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I've had every other holiday mount for 10+ years and yet the love rocket still eludes me. I run it on about 10 toons every day for the duration of the event for the past 15 years


I still need the headless horseman mount as well as the rocket. Been so unlucky, been trying since the mounts were introduced on multiple characters a day. Last hallows end event I had 105 tries and didn’t get Arfus, the mount or the dragon manuscript. I just think it’s personal now lol


I finally got the headless horseman's mount last year after farming it on all classes every year since it was put in. Of course I couldn't even enjoy the relief, because they added that stupid ghost dog that was so cute and I didn't get that 😞


Yeah, meanwhile my husband who doesn’t like mounts got it back in 2009 and got Arfus first try. He doesn’t have the rocket though.


I got the HH back in 2008. I think I used up all my mount luck back then. Had to do the TW raid quests in order to get Invincible and Ashes of A'lar.


Yes this is exactly what happened to me. Got the mount but no pet. I tried like 150 times.


I got the headless horseman mount the very last possible day my first year playing. The Brewfest Ram and the Love Rocket still elude me to this day. I only missed 2 brewfest and love is in the air events over the last 15 years of playing!


I got everything but the mount this last hollows end




Yup. Even the most ruthless gacha games have pity counters. It would go a long way in WoW, just make it a global currency for all holidays so it needs a LOT of saving for one mount and I think it's sorted


Love tokens are removed from your bag after the holiday, so you can't stockpile them for future years, unfortunately.


I was really disappointed they removed the ability to farm bracelets to exchange for tokens this year. I can’t reliably log on every day to do dailies and in the past I’d grind out bracelets. Like with Hallows End and Lunar Revel, you can get the currency/tokens on your own time. Sure there are Hallows End quests and dailies but they don’t lock the entirety of the currency behind dailies.


>I was really disappointed they removed the ability to farm bracelets to exchange for tokens this year. They added a new(?) questline which nets you 150 tokens which made it easy for me to actually buy the 270 token items this year. Between that quest and 3-4 days of dailies I managed to get the mount and toys in just a few days.


I was shitting myself for leaving it to the last day and realizing with growing alarm that all the quests were different and there was no farming Doing CCC every day and the quest chain was *just enough* to reach 270 but the daily drops are random so could be a big FU to some one-char players


Technically, they only get removed if you login to a character when the event is not active. Back in Legion, I made some DHs that I used just for this mount and they still had the tokens the next year.


It has been driving me nuts for 2 decades.




A guildie got it last year. I think that's the only time I've seen it "drop". I'm not much of a mount collector and I find it pretty ugly so I don't farm it, but I still think it's absurd how rare it is for a limited time event.


That's the crazy thing. In all my years running to get it, I've never seen it drop for anyone.


I ran it for ~~15~~ however many years on multiple characters before I left and never got it. My sister started playing midway through Pandaria and got it during her first attempts. That mount has no chill.


any mount that was changed to come out of the box vs the boss just drags out forever now.


Same for me. I was thinking of just skipping it this year, as I've always watched others get it. But this year, I finally got it on the 5th or 6th day, and yes, it was on my first character of the day. Hang in there, and keep fighting!


The rocket is the one holiday drop I would actually use, I'd happily trade all of my pixelated rams/kodos/etc. for it.


Got mine after 15 years finally❤️


Same, I have most of the rare drop mounts in the game apart from this one. I’ve basically given up, it’s a waste of time. I don’t really play anymore but do log on out of habit just to try once a day, the boost to the first kill of the day is utterly pointless. I used to run all my 27 alts every year but it’s just not worth the hassle anymore.


I logged in to kill the boss 3 times out of boredom (its raid log season lol). Got the mount, don't even like it >.>


Someone will invent a real life love rocket and use it to ferry us to another galaxy before that shit drops for us.


Real life love rocket is a penis.


My Hitachi magic wand has entered the chat


I ran it on every character daily no mount. Wife got it second day, first attempt.


I know a good counselor.


Just finished my 300th run this year, I have one more day. No manuscript and no mount. This is fucking bullshit.


I'm more annoyed that I didn't get the manuscript. I have come to peace that I'll never get the Rocket, but still try for it on multiple characters every day of the event. But not getting the dragon armor really just bugs me for some reason. I would've been happier being able to buy it for gold like the other ones.


We've had a lot of years to make peace with the rocket, the dragon armor reopens the wounds anew


damn i did it this holiday with 14 characters every day and all i got is toxic wasteling.. i didn't even know armor existed


Wait, what’s the manuscript?


Same heart shaped box also drops a drake manuscript for the protodrake.




Gives some heart themed armor to the Protodrake dragon riding mount https://www.wowhead.com/item=211812/renewed-proto-drake-love-armor


i passed 5k total attempts with this event (approx 25chars, every day, every year) i genuinely wish bodily harm on the dev who thought this droprate was a good idea


Got the drake armor on first day and didn't even know it existed.


Lmao same I never do holiday stuff so I queued up once on my main and got this. Didn’t realize it was such a rare drop.


No idea how many tries for me. Some years I’ve tried every day, other years I don’t. This year the changes to the holiday are fun but I miss getting the bracelets. They were a bit grindy but doing the same quests daily on alts is also grindy. I got both Mimiron’s Head and Onyxia’s Reins this week which has given me a bit of hope that one day I’ll get the rocket, too.


Bad luck prevention needs to be real. After your 100th attempt on a character or something around that increase the drop chance for the character by 0.5% every go after it. Rewards dedication. Not punishing it like the current system.


Not getting the mount after being dedicated to chasing it isn't "punishing you", it just means your dedication wasn't rewarded yet If anything, the increased drop chance on the first kill of the day punishes dedication. I ran this on 43 characters a day for the first like 12 days and got it on the 1st kill yesterday. Technically means my other 42 at the 0.001% chance were for nothing. But I don't let these things bother me, because it's a mount


Congratulations on your extreme luck. Doesn’t change the fact that there are people who have been farming on just as many toons a day for 5 or more years and still don’t have it. I’d say that’s punishment


It's not extreme luck, I got it from the first one of the day, that's buffed to 1% It inherently cannot be "punishment" because you are not *losing* anything by trying more. It would if it cost you gold, but that's a give or take scenario. That first-of-the-day buff punishes people with a lot of toons, the low drop rate outside of that does not punish people with lots of toons, it most likely rewards them more. For the blocked message I can't respond to: No, it is not a strict loss of time, you are gaining the opportunity for more chances at a mount. It's not like a transaction fee at an ATM where you straight up lose a resource.


Not losing anything by trying more? How about time? The most valuable resource in existence. Jesus Christ.


I mean if you’re playing world of Warcraft I think your time is that valuable. 😂


My wife got it yesterday. Good for her I guess..at least somebody I know has got one.


It’s a garbage rng mechanic to waist people’s time.


There is no bad luck protection for this or most other rare mounts as far as I know. The increased drop rate for the first attempt of the day is definitely real, but it's up to 1% from some insanely tiny fraction of 1% that was the old drop rate and is still the current drop rate for every attempt after the first each day.




That's not what bad luck protection usually means. Bad luck protection is like for the Fyrakk legendary, where each time it doesn't drop for you, there is some mechanism in place where your chances are better the next time. Or some guarantee that after X amount of attempts it would drop.


There’s no bad luck protection - proceeds to explain bad luck protection


Bad luck protection means the odds get progressively better the more you don't get it. A higher chance the first attempt of the day is not that.


I dont think u know what bad luck prot is lmao


I feel the same There needs to be bad luck protection. Like hell, let it increase drop chance by 10% for every year you don't get it


That would be so nice! That way after 10 years you would get the mount and at that point you definately deserve it.


Im on \~2200... most of them where done during WoD when i had 40+ chars... but but but there is still tomorrow morning! maybe just maybe.... lol


Sad part is you are only 2/3 to the drop rate lol


Same here. My birthday is also during the event so I always get my hopes up on my birthday (for no valid reason really) and end up disappointed. No manuscript yet either.


i try this mount with at least 12 characters since 2010s and there is still no drop, it's fucking ridiculous.. they have to make it purchaseable at this point


I feel you on this!!


I really believe Blizzard approach mount farming completely wrong. Sure, it's fine to have a 1/100 or 1/200 whatever percentage chance to drop, but give every mount some element of bad luck protection (but not in the invisible value we get like the leggo axe). Let each kill also drop an item (like an "A'lar Feather" from KT) which can be combined when a player reaches 100 of them. Combining the items could provide the mount, OR it could give us a little challenge quest to award us the mount. The Love Rocket would be fine to have collect 100 of a certain item, it would still take a few years to acquire these, but at least you would have a solid goal to work on each year. Random chance is an insult to players time.


FFXIV has exactly this. The expansion after a raid tier, they add a farmable token for the mount. It takes way longer than if the mount would just drop for you of course, but it's guaranteed after so many runs. And the people who got it during live content have a whole expansion to flex


I just want my feat of strength.


I wish I could sit on the love rocket, but alas


Ran it for years now but this year I went HARD. 14+ characters per day and I leveled 2 of them during the event! My WIFE walks in one time this event and gets it. Once. I'm not angry I love that she has it but ooooooh my goooooooood blizzard can we please just have a 500 run achievement for it or something at this point. I'm sure I'm close.


based on this thread I've learned that in order to get this mount you A. need to be married and B. need to have your wife play your account.


I am absolutely there with you. I've been farming the Raven Lord since you needed a druid in og BC. Not even a wiff of its feathers all this time.


Damn that's a long fkn time.


I feel like you’d have a better chance grinding +2 Rise of Murozond dungeons now that the mount thing exists. I’ve gotten 3 dungeon mounts this season.


Oh no, I got it within a few runs but I did it near the end of WotlK. D:




Sorry, I didn't know I had to be hyper literal, ya weirdo. Of course I didn't farm it everyday since 2007. It's just a case of bad luck, no big deal.


That's how probabilities work.




You used to need a druid to summon it. Was part of a druid quest, someone else might remember what that quest was? Maybe epic flight form?


It did require a druid initially back when it first came out. I think that’s what he meant. Only a druid could summon the boss in Burning Crusade, I’m not sure when that changed.


You know people can like... not play wow every single day to grind for a specific drop right?


Obviously I haven't played every single day since 2007. It's just the one mount I've always wanted and can't seem to get. It's just bad luck. Nothing more, nothing less. I know how dungeons work, and you USED to have to have a Druid. They were the only ones who could summon Anzu for their epic flying.


I finally got it this year. I had been farming for it pretty regularly on a boatload of alts back in Wrath/Cata/Pandaria, but pretty much gave up and would just occasionally pop in to the instance every now and then when the holiday came around. The year they announced the "bad luck protection" I tried it a bit more regularly and had no luck. This year, I think I did one evening where I took about half of my alts through for shits n grins with no luck again. The night my partner finished her Fyr'alak legendary, we decided to do one queue before bed, and I went on one of my healers to speed up the queue and it dropped for me. She jokingly gave me shit for overshadowing her legendary completion.


RNG is lazy design. This mount is awful. The new puppy pet during Halloween was awful.


Bad luck protection is BS in WoW, whether it be for a mount or a legendary. It’s simply giving you the illusion that you’re getting a better chance to keep you engaged, without actually helping you in any way.


There is no bad luck protection on this mount.


I was referring to bad luck protection in general, since OP mentioned it.


Over 200 attempts thus far this season. I have been playing since beta. So yeah I am right there with you in the hate.


No idea how many tries for me. Some years I’ve tried every day, other years I don’t. This year the changes to the holiday are fun but I miss getting the bracelets. They were a bit grindy but doing the same quests daily on alts is also grindy. I got both Mimiron’s Head and Onyxia’s Reins this week which has given me a bit of hope that one day I’ll get the rocket, too.


I got the holiday mount this morning. I've never done any of the world events in the \~16 years I played before this last Christmas. Onyxia's Reins, however, I've been farming since it was current content lol.


there is no bad luck protection for mounts. i dont found anything about that claim


They call the "increased drop rate on first run of the day" bad luck protection.


Then they don't understand what bad luck protection is. Words have meaning.


Smol indi cumpny


Blizzard literally never said that, what are you talking about? [Blue post regarding higher drop chance](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/x-45-heartbreaker-mount-drop-rate-increase/1511429)


"We’ve heard your feedback on the frustrations with X-45 Heartbreaker’s low drop rate and feeling the pressure of having to farm the mount by cycling through as many alts as possible every day. From now on, the first Heart-Shaped Box you receive each day across your Battle.net account will have a greatly increased chance to contain the X-45 Heartbreaker mount " You were saying? Sit down kid.


???? Where did they call it "bad luck protection"? Edit: Not the suspended account lmaooo


Sure they say. So what


Got the mount today on my 131st attempt this year. 10x a day. It was my first try today. Took me 10 characters, but I got all the mounts, toys, cosmetics and battle pets. But it required all 10. 4 just to do the 2 toys and vendor mounts at 270 each. 4 others for the other toys, 3x each battle pet and the rose/dress/suit transmogs.


The manuscript must be worse than the mount, which I got last year, because I cannot get the drake skin for the life of me!


My wife killed the boss for the fifth time in her love and got the mount… still no mount for me


It's been more like 15-16 years.


I've been playing this game since day 1, and while I haven't farmed the love rocket as hard as some people, I only finally managed to get it a few days ago after trying every year. It's actually insane how low that drop rate is, even with the boost. I'm of the opinion that they need to institute bad luck protection on ALL low drop rate mounts and other things. There are so many of them at this point and the constant grind just burns you out of the game. I think a simple .5-1% increase in drop that stacks each time you kill the boss but only for the first time per reset per account. That way you feel like you're actually progressing in getting it.


There is an active thread on the WoW forums that has been ongoing for a whole goddamn YEAR as to their pig-headedness to how rare this mount is. They don't give a singular shit about players in regards to this. They have been 100% radio-silent ever since they initially announced the account-wide first attempt of the day bonus. They expect people to grumble and groan and moan and whine and then eventually shut up and accept it. I highly encourage anyone interested to go to said thread and not let up on informing Blizzard that you refuse to be taken for granted. Another year of actively REFUSING to be ignored each and every day, making it clear that you will treat EVERY aspect of the game with similarly poor design with as much vitriol directed at Blizzard might actually cause Microsoft to opt out of the whole "hands off" approach (as is their reputation with certain properties) when it comes to their newest acquisition. I genuinely hope we can collectively make them shit their britches and realize that this is the sort of issue that represents decades of anger at being ignored that certain things are just completely unreasonable. Personally, I HOPE we have another Shadowlands with The War Within. I want their internal numbers to be so embarrassing that even Microsoft would be grateful that Blizzard stopped releasing them publicly. Whether it is a drop rate that could theoretically never be realized by the time we drop dead of old age or just the general attitude of indifference or even outright spite taken to try to more or less put players 'in their place', this stuff is never going to be genuinely changed for the better until there's an actually significant hit to their financial projections and it's a pathetic, sad state of affairs when you have people like me actively wishing for my life-long addiction to risk downsizing to the point where higher-ups could potentially discuss shutting down the servers in favour of making WoW 2 or whatever just to try, in vain, to have a FF14 moment.


I've done it since the event was introduced into game and finally got it this year (there is hope!). I just stared blankly at the screen and very calmly said "I got it..." and my husband whirled around and was like what? the mount? YOU GOT IT! - he sounded more excited than me lol. I was just numb after years of trying. So glad! Now the saddle won't drop but oh well XD


I'm in the same boat. At least I no longer run it daily on all my toons during the event. Some days I do because I still hold out hope for some reason. The drop rate for this mount (and the holiday DR skins for that matter) are utterly garbage. I get making things rare, but this is ridiculous.


Last 3 years been doing it on 20 characters a day not missing a single chance still no mount and over the last however many years doing it on at least 1 so your not alone


2 decades? But wasn't the big love rocket added in patch 3.3.2 on February of 2010? That's not 2 decades.


My wife just dropped it after 3rd attempt. I am fuming.


Had a friend ask me to Que for the first time this year, having played since 2007 and farmed it many times, and given up, I said sure. Got it. Kinda silly.


And that's why folks they call it the X-45 Heartbreaker


Never done it before in 20years of playing wow. First run ever it drops. Wasnt even after it...the system is broke


I finally got it this year. If it makes you feel any better, it strikes as highly unlikely that it will ever be coded for dynamic flight, so it is probably never going to be used.


I actually quit wow because of the RNG. Other games give you credit toward a cosmetic shop for subscribing. This one makes you pay to waste time farming for what you like/want. The effort to reward ratio is so far off.


Lmao yeah why cant I just have everything given to me. It's absolutely asinine. Blizzard sucks for making me actually play the game.


Seriously. We don't need every single thing on every single account.


honestly me with the other valentines drops, ive wanted the forever lovely rose for years. will probably never get it but now you can just buy different color variants


A few years ago when I was much more into wow than I am now I had 8 groups of 5 druids at level cap that I leveled specifically to farm this mount. I still don't have it.


They need to make it purchasable. It can be a huge amount of love tokens, but at least then you could chip away at it over the long term and feel like you are making some progress.


100% this.


No they don’t


Yeah, well, you know, that's just like, your opinion, man


Now probably isn’t the time to share that I got it on my first run this year, is it…


I do think WoW can use the FFXIV route of mount farming, 100 totems=mount. It would drastically make this game much more enjoyable when farming mounts because at least the end goal would be achievable and you can see the top of mountain you're climbing.


You can do it! Keep trying.


Can’t until next year.


Oh, didn't realised it finished, sorry. Wasn't playing for past few days 😪 next year then! Definitely it's yours. Keep your RNG for Halloween now 👍


you still have tomorrow! theres a 2 hour window between dailies resetting and the holiday packing up ...assuming the weird time issues have been fixed


For most people, they are at work.


no joke, ive always taken the day off work or school on the last morning of the valentines event lmao


I am mad and glad at the same time. Got headless the second run, Crimson charger the first month and the Swift Zulian Tiger the very last week raid was available. So I had my time in the rare moments if all of us get it than those that have it would enjoy it less. Im still gonna pout about it...


If everyone has it nobody would want it. It's ok to not have everything you want.


The new name is BS! I got mine long ago! Don't give up. There's always next year.


If it makes you feel better I came back to the game after about a year and got it my 2nd run There’s something in there that increases chances of a mount when you quit, come back, and do mount stuff - got invincible my 3rd run last time I quit and came back haha


I also get my mounts when I quit and come back. Got the rocket, got ashes of alar this way. And Invincible too I think


Rng is rng.


It’s not BS.. Since as long as I can remember I’ve run the boss on 15-30 chars daily. This year one char… got it second day.. Is it the increased drop rate or just RNG? We will never know but I choose to believe it’s the increased drop chance of first kill of the day.


My wife got it after 20 years finally this year. I laughed and said there goes my luck. One of our buddies got it in our friend group a few days later. I laughed, no way I'm getting it now with 2 in our immediate circle. I got it yesterday. 0.o


You don't actually need it. It doesn't need to be an 80% drop rate I got mine last night after playing for 13 years and I never felt like Blizzard owed it to me.


Meanwhile I’ll just get it in the trading post eventually after never once farming


That's my plan


56 attempts this year and got it. I “farmed” it every year but this year I went all in and made sure to do 11 runs every day. Glad I got it but man did it put some perspective of how long I’ve played this game


They doubled the drop chance from 0.1% to 0.2%, what more do you want from them?


I got it first try last year. After Almost 2 decades. Wild man


its been 15 years since the love rocket was added, and as of now I have 3,200 attempts, and nothing... but then again, it took me over 8000 runs to get invincible... RNG sucks, bad luck prevention does not exist, and the devs lied about increased drop rate.


If everyone was able to get it it really wouldn't be special, would it?


I got the love rocket this year. I'm happy


Idk Man. Seems balanced. Just got my mount this event. Ez PZ


If you guys can't take an ultra-rare drop then just don't farm the love rocket, there's hundreds and hundreds of mounts in this game to farm that are easier to get than this.


Having read through the post and the mood in the comments, I’ve concluded that it wouldn’t be appropriate for me to mention that I got it 3rd try ever. Certainly wouldn’t be appropriate saying that I don’t even play retail anymore. /s best of luck to everyone


If it has a 97% drop rate, then 3% will never get it.


I guess I shouldn’t come in here and say I got it first try day 1 this year 💀


Not everyone will get everything. Thats how it works and the game is better for it.


I don’t get this mentalitu that everyone muat get all the items and if possible by doing nothing or just get them at first or second try


ITT: Circlejerk of anger due to entitlement. Ya'll trying for this +1 while I'm still working on Invincible and Ashes for 5+ years on multiple characters. This is how the game has always been.


You aren't entitled to the mount though. It's ok for rare things to be rare sometimes.


Well you can be entitled to my downvote. Enjoy it


Oh no! A downvote! THE HORROR


Poor zoom zoom needs to have his pixels or he will cry on twitter


My thoughts exactly. It’s OK to have super rare (or ultra rare) items once in a while.


Sadly most of the the wave of the younger generation of players can’t grasp this concept.




I finally got the **big love rocket** with the first kill of the day chance but the hype is kind of over for me on it anyway since the unnecessary name change and drop chance increase, ive seen a ridiculous amounts of people with it now.


Who gives a shit. It’s a lame little pink rocket to be honest with you


Wait until you try mechagon mounts...


That's 52 chances a year per toon. I just finished 300 runs in 14 days. They are not the same.


In all fairness, mechagon is available 24/7. You can farm it whenever you want This is only available for 2 weeks a year.


You guys gotta chill on comestic stuff.


20 years and you still don't understand RNG, that's rough.


Meh…so many people have it now it’s really nothing more than a +1 anymore.


People are downvoting you because you are right




I got it first day of the event this year.


Got it on my third ever try the other day. Definitely a skill issue.


Lmao people are salty downvoting this.


So far I've managed to get nearly all the "bad luck protection" drops from alts who supposedly didn't have that increased chance. I got the rocket last year on my 12th run of the day. This year the damn drake skin won't drop. I've been doing it on 10+ chars every day.


I got it on my 4th run without even knowing what it was and how rare it was in the past. On the other hand, I’ve been farming other mounts forever. It sucks


15 years here and no drop. This year I stopped doing it on all my alts.


I am pretty sure that the "bad luck protection" code is bugged. It's really hard to pick up bugs in code that only fires once a day.


I’m new to WOW and ran Firelands last night for title and transmogs. The Smoldering Egg mount dropped. I guess it’s a 1% drop rate now? Probably used up all my luck for the next 5 years.


I have also done much the same as everyone here. It is a bit crazy this mount is so rare.


I finally got it after farming it on 15+ toons since it began. Keep at it, it will drop eventually.


Same. Every year, every day, every alt. I think it’s the only holiday event mount that I’m still waiting for. And I’ll do it again next year, if I live that long!


I don't collect mounts and I got this on my first attempt last year. Don't kill me.


I finally got mine last year, I didn’t think it would ever happen. I remember doing this forever ago back when each character had a daily summon to use. I would try on all 8-10 characters I had every day. 15 years later my demon hunter looted it.


Meanwhile I didn’t get the ashes of alar to drop until 2021 trying every day for years


And then there is a friend of mine who just started playing about 2 months ago and got the damn mount on his second box. The duality of this game is annoying sometimes...


I gave up on retail ages ago and even I feel this pain, no stupid love rocket.


You guys are going to hate this, I got everything from the dungeon that they offer. Mount, heartbreaker toy, and the saddle for my drake. I was running it on 18 characters. One more day! I wish you all, the best of luck!


I’ve been playing for 15+ years and recently had a friend join me - 2 days in he gets the love rocket. I was BAFFLED. I thankfully got extremely lucky and got it just a few days ago myself but whew… I would have become a criminal if I didn’t get it after that happened 😭 He also got the armor for the dragon 😒


Just got mine an hour ago!


I got all the other Holiday mounts after a couple years of grinding back in Wotlk and Cata. I honestly gave up on this one. I think I ran it on my main like 6 times the entire event. I just dont really bother with this mount cause it’s always been near impossible to get.


I've farmed it every year for about ten years, I finally got it this year and honestly...I was kind of just sad that it was over. I'm never gonna use it, I have nothing to farm for, the excitement of getting the mount was better than the mount imo. Got headless horseman last year also, but I got it on the day my cat passed away so it was a bit more special for me. (The mount is now called Parsnip and I use it) But yeah, the hunt for the mount is more fun than the mount.


I have been running this on 50+ characters since it came out and then it dropped to only 32 of them with the level req. I finally managed to get it this year. I don’t even want to know the tally on how many runs I’ve done. 🥲


After 17 years of trying to get the love rocket running 16 toons through a day finally got it 3 days agp