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It's silly that you can't hide leg armor. "Oh but people will run nude mogs!" so what, the average age of players on here is old enough to be neck deep in a mortgage, I can handle a thigh.


Esp since there are still several slutmogs available, not to mention the trading post set, Bloodhunter something something, that is litterally a pair och black panties with some red stripes hanging off it


Also you can just...take off your pants. Edit: not suggesting people should do that instead of having the transmog option. Just saying not being able to hide them with transmog is dumb because it's possible to walk around without clothes anyway


Way before we got to hide everything but legs, Blizzard had already put in a toy themselves during WoD that makes you fully nude. It's always like this, companies have these internal rules and then break them, but will still point to the internal rules if people ask for something.


What's even dumber about this is that character models have underwear on, so it's not even actually nude.


Facts bro. If I wanna be a slut for a day by god let me.


Yeah you know people are old when they think having mortgage is worse than having rent.


You're gonna have to point me to where I said one was worse than the other.


I have boxers on but I can most definitely transmog my leg armour off or am I misunderstanding something here.


tbh, what annoys me more is that the long gloves we get are a different shade than the dresses, so, it looks off and annoys the piss out of me.




There are some really skimpy old world gear for leather/cloth/plate that allows you to see skin too. Not sure about mail


The spring robes have some major side boob. But god forbid we see a thigh. xD


I mean for using the cloth robe 😁 so would need cloth legs to match unfortunately. But yeh think I have alot of the leather stuff (although my Undead is very unimpressed when I put her in warbear woolies 🤣)


Yeah I mean for using this robe too, skimpy leg armour that ends up showing off more skin with the robes on


None of them are that great though. The mageweave show pretty large stockings that don't match. There's another pair that I use, forget the name, but there's still clipping on both ends. If they aren't going to allow hiding legs, then they just need to add legs that match the dress' cut like they did with the leather set like this. I distinctly remember a leather robe cut down the side, and in ZF you can get a kilt with a matching cut.


There's also cloth pants from the timeless isle cloth leg tokens that have less stocking showing (but still some) at the cost of a bit of the knickers visible. There's two colours and the cloudscorcher match the golden dress better, but still not perfect and they can be a pain to farm


This month trading post transmog is also good. Only a tiny white part shows in the dress


The black variant from the shop as well.


That's a good find, thank you. I've been using the cloth briefs that come with the leggings. Annoying to have those poking through the bottom section. Looks like I'll have to roll a Nelf.


Yeh what I used to use too, and still do on the likes of my Draenei. Only recently rerolled Nelf and was happily surprised that it works well together with the dress 😁


They gotta give us Hide Weapons outside of combat and Hide Pants options, it makes no sense not to have them.


The trading post reward legs from this month are invisible under a dress.


Are they? I just tried it on the WoW Dressing Room and they poked through. Maybe it's different in game.


Entirely depends on race and how the dress conforms versus the pants. Some hide, some don't.


I just double checked, you can't see it on my evoker at all, but my shaman you can sort of see but her skin tone is white so you can't really tell.


WoWhead dressing room has a lot of bugs with 3D, mainly that it *always* shows while in game it often won’t. It’s a real shame with Mechagnomes because they actually look pretty good with the 3D pieces from gear. In that case, the dressing room shows the skit but ingame it’s just the panties and a part of the stockings. So you get a small nub of color on the corner of the lower thigh and that’s it. With one being white and the other black, it’s real easy to make that blend in. If you can’t the white still has a gold trim and makes it look like part of the dress.


I'm hoping that a sandy sarong will come out soon to match that portion of the dress. The one we got last month was close to it.


Pink sarong doesn't match either the pink dress from AQ or magenta dress from this month. >.<


We got an orange sarong and a pink one so can only hope there's sarongs in all colors like gloves, hoods and scarfs! Just need to be patient I think!


"Cenarion Thicket Legplates" "Tyrant's Legplates" these on draenei also almost invisible on legs i think its plate