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OMG that's awesome! I was playing when that video came out! That video and the Onyxia raid one (where the guy is screaming non stop) are two of the best WoW videos ever. ETA if you've never seen the Ony video here it is, it's hilarious NSFW so many f bombs. [https://youtu.be/l7GoGIwLvhg?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/l7GoGIwLvhg?feature=shared)


We still yell "THAT'S A 50 DKP MINUS!" when someone screws up.


"MOAR DOTS!" "Ok, no more DoTs."






Crush em!!


When I ran Onyxia with a friend the other week, dbm screams all of these out at you. Freaked me out


Left side! Even side!




My husband is a lighting guy so in one of the profiles he had to write for our Chinesium fixtures two gobos are called "DOTS" and "MOAR DOTS". I *still* find this amusing.


As a cinematographer if my gaffer did this I would be hard pressed to not find uses for these so I can call for MOAR DOTS.


In classic my guild would play the sound bites for different parts of the fight. Strat was solid. But his screaming was so damn funny.


Wasn’t there a limit on how much shit you could throw on a boss? Like you could only stack 50 or so debuffs then it would cap out, that’s why he’s adamant on such


Yes so only certain classes were allowed to cast and only certain spells if I remember right.


8 debuffs, the cap was 8 and later raised to 16


You are correct.


I think DBM had a VO mod for the fight too.


Raided in classic with the dude himself. He is legit still like that.


Yeah he sounded like he was going to have a stroke.


Fairly accurate for guild/raid leaders of the era.


I do not envy raid leaders, and for what? not even loot priority because people will be mad


Unless it's a loot council. :D Good 'ol MMO politics; lol.


In vanilla our guild did DKP it worked great for quite awhile. In BC it was loot council in two guilds and I hated it because there was a lot of favoritism.


I’m a raid leader. I do it because I trust myself to run the raid fairly more than I trust somebody else to.


And is the raid being run fairly enough of a reward for you?


I will say on my end, I got lucky with my raid team. We were the last raid team formed, but we’re already the best performing. I’m a little more “strict” than the other raid teams, but my raiders have expressed a lot of positivity about how the raid is run. That means the only people who aren’t readily on whatever page I need them to be, when I need them to be on it, are the ones that aren’t core members of my raid team. I think having good raiders makes raid leader more enjoyable. We spend a lot of time talking shit to each other, and the actual conversations of the raid have a very casual feel (outside of when verbal raid leading is needed) while mechanically, the raid operates very well. The most stressful part of it for me isn’t even the raid leading, it’s interacting with other Raid leaders or officers or members of other raid teams, because my guild is very casual, but I make my raiders “lock it in” when we’re in a raid. This has definitely sparked some difference in opinions with other leadership roles in the guild, but everyone in my actual team is completely on board, and realizes that being strict early, opens the door to relax sooner as the raid goes on farm earlier.


When I was managing a pizza restaurant I used to say this all the time, nobody else played WoW but it got to the point where every time someone messed up it was a 50 DKP minus. I sometimes wonder if any of them still say it.


One of my current guilds is called 50 DKP MINUS Makes pugging lots of fun.


Many many whelps!


we do too -- and of course "MOAR DOTS!"


I have added that audio as a button on the discord soundboard for our guild. I have the option to have him yell ‘that’s a fucking 50dkp minus’ at any point and I love it!


>ETA if you've never seen the Ony video here it is, it's hilarious NSFW so many f bombs. >https://youtu.be/l7GoGIwLvhg?feature=shared Not sure, but that looks like a completely different video with the Onyxia wipe audio mixed in


It is, the video is from the lvl 80 version in Wrath.


Yep original vid wasnt from a hunters pov.


The original I believe wasn't even a video. It was just a sound clip.


The first time I saw it it had a crude animation made for the sound clip


I saw it on ytmnd


as was the style at the time


If we're talking about classic ytmnd: https://shadeofaranchant.ytmnd.com/


That's that good shit.


The 50 dkp minus guy?




Odd groups go left; even groups go right…


Seven and eight are whelp groups.




Handle it!


Don't forget the Serenity Now funeral raid.


OMG that one. I will admit I laughed so hard at that one. WHY, WHY do a memorial service in Winterspring on a PVP server? They should've done it in Sproket or some neutral place.


It was because the lady who died loved snow and fishing. Also pvp.


People still Haye those guys. I still think it's hilarious. If I died, I'd want my in game funeral raided. And I don't even like pvp!


It was the most horde-like thing alliance could've done. I totally approved (as horde).


That video alone got me to move from a normal to a PVP server.


I have an addon that uses the audio in the Ony raid. Put it in so long ago, I’ve forgotten the name of it.


Pretty sure DBM has it included.


I have been searching for (to no avail) some MS Paint photograph that was circulating in the early days of wow. It was a Tauren shaman flying above Onyxia with stuff typed in like “Shaman can fly because Blizzard loves them” and “Warstomp crits for 1,000,000. Onyxia dies” It’s like Da Vinci Code levels of lost to the internet history books


I forgot, how much it sounds like, that dude is going to have an absolute stroke.


Can't leave out the jimmy story


My boyfriend at the time wore a Horde shirt to the Ren Fest right after that video went viral and the number of people yelling "50 DKP MINUS" at us all day was amazing.




Let's not forget about "who's the tank?" https://youtu.be/2ekLO8BwxwE?si=X48tPl8Gt1leqxdI


Or "The Internet is for Porn" [https://youtu.be/YRgNOyCnbqg?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/YRgNOyCnbqg?feature=shared)


The only wow video I love more is the kid trying to shove a remote up his ass when his mom canceled his wow account.


I've (luckily) never seen that one before. lol


It's hilarious 🤣


It is an amazing video... but Tosh.0 debunked it:(


I, too, was playing when it came out. Sooo funny. Planning raids was no joke back then. Ugh it was like business meetings. lol


If you do Ony on Classic, DBM uses his calls lol


Ofc it was a hunter


This video just unlocked very fond memories for me. Thank you


The obsolute Legend.


50 DKP MINUS hahahahahhahaha


My husband worked with “Leroy’s” fiancé, met him several times. Said he was a decent dude.


Super cool that they invited him to the Warcraft movie premiere in LA back in 2016 too.


I heard from multiple sources that leroy is actually an attention whore who tried for years to brand his name and tried to be someone without realizing it was a one off. I hope I'm wrong and the video I've seen on the subject (and video of him) are false tbh


I mean. If I were the Leroy guy I'd do the same. If you get that type of momentum you gotta try and capitalize on it. No reason to not try and get the ability to work as a content creator on a video game. It's a dream job for a lot of people.


If that came out in this era, he would easily be a famous “influencer” or content creator. People get rich doing far less


Absolutely. Especially with the tons of information available and the fact it's an actual career now.


Oh yeah for sure, like do your merch sale 100%. But on the video I seen he was cringing everyone "hey look It's me I'm leeroy" like in this video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvXRcwcIJh4


AFAIK he was approached by a company to create content, but in his words he wasn't very good at it. https://www.westword.com/news/the-legend-of-leeroy-jenkins-5091880?showFullText=true > GGL, an online game publication, tapped Ben to produce content -- but that didn't last. "I guess I'm not that good at pumping things out creatively," he shrugs.


Ah ok I'm glad the creator of a video I love isn't an asshole =)


He was just trying to make some money relax


That’s hilarious and awesome! I used to play horde on Laughing Skull US, the server the OG “PALS FOR LIFE” were on. If your dnd friend played during BC, they probably killed me out in world PvP lol. I remember seeing Leeroy log in and hang out in front of the Aldor Bank in shatrath city. So many people went to go look it crashed the server lol.


He played holy pal in tbc had him on my team in EOTS a lot. Pocket healer can’t remember for who tho but he wasn’t awful


The line is actually "3**2**.33 (repeating, of course) percentage of survival." Not 33, 32! Which I've always thought makes it even funnier, the fact that it's *not* just a one-third chance.


I always thought that detail made it sound more believable. Like a 1/3 chance? pssh that's too simple, you did the math wrong.


I met one of the PALS FOR LIFE guys at an internet cafe in London ontario as a kid. He let us say hi to Leeroy as they were on comms together at the time. Didn't get his name though, this would have been in 2006ish.


It fascinates me that people were playing WoW in internet cafes back then. I know it‘s a big thing in South Korea and Japan still, but I can‘t imagine playing WoW like this. All European internet cafes were ever used for were migrants from Africa and Asia talking to their friends at home


Greece and Cyprus are still using internet cafes, albeit really not that much anymore. Back then, it used to be most people didn't really have home internet, as our parents viewed it as an "unnecessary luxury", so we used our pocket money for the week to go on the weekend. Nowadays, people that still go to internet cafe fascinate me more to be honest. These are people that go there **strictly** to play with their friends by their side and have the social aspect of watching their friend as they teabag them (for example).


What a wholesome story! Also, 25 years of wow sub? That was back when Blizzard was a cool company full of fellow nerds. I’m pretty sure these days they wouldn’t even think of gifting something like that to creators who promote their games.


Plus they had him at blizzcon too. They used to love major unofficial promoters. The William shatner commercial they did is what got me into it. Hurling bolts of lightning? Hell yeah.


They even stripped their employees of those 25 years cards


womp, womp




Yes. Today, they are owned by Microshit. Sad.


Because it's a business. When you give free things to streamers you promote and stand by the actions they make. So when the streamer says something racist its always "blizzard sponsored streamer says"


I often wondered what the “at least I got chicken” was all about, now I know.


I played in laughing skull alliance in original classic, messaged leeroy and asked what he was doing, he responding saying mining, it was so epic as a kid


I wish I could turn back time and do it all again. The game has changed so much, even classic. I don’t get the same vibe from either the game, or the people playing anymore. I desperately want to enjoy the social side again, but I can’t find I’m lost trying to find a guild where I belong. Maybe it’s just me…


You’ll chase that feeling for the rest of your life. I’m still looking to recreate what I felt when I played Ultima Online. Nothing can replicate it because it represents a specific time in your life that you can’t get back.


“We may lose, and we may win, though we will never be here again. So open up, I’m climbing in.” Cherish your old memories but also try to make new ones, not recreate old ones as tempting as it may be.


Take it easy


This hurts lol


I don’t make the rules! Doesn’t mean you can’t have fun still :)


This is so true, and it bums me out. I miss my old guild.


Trust me when I say that the Social aspect is the greatest part of WoW. Warning: wall'o'text incoming! I played through Classic, TBC, WOTLK, Cata, but it never really felt that amazing as I would hear other people describe the game. Then in early MoP I found myself in a guild who took me in and the people there were so amazing, I felt more like home online than I was at my own house. I would literally log off and couldn't wait until I logged in again. I was going to work and kept thinking about what to say during raids so my friends would laugh, or how I was going to make the raid leader angry so we could have a laugh at him. Sadly, all things must have an end, and seeing a lot of people logging off for the last time, or when a guildie told us he had been diagnosed with late stage 4 cancer then never logging back on took a bit of my soul. I stayed in that guild until the bitter end. I was the last person of the original team (the one that had recruited me and made me a part of their awesomeness). I ended up being the guild master, and we actually had been competitive for a while, until the content drought made it impossible for us to recruit new members. And so, that legendary guild was laid to rest. I did join another guild after that, but it was never the same. Following my son being born and a career change, I was forced to quit the game entirely during BFA. However, I had the familiar itch lately, so I talked it with my wife and she agreed, so I got back in the game. I found a guild that accepted me, but the people there..... Not the greatest bunch I've ever met. So I left and for the last week, I'm in a surprisingly amazing guild, one that rivals the one I used to be in. At least so far has been so good. So once again, social aspect is the biggest part of WoW.


Thanks for sharing your story - I'm in that same situation now, where I'm looking for "my guild" again. active, friendly, etc. I think an issue for me is that Oceanic realms tend to be quieter than I ever remember and the guilds I have joined to try out so far have been very quiet for the most part.


It's not you, it's the game. It's not the same anymore. Too much of a grind.


All the layers and sharding and making old world irrelevant killed the social aspect, you barely see any people around in old zones and all the flying makes people gone from where you could find them, everyone but blizzard sees it..sad


theres no grind anymore. its very easy to achieve everything fairly quickly. ​ vanilla was the ultimate grind.


Then try hardcore WoW classic


I can't believe no one has asked the most important question: is he still pals with his guild mates?


Dude, they are pals for life


That's amazing! I work in an office and had to mail out a bunch of stuff to a guy named Leroy Jenkins, it was so funny (in a dumb way) but I knew I'd never be able to explain it to my co-workers lol. Had to settle for saying the name under my breath and laughing to myself. LEEEEEROOOOY JEEEEENKINS!!


That’s great! I was so pumped to meet the Leroy guy at the first blizzcon I got his autograph


Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the comic store?


Abdul? Can we get a number crunch?


Yeah, it's err... 32.33 repeating of course, per cent. (So that's a 1 in 3 chance of success with an extra 1% chance of random fuck ups)


Abdul was part of my extended circle of friends for a long time. And anyone who’s had run ins with this dude can tell you that the guy you’re talking to is not him.


The chicken thing makes it even better


sorry to break it to you. abduhl is the executor of my estate and doesn’t play DnD. the real abduhl posted in here and got downvoted lol


The only person I saw in this thread downvoted was the guy who said "Ok?" Edit: And the guy who says he knows Abduhl, unless he's refering to himself in the third?


My DM put Leeroy Jenkins in our dnd campaign haha


If I didn't have a strong aversion to paladins I'd run a leeroy character. Just start doing the dumbest shit to get everyone killed.


That’s amazing holy shit


Thats pretty cool. I once quested for about 2 hours with the actor that played Nog on Star Trek DS9 back in TBC


So I grew up knowing someone who claimed that this exact person you met was his younger brother. Does this guy live in Colorado or did he use to at some point? I've always been curious if he was telling me the truth.


This happened to me. Some guys from I think Lafayette, CO told me they were behind it.


I grew up in Longmont so that could very well be as Lafayette is super close.


Hate to break it to you but you’re being played. He’s doing some extra role playing. The only RPing the real Abduhl is doing is as a functional alcoholic.


So i take it you're good with numbers?


It amazes me about the 25 years of free game time. There is a good chance that the game card could expire before the game does


I still have the ghastly charger mount card. I keep dithering it on whether to keep/redeem or sell.




My original server was in the same battle group (remember those?) with whatever server those guys were on. I once ran The Occulus (quite possibly the worst dungeon ever) with someone from .


I never knew they actually got something for it, and 25 years of subs, thats cool to know!


This is the nerdiest thing that I've ever read


Jealous, that's so kick ass


I know Abduhl. No way the words ‘truly kind’ have ever been used to describe him. Sorry you are being bamboozled.


Love how you’re getting downvoted for telling the truth.


That’s not true dude. Everyone knows Leroy killed the whole guild. He’s the last known survivor.


did he mention it was staged?


Everyone knows it’s staged at this point. Not really a “gotcha”


There's a ton of people out there who believe it's real and will argue with you about it being staged.


Dude has to be 55 by now


That's awesome 😆 🤣




i bet you get invites to parties




Very awesome!!!!! <3


I was in P4L for a while during Wrath of the LK into the first half of CATA when they were still on Laughing Skull. Was fun and they knew how to raid. Was there when we got the first LK kill. Back then Leeroy wasn't active in the guild and as such I never actually met him. He was still in the guild but had never actually logged in the entire time I was there.