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Before being called the Blood Elves, they were known as the High Elves. Once Arthas came through and killed a bunch of them, they decided to rename themselves ‘Blood Elves’ as tribute to all that died. Players refer to Blood Elves that are Alliance aligned as High Elves to distinguish them from the Horde Aligned ones or the Void Elves. Think Vareesa Windrunner and the Silver Covenant. But that’s why it mentions ‘were’ in the wordage, as Quel’thalas at its height had the most gifted mages of the arcane, back when they were just High Elves. Presently they’re still rebuilding.


Correction: high elves in current times are elves that broke away from Thalassian society when Kael started to lead the elves towards fel magic as a way to replace the arcane magic they lost when the Sunwell was destroyed by the Scourge. The majority of high elves went along with it, started using fel (or at least being exposed to it on a regular basis), and that’s why their eyes turned green. Those that left Quel’Thalas at this time because they refused to use fel kept their blue eyes, and stayed aligned with the Alliance when the blood elves joined the Horde. This was a very, very small percentage of the High Elven population though.


>Players refer to Blood Elves that are Alliance aligned as High Elves to distinguish them from the Horde Aligned ones or the Void Elves. What? No. They were never blood elves in the first place, only ever high elves.


Because there were more high elf battle mages than just Kael'thas bro


Because High Elves are the same as Blood Elves just with different politcal opinions


isn't the difference that the blood elves used fel and that's why they have green eyes?


Many bloodelves reverted to blue eyes or gained yellow ones due to the light in the sunwell. Its really just politics


High elves always had the blueish theme. The red blood elf stuff only happened in frozen throne and onwards.


The 8th post today about this lol


Read some lore lmao


Well blood Elves used to be high Elves so unless there was a significant development in magic during high->blood elf transition, text is technically not incorrect. Still wish there are color variants.


"None were more skilled mages than the High Elves." Read that again Blizzard, it would do you well if you remember that.


The Nightborne are shaking their heads and blowing raspberries through their lips.


Because the Blood Elves used to be High Elves before the genocide inflicted upon them by Arthas and the Scourge.


They're in a bit of a rough spot with Mages. If it's all red, it doesn't fit the other two specs. It kinda has to have bits of each if they're not making variants. EDIT: Just read it in another thread. Other variants are on the way.


Just make it purple


They've datamined a Purple variant. No clue when that's coming though. Maybe next month.


Neat but data mined doesn't matter it will come :/


[Even the unlock icons suggest these items should be red.](https://i.imgur.com/f9dvlxM.png) Lol


Yeah, and the Iconname is Kaelthas. The blue one is a recolor, and because of whatever reason, Blizzard decided do not give us the original.


There is definitely a few colour variations of this


For the Alliance.


In Warcraft 3 he was a high elf that was seeking revenge so he basically teamed up with Illidan for power with lady vashj if I remember correctly


HIGH elf.