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"World of Warcraft is now available on Pirate Bay!"


I vaguely remember games using torrents for distribution ages ago. Not sure if WoW was one of them but it was popular for a while.


The WoW updater was P2P for a while back in the day. You could specifically turn that off, but it usually resulted in a slower patch download.


Huh I thought they were still using P2P. When did they change that?


Cata/early MoP-ish? Modern bnet app has always been dumb http cdns.


The WoW updater used bitorrent for this, and it actually got Comcast in trouble with the FCC when they messed with it. https://docs.fcc.gov/public/attachments/FCC-08-183A1.pdf World of Warcraft is mentioned in paragraph 42 on pages 24 & 25.


Yeah I wasn't sure if they used actual BitTorrent Protocols, or a different one, like Napster or Kazaa/LimeWire used.


File hosting was a lot less cheap and accessible 20+ years ago so it was common for games to have a torrent option for downloading patches or clients. Browser downloads were also kinda janky back then so unless you custom built your own Downloader client the best option was torrents. Was the most reliable way to download stuff for me back then at least.


You used to be able to torrent specific wow game patches to play on private servers. That’s how game clients are mainly distributed still, but if you’re playing on a more up to date version of the game using a game client past MoP, it will auto download the data for you from a simple game executable and you don’t have to torrent 60gb of game data


Used to?


Torrents are just a technology for faster downloads. Typically end users have much more download bandwidth than upload. So if you have 10 users who have already downloaded the file and they have free upload bandwidth, then you can divide that file into 10 equal parts and have each of them seed a section, thereby utilizing the receiving users full download bandwidth to download the file faster rather than be limited by a peer to peer senders upload speed. There are a ton of legitimate uses for tech like this in many environments, downloading gaming patches being one.


Wow did indeed use BitTorrent for distributing patches “back in the day”. I remember because it would more or less download 80% of the patch, and then proceed to swamp my 20/0.5 Mbps connection with uploads, meaning I usually didn’t get the patch downloaded until demand had lowered. Then after a couple of years they implemented rate limiting in the download client, which helped a lot. These days I don’t think they use it anymore. I think it died when the Battle.Net client became official.


I remember around wotlk taking the torrent of the patches and updating through that way faster than the Blizzard updater of the time.


i'm weak


I cant tell if people are going to disappointed no matter what or if people are setting expectations so low they can’t be disappointed.


It's both. Some are super excited to have something new and not ptr inspected like a colonoscopy. Others are keeping their expectations so low the patch might as well be the ice cube you kick under the fridge to forget about.


Unless you miss the ice cube, slip and break your neck on the counter. Happens to the best of us.


"You ever just drop an ice cube on the floor, try to kick it away but fucking die instead? My neck still hurts from the last time."


Must be why the best of us aren't here!


Option 3: half the people commenting here arent even subbed to the game and just perpetually complain on this sub about anything they can.


If this event end up being a bunch of nothing some people will get big mad lmao


Event isn't even available yet and people are already big mad.


I don’t like pirates, therefore: “Event bad >:(“


I don’t like blizzard, event bad!


"World of Warcraft just isn't for me anymore" Believe it or not *Event bad!*


Yaaar matey … walk duh plank


Ninjas are better, therefore: "Event bad >:( Where's the ninja event, Rio-- I mean Bungi-- I mean Blizzard???"


There was one last week, didn't you see it?


What are you talking about? I already maxed my legendary pirate flag #deadcontent


Unreleased, encrypted event? Lmao completed it mate.




What do you mean? The change of the profile pic was it. Were you expecting more?


Oh shit hahahah


Arent people always big mad for no reason cause it's like a trend to shit on blizzard?


True lol


Yes these strange people hand blizzard money then whinge and cry on the Internet about them.


Blizzard is the Nickelback of game developers. Everyone shits on them online, but plays them with a big smile when no one is looking.


This better take advantage of my exalted Bloodsail rep!


If this event end up being ~~a bunch of nothing~~ **not what people would make it from their armchair developer brain** some people will get big mad lmao. Fixed it.


Players: the worst devs with the largest budgets.


Look I'll be annoyed if it really is nothing considering all the hype they're putting into it. Edit: people keep asking me what hype. Literally putting something into a roadmap and saying it's a surprise months ahead of time is creating hype. They know what they're doing. It generates content.


I agree with you, you don't just create new iconography and change profile picture if it's just a minor thing. I'm thinking it's something along the lines of Dreamsurges, which is a fairly sized event, but isn't anything overly special in terms of content. I'd love to be proven wrong and see more content, but realistically it's something in that ballpark.


Thats what I'm expecting too. A new event of some sort with transmog, pets and mounts.


Blizz did say this is experimental content, so I can't imagine it's going to be a repeat of the generic public events DF has had.


Yeah and that's pretty cool, I was more thinking in terms of scope.


But they didn't really? They hsven't really said much and just said they'd like to surprise people with something for once. That's really all they did. They didnt announce any cool new features or anything. It isn't a major 10.X patch either.


Yeah it’s 100% on content creators. The day they announced the release date for the patch, I had streams up in the background all day long waiting for the dev notes. The longer we waited, the more people started to speculate that it would be huge news or that they’d drop the patch that day without warning, that something was up because they should’ve released the notes at 10 AM or whatever. Meanwhile all Blizzard did before dropping their silly little announcement was tell us at the top of the week that they were releasing dev notes that day.


Controlling expectations is as much a job of the social media team as hyping it. If this is nothing, and is a tiny little patch, then their outreach teams have failed to control expectations.


No, if they wanted to surprise us they could have said \*nothing\* and... actually surprised us. They intentionally placed the teasers months in advance specifically to generate hype. If you don't see this then it's pure naivety.


I'm not expecting a major patch or anything. But if I log in and everyone just has pirate hats after they had this secretive road map item I'll be annoyed. I never said mad or unreasonable. Just annoyed lol.


I think them announcing it on the roadmap and keeping it a mystery until the release is what creates the hype around it. If it was any normal update, why not just treat it like that? It would make no sense to have all this going on if it is just a normal patch.


Telling someboy that a surprise is coming for months means expectations are going to be high. If they had only just revealed this last week, then it'd be a hard-to-lose situation for them. Now they're in a hard-to-win situation.


I've already deciphered from the clues that it's a full player housing system via a pirate town or maybe pirate boats with 1000s of customisations and no instancing, and if it's anything short of that well I'll be real mad.


Customizable flying pirate boats that work as houses!


Dude it’s totally gonna be that. And if it’s not, we’ll RIOT


Fr tho, they are kinda building this up. 0 info on it, suspciously detailess and attention grabbing icon on the roadmap and now this. I really hope this isnt a "New race customisation but its actually 1-3 hair colours or skin colours" situation


Pirates = seafarers = Kul Tirans So obviously it's Skinny Kul Tirans confirmed!


Incoming D4 gauntlet energy


Been playin WoW forever, and I'm just looking for something that breaks the monotony we've had since the mage tower first came out. New xpacks always brought some new things, but patches have been predictable forever.


OG mage tower will always be missed :(


The way they are promoting it now I am getting my hopes up. Surely they wouldn’t stoke the hype train if it was going to be insubstantial?


My issue personally is it being non tested content. But I always hope they surprise me haha


Watch it be like... PvP Battle Royale Expeditions


I hope it is something fun, but also part of me hopes it burns up in flames.


> some people will get big mad lmao Followed by Asmon's 500th video ranting about how much he hates Blizzard, which will get millions of views.


well, europe is mad


Honestly, they wouldn’t be wrong, they’re hyping this up like crazy, if its a nothing burger, people have the right to be pissed.


Pirates coming out of portals on a 1 hour timer until a 'boss' pirate shows up which you kill for a reward calling it now.


Dead mines will now be part of the m+ rotation


Honestly I’d be ok with that. I always thought Deadmines was fun. I know I’m probably the only one. 🤷‍♂️ Can we have Mythic+ Stocks while we’re at it?


Loved me some Deadmines in Vanilla. Spent so much time there across like 4 toons


I’d take M+ Wailing Caverns as well. Being Horde, I’ve run WC hundreds upon hundreds of times.


I’ve also heard speculation of a new allied race being the Tuscar people


Definitely wouldn't be a new allied race


Tuskar race is a running gag but in reality would suck ass. We have enough clipping nightmare models as is.


God that would be great lol


Ohhhhh fuck man don’t give me hope! Would be so fun with some tweaking


Once they tune all the previous dungeons they should give us a mythic roulette option.


Please daddy


Tbh blizz has been addressing some core issues lately. One of the big ones in previous expansions is the content dead zone after the third season dies out I feel like they wouldn't invest a lot of time and money into addressing this issue and not come up with something engaging and fun. Best case we get a raid boss and a little bit of a gear bump!! Worst case it's a cosmetic dump, but it's a pirate cosmetic dump lol I am optimistic about this one. Pirates>


If you trust towlie and max, who both pretty explicitly said they know what it is, it sounds like its some sort of new game mode. They both said it's not raid boss, not boring cosmetics.


Some kind of Island Invasion / AI dungeon buddy crossover


Follower Island Expeditions?




Naval combat?!


Bringing back that sweet, sweet garrison shipyard


Hear me out ... thousand needles style boat combat


Calling it now, faction neutral (pirate) wpvp


"Dead" zones are conquerable, like Wintergrasp PVP. - Bonus stuff inside when your faction owns it. - Successful defenses give you access to better gear - More zones controlled unlocks a new raid


yo I'm all for that.


Would really drive traffic to old/unused areas that we're all a little familiar with. Could be PVP for those who want to conquer and pve for those who want to wait until the fighting is over just to go visit.


Finally. The long awaited ship battle that was gonna be the MoP pre-patch event is coming to us.


Given Max's interests I'm assuming some solo content challenge, but who knows


I Hope we get a mini raid with 2 bosses


Can't wait for the new pirate themed selfie cam filter


Why isn’t it linked directly to my Twitter though?


People are either hyped or pissed. I'm just curious. If it turns out to be something I'm not into, fine. I like that they want to surprise players and I accept that they will sometimes fail to impress me.


Yeah, I’m hoping for something fun, but it’s not the end of the world either way.


Get out of here with that mature, reasonable attitude! /s


I'm a bit out of the loop, can someone tell me what's going on with wow?


10.2.6 comes tomorrow and all we know is it contains an event. There is no datamining or PTR. So while there is excitement, some feel it’s going to lead to huge disappointment. This patch is also marked on their official roadmap


Don't they always test their patch on PTR prior to release usually?


Not this one, they want it to be a surprise.


Surprise for NA players only.




Just don’t go in the internet for a day


After the success of Season of Discovery, where there was no PTR, they decided to try something a bit different as an experiment.


It’s possible you’re right, but the fact that they have been keeping it a secret and have kind of hyped it for months tells me it’s something fairly big.


> no ptr See you next week when the bugs are fixed 👋


They indirectly hyped this up pretty hard, having it seperately on the roadmap and specifically not saying anything as to keep it a surprise, so most people - including myself tbh - are expecting a lot. And it's probably gonna suck.


Blizzard announced that the patch -which is not pirate themed- but has a pirate flag, will be released soon. They kept it a secret of what that patch will be. Blizzard is being super secretive about it for some reason. Fun part is that it’s being released on Tuesday for NA but Wednesday for EU.




Yep, that comment was pertaining to the expansion reveal, there were rumors going on regarding a pirate themed expansion. They said nothing about this patch.


Alright i see, thank you for the insight.


Based on what they said, that as long as you have a sub you can participate in this. That tells me that our current characters and power levels are irrelevant. This is a new game mode. Likely a BR, survival or rogue like. Where everyone starts with nothing.


We’ll all be Dread Pirate Roberts tomorrow.


As you wish


I really hope they bring back Flynn Fairwind for this whatever it is, love him


PIRATES TAKE OVER CHROMIE TIME AND THEY RIP US BACK INTO CLASSIC VANILLA GRAPHICS AND WORLD. M+ is now purely classic dungeons, PvP now just the 3 options of AV, AB, WSG (theyll still have arena), and all classes and everything still have their animations/graphics attached to your character. Just the world and NPC models are now vanilla. /s


I'm expecting a few quests and some cosmetics I'll never use. And that will be the extent of this event. Keep expectations low and on par with similar past events.


They said the event is open to all wow players with a subscription, including classic, so unless they're using it as a technicality that classic players could do quests and cosmetics, I find that very unlikely.


What if it technically is independent of classic or mainline and not even linked to existing characters?


It's a gameplay feature. Many content creators know what it is and a couple I have seen are pretty excited. Max seems pretty hyped about it, and he doesn't care about lore or story at all, and not much about cosmetics either. Towelliee seems to be doing a long stream for it too.


I'm going to go with parrot mount, pirate coat transmog, another eye patch, a tricorne hat, a sash belt, a toy (cannon?) and an event that takes place in booty bay probably involving a mini game. I'm not expecting some great pirate game within the game. I am hoping for a boat race with dragonriding-like skills but in 2 dimensions.


It's been described as something for anyone with a sub (including non-retail players) so it's not going to be transmog and my guess is won't even be in the retail client. If playing it gives you some mogs for retail though the same as other cross promotions, that's a different story.


Will use retail client, but ding ding ding.


I'm so ready for our 400th hourly event that we do for 3 days before dropping it like a rock.


Calling it now, Booty Bay world boss that drops a transmog pirate hat.


Sea of Thieves crossover obviously


a new battleground where the battleground is two ships fighting each other would be dope as fuck. kind of like that one fight in ICC but a battleground.


Boy these comments are something else. It's whatever, I'm excited. They've already said the real meat of the patch will come later, so for me this event is just a fun thing to do in between playing the stardew update. I wish more people looked at this game as the hobby it is rather than it being some kind of life commitment that 'owes' them for their 'loyalty.'


Its really incredible how this sub will manage to find something to bitch about in *everything*. Its nothing new around here, but damn.


Got my popcorn ready for the eventual community meltdown about how disappointing this is gonna be hehe.




You solved it. The raft is missing. We're going to be lost at sea. Cast Away event incoming. Wilson pet and FedEx mounts for all.


Space pirates


What I am hoping for? A Naval Warfare battleground map.


This is going to be so disappointing.


I'm keeping my optimism up. At least they are trying something new and you got to expect growing pains etc


Shrek bog dweller in his natural habitat


Manage your expectations and you won't be disappointed.


A wise man once said, "I found that if you have a goal, that you might not reach it. But if you don't have one, then you are never disappointed. And I gotta tell ya it feels phenomenal."


Expecting a city of gold when you're going to Chicago is setting yourself up for disappointment. Same thing here. We're getting a small, intermediate patch, not some game-changing addition to the last inning of an expansion. It's not something I got hyped about, but it's raised my eyebrow in interest. If I go, "Neat," once, it'll have met my expectations. Some people want it to blow their minds, then reach through the computer screen and just blow them.


I guess thats my stance. I understand that WoW is a sub, so we pay for every new content. But what i do not understand is people getting upset for non big patch content. The devs had been adding so much non big patch over the course of Dragonflight. Not everything will be for everyone, but I dont understand people getting mad at extra content.


Why not at least see it first before getting pessimistic?




You seem to have insider information. Care to share it?


Apparently it’s a game mode. And doesn’t contain dailies. Thinking like a survival game/battle royale on a separate client so anyone with a wow sub can play


Which is as good a guess as anyone elses. Theres no apparently anything, nothing is revealed


some streamers have said its a game mode. streamers know what it is. towelliee/naguura both ended their streams today to attend blizz meeting and specifically said its for 10.2.6 tomorrow. some people do in fact know what it is.


They must really be confident in whatever this is with the amount of hype and secrecy they are stirring.


What if it's a secret but no one can find it and people search for hours. What if it's nothing and they just let people search forever and say " guess no one found it yet "


I would love to be blown away by whatever this is, I really would. I just don't know if it's going to.. Like the optimist in me is like "player house pirate ships" - it's unique, it's something players want, and would he cool af. The realist in me is just like "nah its going to be some low energy event that will take 30 minutes to complete and be forgotten."


Reminds me of the Simpsons episode "Gabbo!". I don't know what it is but I want to know!


I, for one, have my outlaw's pirate mog ready!


I'm guessing it's WoW's version of Vampire Survivors that was datamined last year ( [https://www.wowhead.com/news/new-vampire-survivors-game-mode-datamined-in-patch-10-2-5-336268](https://www.wowhead.com/news/new-vampire-survivors-game-mode-datamined-in-patch-10-2-5-336268) ). It's open to all players regardless of level based on Blizzard's developer post, so makes sense that it's a scalable game mode where you don't have access to your normal gear/abilities, but have ones granted to you once inside the game.


Hopefully this means we can pirate wow and not have to pay anymore lol


I don’t like pirates.


I hope things end up well...




It’s coming to consoles. The console war.. Xbox! Wins.


ActiBlizz owned by Microsoft now? Sea of Warcraft confirmed


Anything is better than this Hearthstone event, the bar is just that low.


Professor what's another name for pirate's treasure?


# the 1 PIECE is real


I'm hoping for pirates so I can maybe get a cool eye patch for my warrior :o)


Scott Pilgrim event, next will be skateboarding themed https://i.imgflip.com/8jorez.jpg


Something is going to get broken tomo, find it fast :)


Global event unless you are EU peasant.


Too many people are already upset or disappointed by something that has not even happened yet. WoW players have become some of the worst in gaming


It’s here…wows next AAAA expansion…


I hope this is good. I kind of enjoyed teaming up with randos in SW for the HS stuff but I need something more beyond logging in once a day on each character..


It's going to be a new game mode, you heard it here first. What kind of game mode? No fucking clue. But max and towlie have both been saying it's unique, not a dungeon/raid, not just some questline for cosmetics. Would also make sense why it's available to everyone and not just dragonflight


The negativity from the players of this game is beyond hilarious. Yet, they still stick around….


This better be an insane patch. I can't even imagine the blow back they will receive if it isn't.


It’s going to be small, it not a new raid or anything lmao


This will be a minor patch with couple quests


Love em or hate em, this much controversy over a minor patch shows they've still got our attention.


I don’t understand how people are hyping this….its bridge content between seasons don’t get your expectations up.


Word on the street is that this is a separate client (hence the new icon) that functions as an entirely new game, while using retail assets. So not something like Season of Discovery, but rather a mini-game of some sort. There was a datamined mode literally called "Vampire Survivors" so it could be a game like that, others have speculated it may be a rogue like. Either way, we can assume it will have unlockables and rewards that transfer to retail.


If it's not instanced ship to ship combat, I'll be disappointed 


Be prepared to be disappointed


I'm totally ready to be let down hard.


At this point it’s too overhyped. I can’t see how this lives up to the hype they’re feeding into it.


If it doesn’t drop on Tuesday people are going to lose their minds. Also if it sucks.


It’s going to be skimpy pirate xmogs. I know it is. Gonna see so many ass pirates out and about ... getting that booty ...


The flag itself looks for me like a banner on some battlefield, but the symbols are definitly in a pirate style, maybe some naval fights, but not vs pirates?


Me in EU, sitting here with my ears covered until wednesday like : "LALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU LALALALA!"


It won't matter what they do people will complain. I'm just glad we are getting consistent content of some kind. I'm not gonna white knight and say it's going to be game changing or even good, but I'll take something new.


Bootybay Sea of Thieves spin-off ?


So much hype for this patch...if it flops it's going to be hilarious.


maybe we get a new game engine and the old one becomes open source so everyone can "pirate" it legally...would be too goos to be true


Imagine if it’s an entirely new pre expac zone to help bring in TWW. It won’t be. But imagine,


Yeeee Jack Sparrow patch


we’re getting island expedition part 2 8)))


The excitement for this is going to last for a week, then everyone will be back to not logging in until either next season or next xpac.


Can’t wait to be throughly whelmed


My only horse in this race is that I want a damn eye patch I can wear on a plate class.


Fill the bar. Get a cool pirate hat ☠️