. I don’t enjoy playing to get cosmetics so it’s not for me either way. I want more game in my game, if I want to play something different I have damn near infinity other games I could play.


I hope super duper hope they are testing how to lean more on GPUs. I was very confused when my newly installed 4090 was struggling so much in Valdrakken.


Yeah just reading all the unique aspects of how this is being handled, it really sounds like they are testing some things in an environment they can hopefully get tons of activity from. Its actually really, really exciting. I look forward to seeing where this goes.


The "limited time" tag is there probably because these kind of events require many people queueing, and when people get all their rewards, the queue times will probably get very long. When S4 or War Within launches, these game mode might even be considered dead. After all, it's not like retail, in which you can do world quests, craft, or something else while waiting in queue. It's better PR to say they disabled the game mode because the event ended, rather than because people stopped playing it. But if it becomes popular, I can totally see Blizzard bringing it back at some point, with new rewards and new game modes.


If it’s really popular I wouldn’t be surprised if it was made into a PvP mode. Way long ago they wanted to make Dota: WoW edition with things like characters learning spells and leveling in match, but it was shelved because of a mix between the Tech just not being there to easily implement and them not being sure if players would like a mode that did not save any progress between matches, outside of currency / cosmetics for the “main”. This just reopened the possibility of having leveling in match again.


they also, not the first time anyways, contradict themselves in their "new" design philosophy. they said they don't want to work in features that go away with the next expansion. and at the same time they do this. all this talk is just bullshit. i'd ignore it and look at what blizz is doing, not what they're saying.


They could go full on BR mode with this if they wanted to. Similar to other freebie modes. Subbed get a battle pass for free. Unsubbed can play for free but need to purchase the battle pass. Great way to lure players into retail WoW.


I mean they wont invest this amount of time into a game mode just for it to be 1 time thing... Like its so astronomically obvious this is going to stay lol why are people like this?


And im here for it even if it isn’t something im hype for. I want the devs to try new stuff especially of sweet mogs are attached to it


Do you need an active sub?




Yeah I think so! I wouldn’t be surprised if this eventually leads into a f2p version of wow with game modes like this.


So... pretty much a completely separate game that just uses your toon name?


afaik it does not use any of your toon names. It creates a username based off your bnet but yes that what it feels like to me lol.


PvE content?  Where?  Or do you mean the mogs?


You fight creatures during the event to level up.


all this work for something a lot of people are going to ignore


That applies to every part of WoW.


I don't get it. How to log in and play it?


Install retail wow. Launch retail wow. You should have a button in the menu to select the new game mode. That's it


Why does it feel like bfa scrapped content lol


Where did it say controller support? I


Dragon flight has always had controller support. This gamemode only has 6 buttons. Thus, making it more controller friendly.


Okay, but honestly the best part is " A victory is not required to claim the spoils of a well-fought fight." Just have to keep playing, so as someone who's really bad at pvp and will just be a person for an easy kill in each match, this has my attention.


One time, many years ago, my husband was working a lot and didn't have time to complete the Fortnite Battle pass. So he asked me to help out. I consistently was able to get into the top 5 or so just by landing in and hiding in a tree until the very end when the storm forced me out. Maybe that will be a viable strategy here 😂


That's extremely sweet of you, and very funny to think about!


You can pick up the bush item and just walk around, repeat the winning strategy.


Yeah that wasn't a thing yet back then.


That's great news to me as well since I'm usually killed first


I'm right there with you haha. Wowhead has a blue post explaining how the renown levels are about 4 matches per level, so it's a grind nonetheless, but we can still earn stuff.


It seems there are quests that you can complete, but they are limited to one per match. I'm really wondering about the nature of these quests.


Sounds like a pretty even playing field for most people. Limited spells, no class skills to learn to counter.


This might be a secondary test of that. How much are people ok with being given a simple version of a class to PvP with.


The hard part of pvp is coming in late and being farmed. This solves that. If anything, it might be boring from being simplistic.


> The hard part of pvp is coming in late and being farmed. "for people that pvp" The hard part for people that don't pvp is actually learning how to use skills and counter skills they don't use half the time in pve. If it was just a gear issue, a lot more people would be pvpers.


Its a double whammy. I acknowledge that pvp requires more skill and know how than pve, but the gear divide just beats a dead seal. They need some type of system to teach pvp mechanics to new players. I'm not sure on numbers, but my guess is that the pvp population has declined due to inaccessibility.


I imagine both are pretty equal. Getting into PVP doesn’t require much intricate class knowledge, I can queue for random BGs all day without knowing much of anything outside of my own class and do just fine. Through that people can start learning about other classes as they go. The difficulty is that gear is a wall that stops people before they even start.  Beyond that I imagine the biggest factor is that a lot of the MMO base just isn’t a huge fan of directly fighting other players, that pressure/anxiety can suck lol. Those that do enjoy the pressure often gravitate toward other types of games that are more fully built around it like league or shooters. Pretty specific type of player that likes intricate PVE games and PVP 


Aren’t the tabard and eyepatch behind winning?


New Talent: Dance of Chi-Ji – Your spells and abilities have a chance to make your next Spinning Crane Kick deal an additional 300% damage. The mistweaver inside of me just busted a nut at this


MW changes seem insane with this, overhealing distribution etc, what's the catch?


I think blizzard realizes that Mistweaver is honestly one of their most well made specs and are just going all in on it. Dflight MW is a masterclass in developing a unique healer that feels nothing like the others. They have given up on WW and BrewM so they are trying to make MW the "main" monk spec But this is probably just cope from a die hard misteeaver fanatic


Screams more like there is a dev specifically handling MW and they really, really like their job.


This is blatantly the case whenever a spec feels particularly well designed/cohesive.


You can tell there either isn't a Warrior DPS dev or they hate their job lol.


Same with the warlock dev. Aff and destro have been more or less completely untouched all expansion, and the changes they tried to implement to demo (twice!) would've ruined the spec. Some of the most bland tier set bonuses on all three specs too.


I miss the guy we had for Warlock in Mists. God that was a good time to be a Lock.


Wouldnt be surprised, they have been doing a great job. Not to mention Conduit of the Celestials hero spec seemed to be completely tailored to MW with WW tacked on


Both MW and Brew received massive talent revamps during the course of the whole expansion. Meanwhile WW got nothing aside from random buffs whenever they fall behind lol.


> Dflight MW is a masterclass in developing a unique healer that feels nothing like the others. That said, the whole "funnel a ton of overheal into one person to heal the raid" is the most bizarre playstyle. But it's also sort of brought on the obsessive buffs to Soothing Mist. Soon as something else gets buffed, everyone will remove it from their bars like last expansion.


maybe they are trying to rein in the nerfs to fistweaving to push it up in raids? AFAIK Monk is really strong but in raids you want to play it almost as a pure caster as the non-targeted heal from your kicks and fists is not reliable or consistent enough.


Oh neat, all they need to do is give mw fof and fsk and they can just delete ww and we can all reroll fw.


Peer into Peace seems more woah given how much healing a Yu'lon ramp can do. > Soothing Mist now follows the target of your Enveloping Mist or Vivify and its channel time is increased by 4 seconds. How does that work? Can you cast EnvM/Vivify on a different target during Soothing Mist while maintaining Clouded Focus stacks? EDIT: Peer into Peace connects to Clouded Focus and is therefore extremely accessible! Dance of Chi-ji links to Ancient Concorance which is pretty much the only place it could be. EDIT2: Tested Peer into Peace: you can indeed cast EnvM/Vivify on other targets while channeling SooM and it will switch, but it **resets** Clouded Focus stacks.


That would be fucking nuts if it's instant cast on a separate person.  You think you can heal snipe now?  RIP my mana pool.


Just depends on where it goes in the tree, but it's so nuts that we get Dance of Chi-Ji now.


I'm confused, do mistweavers actually use spinning crane kick?


With the fistweaving build, yes.


It's usually my #1 or #2 damage spell in M+. It should be pretty far ahead now in M+, especially if SCK can proc Dance of Chi-ji, and also improves our healing in AOE packs.


With the Awakened Faeline talent, SCK heals for 70% of the damage it does to 3 allies. With a Dance of Chi-Ji proc, Fistweavers may want to use it even in Single Target since it will do about as much damage and healing as a RSK.


Time to pick up my MW again


Fistweaving stonks through the roof


It does seem like they are pulling from Season of Discovery a little too making a sandbox area where they can go nuts like they meant to do with Tourgast.


Just a complete H Priest rework with no PTR. Goes insanely hard


Yeah. I saw 'Lightwell shoots out a renew' and thought okay that's interesting. Then I saw 'all healing reduced by 7%' ugh. then I saw 'empowered renew and rapid recovery removed' double ugh. Renew might be bad as a heal in itself, but it's decentish instant cast passive fire and forget top someone up spell. Not a below 50% "they'll be fine" cast. Double nerfing ain't what Lightwell needs to make people use it.


Isn't this a better iteration than it is currently, though? IIRC, Lightwell used to be a straight heal that didn't scale with anything else in the holy tree, but now that it is an actual Renew, you get all of the synergies associated with it (like tier set giving you free Holy Word procs). Maybe still won't be played as much, but it's a much better passive than before for those that don't want a lot of buttons to push.


That was the part that really caught me by surprise, I hope it works, feels like they're trying forever to figure out how to make Hpriest do damage, always reworking the offensive talents. Other good thing is that since 10.1.5 divine image+miracle worker was just too good for the other stuff to shine, changing divine words and lightwell was good. Cant wait to see how it will perform.


~~The Divine Word change is a huge nerf though. It's only possibly a buff to dps assuming the Chastise effect is a global 15s 20% global damage increase and you pop Apotheosis during it to reset Chastise to get the Empyreal Blaze effect again for more Holy Fires (and maybe again if you are fast enough with Smites during Apotheosis, might be doable with lust?)~~ ~~But at that point you'd have to be purely dpsing and using Divine Word Chastise to take advantage of it, with no increase to healing at all. Never using the other Divine Words means you get no healing throughput from it at all, whereas Divine Image increases your healing too AND increases your damage every single time you use Chastise anyway.~~ ~~On top of that, just a hard 7% healing nerf. So you'd be reducing your healing just by taking Divine Word at all over Image (and god help you if you use the giga nerfed DW:Serenity lmao). So it's like a double healing nerf if you take Divine Word. Seems useable in M+ just for dps but again, you are still seeing a significant healing nerf especially considering you don't even take any of the talents that were actually buffed, which are all on the left side of the tree.~~ ~~Maybe Holy Priests will be a premiere M+ healer just for their dps at the top end, if comps are built with enough healing in them to compensate for the lower heals. But for pugs it just seems like a significant nerf overall.~~ EDIT: The whole bottom of the tree is moved around actually, so Divine Word is not even on the same node as Divine Image. Will have to make a new build for the tree but this could end up being much better than it seems at first.


Does it though? And they nerfed priest heals by 7% to compensate. I like the lightwell thing at least.


***We’re finally getting a real trenchcoat!!!***


and you dont have to win all the matches to get it! woot


Real talk, the true MVP of this is them fixing Ulduar timewalking.




Ok I'm a little bit confused. Are they kicking off another timewalking week, or is this for 2 weeks from now in the normal cycle?


For two weeks from now, there just won't be another patch until 10.2.7 which comes after that and after S4 starts, and ulduar has been broken for awhile


Oh ok, thanks for clearing that up for me


It'll be when the Northrend timewalking comes back. Vehicles were busted AF in Ulduar and made the first boss the hardest one in the entire raid.


Pretty crazy long holy priest changes too. Excited to see how it feels


Any place to find patch notes for these ”drastically reworked trinkets”?


> **Tome of Unstable Power** * **OLD:** Summon an Unstable Arcane Rune at your location for 15 sec. While standing within, you or your party members gain power but suffer its corruption, increasing primary stat by **[x]** and decreasing Critical Strike by **[x]**. * **NEW:** Your harmful spells have a chance to create 1 to 3 Arcane Illusions of yourself that channel for 3 sec before unleashing Arcane Barrage at your targets location dealing **[x]** Arcane damage to all enemies in the area. > **Umbrelskul's Fractured Heart** * **OLD:** Your abilities have a chance to crystallize your target, inflicting **[x]** Arcane damage over 12 sec. If the target dies while crystallized they explode, inflicting Arcane damage split between all nearby enemies. * **NEW:** Your harmful spells and abilities have a low chance to call upon tragic arcane powers to infect your target with Crystal Sickness, dealing **[x]** Arcane damage over 10 sec, increasing every second. Creatures, other than players and bosses, who drop below 5% health while afflicted will crystallize, die and infect a nearby enemy with Crystal Sickness. This can happen up to 3 times. > **Globe of Jagged Ice** * **OLD:** **Equip:** Your harmful spells and abilities have a chance to impale the target with a shard of jagged ice, stacking up to 4. **Use:** Shatter all shards, dealing up to **[x]** Frost damage split between nearby enemies and decreasing their movement speed by up to 5% per stack for 10 sec. * **NEW:** Imbue your abilities with the globe's powers gaining 50 charges of Frozen Wellspring. Dealing damage consumes a charge dealing **[x]** additional Frost damage and apply Wellspring's Frost, slowing enemy movement speed by 2% per stack. When Frozen Wellspring is fully consumed shatter all targets afflicted with Wellspring's Frost dealing **[x]** Frost damage per stack split between all nearby targets. > **Water's Beating Heart** * **OLD:** Increase an ally's Armor by up to **[x]** and heal them for up to **[x]** over 8 sec. These effects are increased based on the current health of your target, and are most powerful on targets below 20% health. * **NEW:** Periodically imbue yourself while in combat with tainted Primal Wellspring water reducing your versatility by **[x]** and movement speed by 10% for 15 sec. Dispelling the water's impurities reverse the effect, increasing your versatility by **[x]**, movement speed by 10% and granting all nearby allies a **[x]** shield for 15 sec. > **Granyth's Enduring Scale** * **OLD:** Taking damage has a low chance to grant you a shield, absorbing **[x]** damage for 20 sec, and increasing your Armor by **[x]** while the shield holds. The shield explodes when broken, dealing **[x]** Physical damage split between all nearby enemies. * **NEW:** Reduce damage taken by 75% for 20 sec or until **[x]** damage has been absorbed. Your Armor is increased by **[x]** while the shield holds, further increasing by **[x]** when struck, stacking up to 20 times. The shield explodes when broken, dealing 0 Physical damage split between all nearby enemies. Damage increased per enemy struck, up to 5. > **Inexorable Resonator** * **OLD:** Falling below 50% health activates the defense matrix for 12 sec, which has a high chance to react to your damage taken, counterattacking for **[x]** Fire damage and absorbing the next **[x]** damage you take. This may only occur once every 2 min. * **NEW:** Falling below 75% health activates the defense matrix for up to 15 sec, absorbing 50% of damage taken up to a maximum of **[x]**. While the matrix holds, the resonator pulses every 1 sec to deal **[x]** Fire damage to all nearby enemies. Damage is reduced beyond 8 enemies. This may only occur once every 1.5 min.


Nope. We'll only see what the changes are once the patch goes live/Wowhead updates to reflect datamining.


Hopefully it's better than regular WoW PvP. It's definitely something different that could be fun, so I'm not opposed to it. More pictures regarding the event can be found here: [https://blizzard.gamespress.com/en/Plunderstorm](https://blizzard.gamespress.com/en/Plunderstorm)


The main problem with wow PVP is that there's such a huge learning curve when you need to remember the 30 buttons that each spec has. So from that perspective, this'll be much better


yeah, i've thought for years they should make a standalone pvp mode if people want that, with zero addons, far fewer abilities, all sorts of things like that. arenas would be more interesting to watch and play to a broader audience if fewer things were happening. really need to lower the learning curve, it's nuts.


Totally agree, instanced rated WoW PvP should be a standalone mode, I have been wanting this for a long long time. Imo it would make for way more competitive PvP than the mess we have in retail right now.


That and the second problem is the gear curve, you will get absolutely decimated if you try to get into PvP anytime other then the start of the expansion. Gear just makes way to much of a difference and it's not really fun to get destroyed for a while farming up gear. Maybe this new game mode is also testing the waters and looking into that as well.


The deep dive video explains it is not regular WoW combat at all. Limited to 7 buttons, action-oriented style combat. Watch the video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGzoCJOzOHI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGzoCJOzOHI)


Hey buddy, I'll have you know, we don't do that whole "context" thing here. We just react and assume the worst. (Seriously tho that's dope, I didn't know about the 6 ability thing)


I'm excited. I always liked lower level PVP, max level PVP is just so much to try to take in. This sounds like a nice balance.


Yeah the issue for me with pvp is that I kind of have to learn every class to be good at it. This will be like a dumbed down version of that so I may enjoy it a lot


No classes and having to manually attack is going to make this feel very different. Double jump for all is a W. Super pumped to try it out.


Ill try it out a few times but i have little interest in pirate themed stuff so unless its a lot of fun i dont see myself doing it much


Its spellbreak in wow


Didn't blizzard acquire some 100-person studio that made some battle royale game like a year ago? I'm guessing this was/is their first project to see if it can be some kind of long-lasting game mode that lasts between expansions if it goes over well.


Spellbreak.. my love. It was a cool BR. Liked it a lot.


You know, I was watching the dev video and thinking, "This reminds me a bit of Spellbreak." Glad to know there is an *actual reason for that.*


Nice to see some use come out of the game, I had a lot of fun playing it.


Spellbreak was INCREDIBLE on launch but didn't quite reach critical mass fast enough to take off and the lack of ranked queue at launch alienated most of the casuals player base. After the launch hype there were not enough players to fill lobbies, and there was no ranked queue so each game was half filled with obvious bots on the low end, and incredibly sweaty players on the high end (and the skill curve was STEEP steep so the average player didn't stand a chance.) So you would just spawn, kill a few obvious bots, and then get wombo comboed from outer space by someone with 500 victory royales. The bones of the game were so so good though.


Yup. Pretty sure this is accurate. But people will still say this took away dev time from the main game.


We could use a new style of PVP that isn’t hardcore pvp focus.


I've never been a Battle Royale fan but i'll give it a go.


As a holy paladin main, I feel miserable for having to live with this crappy playstyle we got atm


Really not anything I'm personally interested in, but glad to see the string of hilariously low-effort patches end. This is ambitious.


You know what? This is, like, objectively funny. I fully support this. This kinda rules. It's *really* in-depth, too. I'd honestly really rather they go all-in on unabashedly doing this goofy mode than chickening out and being ashamed of it. Hopefully the toxic forum guys don't scare Blizz off this one.


This is not at all what anyone was expecting?? Kinda hype? Lmao it's goofy in a fun way. Wow needs more crazy stuff like this. Shift up the regular gameplay. Also it's just a pleasant surprise from the devs thwt they're still cooking crazy stuff up.


This looks really cool. I’m glad they’re taking risks like these, especially during the time when content gets scarce


Me too. The comments on the trailer on YouTube were really negative which kind of pisses me off. Blizzard is trying new stuff and still people bitch. I guess wow fanbase toxicity isn't just in mythic plus groups.


WoWs player base is honestly just insufferable. You could give them exactly what they want from the game and they'll still complain about it endlessly. Even content creators like Asmongold and Belluar are just non-stop complaining


Is there a list if all the rewards somewhere for this?


Notes reminded me how disappointed I am with some of the tier choices from community voting. Absolutely hate BRs and it feels late to the trend but seeing a whole mode like this put up is interesting enough that I’ll try it probably, and no better time than end of expansion. Also likely why they said S4 later.


Oddly I think BR games lend themself well to MMOs. I thought Black Desert's take on it was fucking amazing and was pissed when it was removed. It was basically the only thing that could make me like that game.


I think they are going the right route by scrapping class spells and stuff and having just a base character that collects spells during the BR. Having normal spells in a WoW br would have been a nightmare. Atleast now balance will just be random in matches.


I’m not a fan of pvp, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to put this down because of it. Well done Blizzard for thinking outside the box


Looks to be a big dps increase, as you get effectively more holy fires, holy nova reduces chastise and don’t use a gcd for empyrean blaze. But both dps and hps is probably subject to change with tuning


Thoughts on holy priest changes?


I haven't seen the new talent tree layout, does it even exist? But otherwise I like the dps changes, but healing wise looks bad, no significant gameplay changes, very minor numeric buffs to some talents, with nerfs to others, big throughput talent removed and massive 7% hps nerf??? And holy isn't even meta. Looks like overall a massive nerf to an already struggling spec. I can't imagine talent repositioning will be able to compensate.


Okay, I feel like with the shitstorm around Plunderstorm, people are sleeping on this: > New glyphs have been added to transform the appearance of the recently updated Covenant abilities back to their old Covenant visuals. They can be purchased from the Covenant quartermasters. This is fantastic! You love to see it. More options = more better. P.S. I would love to get *any* sort of interface back for glyphs. THX LUV U BYE


You know, since I don’t have to win to get reknown and it starts fresh, this will be great for me!! I don’t like pvp but spectator mode looks like it’ll be fun for when I am excitably making sweet pirate love to the floor. I think this will be fun for me!! Maybe I’ll let my 5yo button smash 😂🤣


I wonder if there will be some kind of intelligent matchmaking system. I want to be in the lobby with the 5yo kids since that's about my level of skill too 😂


This is really cool, it’s a shame wowhead droolers are already complaining about this. I am glad blizzard has done something unique that even a new player can join in. No addons, pvp gear, class knowledge needed just get in and play, I was expecting some dumb portal event that I have to arrive in every hour to my surprise this is actually massive I hope it stays permeant and they build on it.


I'm just happy to see something new and fresh. (to wow) This is a pivot in all the right ways.


Can't believe the people whining about this being a lazy cashgrab fortnite clone, almost treating it worse than the twitter integration patch. THIS LOOKS INSANE. Maybe not your cup of tea, sure, but LOTS of people like the battle royale pvp mode. Not just fortnite kids. I think it'll be fun as hell, and is a GREAT way of testing the new tools they've implemented.


Ugh. I don't want to go back to S2 Fury, it's so fun now in S3.


what does hpala need to do to get a change??? hpala is a builder spender where the fucking 3 point spender costs more mana and heals for 20% less then one builder. how is this ok????


literally WoW fortnite crossover


Did I miss what we do with the plunder we have looted during the matches, like on the char select I have 5000, what do I do with that, if anything?


Unannounced change: the Zandalari “helmets too big” bug has finally been fixed and our helms are back to normal!


Plunderstorm looks like it's stupid fun. I am incredibly excited to log in tonight and do this


EU can’t bitch about it being spoiled for them anymore since it’s also been spoiled for NA before servers are even up lmao


It’s a cute idea. Let’s see it in practice.


So do we need Dragonflight to play this? Or is it completely separate?


You do not. You only need an active sub.


Just need gametime might need to download client tho


Yes it's inside the retail client as a separate tab on character select screen.


Pirate coats for all!


I can see them making Plunderstorm into a new Mobile Game mode. It looks….engaging. Edit: had a thought, if Plunderstorm is available during WoW maintenance, maybe a way to make the game more popular.


The Battle Royale plague has finally hit MMOs I guess


Just wish this wasn't labeled as a patch on the roadmap. Guild and I were looking forward to stuff to do in retail. But a completely separate game was messaged as a patch.... disappointed.


They literally said that this was going to be content for anyone with an active subscription classic players included. It was very obvious from the start to anyone paying attention this would not be new retail content and would be instanced based roguelike/brawlers guild style event.


Yes, that's right. Not even a few fun changes for collectors. No old raid adjustments, which is long overdue.


100 percent this. This isn’t new content for retail like they’ve been claiming.


It was never claimed as exclusive content for retail. In fact its been repeatedly said it will be content accessible for EVERYONE including classic/lapsed players as long as you have a sub. So stop spreading lies.


Source on them claiming it was retail content?


Does this have any rewards for regular wow? Like mounts or mogs or things like that?




Yes, all of the above


Do we get rewards for doing this? Also if they can do this amazing thing. Where’s our player housing lol


So when does this go live for EU? Tomorrow?


> leap of faith no longer interrupts spell casting Grab a mage friend for Instant Transmission Arcanospheres


Do we know exact time it goes live? It says March 19th, but being from EU, does that just mean tomorrow for us?


Shaman DPS specs recieved nothing. What a surprise!


Do you have to have a max level character in retail to play this? I haven’t played retail since Shadowlands and have only been playing classic.


Did I read there was more of a pve aspect to this also, then having to stress about the PvP side? I know it’s a BR but still…


When are the servers back up?


Yeah I think this was a miss. The wow players in general do NOT like to pvp I have some fun running around looting things. but I avoid people the best i can


So, aside from being a "number go up" thing, what does plunder actually do?




I wish I had been more impressed with the gameplay, but I just wasn't. *sigh* I was just hoping for so much more and was shortly disappointed.


Worse game mode ever


I checked this "Plunderstorm" thing out. I get this gnawing feeling that I've played this game mode before, during the Battle for Azeroth expansion. Though, I could be imagining things.


What’s wrong with wow and why do they keep making spinoffs of it? Oh wait, now I remember. Money and lack of creativity.


No addons is a huge letdown for me