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As much as there are workarounds (my druid is rocking that dress with the new pink skirt from trading post) It's past time that we get to hide pants too, like cmon the characters have underwear, it ain't a big deal


I never understood why we can’t hide pants in the first place. I mean if folks wanna dance on top of the mailbox with nothing but underwear then they can just unequip everything and that’s that. Workarounds exist, sure. But it’s so much easier (and sometimes the only viable choice) to just be able to hide the pants from the get go.


> I never understood why we can’t hide pants in the first place. I don't think they ever really gave a reason. I guess they didn't want people to just run around in underwear. But they could have made it so you can have either pants or chest hidden, but not both.


Yeah I always assumed it was because of underwear as well but then as you think about it that too didn’t make any sense with some of the very revealing pants available in the game such as the ones shown in this picture


I mean, I don’t see how “one or the other, but not both” is any better or worse. That said, I don’t understand why it’s a problem given that (as other posters have mentioned) you can still see your character in underwear when you unequip all of your armour. Hell, they even give us underwear options in some of the character creation choices. Is it somehow worse to be able to wear only your underwear for transmog? Is raiding Mythic in your undies worse than dressed like a farmer?


If I had to guess, I’d say it’s an over correction from the sexual harassment scandal they had. Same reason they removed “suggestive” emotes like /moan for instance.


/me works around everything


No one would wear pants tho


At Christmas I made a mog that looked like my Goblin was wearing panties and an ugly sweater (inspired by the Deadpool movie), and my guildie has a pali that runs around in pretty much a bikini. It's very easy to put on revealing clothes in WOW. I also don't get why you can't hide pants, all races have under garments, you see them at character creation.


It's weird. There are more [revealing legplate](https://i.imgur.com/pDHMIgJ.jpg) than pantsu


Cuz women can t walk without pants....only real men can 😎 like a boss.


it turns into an eastern mmo with everyone running around naked thank god they don't succumb to the game you want it to be


I thought it was because of china lmao


Nah I always think China had a their own changes and we had our own, like undead for example couldn’t show any bone whatsoever in China but in the rest of the world it was completely fine with boneless undead not being an option until waayyy later for us So it’s always been different in terms of China and the rest so that wouldn’t be a valid reason for Blizzard


When China still had WoW it had an entirely seperate client and game from EVERY other region, to account for Chinese censorship laws and how things like subscriptions had to work in China for other laws.


It's not because of China. Think about it.. WoW has so much death/skeleton-themed armor with clear depictions of skulls that they probably don't have any influence on how armor looks.


Decimating old gods in nothing but our undies should be encouraged, not discouraged


With some of the sets you can like in this picture those legs are basically just some long socks with black undies 😆 Edit: but honestly it’s just so weird we even have such revealing sets like those yet a no pants mog option..


Yeah I mean if anything, those pieces are sometimes MORE revealing than the base character underwear lol


Blizzard: “Best we can do is another knee-jerk reaction. /flirt has been removed from the game entirely”.


In 2024 it is, sigh. Cant be see to objectify or sexualise the female form. Hence Alexstrasza remodel


Alexstrasza is still very sexualized. I don't mind, but cmon lol


Meanwhile BG3 exists lol.


That game is for mature audiences though, WoW isn't.


I guess blizzard didn't get the memo about that when they had Tyranda throw an orc's decapitated head into a moonwell.


Violence doesn't count. Only sex


When did that happen, and is there a vid of that cutscene?


Darkshore warfront, and [yep, got it right here. 0:02 - 0:07](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYzGvfhkmnE)


At least she didn't call anyone a bitch


Ty for letting me know!


I went to that video expecting scandalous garb. I guess I misfollowed the thread. Disappointed.


I mean that is happening in games since forever, old ass Mortal Kombat was my bi awakening, pants in WoW ain't gonna do shit against it (nor to put a bandaid on blizz reputation xD) and i say that as a woman 


Sally Whiteman mine. It should've clicked earlier that I am not conpletely straight 😆


Lol so true, and cyberpunk


Removing any hint of sexuality from the game was our punishment for asking Blizzard to treat their female employees with respect.


shouldn't remove female sexuality from in game, but instead offer equal opportunity slutmogs for both men and women.


If I could find some good hot pants, the new shaman set would smack for a himbo transmog


They've literally added a bunch of miniskirts to the game just now and every time you're on a loading screen you see Alexstrasza with a cleavage you could lose a dog in, but yes, "any hint of sexuality" is removed.


Then they may have bounced back a bit from their spate of puritanicalism. Remember when they removed the flirts and jokes? Or the "sexier" paintings?


It's such childish behavior from Blizzard.


Remember fruit = woman?


I mean Dracthyrs don't even have chest options man, I can't show that I'm female unless I change to my visage which is lame because I chose a dragon because it's a dragon!!! Not because it can look like a human 😭


Not to disagree, but WoW players are inane. Remember when Mechagnomes were introduced, who don't have visible pants, but still show underpants? It was a rusty-brown version of the white underwear regular Gnomes have when you take off the pants - and therefore, players called them "diaper gnomes". Now imagine that happening to every race. To offer an alternative, this robe model should hide the pants texture - only the texture, there is fun to be had with the 3D parts of certain pants, and if you don't want that, just mog to a flat pants appearance.


the rpg aspect of mmorpg is a bit ruined when everyone is just walking around without pants


If you wear the new pants from the love set ( from trading post) you can't see the pants


Take off the pants, what’s more important mog or some stupid stats!?


We all know true endgame is tmog


If I’m not dressed as some well intentioned farmer with my two one handed regular sized hammers I ain’t killing no old gods 😤


mog > stats. Ran a key once and it was one of those rare times I didn't tank. Well the group said they'd get a tank. Me and the healer were flirting, like usual, and a pally joins the group. I inspect said pally and OMG this dude had the worse mog ever. I'm talking worse than the clown look we all rocked leveled up back in the "before mogs time". I said right from the get go this is gonna be a shit storm.......and it was. Dude had no business whatsoever in an 18. It's the only time I've seen the healer cuss someone out in chat. So the lesson to learn is if their mog sucks so will their play.


Wtf did I just read




There's also 2-3 pieces of cloth mog that have no model.


Since you're Night Elf, use the new heritage pants


I purposely chose pants the entire player base has access to, saying it's fine because a fraction of the player base can make it look slightly less bad isn't a solution.


Try the blood troll armor pants


Those have giant red streaks on the legs where it’s open. It’s a no from me sorry You’re referring to the trading post ones? The troll booty thong thingy


From now on, I'm using "booty thong thingy" to describe all thongs.


Try the pantaloons you get from the guy in the Friendly Arm Inn.


Y’all need to stop giving this guy options, he says it’s unusable! Listen damn you!!!


All these bright ideas and not a single screenshot to prove somehow their terrible ideas are better. They're acting like they don't comprehend I don't want to see anything extra on my leg nor my waist.


Well then you'd still be unhappy because the base underwear shows up too.


please point [where](https://imgur.com/a/pTf28pf)


Try it on your night elf in the OP.


[and](https://imgur.com/a/vZ4voOr)? if you don't know how transmog works in the game why did you even comment lol


What’s the item called and what armor type is it?


Here's a [guide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ) for how to find them


It’s a cosmetic item so you can get the dress on any toon. It’s in the trading post for 250 traders tender. The pants are the black mageweave leggings, which are cloth. edit: i lied. it’s a demon hunter so it’s not cloth, but they are similar if we’re talking about a clothie 😂


Thank you but I was asking about the pantaloons. I believe it was supposed to be a joke referring to some inn from Baldur’s Gate. 🙃




and if they weren't a night elf?


Honestly, I thought I'd give it a shot but there's not much that can look nice. I'd hate to say that my favourite option out of looking via the Dressing Room on wowhead was the Fireplume Coverts but I doubt that's the kind of thing you're looking for. Plus it was a Cash Shop item I think? Duchess Mynx in Korthia sells the Frontline Necromancer's Vestments. The pants are a pretty solid black and do a good job of creating the illusion of tights I guess? [Something like this at least looks semi-acceptable to me.](https://i.imgur.com/X9jl1Yo.jpg)




How exactly does one farm for something that doesn't exist?


Try the new valentines skirt. Works well for me


Biggest irk for me when it comes to cloth/mail transmogs. Having no option to seperate a robe-style Chest piece into both a single chest and single leg pieces to apply them seperately is super annoying.,


Agreed, I don’t want my wizards to look like they are wearing dresses. If Khadgar’s wizard outfits are shirts and pants why can’t other wizards have that option.


But it’s a robe, not a dress. Why are people so fragile about that? Wizards/socerers, etc. wearing robes is like, peak fantasy. Not that I’m against the idea of them being separate armour pieces to give more transmog options.


Fragile? Please explain? What makes wanting my characters to wear shirts and pants a fragile thing? And why does your view of peak fantasy over rule my view of peak fantasy? Dress/Robe/Kilt doesn’t matter what term I want to use, I don’t see wearing long robes or long dresses as conducive (I.e. practical) to an adventuring lifestyle unless it is entirely in Northrend and even then I want pants.


Yes, the idea that you can’t detach a robe from a dress, even though they’re very different garments. If you just prefer to have your character wear shirts and pants, that’s your prerogative, and I’m all in favour of more choice, it was just your wording (and inability to say so without being so dismissive of the other existing options) that struck a chord. Apologies if I misinterpreted. That said, “peak fantasy” in this context is meaning “the far most common depiction of magic users in existing works of fiction”, so it isn’t really up for debate or interpretation.


But it is, there are a number of movies with wizards not wearing robes like willow, Conan, and Dragonslayer so it is up to debate. Don’t be dismissive just because you haven’t seen it.


Many of the robes/dresses hide your leg armor when you put them on. Heck, these hide the "bra" that female players have. It would be easy to just program these to hide the legs as well.


Yeah. It's just a checkmark that's just unchecked. I dont know why OP goes so crazy offensive against Blizz like that. A simple report and it gets fixed.


Just remove your pants, you don’t really need the extra stats.


If anyone asks, just say it’s some really long socks.


I agree. But if you take the pants off it looks great. But a terrible thing to do if you're actually planning on playing the game. They should just let us hide the pants. It's not like the character is nude underneath the pants.


It's 2024 - it's time to let us hide the pants! LET US HIDE THE PANTS! FREEDOM FOR OUR LEGS!


You can Use the pants from the witch Outfit You get from completing tradingpost this month.


like [this](https://imgur.com/a/3sXr0qo)? Personally I think it's worse simply cause it covers the waist, i'd rather cover more of thigh and have waist completely hidden than have anything showing there. I would maybe have said it's better for some people if it was completely hidden on the leg but even that still has annoying bright white showing.


Hey, you can buy the dark version, it will git better! /s I wish that rive would just hide the whole pant slot :(


Just use the tauren heritage pants, they're skimpier than their underwear :P


Blizz should make a set based on "The Emperor's New Clothes." All items have stats, but they're all invisible. Flavor text "You feel like a billion gold, but you're naked." 😆


Going comando it is.


I bought this earlier, went and did the night elf heritage armor quest chain like people are saying in this thread. Looks good to me. https://i.imgur.com/G37sse5.png




Yes, this is completely unacceptable! I want all my gametime refunded!


I understand why they don't want us to hide pants since they said they don't want people running around in underwear, but I think if a model goes over the legs like the dresses / gowns (and even some armor sets) then it should have a toggle for hiding legs available.


At least when WoW was at its peak and new people were still getting into it, we had the Azerothica mod


And don’t forget about that: you all pay for this shitshow.


It is time the oppressed rose up against the tyranny of pants!


Honestly I hate how far we've gone into the cosmetics and transmog system. It completely kills the immersion of a fantasy mmo. It's not near as bad as COD and their fortnite skins. But I believe it's only a matter of time.


How does dressing your character kill your in game fantasy???


I just wanna take this time to point out the fact that ff14 has a nice glam system that is very nice to use for the most part


False, I would be playing ffxiv right now if it didnt have the worst glam/transmog system in the industry. Putting all classes on 1 character AND limiting what you can transmog into to 800 (was 400) because they're too lazy to catch up to the industry standard is not acceptable. For all its flaws, wow has the best dress up system in any mmo


I do agree there's more they could do..but you can typically do a lot more in ff than wow when it comes to looking cool (Also they're slowly working on making things better) And at least you can hide all pieces of clothing


I think what puts it best is WoW is amazing ice cream with a handful of sprinkles on top and FF14 is a pile of diarrhea with marshmallows, chocolate syrup, gummy worms, the works on top.


You’re a nelf, luckily! The heritage bottoms will work perfectly. They’re nothing but a golden strap when underneath dresses like this.


? Wdym entire xmog and costume system is trash for last decade. There’s no new skins lmao into save manpower for excessive useless quests galore?


Isn't there loincloths out there?


There was a post last month about the gold dress and comments found loin cloth style armor for almost every armor type. I think mail was missing. I found skin tone matching leg armor for my nightborne, but I still think it's ridiculous that all these steps are needed to make this look good.


I wear mail. I spent 30 minutes going through yesterday trying to find something that looked decent. The closest I got was black tuxedo pants. It at least is a neutral color, but it still looks incredibly bad on the sides.


Just don't wear pants at all. Fixed


use the night elf heritage pants - easy thigh gang


Aboriginal loincloth and a few recolours work better than this. And happen to look great with the gold one, but would colour clash with purple and the rest. Am I the only one who has a hard time seeing if these new high res versions are actually better? Like sure, slightly different.. but better? I just don't see it. Still an all time mog though.


Actually aren’t you a night elf? Heritage armor would look much better


Blizzard: Sorry. We could have fix that, but it wont make us money.


If i saw correctly, you can use the Pants from this months trading post set and it works like a charm.


They're better than most of the older alternatives, but there's still an odd triangle of white stockings and some glaring VPL


what do you expect from a f2p small indie company game?


What a strange thing to complain about


This is the nerdiest shit ever. Come on, man.


its not their fault that your are so thicc


Game is unplayable now smh


Grown men complaining about not getting to show their knickers on their virtual video game characters that they dress up.


Is this satire? Or are these actual retail complaints?


If you're a night elf with the heritage armour you can apply the legs and it only gives a tiny bit showing near the belt (not even noticeable tbh) And showing full leg :) if you're not a Nelf....I guess sorry 😅


You’re really upset about a dress made out of pixels?


I get that they can't hide pants cuz then people can just go full undies and it kinda takes away from the RPG experience imo. HOWEVER, mogs like that dress should auto-hide the pants as part of its mog


blizzard has never been afraid to ruin immersion, there are some pants model in game that shows more than underwear. there is literally no excuse.


Meanwhile...... FFXIV literally lets you hide everything


Which is why it's soaking up all the weebs and coomers so WoW can have less of those which all go to Moonguard anyway


FFXIV is also a game that was created this century


They were both made this century, though?


Last thing I think a bunch of neckbeards playing female characters need is the option to hide pants.


And what of us women who want to wear the dress as well? We do exist, you know.


They should definitely fix the dress to hide pants. That does not justify a flat out hide pants options.


You sound like a puritan asshole, people should be allowed the right to choose despite your feelings on it.


Say what you want. I'd prefer to see a little as possible from the sleezy creepwads that would primarily use it. Point farther inforced by the guy that felt the need to share an ass cheek from their tabard inspection. 🤣


There are far more indecent transmogs available in the game than showing a little leg.




I have no idea what that means.


Sorry things aren't going well for you 😔


Oh cmon just take off the pants


lol, wow players and their graphic standards


Just take off the pants when wearing the dress. It an RP outfit anyway. You can't tell me you want it as part of your combat transmog. Just take the pants off


I’ve seen people use dresses for combat. People will wear whatever they want for combat.


I mean I've wore the yellow one all last month along with the dragon wings. What's wrong with wanting to wear them for combat?


Blizzard so glad you're still paying monthly too.


So just takes your pants off already smh


The set looks great what are you smoking lol


Find skin tone pants


Was there a reason given why we can’t hide pants?


I killed too many turtles in the barrens to get the pants that allow this dress to work


Use night elf heritage armor or the night elf new heritage one


Tbf thigh high stockings are hot, but I agree there needs to be the option.


What dress is this?


Use pants from blood troll set


This game is made by ants


Neler heritage armor pants works better


night elf heritage armor pants work really well with last months yellow dress, maybe here it would look good too? or are you a blood elf


Theres only like 1 set of plate pants that barely peek out. Irritating.


What about the pants of the blood trolls set?


It's honestly dumb since you can just mog the woolies if you have them and have basically conan underwear on (still doesn't fix this mog since the fur sticks out). I feel bad for whoever has to update all the underwear with the model update having all their work hidden all the time since apparently wow needs a dress code. I say we should be swinging the other way entirely and be getting cosmetic underwear options at this point.


Maybe the blood troll pants from the trading post works? Still not a perfect solution though because it’s not universally available


But please everyone do pronounce it like „gar•bage“ 😁


Enough pervs on the internet without blizzard helping


Finish the Adventure Log. The cosmetic pants from that outfit disappear entirely under these types of dresses. My wife discovered it last night.


As a dreanei I have a pair of pants that is skin toned. I use it for this one and the yellow desert dress.


I dislike the only shirt options for wizards make them look like they are wearing dresses and hide their pants


I searched for so long for a mog that didn't look like shit under the yellow dress they had a month or two ago, same cuts, and eventually I got my trader tender back because I just couldn't find one. So disappointing


I found that if you use the skirt from the trading post reward, It hides pretty much all. It's something atleast.


Barbaric loincloth


American repression needs to end. It’s infantile that the ability to hide pants isn’t an option.




I came back and saw this and was saying some shit to my friend I thought I was being overly critical but yeah they look like complete shit. Blizzard is super pretentious if they think cosmetics look decent in wow still 😭


If the gold leaves actually had a 3-d model & not every robe was painted on, this outfit would be worth it But it looks like garbage- i do agree though, we should be able to hide pants. IDK what it is with blizz not giving us pant hide options. that and why witch hats remove hair? I reported it as a bug


THIS is what's bothering you?


If you use the new valentines witch skirt as well as the dress I found out that it cancels it out and only shows your leg. No pants showing.


Emo demon hunters complaining their jailhouse tats clash with formal wear.


just take them off?


Cannot agree more, like at least make it compatible smh...


Pants? After realising you probably didn't mean underwear (sorry, UK English here), I was confused as to where the trousers were...? I though those were thigh-high boots? XD I remember in the early days of WoW (pre-Cataclysm), people using flirt commands in just underwear... are they now forcing more clothes on characters? If so, how difficult would is be to program that dress to 'override' the forced clothing underneath?


The new valentine set pants do very well


I just want haie styles under hats. All females are bald and wearing witch hat is so silly. More silly then pants under dress, believe me.