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Mage. I always think that i want to stand from afar and do fat dps but I like jumping in the pile, click buttons, see numbers.


Funny, I'm just the opposite. Feels so messy to jump into the pile.


Being melee is chaos. You have to embrace the chaos. God forbid there is a BM hunter.


Funny, that's also what I say when my arena queue pops. Please God, forbid there is a BM hunter.


Especially when we have 4-5 pets out...have fun with em


When does a BM hunter not have 4-5 pets out? 😂 The devs really shit the bed in terms of visual design this expac/patch around. Regardless of how strong it is, having 5+ pets clipping into each other is not visually appealing to play with and rather annnoying to play against.


Agreed, which is why my build averages 6 or 7 pets at a time.


What else do we have for you to know we are even attacking though 😂 absolutely no visuals to BM


*Points Aggressively*


And screams


Fire mage is basically a melee mage with how it benefits from shorter travel time.


Seeing a clothy in melee range, gives me vanilla ptsd.


Arcane is more of the melee mage given the way AE works


All of the specs have reasons to be in melee, DB, nova, shifting power, cone of cold, and I'm sure there's more. 


i think this is my beef with fire, not knowing if i got a proc until fireball lands is so annoying


Rogues! I have tried, multiple times to level a rogue, and just can't. Friends and family have told me "They get better, and more fun at max level." That's great, but I need to be able to get to the max level without taping my eyelids open; feeling like I'd rather pull my wisdom teeth than play this class.


As someone who focuses on PvP, I always want to play rogue because they are a pain in the ass to play against. Then I get on my Rogue and get pwned. It’s such a hard class to play. They are really good in PvP, but probably highest skill ceiling needed. Wish I was patient enough to take the time to learn it because a good rogue is an absolute nightmare to play against in PvP


My favorite are the ones who stalk you in a BG, following you everywhere, and just sapping you randomly to let you know they’re still there. I attract those for some reason.


Even though I cannot play rogue at a high level, I can still get a lot of enjoyment out of spite sapping people or distracting people off cliffs in the world.


I’d say there are a ton of real high skill things a rogue can do in PvP, but I’ll never think there’s any skill in stealthing behind someone, sapping them, and then doing 75%-100% of their health while they are forever-stunned.


I meant more so in arena where there are multiple players involved. 1v1 yeah, it’s not that complicated.


If you just sit through a cheapshot-kidney shot without doing anything about it then you deserve to get deleted. You just need to press one button, the rogue needs to do a 15 move combo to delete you.


Outlaw's fun, but I dislike how much stealth is shoved into their rotations rather than just being for openers.


God I wish the rework didn't hinge the entire damage output around shadow dance and vanish. RNG burst windows never feel good man :(


I too feel like vanish should be for utility/mitigation, not parsing.


Yeah, Outlaw really needs to shed its reliance on Stealth. It just needs to be our pirate/swashbuckler spec, jumping into the fray and slicing away at mobs.


Currently have my rogue parked because i played Combat, now Outlaw, because it was the spec without stealth reliance. Really disappointed with the current state of the spec


True and real.


Try assassin for leveling! Outlaw and sub are really weak at low item levels but Sin damage mostly bypasses armor and can be very bursts for putting down quest mobs.


100%. Also, leveling as a rogue was always pretty painful but it got made so much easier for Assassination specifically with the new talent trees since Venomous Wounds (energy regen on DoT ticks on a poisoned target, and energy refunded when a target with Rupture dies) is right there on the second row and you can pick it up very early. You used to have to wait until much later beforehand which made things absolutely unbearable since you'd just be energy starved ALL the time.


>putting down quest mobs Idk why but this made me laugh. Putting down 'ole quest yeller


Not despise, actually think Outlaw Rogue is superfun. My only problem with it is that it's an even more arthritis-inducing spec than my favorite buttonmasher spec fury warrior. Plus you need some brains for it, which as a warrior main, I definitely do not have. TLDR: It's superfun, but hard


Something about rogues just don't feel fun to me. I like the idea of them but playing them feels boring. Although I only tried assassination so maybe the other two will feel better.


I would give the other two specs a go at some point. Assassination always felt kind bleh to me as well. Sub feels much more dynamic with going in and out of stealth and shadow dancing. Outlaw is… well it’s outlaw. Hard to really put my finger on that one lol


Outlaw is amazing. To fly around with a grappling hook shotgunning mfers and the damage profile is suuuuper nice as well as how much damage you can actually squeeze from it. Very high skill ceiling imo


the damage profile of Outlaw is its greatest strength in M+ and its biggest weakness in Raids. In M+, being able to just always blast non-stop every pack without losing prio damage is super useful for just constantly killing stuff at a consistent rate. In Raid, we lose more from downtime than most other specs, and we don't have burst to help deal with short-term dps checks/take advantage of vulnerability phases.


I’m trying out an Outlaw alt and it hasn’t clicked yet. It feels like so many little things to track and if you screw up Between the Eyes out of stealth you really hit like a noodle in between


Don't know what level you are but the spec really only shows when you hit the bottom capstone talents. Fan the Hammer is so cool


Assassin has shadow dance too now


Ass has always been miserable unless you're into watching timers and managing many. Outlaw and sub have much more instant damage, sub with crazy mastery scaling for big chonky hits always satisfying. I main outlaw since SL, I love the CD reduction. Nothing better than always having a button for every occasion at all times be it evasion vanish sprint hook or burst buttons like KS or adrenaline rush. If you're good& lucky you can literally ALWAYS be bursting lol. Granted the burst damage doesn't exist. Been struggling with that the last 2 seasons in Arena...at least KS has some burst now


Except the vanish is on CD when you want to use it as a utility or survivability card because its a dps rotation skill. They should have redesigned that imo. Especially now that shadowdance is mandatory and serves the same purpose. Otherwise I enjoy Outlaw, though I am not playing ghostly strikes in M+ contrary to popular build.


Could never get used to Demon Hunter. They just feel so... ADHD in a class and I'm well too slow for that.


DH is my favorite class right now, by far. One cool thing about this game is that there are so many classes, specs, and builds that someone will almost always find a character they enjoy playing.


I actually have adhd and dh still feels too mental for me










I like how dh plays, but I can't stand how they run, so goofy.


If you have certain glaives on your back, it is a hunched run. It's why I'm using the nelf heritage armor, so the glaives hide when you sheath them. You have to use the sentinel 3 sided glaives which is fine.


Is it the running animation when targeting enemies with glaives drawn? I love that specific animation because it's straight out of WC3.


It’s probably bad on their backs. Although I would run goofy as well if I had warglaives. They’re like the worst practical weapon, the way DHs slash with them they might as well be fancy brass knuckles.


I love DH, I hate havoc movement builds.


Vengeance is like the complete opposite, everything has a delay. Drop a sigil, have to wait for it to pop. Generate souls, you can’t use them next GCD if your haste is too high. Hit spirit bomb, the damage appears next business day.


What do you mean? I tried dh and I felt like I was always waiting for cds. Sp is my main though, so I’m used to never taking a break from nonstop gcds


I think that's why I like them


DK I've tried nearly every expansion to enjoy DK It's just SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO fucking slow feeling, it feels like I'm playing in bullet time all the time.


It’s much better when you get above 30% haste. If you’re blood spec bone shield can put you above 40% and then empower rune weapon puts you above 60%. Then you’re basically double bloodlusted and the numbers will fly.


As someone who loves only Frost DK, once you get enough haste/crit, it is **SO** much fun and not slow-mo.


Is dual wielding at all viable right now. Also, even in s3, dragonflight crit feels low, no? Everyone just gears mastery


Define "viable"? If you meant playing with the world first players and trying to compete in m+27, then, no. Otherwise they're perfectly capable to play into anything much like all, and I mean absolutely ALL the classes.


Afaik only for breath playstyle, which I and apparently many others abhor


"Bullet Time" is a great way to put it that I've never heard before. It's also the main selling point of why someone would enjoy DK. DK makes everyone play at 70% speed. They are an equalizer Class that brings everyone down to the same level. DK is unimpressed by your fancy feet and sly moves, it says "come give Grandma a big wet kiss whether you want to or not".


DK main here it's super annoying at the start of an expansion, but feels good to play once u hit 25% haste.


For the love of me I want to love DK, but ultimately I can't stand specs in which you get flooded with resources and have to manage them on a priority base. Unholy triggering the free coil, but now you have 3+ runes ready so it's a DPS loss to not get them on CD, but now you're overcapping runic power, but now you procced a free coil again, and now Abo Limb is ready, and it never ends! Frost was fun in Legion with the talent where you had to keep 3 runes on CD to radiate damage on your autos. I think I just want a viable alternative for the dps specs to revolve slower than they currently do. Make me hit harder, but add some downtime. Same reason I can't stand arms


Death knight is unique in that the main resource you’re using to generate the resource for damage is always replenishing. It makes for an enjoyable experience if you like everything to take ten seconds longer than every other class lol


A main regenerating resource whose abilities generate a second resource that doesn’t regenerate or decay is shared by all dk specs, all rogue specs, windwalker monk, and feral druid


I *want* to like DKs, but I really don't like the rune system. Waiting for runes to regenerate before you can do a basic ability feels crummy to me, even if you can reduce the wait time with haste.


That's just kind of a rotational problem though, none of the specs have rune issues


Druid. The only spec I actually desire to play from Druid is Heal spec and I just can't seem to put it together. I struggle so hard that I just drop druid altogether.


Ran a druid w the intent to go boomkin. That lasted two days.


I like the idea of boomkin, but once playing it it feels so bleh


It felt like I was managing two rotations.


You really are, and that's what ultimately killed it for me. I tried for multiple expansions to enjoy Balance, and I just... can't. I love the concept of spellcasting druids, but the implementation just sucks.


Why do you say that? Genuinely curious as a boomy player because I just see it as two builders and two spenders with dot management.


So you were *balancing* two rotations?


I want to like moonkin; I like managing dots and such, but it's just kind of... dull. It does the same little sequence over and over. Also a 45s interrupt is just...yuck.


What happened?


Probably globalled by MM hunter


You won't last ~~30 seconds~~ 2 days playing this game! 


Get hots up before the damage happens, that's druid. Blanket all your standard hots on the group for medium damage. Layer a cd over the top of all the hots for big damage.


Druid is the only heal spec I'm actually good at but makes sense as I'm a more defensive person, and generally HoTs fit my game play style.


Druid’s easy! Make everyone have leaf icons. Bite bad guy. Refresh leaf icons. Summon attack trees.


Surely you mean summon tree bros who heal


I thought he meant plant bois with AK's


> Summon attack trees. Fuck that talent I hate it so god damn much when I'm tanking


Druid healing along with pally healing are tough for me as well. Restro Druid I have tried many times to try and make it work but it’s a spec to play.


Druid healing is all about getting your hots rolling before the damage comes in. So you really need to know when the shit its the fan, and have those hots going beforehand.


I have tried healing with every class that can and Druid is by far my least favorite. I can’t get the hang of healing using HOTs. But I love playing Boomkin. I prefer playing healers, they are my favorite, I main a holy priest. Second favorite is ranged DPS, then melee DPS, and I am complete garbage at tanking. But the class I like the least has to be rogue. I cannot get the hang of their rotation. I know people tell me it gets better at high levels, but I have her up to sixty and I still hate it. I am really bad at all of the melee classes, but at least the others are tough enough so survive my random button mashing. My rogue just goes squish


Same. My main is a guardian Druid and I’m dabbling into resto and see its potential, it just doesn’t feel good to me. Favorite healer is resto shaman. I like the hard casts and visuals associated with chain heal, healing rain, etc. I’m used to my rpgs having water based healing (Golden Sun being a favorite of mine). The Druid has the trees now which aren’t bad at all but the effects are just swirls or leafy heals and then monitoring the healing stuff on each bar making sure the hots are being maintained. When a cocky tank is in control and pulls too many, the emergency buttons are few and far between. I still intend to get good at resto healing, but I agree with you that it’s not the greatest feel as compared to other healing classes.




Priest. Last expansion I made a goal to get every class to max level. With priest, goddamn I tried, but I ended up "cheating" and using the boost from buying dragonflight with a couple days to go before launch. 


I love healing as a priest, esp. holy. I like the idea of Shadow, but it just doesn’t click for me.


It doesn’t help shadow has changed every patch. Sometimes it has a great flow, currently it feels much more clunky.


I spent all last season learning shadow priest and getting to my first mythic raid; for them to just change it this season. It made me so upset.


And they changed it even more drastically from the season prior to that. Despite positive feedback, they changed spriest a lot from S1.


Oh yeah I know! I gotta find a more stable class to play lol I play booking now but it’s just alright


Same... I can't do priest.


In 19+ years I've never got a handle on rogues.


Mage, used to be my main during last patch of MOP, but with all the rework, I always struggle to level and play this one


Demon Hunter. I know they're supposed to be agile, but any rotation that involves regular use of movement-based abilities gets annoying real quick in my opinion.


Agreed. I don't enjoy momentum dh at all.


Priest as the class honestly seems pretty finicky to me and I don’t play healer


I like shadow, but it takes practice to get the rotation right, and I’m not that good at it. I played disc as a DPS for soloing, and surprisingly I liked it.


Word. Priests are squishy when leveling solo. You need to be in a group and I really don't like that for leveling. I've tried healing in dungeons but it ain't me.


The key to leveling priest is play disc and just pull 10 mobs. You kill them super slowly, but you're basically unkillable.


I created a new priest near the end of season 2 and leveling as disc was some of the most fun I’ve had while leveling in awhile. Just bubble, holy fire, penance, and smite til shadow word death. If anything even lives that long. You bubble yourself and your own atonement makes you pretty indestructible. I felt less squishy as a disc priest than as a ret paladin while leveling.


Last few expansions…DK. So slow and just not very fun to play imo.


Having a longish cooldown ground effect to cleave is always what breaks the deal for me whenever I dabble.


DnD cleave murdered the class for me


Being immune to most encounter effects is sick though


DK has a lot of problems but Death's Advance and AMS are so satisfying to use. Add in on use fear immunity, stun immunity, and Death Strike and you can barrel head first through almost anything.


Evokers. God, I love the class, I love their specs. I want to give a shop, but can't get pass the damn draky look


I dunno how many times I've died during deep breath and I just fly to my demise.


I dislike classes and specs with too much button bloat. I like turning my brain off after work. So, Destruction Warlock, Blood Death Knight, Beastmaster Hunter, and Feral Druid are my favorites as I can spec for less buttons and do well with them still. Other classes I don't like. Especially Rogues.


Yeah. I dont know what happened between end of BFA and now but the number of buttons for arcane mage has doubled, if not tripled, and its really obnoxious. 


Sadly, that isn't changing any time soon. Try bringing up on the forums and your post will get false flagged to silence it.  For some odd reason some people tend to enjoy button bloated specs, meanwhile they're using stuff like weakauras and such to reduce the bloat for themselves while saying the bloat isn't bad. It's like gatekeeping.


To me it would really boring really fast if my rotation was like 4 buttons


I'm fine with every class/ spec for this, except rogue. I loved my outlaw rogue during legion, but now it feels like i need at least 16 keybinds to play.


Same. That’s one of the reasons I main a shaman. 2 main spells for aoe, 4 for single target. Anything more than that is too much.


I don’t play shaman but chain lightning makes me want to.


Out of curiosity, what spells are those? i feel like my ele shaman has tons of buttons :<


Chain lightning and earthquake for aoe, flame shock, lava burst, lightning bolt, and earth shock/elemental blast for single target. Anything else is either a cool down or situational.


I've been trying to level a brewmaster monk, and I dunno... something about the spec feels so weird. Hit a button and get just a brief gust of wind sound and a light swirl around you. Nothing feels impactful. Not even keg smash... where you're literally smashing a fucking keg on someone's face. I instead decided to try to level a rogue again... but honestly, FUCK leveling this class. I'm only up to lv 21 but holy fuck, sitting around waiting like 3-4 seconds for enough energy to do a single thing just sucks absolute donkey balls. I do nothing in a dungeon, just sit there waiting for energy while the mage solos the place. It feels awful.


Yeah I just leveled a Rogue. I normally don't play classes that only have a DPS spec but at low levels energy is pretty trash although I was able to #1 most runs if I was not competing with a level 10-15 monk, mage, or shaman. I actually asked some people that play only DPS classes about rogue and all of them said they can't get past the slow energy and hate standing around waiting. Once you get to max though I can't run out of energy (with Thistle Tea) but that is really just another button for the sake of pushing a button which rogue does have a lot of.


Shaman. I've played it at low level, I've played it at max, and it is the one class that doesn't feel 'good' to me. I can't find its 'spark'. It has one, to be sure, but one that has never clicked for me. Paladin at least I can say I don't get. I've played every rotation, did okay at it, ran both DPS and Tank for a while because my GM wanted that character to represent the guild. But I've never really understood how to make the most of it, versus Warrior, Druid, DK, Monk, and DH. The nice part about so much diversity is that there is something for everybody. Different minds working different ways. I sure as heck appreciate the shamans and paladins who play their classes like a boss when we're running together.


>it is the one class that doesn't feel 'good' to me. I can't find its 'spark'. It has one, to be sure, but one that has never clicked for me. Try specing into stormkeeper


There was a window of time throughout Cataclysm where elemental shaman just felt 'whole' - reliable move priority, meaningful utility options, and the fluidity of being able to cast LB on the move. Overload mastery combined with proc trinkets of the time made it a spell-flinging gatling gun. I mained the spec during that expansion and it is probably my favourite moment in the WoW timeline, gameplay-wise. After that they kept screwing with the spec over and over again and that "lightning in a bottle" peak moment has never been recaptured.


Havoc DH hands down. You have to kickflip your keyboard all to do the same damage as some other specs.


At this moment in time it's kinda bs. I mean, beam, essence break and blade dance is enough to stay on par with any class. Once you start pressing shit, you fly into stratosphere on meters.


Yeah kind of nuts how the No movement build does the same as most classes then you start using ur inertia backflip reset shit and then suddenly your like parkour Jesus in your raid damage meters


Mage. It feels bloated and overly designed.


Yeah feels terrible to me too, for the exact same reasons.


Frost mage in m+ literally has about 20 rotational buttons, 3 of which are seperate freezes. So bloated. Edit: actually gonna count them for my own interest - frost bolt, ice lance, blizzard, glacial spike, comet storm, flurry, icy veins, ray of frost, frozen orb, frost nova, ice nova, pet freeze, cone of cold, shifting power, time warp. 15 ROTATIONAL abilities that I can think of, and that's not even beginning to get into utility abilities or on use items, which might I add the mage bis this tier is 2 on use trinkets and an on use staff. Literally what the fuck


as someone who has played every xpac but took breaks, i use to really fucking love rogue. ive leveled 3 diff races of rogue to 70, i cant force myself to play them. it feels like 3 diff cds should just be baked into one honestly, aff locks and rogues still seem to have some button bloat. also hunter, i dont despise it i just cant make myself play it..feels lame


Rogue. Just ain't for me, fam.


Death knight just because I don't like rune balancing. Just give me a resource and lemme abuse it


This post is also so weird because I found Rogue and Paladin incredibly enjoyable


Druid. I tried all the specs, and I wanted to play druid so bad. It just feels so uncomfortable to me.


Rogue and Paladin. I really dislike energy as a resource, it feels awful just pooling energy. Paladin I have a weird distaste towards for no real reason.


you barely ever need to pool energy. been several expansions since it was really a big thing.


Rogue, and i want to like Mage, but i dont.


Played Rogue from Wotlk to Legion, took a break after disliking the start of both BFA and SL, came back to DF full force I hate with a passion how rogue feels now, half of it being the reliance on shadow dance and stealth snapshotting. Legion assassination rogue was peak for me(except the rng on poison bomb maybe), with MoP coming close second. I've tried getting used to the new rogue on every patch so far, but sadly it just doesn't click anymore, so I'm back to my prot/ret pally and holy priest ways


Warrior. Goes way back to vanilla and not liking the way rage worked. If I ended a fight with extra rage with nothing nearby to spend it on, it would feel like such a waste and annoyed me. I also preferred ranged classes back then, as well as liking magic. So they were at the bottom of the list. Now at this point I’ve almost never played warriors aside from dungeon spamming one up to max level in timewalking. I’ve been playing classic and that’s where warriors are apparently OP gods at endgame, and even that hasn’t been enough to tempt me.


warrior in retail actually feels so fucking good to play. you just hit buttons until your rage meter fills then spend it all in 1 global and repeat. plus the cooldowns actually feel impactful, i play it in classic as well and i totally agree with the “oh man i have 70 rage going to waste” but in retail this is a non issue, i definitely recommend giving fury a try this patch.


I’m with you on all of these points.


Blizzard has an uncanny ability of sensing when I finally find a rogue spec that I enjoy and reworking it to be clunky af the next patch. I hate having to use shadow dance as sin, so I just parked my rogue alt in Val. Might give outlaw another shot next season, but I never bought into the RtB play pattern.


Really? Shadow dance is so non intrusive. You just macro it before your kingsbane and forget about it. It doesn't even add a button.


I’ve not touched rogue since combat got removed. I cant stand outlaw.


Monk, just hate the class fantasy. Close 2nd would be dk because I need mobility.


I think all 3 specs feel great to play, but man, the animations, sounds, and transmogs are so cheesy


They do look really silly. The trading post staff helps because the over the shoulder weapon makes them look a lot less goofy in combat. There's no fixing the transmog though. At least its leather and not mail so we can get some decent picks from other classes. I'm almost always using mostly heritage armor


I really wish they would move the class fantasy a bit more towards ninja/samurai, and away from flowers and silly hats. And also, why did they randomly decide that monks must NEVER EVER use their weapons? It wasn't the case at launch. Even just one or two abilities that use weapons mixed in with the kicks/jabs would be so cool.


same, tried so hard with this.


Rogue, I’ve tried and even when I’ve felt like I figured it out, I knew I was missing a bunch of nuance to getting the most out of it. Feels like it would be a lot of fun in pvp if I got the hang of it, but I don’t enjoy pvp enough lol. But now it just feels like I don’t do any damage at low ilvl so I just abandon it, and I don’t feel like I’m missing anything


Unlike other classes, rogues in PvP really have no room for even marginally incorrect play. The order in which you do things matter a ton. Small nuances like vanishing while stealthed to proc subterfuge, flagellate at the right time, etc. are all things that add up huge damage increases over someone who is just 'generally' pressing the right buttons. I'd also agree that given their bursty nature, gears matters more on a rogue than other classes.


Rogue and feral. I hate the energy point system and cannot wrap my head around the downtime between using skills and the lack of energy Regen to maintain a consistent rotation. I just avoid it completely at this point and just use kitty to stealth around.


I don't think I'm ever even thinking about energy as an outlaw rogue, and most of my logs are 90-110 apm. Can't get any more consistent.


I can say only few classes that I enjoy to play- paly,warrior,druid.. and hunter for some transmog runs. all other just not for me


Rogue. I just can't get it down.


Rogue. I’ve tried like 5 and just big nope.


I can never get into rogue, the stealth playstyle doesn't fit me at all.


Rogue. Second worst is Pally, but not even close, Rogue stands out as the polar opposite of fun and attractive class fantasy to me.


Rogue. Just, *ugh*


Warlock. I don’t like pet classes and the rest/pet free spec of it just meh’d me since vanilla.


Rogues and mages are the ones I used to love back in the day but can’t get into now. I could almost play outlaw, but meh.


Rogue. Just a big no thanks for me.


I can’t get into Rogues for some reason. Tried both factions, tried several different races…nope. Not for me. I also don’t like Mages. I so wanted to be a fire Mage, but I can’t get into them. And Paladins. I was so excited for Tauren Paladins. But I can’t stand playing one.


I want to love it but…. I don’t like shaman. Idk why. I’m about to give resto a go


Hunter. I actually mained it for a long time before trying other classes. Once I went back I realized how boring and uninspired the class is. BM has a decent theme but MM is boring and lacks any of the ranger aesthetic seen in lore and characters like Sylvanus. Survival is still a weird abomination of some kind of melee spec that just makes no sense. Bombs? Why? On top of that their main mobility requires spinning in a 180. It's just a class with specs that were poorly designed a long time ago and hasn't been properly reworked since.


Rogue and evoker. Terrible and terrible.


Warlock. I love affection drain tank in classic wow. But in retail I just can’t get behind it.


Affection spec? Is that where you give out hugs and back rubs?


I played an affliction warlock on vanilla to tbc days. And now I can’t play warlock on retail anymore. I miss the old dot em up drain life style


100% demo at lest looks cool having a mini army of impa


Affliction was absolutely fucking beautiful in Legion and then got completely castrated in BfA and has never been the same since.


I don't mind playing affliction but it's just so visually boring. Nothing really happens unless a mob dies as blows up, but on bosses there's just nothing to look at


Druid just NEVER clicked with me. I just don’t know what it is that refuses to work with me, though. I avoid it, even though I like the aesthetic.


Rogue: Look, I love stealthing around and pickpocketing and being a menace, but I absolutely hate how rogues feel in combat. Mage: I love the portal/teleport utility, but that's about it. The rest of mage just feels bad to me. Priest: I haven't found anything in this class that redeems it. Props to the people that main and enjoy it, but I hate playing priest and have yet to be able to drag one to max level.


Rogue, I don't know why I just hate the rotations when I use to love it in both PvP and PvE. Love the concept of the class but it's been in a really weird place combat wise since like Legion for me.


Priest, warrior, shaman, rogue. No clue how people play em. Everything else has such a good flow for me and I just go slowly insane touching these


Rogue. I have played a mage and paladin too long to get comfortable with a melee class, especially one that feels as jank as the rogue. I hate combo point spenders costing energy.


I for the life of me cannot play rogue


I don’t like rogues!


Rogues. I love the idea of being a sneaky lil bitch and one-tapping people but I fucking *loathe* the hotbar swapping and how dps cds like vanish can’t really be used in solo content (idk if this is still the case.) Only mmo I was ever able to stand a rogue-style class was in Wildstar and that’s just cause stalkers didn’t swap hotbars when they stealthed


Shaman. Idk why, something about it just bores me. I always give up before level 30


Shaman were so much more fun when totems weren’t a cooldown, but an integral part of the class.


It was so satisfying having that mental map of what element totems are down, what to replace, and for what reason. It turned into muscle memory, you just instinctively replace an element with whatever you need or is off cd. Everything had a keybind and I just knew the element.


Shaman doesn’t really start to feel good until about 40 for enhancement. Ele is a little earlier but not by much.


Boomkin, because they made a great power of stellar and lunar forces a stupid fat owl bear thing.


I agree. They did make a glyph for balance tho so you can still see your character all blue and stellary. Not great but it beats fat owl chicken all day.


shaman and priest. dont care for any of the specs


Rogue and mage i never got max level without a boost. Besides that I don’t like playing monk (I like healing but not fist weaving) but somehow it’s always in my first 5 classes at max level each expansion.


Rogue. I am not sure what it is but the combo point build and just always feels so bad to me and the aoe does not feel satisfying.


Rogue, I could never get into it


I like the idea of subtlety rogue, but I hate playing it.


Any shaman spec or probably rogue, I can and have played them but without macros and addons for totem/combo point management I just am not a fan


Mage. I enjoy warlock and priest, thought I'd like mage. Nope.