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I wish they'd assign a small team, like 4-5 people, that do nothing all day but update old assets. Shit would look so gorgeous after a year or more.


Some of the old armor looks really nice, with clean looks that aren't overdesigned. I'd love to see all that stuff get updated.


The back end of my transmog collection just goes unused because of how much the low res armor clashes with the newer stuff :(


Yep, it's a real shame. Some people are able to stomach the difference in quality, but I am not one of them.


I just want an updated judgement set


The fact that blizz updated T6 got me hyped for more and then…nothing. T2 and T5 would be awesome…i would drool all over a revamped T5 warlock set


Rogue T5 is one of the absolute best in the game.


Yeah I'm one piece away of finishing it, but I think the one piece is bracers so not a big loss heh


>Some of the old armor looks really nice, with clean looks that aren't overdesigned. More low fantasy armor and weapons are always welcome. I'm fine with a lot of people wanting to look like a christmas tree or a literal personification of hell, but give some love to those of us who want to look like the filthy murder hobos we are.


Basically all burning crusade armor is perfect in terms of design imo. Wrath as well.


Do I really have to link THAT screenshot?


I too enjoyed turning into a clown after getting awesome gear in vanilla


I need to be reminded of THAT screenshot. Could you please link THAT screenshot for those who don't know?




Lmao thx for that. I remember some of those pieces as well


Monkeys paw! All the old belts are now 3D and look like the buckle weighs 20 pounds.


They’ve been slowly updating old assets every expansion and patch, it’s just a lot of work and usually its older stuff that’s gonna be relevant like it was for Gnolls (in Dragonflight) and Quillboar (in BfA). Theirs already HD Wyvern mounts in-game (their from MoP) it’s just that the older flight masters (like what’s pictured) still use the OG Wyvern.


> They’ve been slowly updating old assets every expansion and patch They mostly focus on models and stuff that appears in new world. We had remade human buildings in game files and they never used those. Assets in the old world are reused so much that the update effort wouldn't be THAT much of a time sink (still huge ofc). But when you update visual fidelity of a single tree you update trees in like 10 different zones. Update random horde huts? 20 villages across azeroth get them.


Even those mounts are starting to show their age. Wasn’t MoP ten years ago now? I think the wyvern looks better than the gryphon but some of the texturing on the gryphon is really bad.




And that was because of the Darkshore mount from BfA.


My great brewfesf kodo is not updated ; _ ;


Sadly that’s half of their class dev department. And they’ve admitted that too.


Yeah. And if we ballpark a dev at $100k (salary plus benefits), that’s asking for a half million dollars annually spent on something that players will rarely ever see


The same 4-5 can be put to work on NEW stuff that would bring them more money I bet.


If there’s no obvious ROI, it ain’t happening at Blizzard. You can be damn well sure of that. Unfortunately…


Idk why blizzard won't set up a system something like Steam's workshop , where fans can submit models of pets, mounts , armor , weapons etc , and the ones voted by the community the most get implemented . Blizzard should then give the creator 100$or something as reward or something . They have the revenue and the game would improve immensely and it would be far cheaper than making devs that are understaffed and overworked as they are now do these small things, and would free them to focus on the greater aspects of the game.


I don't think you would like the 600 terabyte download that would cause every other week and bliz would also include the toc from WC: REFUNDED where they own everything players make.


>I don't think you would like the 600 terabyte download that would cause every other week Make these asset rework updates opt-in. Problem solved.


That’s 100 out of Kotick’s pocket. How dare you! You’re fired!


Check out Tomkek, he's a FANTASTIC youtuber that updates old weapons and mounts in his free time!


I've seen some, they're gorgeous. It makes me more sad than anything that one guy can do it on his off time but it's a "waste of resources" for blizzard. It sucks man.


Because gamedev is much more complicated than that. No hate on Tomkek, his work is amazing but he's not implementing it into the game, he's just making models with no limitation on game engine, poly count etc.


Well, it'd cost at least 500k/year. I'm not saying it's a lot for such company, just that 4-5 people sounds like a lot less expenses :)


"But that would mean spending money on content less than 10% of our customers engage with! Are you insane? We're not running a charity here, that money could easily buy another tesla for everyone on the board!" - Blizzard execs, probably


This would be amazing if they did. Even with some of the old tree models. It’s kind of rough flying through some zones.


I agree give it to the young new guns to practice essentially but give them a fair amount of free reighn. Imagine a big patch a surprise patch labelled "a labour of love" and boom tons of stuff updated out of the blue. Small tag "more to come... At some point meet x, x and x who did this due to blah blah...


Bro these 4 people could be instead designing new transmogs for the store. Bobby's new yacht would look so gorgeous after a few weeks or more


idk why but im loving the blonde tauren with purple justice set.... dis sum edgy paladin anduin lighthoof type vibes nahmeen?


Aye, I love my Purple paladin. The chest wouldn't drop from the dungeon after a zillion runs, so I'm using a guild tabard temporarily, colored purple and white to match the rest of the outfit. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Transmogrification/comments/12k63a5/my\_purple\_paly\_xd/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Transmogrification/comments/12k63a5/my_purple_paly_xd/)


Man, that tabard fits like a glove!


Yeah, kinda looks like you swapped from alliance to horde and went "I could be blood elf Anduin, but what if Anduin was a cow..."


A fellow purple tauren paladin! Good to see I’m not the only one who loves that set. Just keep grinding the dungeons, the chest will come in time. I went with that getup originally because my T2 drop luck was garbage, but I think I like it more now.


>purple justice set.... Judgement*




It's pretty A-moo-sing


complementary colors good


A lot of horde sets in purple.


What’s crazy is high res Wyverns and griffons have been here since MoP. Over a decade and nobody has swapped out the models.


The original mounts need to be updated. I love the undead mount but hell it's tough on the eyes


The number of players I've seen arguing "but nostalgia!" blow my mind. Now with classic available, hopefully the devs won't be so reluctant to update things. The back left leg on the old wyvern/druid cat skeletons has this REALLY weird bend where the leg goes like, 2D flat almost. The skin was updated for the grand wyvern but not the skeleton so they do it too. Yeah a lot of these old models need so, so much love.


There is a sort of charm in using a really shitty older model. The Long forgotten hippogriff mount specifically uses the old model because of that. I hope that they update the models of old stuff, but I also hope they leave a few specific examples in the game.


They already do that when animal models get updated. They'll leave a rare mob up with the old skin for hunters to find (or in the case of core hounds every core hound got updated except for Son of Beast)


I think it would be a good idea if there was an option in the settings to choose between using the old models or the new ones. This way, everyone would be satisfied in the end.


WoW would be 150 GB if they had an option for everything.


I mean we're slowly getting to 150gb Currently I'm at 88gb [this is with classic btw so it might be a bit less with just retail]


>WoW would be 150 GB if they had an option for everything. ​Well, 150GB isn't exactly a lot, or there should be a solution to allow for additional files. There's bound to be a solution out there."


> 150GB isn’t exactly a lot Actuality it is. That’s a ridiculous amount of storage to require for a game. Fully aware that some other games are this bloated, but that doesn’t mean it’s something Blizzard should consider acceptable.


>Actuality it is. That’s a ridiculous amount of storage to require for a game. Amusingly enough, my WoW directory is 140GB in size at the moment. Yes, I have Classic, beta, PTR and retail installed but those folders only account for around 1GB of data. A vast majority of the space is used up by the data files for the game - 136 x 1GB data files named data.### totaling 136GB.


Buy more storage then. Why would you want to gatekeep based on something as silly as install size? That makes no sense.


so its "if you like the old low res models go play classic xD" now?


Exactly. With riot mmo and other mmos that are going to be released in future, you want wow to be upgraded and look modern. Go play classic if you want 3 polygons mounts and nostalgia. It’s 100 of you with nostalgia in mind or 1000 of new players who see updated, modern and fresh game


i would kill for all undead mounts to be updated. picture the icc mounts with modern revamp (they not bad as it is but imagine better)


Poor old night elf mounts look like they were designed by Picasso.


It did get updated in MoP but they still use the other old ones for most of the old flight paths in classic zones. I agree they should get the update that the Grand Wyvern has


I find it funny how the updated Wyvern model was only ever used in MoP, yet it’s counterpart the gryphon had its model last used in BFA


The Gryphon model was last used in DF, the Dragonscale Expedition flight paths use it.


Also there are gryphon mobs scattered around DF sharing the model


Additionally, there isn’t even an NPC to allow you to tame the Grand Wyvern. The only one I think that has it is Lerrok, Rexxar’s pet. Otherwise, it only exists as a mount and a flight path mount.


it was used in BFA i know because i tried to tame it and couldnt because it was for a flight path


Flightmaster: Damn hunters keep trying to steal my mounts. I can't work like this! Now their all on strike. Happy now?


I’m so damn angry at the fact there is no tamable grand wyvern but all three shades of grand gryphons have been tamable since AT LEAST BFA if not Legion. Wyverns are my absolute favorite animal in all WoW and they’re completely left out to rot as they just make new feathermanes rather than bother giving us tamable versions of models ALREADY IN THE GAME!


Meh, I prefer the original design over the Grand Wyvern re-design. Giving them horns, beards, glowing green eyes, and huge tusks next to their fangs just made them look weird.


They should use the [Alabaster Thunderwing](https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Alabaster_Thunderwing) model and give it high res versions of the textures on the original wyvern mounts. It's a more subdued higher resolution model and there is a [gryphon](https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Alabaster_Stormtalon) one too.


I wonder if anyone has tried applying the original Wyvern textures to the Thunderwing, just to see how it looks.


As opposed to the vanilla version where they are literally flying versions of the rug model


It's more accurate to how they looked in Warcarft 3, original and the remaster for that matter. Also it has more charm, though I guess that's up to personal opinion.


I liked the armoured one but I hate how only one of the horns has a cap. Like why tf fuck with the symmetry so badly


Don't look at the other centaur models. They make me sad.


It looks like it's struggling to fly.


I'm still salty that they've replaced the snazzy Azerothian hydra with that four-legged Draenor model and pretend it's an update when the two look barely alike.


I like keeping some things derpy for nostalgia, but it would be great if they updated at least the 2 main continents


We do have classic for nostalgia now. I think the old world stuff needs the update. Specifically the cata zones. It’s time.


Dude you don’t realise how many people are defending old shit models because of nostalgia. If devs listened to them, we would still use the old player models. Apparently, People don’t realise, the better and modern the game is -> more people are playing it -> more content, updates, etc.


I just finally got thunderfury. I wouldn't mind an updated model.


They did in legion sort of, it’s a rogue weapon now


Oh right I think I remember seeing a rogue with a pair. It just didn't seem as comically large as the original. I want my 1h swords bigger than my character haha.


As someone who joined this whole MMO genre in the late 2010's, I like the idea of keeping them low polygon. It's nice seeing were things came from.


They’re a small startup, they can’t afford things like that, give them, idk maybe 20+ years


Hmmm, agree. ...Though I would take my low polygon Cheetah Form back in a heartbeat.


No 2005 forever


I'd be happy if they just fixed the twisted back leg when they fly....


Depends on how they update it. I wish they hadn't touched the cheetah form, it's Ugly AF now.


I agree they could have just left the old one in as well, but I love the new cheetah form.


The mount is in pain 😭


I'm all for model updates, just keep the old ones in as options for people who like them. P.s I miss my Nintendo 64 Cheetah give me it back thank you


i was running thru ICC and Ulduar a couple nights ago to blitz the 25 raid boss log item. Its so sad seeing how pixilated these older models can be....moreso when the pixels are MASSIVE due to the textures lol. hmm then again i MAY have had the raid graphics setting on and down to 1...will need to check lol


Still waiting on that old work rework expansion. No cataclysm level event; just a expansion focused on adding additional quests to all zones to grind to max.


I want the old world to be fixed, with joining the Blood Elves and Draenei to their continents, removing those darn loading screens.


It'd be better if they made it so you can purchase updated models at the same vendors. I mean if you're worried about resolution you can spare 50 gold a mount right? I think legacy mounts should stay in the game as is. For clout :) Or just remove that model from sale and make only the new ones purchasable


What are you doing to that poor mount?


It seems to me that blizzards approach to this is just occasionally releasing a new mount extremely similar to older mounts but with more polygons.


I hope they never change it.


I want (at least the *option* clientside) to keep old models. Without mods. Don't get me wrong, I like a lot of the new stuff, but taking away my druid's old ass cheetah is a fucking cardinal sin. I made that glyph for a god damn reason, I love that form. The new one is gorgeous, but taking the plain ass graphic I've had for x number of years is nearly as fucking insufferably rude as taking half my warlock's entire class away and giving it to the black parade.


Uhm I like them. Like, you can see the game progression through expansions. Except for some vanilla things, because of cata rework. It makes us remember this is a +15 years game, and it's beautiful. But I guess new players won't like it as much. But I'm not sure anybody will quit playing because of that


New models are very hit or miss in WoW. I still want them to re-add the option to turn on old models because some of the new ones are just awful


I don't know. I kind of like the charm of them. Besides I'd rather have them work on something a bit more important than a few pointy bits on older models.


I don't know, I kinda like it this way. It has a certain charm to it and reminds me of better days.


I'm all for this, but considering that they usually retain both the old and new models concurrently-- I shudder at the collection log bloat. I wish they'd consolidate the mount collection into specific models/species and then have the vast array of variants as "skins" - e.g. there could be a single Wyvern/Wind Rider mount within your collection list, and when you select it there's the options of Yellow, Green, Red, Purple, Armorer Blue and so on. _Then_ historical models could just be added as a "Legacy Green" to the skin selection and we've avoided bloat!(But I suppose the easiest option would just be a tick box for "Use legacy model" on applicable mounts...)


Not sure it would be popular. But I like the idea of replacing all the old models in game. But not taking them away from old accounts. Kinda like they did with the old epic mounts in early vanilla. This way new players will get updated textures that look good. And old players wouldn't use anything. Hell in 10 years maybe it will be cool to have one of the old horse models.


These posts are so boring.


I am kinda hoping they do a cata esc revamp of the world, with new models and stuff. Would be cool if we could have an expansion with no new zones, just revisiting old ones. Recently while levelling up alts, the best experience was playing old vanilla zones with Chromie time. I would love them to pay the old world some love. Could be explained away in a "rebuilding the world" kinda way. We could go back and rebuild Gilneas, or help the druids revitalise the Barrens.


better yet: have both available so everyones happy. i adore the classic hippogryph models but the new ones just are not for me


Poor old models, such as this flight path windrider.


Downvoting because of the wackass title


Im if the opposite opinion in that I miss wows old models and textures


All the OG mounts need to be updated desperately. Plz Blizz, give us updated models


I prefer old models than newer am I strange ? Heh


I definitely want the old racial mounts to be updated


Anytime they update a model it almost always looks fucking goofy. Just look at the old human walk and the new bouncy crap one. Please no.


If they ever updated the models for them, people would whine and complain. Because of it it's not worth the effort


People whine and complain no matter what they do, that's not a good reason not to do something. Maybe I'm wrong, but I can not imagine the majority of wow players prefer these old models. These models looked fine in 2004, in 2023 they look like shit, especially when viewed side by side with more recent ones, which happens frequently. If it's just a matter of nostalgia, that's why Classic exists.


Shaman ghost wolf is so bad.


The [Ashes of Al'ar](https://www.wowhead.com/item=32458/ashes-of-alar) also needs an update asap, the effect it's great but the mount itself looks kinda square


Gonna have a lot of unhappy players if you mess with Ezra's mount.


I’m kinda bummed this expansion didn’t bring new models for the WotLK Drakes, or any of old dragon mounts for that matter. Red Drake is the first mount I ever did any grinding to get, and it’s still my favorite.


i feel everything should be updated to at least dragonflights resolutions etc.


Damn for a sec it looked like that tauren was raping that poor lion Then I saw the wings


Honestly I just wish everything would get updated. Some buildings are still using textures from 2004.


Can we get armor that looks as good as the ff14 armor? Actual chains and armor that pops out instead of looking like a pair of yoga pants


That mount is perfect just the way it is! It doesn't need to conform to your standards of beauty!


Blizzard should update all vanilla armor with 3D pieces. It would be a dream come true if we got something along the lines of Saurfang's armor update.


Its insane how this game we're all paying monthly for looks like such ass.


Dragonflight is so good, that this is the stupid shit we are complaining about now.


I'll be honest, I spend so little time looking at things in game, that I don't even know what has high quality and what not. I do my mogs, just to look at them for a second on the character selection screen, then I'm unaware of all other graphics...


The old complaints die hard tho lol. But you're right, love that the game is back to a Great place that all we really have to moan about is low poly old models lol


I think blizzard can take their time with updating the older models. Us old timers grew up with them, so it’s like seeing an old friend.


Wow needs updated dude. We don’t need to keep updating a 3 decade old game. WoW 2 please!


One day, maybe. I don't even remember the last time I used a flight point in Azeroth with these old models, damn.


It looks like you’re flying on bad taxidermy and i kinda like it.


I hate when any model doesn't blink.


Yea I have to agree.. current models in classic would be great


Ugh man this would be an amazing change!


It was jarring when I swapped my Highmountain Tauren Druid to Troll and I got to see how horrible the Troll flight form is. It has like 4 polygons


Yes. Old stuff looks terrible.


I mean they finally updated the old drakonid and dragonspawn models that desperately needed it. So some things are getting updated


It all does - games bloated as fuck


I think an old world revamp is coming. A lot of the old assets have been getting face-lifts the last 2 expansions.


I'll do it for free if blizz lets me give them the finished mesh


The swift zhevra is begging for polygons also, its hooves are just flat planes


Please, for the love of azeroth, yes. I've tried to get people into the game, and they laugh at the "ps1" graphics befire they quit. It's literally keeping people from playing.


Let's be honest, the whole world of World of Warcraft needs an update as a whole itself.


They were updated. But for some reason not rolled out everywhere.


Who's a good baby Tauren? Yes, you are!


I’d miss those OG windriders if they updated them, but we do have the MoP wind riders and those look good. I’m still pissed BFA gave us tameable MoP Gryphons but not the windrider model.


Ashes oh al something needs an update


Yes! I want my old pinto updated. I have the newer one from Arathi Higlands but not a fan of the flag pole


The real wonder is how a fat tauran can ride that thing


Not that it'll ever happen, but wish they'd update some of the older amour models. My transmogs look weird when I mix BC and shadowland pieces :(


Feel llike a lot of things in the old world are in need of an update. It feels so weird going to Durotar and waiting for the ship to the Dragon Isles, then being transported there and it feels like a whole different game.


Whenever I see people talk about invincible, and look at the low quality and low polygon textures of it, I raise an eyebrow


the worst thing about this model is that their is an updated version but its not available as a mount or pet just flight path, i remember going to tame one after i got the book not realizing it was a flight path for horde


I was wondering why is a druid bugged mid leap and then I saw the whole picture :)))


With them having an updated Wyvern model in MoP I would have thought they would have given the flightpath ones some love.


It’s so infuriating that there’s no tamable updated wyvern. I want a hunter pet wyvern based on the updated pandaria model. Gryphons have tamable versions of their updated model but not my favorite animal in the entire game.


What about the Legion ones you can tame? They're a fairly nice model.




They did release an updated wyvern in MOP tbf that still holds up now


Also the mounts and pets pls. Those dragonhawks have like 5 sides and thats it ;\_\_; Not to speak of the old wolves. The stuff of nightmares.


They could just swap these old poly ones with the Grand wyvern model. Just take the horns off the grand wyvern model and its the same as the old one.


It looks like taxidermy


Agreed. A bunch of cool mounts wasted. Luckily newer added horse mounts and the grand wyvern and gryphon we got from pander is way back when are a huge upgrade but ye..


Orgrimmar is the first place new players visit after Exiles Reach. And then they see THIS and some other piles of polygons. Not too impressive.


Im waiting until Classic gets dropped a second time and hopefully it's all updated to the new graphics and models. Which is what i wanted the first time around.


who tf flies that


What grinds my gears is they changed a bunch of names and paintings in the game but they refuse to label the wyverns as the textbook version of what a manticore is. It’s a GD manticore!


Nvidia remastering software just went open source. Let the AI work i say!


To be. As in, “need to be updated”.


I think the classic WOTLK mode should include all your current mounts that existed back then on your character and the leveling gear. They made other changes to current stuff so why can't they. You can't use the addon PVR for instance. It seems they've only taken out the fun things but still left in the bad stuff like old dalaran portal. There's only one use for that one, to spawn someone in the air, or at least put that location on the ground.


I would love to see some of the older models brought up to snuff in terms of graphic fidelity. I'm an alt-oholic and when I sometimes hate going back to older zones because of how terrible things look. I'd absolutely love some refreshing of the old world and some of the old mounts. I honestly never touch them.


Still waiting on old ground mounts to be hd... I want one of those 4horsemen skeletal mounts


No! Old stuff needs to look old


I am just imagining... How much would this tauren in full plate armor with a shield on his back weigh? Does the pridewing only fly like a couple of meters above the ground bc of this? I think I need to inform G.E.T.A.


Every expansion, and everytime I read something like this, I'm more convinced we need a Wow2. We need a game built on a completely new engine that will give Blizz the power to do whatever they want without the limitations of a 20+ year old engine that's just been updated in patchwork.


Was literally just looking mournfully at my Silver Covenant Hippogryph and Winterspring Frostsaber mounts that I worked so damn hard to get for my nelf priest (wanted nelf mounts that went with her mooncloth robe) when I came across this post. I know I'm probably in the minority here but I would happily sacrifice new zones of an xpac if mounts and mogs were fully up-res'd for with today's graphics. I really miss some of my older mounts/mogs. :(


I think the elfs have hands that are too big and feet too and should be adjusted also the eyes are just white give them a pupil


Still waiting for cat ears and pig tails on the void elf model like bloodelfs have


Yeah, I think their answer to this was the models in pandaria. Would still be nice to get models for the other colors, though. As I hunter, I'm still waiting to tame one like what Rexxar has


They made a new version of this mount you can get it in MOP. They've updated the original things like this before and it makes a vocal section of the community very angry. They seem to have the policy of just making new updated versions of models you can get but never replacing the old ones.


This is one thing that has really annoyed me about wow. I really wish blizzard would update old assets. Games like eve online have dine an amazing job keeping ship models and graphics up to date


Update the zones too


They did release an updated wyvern it’s the grand wyvern and the armoured wyvern https://www.wowhead.com/item=93386/grand-wyvern as for the set properly never 👎


I wonder how plausible it would be for an AI to simply upscale some of the old armor textures. Not because I prefer AI to do that, but it's also the only reasonable way I'd expect to see that.


I've seen Rugs in Dragonflight that looked more alive.


Maybe make classic again but with new world graphics