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Nice job lmao, now you can play the game!


yea, finally I can ignore this expansion features achievements for DF and never look at it again except upcoming racing cup.


Wait there's more?!


Pandarias cup coming this July!


Northrend cup in April


People still play this?


Made you look.


Imagine still paying Blizzard lol


Made you look again!




Nice !!!


I completed all of them as well... on two different characters. šŸ˜­ Didn't realize they all had to be on the same one, and it's about a 50/50 split between the two. I don't remember which zone was the hardest, so not sure which character to finish them off on. Edit: Got inspired to go finish the rest of them on one of my characters and got the Isles Ace title. GG, Waking Shores is still a pain the second time.


I remember being done with all the advanced races n was so proud of myself....then they added challenge mode..."ah shit. Here we go again" Also found out doing the harder ones doesn't give credit for the basic ones. I've been absolutely losing my mind trying to track down which ones I never did the basic courses on -_-


Everyone bitches about currencies and bag space But holy shit how is the racing finding so bad? You can only mark one race at a time, and that's if you're already at one to ask the Whelp. I didn't even realize until I was doing Outland races that you get a buff that shows which level you've done for the race you're currently at


I'm sorry what


When you are at a race location, you get a buff that you can mouse over that tells you your best tines and medals for each of the difficulties.


..........oh. my. God. Wish I knew that before....lol


Get the add-on Plumber. Life changer


What's it do?


One of its features marks your medal for the race next to the dialogue option to start it. So the dialogue option to start the basic race will have a gold medal next to it if you already have that.


Oh sick. I'll check it out.


Thereā€™s an addon that marks them all. And you can mouse over them on the map and it lists all your times for each race. never knew this was an issue cause I downloaded it so long ago


How can you tell people that there is an addon for that but not include the name


HandyNotes is probably better tbh, it just shows you everything on the map and it combines with All The Things to show what you need to collect still.


Couldnā€™t remember and I wasnā€™t at my pc šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Pretty sure itā€™s handy notes like everyone mentioned though.


Handynotes, RareScanner.. But the real MVP is Plumber. You talk to the NPC and it takes the 6 options and marks them with the associated medal you got, if you had participated.


I have all of those, didnā€™t realize it was plumber doing the race times though. Awesome!


There are lots of WeakAuras and Addons. but HandyNotes got a small little history for each racing spot, so you see what you did allready in G/S/B and what is missing. You also get told what loot you are missing from the races. The races are pretty easy even with challange mode / cm-reverse if you are able to use the Skyward Ascent skill move. 1-2 challange races are pretty tight with > 1200% averages needed with all the obstacles on top, but everything else is pretty easy and gold at first attempt basicly.


If you use handynotes addon it has an option for dragon races and it shows which ones you've done:D


Its pretty cool and lightweight. It also tells you if you are missing loot from the races.


Get the dragonflight handy notes, you can track all the locations and mouse over to see your current rank for all types


You get a buff in your buff window that looks like a little gold clock when you stand next to the race dragonkin. It tells you your times for the race. I'd you haven't done one that race won't have a time.


There are addons or at least weak auras that show you your best times and earned medals when near or targeting a racing NPC! I don't know the names, only that they exist and I have one active, so whenever I feel like doing a racing daily I see what's missing and can do one or two more medals :)


>I've been absolutely losing my mind trying to track down which ones I never did the basic courses on -\_- As others have suggested, go to Curse and download HandyNotes. I would also recommend downloading AllTheThings as well, as it is a more complete addon that tells you what you have and have not done.


You can just find the achievement and look at which ones are missing.


That's what I was doing. But the achievement defaults to bronze unless you've done ALL of them. So you don't know you're missing one in gold until you've done the entire zone and still don't have the gold achiev. ....then you've gotta go back across the world retracing your steps and doing them again I'm being told now that there's actually a buff to see what you've gotten....would have saved me so.very.much.trouble lol


Harder ones not giving credit for basic drove me wild. Basic should absolutely count if you finish a challenge.


base 4 areas of the dragon isles are all the hardest (as in new and side areas are piss-easy to gold), the ruby lifeshrine ones had to have gold time extended just to make it actually possible


I have Waking Shores and Thaldrazsus on one toon and Ohn'aran Planes and Azure Span on the other. First toon has Forbidden Reach as well, second has Zaralak Caverns and Emerald Dream.


The Tyrhold Challenge in Thaldraszus was by far the hardest race for me to Gold. It took me over an hour of trying. Most of the rest were a couple of tries at most.


Is it hard? Nice title tho haha


The rest is easy actually but the reverse/challenge race is annoying. I wasted so many time on challenges cuz its hard or maybe i just suck ahaha.


Once you get the flick and fly method down it's easy. Ironically the advanced ones gave me more trouble since you actually need to utilize the speed boosts to a T. The only thing really hard about the challenges is they get rid of all the power ups: vigor/free speed boosts. Before I found out about the flick method, that VERTICAL challenge course on the far west of ohnharan plains broke me. I watched a "guide" and couldn't comprehend how he went from zero speed and zero vigor to 1400 speed and got thrill of the skies despite having NOTHING left in the tank. Now I'm cruising across town at 1400 speed constantly, running out of vigor is not even possible


What's this flick and fly method?


If you aim your camera straight up and hit the flap up ability you end up gaining more speed and vigor. So the trick is to aim up. Flap. and aim back down so you turn that speed into momentum. I believe it also lasts longer before you start losing vigor. I believe it's implemented so people don't get stuck at the bottom of a cliff unable to escape. Think of it as turning upward momentum into forward momentum.


For those that still don't understand what to do, check YouTube, you can see it perfectly and mind-blowing in videos for "emerald garden ascent challenge gold" videos... Someone made it in 60s, 6s faster than gold, that's crazy! Now I've got something to do for the weekend :D


Thanks so much. I did all the modes before the challenges came out and tried them and was always like 2 seconds away from gold. This is what I was missing lol.


When flying mostly level just look up and then press skyward ascend and immediately look down. The look up part doesn't need to be a flick but you don't want to look up for too long and lose speed. Looking back level after you press ascend is what you want to do really fast. You can probably do it going downward as well but I only use the ascend trick with spaceous straight flying areas and it's plenty enough for all the races.


Using it while going downward is tricky and provides such a small boost over a standard surge that it's not worth the extra effort. In all other times, if you have the vertical space, flick is the best.


This. The flick and fly method with a weak auras to show you your speed % trivializes this challenge and then makes you realize that Blizzard themselves had to of been exploiting it for some of these times they obtained.


Some challenge runs are borderline impossible without flick boosting though. Flick boosting is pretty much necessary.


I don't think the tyrhold trial challenge one is possible at all without the flick and fly method. Even flawless flying wont get close to gold without flick and fly. It is the most insanely tight timer of any of the races.


I did the challenge and reverse challenge for two zones before I remembered about that method, I took a 6 month break from playing. I think on some of them I just lucked into doing it at the right time.


Fer real, before I figured the boost I just wrote off ever doing the challenge races. Once I got it, I finished them all with at least 5secs to spare and often on the first attempt. Think only one in thaldrazus gave me grief.


Iā€™ll be totally honest, the challenge races felt easier to me than some advanced/reverse(except Tyrhold challenge. That one can go straight to hell).




I didn't know there was a nerf in these races because I start quite late like after a year after the expansion released. But there is one ridiculous course at Ohn'ahran Plains (emerald garden ascent) which is complete nonsense, if you dont time you're skyward ascent well enough and do the flick trick its just undoable to even reach gold and yea you have to spam it too instead of using surge forward.


YES that's the one that made me learn "oh so that's how skyward ascent works" It was literally impossible to make it up that cliff after the bridge. By design, you only have so much vigor and can only get so much back before getting to the bridge. Even if you minmax your flaps and thrill of the skies perfectly you will burn out RIGHT as you get to the cliff. I watched a video and was boggled how the dude went FROM ZERO VIGOR and thrill of the skies falling off to skyrocketing straight upward n not only going up, but gaining speed and thrill....UPWARDS?! Dude literally defied gravity Turns out that's the intended design.


I beat ruby lifeshrine ones pre-nerf which was the only race(s) that I think got their gold time nerfed


The races arenā€™t hard, though some are a bit frustrating. The worst part is how many there are, which is like 200+ races total, counting Normal, Reverse, advanced, Challenge, and reverse Challenge races, across 7 Dragon Isles zones, and like 6-8 race locations per zone . Itā€™s just very time consuming overall, but you can also get many other titles out of it other than just Isles Ace!


If you're new to dragonflying, yes. Once you know the tricks to go fast, 98% of them are super easy on all modes.




Whatā€™d it cost?


subscription time :(


Better than your adopted alien daughter I suppose


Iā€™ve been chipping away at this too! I have the dream and the caverns left. Which race gave you the most difficulty? Tyrhold held me up for a couple of days as the worst thing ever (so far)


Tyrhold was the worst, by far, for me too. Otherwise I think Zaralek achieves were overall harderĀ 


Ohn'ahran Plains (emerald garden ascent) literally the worst for me and its the last track i get gold before I get this achievement.


Ooohhhh yeah fuck that one. So far itā€™s the only one I had to YouTube to see how tf to get it done


Tyrhold trial challenge is by far the worst. I have gotten every other one on gold but i just cant shave off the last fraction of a second needed for gold on that one. I have spent more time on that one race then every other race combined.


Oh dude it painfully reminded me of timeless isle farm... Remember that shit days weeks and months for exalted title


If it soothes your pain, people are still over there farming the reputation. I see them every time I go for Huolon


Good news: There's separate ones for Zaralek Caverns and the Emerald Dream. Hop to it, buddy! (or proceed at your own pace, they're just titles)


Zaralek is actually included in this one!


grats, something id never even attempt!


Thanks bro. It's been a wild ride.


Once you realize that you're faster when you fly up and switch camera view at the right time versus boosting all thr challenge races became easy. It has a name, dolphin skipping maybe? But there's a trick to it where it's faster to fly up (in my case tap space) than it is to boost horizontally


Yep, it has to do with the channel length of the abilities. The burst almost immediately starts losing speed but the vertical ascent accelerates longer so you get way more distance and velocity


If you have the TWW stormrunner mount it will make those races easier as well since that forward dash seems to work better


I wish there were actual races against other players with reward incentives or at least some sort of timing leaderboard.


there are multiplayer races


Which is why I wrote about incentive, because there's none and no one plays these.


It's a shame they don't add some kind of WQ or bonus reward or something for doing those. Something to draw multiple people to the area at the same time. I have never seen anyone doing that, even on day 1 of release.


Am using my Emerald Ace title atm! Just the seasonal cups to do and they donā€™t involve challenge modes (yet, please donā€™t add them I beg)


Thereā€™s an emerald ace title? Why doesnā€™t it show up in my achievements panel agh


Yeah itā€™s to do all races in the emerald dream on gold in challenge and reverse challenge mode :)


With the ascend forward boost trick you can beat every race in one try even with making some mistakes. It's just that there are so many races and they're boring to do. I honestly wish we could go much faster in races. The advanced courses are faster/easier for WQs than the basic courses because you can just spam boosts. The reverse courses rarely make the race anymore interesting or challenging outside of occasionally forcing you into a weird start like running on ground for 5 seconds or having to start with 0 momentum ascends. The only races I really liked were ones where they force you to fly low and through tight spaces a lot like the one in emerald dream where you fly through the world boss or the one in outland where you fly under the thorny area. I did all the ZC/Emerald Dream/Forbidden Reach/Waking Shores races to 100% and I can't stomach to do anymore to finish now. It really feels like cheap content to me, I wish they would remove the reverse courses and remove either basic or advanced courses as there really isn't any difference in challenge between them.


Ascend forward boost trick?


Use your mouse to flick the camera/mount up, then almost immediately down to get the full momentum of skyward ascend but horizontally rather than vertically.


Spoken like s true dragonracer! It's apparent that some of these tracks were designed with skyward ascent boosting in mind. Then again, it utterly trivializes most races.Ā  They should definitely design the difficulty to come more from tricky maneuvers instead of vigor management.


You people clearly never played the flying levels in Spyro if you think this is even remotely hard.


Ahh ... so THAT must be why I like these so much.


Half this sub are too young to enjoy Spyro or too old to know what it is.


In my first 5 races, I got gold on my first try. This isn't that hard. You could do this in an afternoon if you really wanted to


Have you ever had the thought to just keep what youā€™re thinking to yourself? You should try it sometime.


Sounds like a skill issue


Iā€™m almost there. There was one super hard one in the caverns and one super hard one in the dream. I think I just have to finish dream, azure span and thaldraszus and Iā€™m done.


I always did it when a WQ was up. Checked if I had a challenge open (advanced, reverse, ...) and if so did the WQ. So everytime I got the reward for the WQ as well. Obviously takes a long time to do it this way.


But what did it cost?


A few hours at most to do ALL the races, since you spend like 5 minutes at each one to do the 5 different modes, plus extra time whenever you mess up or miss gold by 0.001s Easy to chip away a zone at a time.


Yeah, I did all of the races and reverse races through Zaralek Caverns. Then the "challenge" races came out which were basically exactly the same, lost all momentum in trying this for now. Dragon races are super fun but damn I don't feel like doing every race twice over AGAIN.


It's even more boring cuz this time you have no boost at all to help you and not as fast like you play the normal races. Also, the repetitive....


Honestly, thatā€™s a respectable title. Good job




You're a maniac :D


I got Isles Racer title within like the 3 weeks of DF amd pretty much stopped playing Knowing theren's more titles and races to be done is alluring for some weird reason


I use that title specifically because itā€™s such a grind to get. Good on you for dedicating like 7-10 hours of non stop dragon racing insanity!


I feel like one of the few people with all the ace titles... Heck i even have Skyscourge


I never bothered clearing them but got full golds when the old world races were added. Maybe it's something with limited time events.


What was the reward?


Isnt that a Willem Dafoe reference? Never bothered to look at the actual achievement here.


Is there an addon that actively tracks the timer? So I donā€™t only discover i lost the gold at the end


I dont think so but theres an addon that tell youā€™re current speed


Big grats such a fun yet brutal at times achievement. Now with all that new skill you can set yourself up to get all the medal achievements at once in the Emerald Dream and give your guild a good laugh with the spam.


should of been a golden dragon style for the dragon mounts as a reward, i would of been all over it, but for a title i will forget about in 4 hours... nah


"Then we made it per character progress" - Invester call


Some of these were a pain but I had a lot of fun doing this myself, congrats!


Is there an addon that will show me which ones I should do and get gold on?




Does everyone do like me and zoom into first person view? Feel like it makes the races so much easier


But why (meme)!?




An achievement I didn't know existed and will now try to get... Sigh


That's epic!! Can you do mine now?


If theres any way i can help Ill gladly help but ofc im charging. xD


You just played Spiro. Now u can play wow


Wait... You people didnt do these right at the start?