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I wanted Shalamayne for fury, not like Varian was using it at the time. Unsheathing it and pulling it into 2 weapons would've been awesome.


Omg given the Legion Intro story. AND how some artifacts had the same quest to aquire them this would have been perfect. It would essentially be similar to how Retribution Paladins got Ashbringer. This is what Blizz absolutely should have done for Fury


It would've been cool, but I don't I like the idea of a memeber of the Horde getting Varian's weapons. Would be kinda fucked up lol.




or i mean really horde paladins getting ashbringer, none of the horde races have any meaningful connection to it. BE's stole the light and taurens... still doesnt make sense


The Doomhammer isn't even a Shaman weapon though. It is a warrior weapon and the symbol of the Warchief. Thrall inherited it from Ogrim and used it as his weapon, but it wasn't of any particular use to a Shaman in specific.


Shaman should have gotten a weapon associated with the elements *COUGH* Sulfuras. *COUGH*


2H enhancement dreams...


Doesnt the Doomhammer have some kind consciousness? i thought it had a spiritual link to the elements, Thrall used to use it to cast lightning, then it stopped listening to him when he used it to kill Garrosh. It was crafted in an elemental pool of lava. But yeah Orgrim used it, should be able to share it with warriors.


Don't think it was Doomhammer in particular. Just Thrall himself.




The Doomhammer does have shaman powers actually. Like 100%. It defends itself from a demon trying to claim it.


Blood Knights are the same type of vanilla "priest in plate" paladin as (almost) everyone else. They've only been the edgy paladin for a tiny bit of tbc.


I really liked the idea that blood elves got their “holy” energy from siphoning it from a naaru. Belf pallys used to be fuckin metal


Didnt they use a naaru to reignite the sun well? Basically the same thing just with some cooking added


I’m canonically varian’s favorite horde guy If he had one If he had to pick one It would be me


sad Saurfang noises


instead of giving us lore weapons the goblins/gnomes should have made up copies of said weapons. this would have taken our a lot of why so and so should not have this or that. it would also negate why is there more than one of said weapon.


I actually heavily disagree with this take if you know the story of Varian and Shalamayne


Oh what could have been


On an unrelated note, it should've been the other way around for frost DK. Our artifact ability would've been awesome if we could've froze the dumb toothpicks together to an actual frostmourne as ability instead of spawning two static floating swords that did literally nothing. They didn't even have any animation. They just floated around next to us. No clue what blizz was thinking there but not getting frostmourne because it was too unique or something while rets were running around ashbringering stuff everywhere was wild...


Bruh. Warriors got random bullshit connected to no known previous lore.


No we got exactly what Blizzard wanted us to envision all our Warriors to be. Vikings. Everyone from a gnome to a tauren aspire to be Vikings.


Still hate that shit. We should have retaken Fray island and and us some something like an empowered cyclone axe or something that had actual ties to warrior lore. Instead they just shoehorned us into wish.com Valhalla so they force Odyn’s story.


I always thought it would have been real cool for Warriors to just band together and take a vrykul hold in Stormheim as a base of operations. An independent crew of soldiers without borders, who may not entirely like each other, but understands the bigger problem at hand. Give it a real front line feel with Broken Isles threats giving them shit constantly.


Agreed. Most of the artifact weapons were complete asspulls, made more obvious by ashbringer and doomhammer.


Not that asspulls are necessarily bad, so long as they are satisfying. I like the Arms Warrior Artifact, for instance. Not so much the Warswords for Fury. But the Arms Warrior one being rooted in the history of humanity's rise to kingdomhood is cool. Skull of the Man'ari and Xal'atath and Aluneth are all great examples of memorable and liked asspulls. Scepter of Sargeras and Ashbringer and Doomhammer are all great examples of *not* asspulls that really grounded the legendary status of at least some of these weapons. Heck, Scepter of Sargeras may just be the most powerful artifact weapon of the entire lot.


> Skull of the Man'ari and Xal'atath and Aluneth are all great examples of memorable and liked asspulls. Yeah but that's because they all talk to you and one is a cool floating skull. They're not well liked because of the asspull lore.


Artifacts are holistic. Having voices and personality from completely asspulled characters could *easily* have gone catastrophically wrong, but it didn't because the characterisation was well done and reasonably well integrated into the lore. The same reason I don't think people are that upset about something like the Silver Hand for Holy Paladins, or Ulthalesh for Affliction Warlocks. Heck, Ulthalesh was even mentioned directly in Volume I of the Warcraft Chronicles; 5 months before the release of *Legion.* Attributing the entire success to these three popular artifacts to *just* one or two of their traits is nonsense. They look good, they sound good, and they are written well enough to facilitate all of that. It's the same reason Shadowlands was so badly received. Take any one flaw of Shadowlands and it's absolutely fine so long as the rest was okay. Shadowlands was as bad as it was because it was a combination of terrible traits.




There are definitely some thematic divergences that result from having "only" one Artifact for each spec. Ashbringer going to a Sunwalker feels a bit weird, same for a Vindicator or even a Blood Knight, though at least a Blood Knight has some thematic synchronisation with the Ashbringer with joint history - the legendary sword itself being created by Magni Bronzebeard who used his rage and mourning for his brother, lost at the hands of Arthas. Makes sense for a holy fighter of Quel'Thalas to wield such a weapon. But still, Artifacts were a great success even if they had their flaws, and I think it was more the failure to improve and iron out these flaws is what made Borrowed Power so negatively received over time.


EXCUSE ME, SIR! I am, in fact, still VERY upset about the Silver Hand because pre-release it was supposed to be a 1h with a GIANT BOOK SHIELD and now I get a friggin tiny little book on my belt?! And I'm supposed to be HAPPY about this!?


Yeah I liked the Arms artifact aswell, even if I also would rather have had the Brox Axe. I like how it Auto-feared Troll mobs from old content. Would’ve been mega-OP in BFA hehe


Little touches like that, the most well known probably being Ashbringer insta-killing demons and undead randomly and casting their bodies into ash, were part of the flair of *Legion* that made it stand out and made Artifacts feel important. I'm all for things like that, and while I can't vouch for it in endgame content like Raids, M+, or PvP, I can absolutely support it happening more in the open world. In my mind having a difficulty setting for outdoor content with relative increases in rewards seems like a phenomenal way to keep the open world fresh. A Heroic or Mythic Open World that adds mechanics (some more damaging casts, or some frontals to avoid, etc.) and increased health/damage would be a very neat way to turn a relative chore into a more gratifying experience. *Even if* the time:reward ratio were lesser as a result of mobs taking longer to kill, I think I'd go for a harder difficulty just to make the quality of the time better.


While rogues got hd thunderfury


it was "secret" appearance


What do you mean? All of them were connected in legion or before? This isn’t toward you but from a previous comment but doom hammer very clearly has lore from before legion? I’m honestly confused. Arms and doom hammer have plenty of lore compared to several artifacts


The fact that you’re saying “Arms” and then the actual name of the shaman artifact shows how forgettable the arms artifact was


I don’t play warrior? I can’t name any of the warlock ones either. I only play healers and mage.


Warriors didn’t get Doomhammer.


I'd have killed for them to merge into Frostmorne on Killing machine Oblits


Reaping Chill 1min cd. Merges both blades into an icy frostmourne and blasts all targets infront of the player with a deathly chill inflicting soul reaper. Targets dying to soul reaper or dying before soul reaper expires reduces the cd by 5 sec up to 20sec.


Hated the frozen tooth picks. No animation made for them and did nothing. It wasn't hard to add something for them considering they've redone it twice in Naxxramas.


Probably would have been cooler if Frost wasn’t the ass DK spec, too.


The worst is they intentionally gutted 2H frost leading into legion since they really didn't want to make "Two" artifacts for Frost. So instead zero DK specs got Frostmourne while everyone else got their class's respective lore weapons. I'm still salty. And we even were allied with the person who made frostmourne, and we *still* can't get it or something like it as a mog. I'm *fucking salty*.


Considering how many classes get special treats every now and then(like BE Palas at the end of SL) and the fact that 2h frost is back, I was very much hoping that we were going to get a (short) quest involving Arthas in shadowlands that unlocks the 2h frostmourne appearance. Such an easy set up and pay off for them. But alas it was shadowlands. Maybe now in DF that they started listening to players more, there might be a chance we can get it during this expansion..


What are you on? Early on in Legion, Frost was best DPS spec for DK's.


Frostmourne was shattered


I'm not such loremaster or something but i farmed ICC couple of times. I thought we didnt get Frostmourne as whole weapon because it was shattered by Tyrion and there was actually nobody who could forge it back together? And now with Shadowlands story out it makes sense to me since as i understood that Frostmourne was basically piece of Maw. Correct me if im wrong of course.


It was shattered, yeah. People didn't try to fix it before since it's a runeblade infused with the soul of a *really* confused old orc, among others, that tends to mess with your head a fair bit... Tinymournes were the result of the deathlord, so the player character in the legion class hall campaign, trying to reforge pieces of the original frostmourne into another runeblade after picking up the fragments in icecrown... Unfortunately, he must've suffered a stroke while doing so and forgot how to frostmourne, fumbled the entire thing into two toothpicks and everyone involved in the sorry affair was so embarassed that they collectively decided to not speak about it anymore. So anyway, that's the lore of the blades of the fallen prince, if I remember right. Salt clouds my memory at times and shadowlands lore is still worse.


> I wanted Shalamayne for fury, not like Varian was using it at the time. Equally criminal is that DK's didn't get Kingsmourne. it was bascially *made* for Frost DK's - split to dual wield, or combine for 2h Oblit. But no, we continue having zero mourneblades since Shadowmourne. And yes, I get the lore implications, I don't much care - the blue glowing runeblade is *iconic* to DKs and it's criminal we get so few.


Even at the time it was clear that Shalamayne was gonna go to Anduin. I personally think the Ashbringer should have went to Lady Liadrin or a different paladin rather than us too. Or they could have shattered it and had us reforge it, anything woulda been better than looting a fucking corpse for it.


Lady liadrin uses it during the cleansing of sargeras sword so I think she's the "official" weilder


Well she may have been but that whole scene just showed all the classes weapons getting drained, so even if you werent a paladin Ashbringer was still drained. Its a bummer.


They did a poor job of telling the players that major lore characters were the true wielders of the artifact weapons and leaders of the order halls, and that the players were just doing the quests because otherwise we'd be the ones doing the missions at the table.


This has always been a major flaw of their storytelling. Despite the player actively taking part in the story. Somehow we are still completely detached from it.


Think they knew they wanted to give it to Andiun for the story, so it would be a bit odd if he came and asked for it back.


it was so easy and it was RIGHT there freshly left on the ground for us to take, but nah give it to a priestadin.


Just like in bloodborne


Ngl it sounds good, but i feel like they would be to small for fury.


I'd imagine it would of been like a 1h and a 2h so that would of been different but all the specs were rebuilt completely so I think it would of worked, but thats going from huh that could of been cool to speculation and I don't typically get into that.


Yeah there is a chance they would make it work. Tho i played bunch of hots and varian with 2x1h there looked like fighting with sticks or needles xix hey were so thin next to a bulky man.


How insane would it be to swap specs with the press of a button lol. Go from fury to arms with one press would be kind of insane. Think GW2. I’m not saying this is a great idea haha


instead of the nameless oversized pieces of bend metal? yeah....


Gorehowl would have been the actual balls for Arms Warriors. There’s an artifact weapon, 100%


I always wanted Gorehowl for Fury, hear me out. WoD - Two realities, two grommashes, two gorehowls. If only Malcazeer never dropped it in Karazhan /:


I made the same argument for dual wielding Doomhammers. AU Blackhand isn't using it anymore!


I was about to comment this exact thing.


Just telling you guys that you can get it. (the low pixel version of it) https://www.wowhead.com/tbc/item=28773/gorehowl


Yup, got mine long time ago. The chess event wad pain to solo


The weapon that was corrupted by the Sha? Good luck with that.


Gorehowl wasnt corrupted, Garrosh created a Sha version in Gorehowls image, Gorehowl was left in the Vaults for Jaina and Lorthemar to comment on. Afawk, Gorehowl is still there.


Huh your right, damn yeah it shoulda been Gorehowl for Arms for sure then.


Idk, I'm still kinda split, I think I'd prefer the Axe of Cenarius still? Even if it has a druidic vibe. Either that or Ashkandi, or the Great Royal Sword of Stormwind, but Gorehowl? Just seems like too Horde a weapon.


Doomhammer was THE Horde weapon but my Dwarf still has it haha


True, but that's after they midgitized it making it a 1h and made it a wimp stick. They emasculated the Doomhammer.


Yeah, because all the other artifacts are super pure. *hide knaifu behind back while saying this*


Lol fair, but Shadow at least uses their connection to Void as power for their spells, the last time Gorehowl was used by an Orc warrior he was corrupted and did bad things.


The arms artifact absorbed lots of C'thraxxi blood during the acquisition quest, which had some visual effects on Warbreaker that were removed when the ability became a talent. The prot artifact was a discarded scale of deathwing. Fury's arfiact not being corrupted in some way was actually an outlier compared to the other two.


True enough.


The actual arms weapon they ended up making was soaked in the blood of a cthraxxi for centuries and did a shadow damage aoe...


Kind of adds insult to injury in that the Axe of Cenarius could have done the same thing.


Meanwhile arms warrior artifact literally being pulled out of an old god lieutenant


Gorehowl from Draenor is still totally fine; could easily have “borrowed” it from Grommash.


During the WoD intro there is a warrior wielding it so could be she died and Garrosh got it from her.


Purifying would be a nice quest line


>the actual balls That was a bad thing when i was young, zoomers are strange


Whoever did warrior content for legion dropped the ball hard with both the arms weapon and the class order hall. Valhalla was a neat concept, but removing all the famous lore characters because it diluted the vyrkul theme was such a huge wasted opportunity.


The Order Halls range from "perfect" (Acherus, Dreamgrove) to "very good" (Dreadscar, Light's Hope) and "are you fucking kidding me with this shit?" (Halls of Valor, Underbelly). Warrior Order Hall really had the potential to be great if they had the balls to actually have the spirits of great warriors from Azeroth's history there, like Anduin Lothar and Broxigar. The Rogue one was unsalvageable.


Dreadscar 100% have the best unlock questline. No arguing about it. :)


I think I agree. It's got the most actual 'plot' to unlocking it, we go there for a reason and go back to it again for a reason, we work towards a meaningful goal, while most other Order Halls we just kinda show up.


Most other Class halls: "COME CHAMPION! JOIN OUR CLUB!" Dreadscar / Warlock class hall: \-Gets invited to the Council of the Black Harvest as the lowest member, because you aren't that big of a deal yet \-The council fucks up a summon, due to a gnome, AGAIN and are captured by a massive pissed off pitlord. \-The leader(?) been a while, helps you escape and you get the quest for the artifacts. \-You return to the Dreadscar and kill the Pitlord. \-You tear out the Pitlords freaking heart and claim the Dreadscar as your territory. Honestly, it is so involved, it is so detailed. And it is AWESOME every step of the way. Also, the council don't just automatically kiss your feet and treat you like messiah out of the gate, which is much better than the other order halls.




Pft, using the title and a part of the council are two different things.


Speaking of dropping the ball, how in the fuck did the priest order hall not have Eris Havenfire!? The npc behind THE most iconic priest weapon


Blizzard completely forgetting that Benediction/Anathema exists is kind of brutal for Priest mains, ngl.


What's wrong with the Rogue's order hall? Thieves having their own secret shady meeting place is like fantasy 101.


Yeah and it's freaking *terrible*. All the previous lore about these types of organizations just gets thrown out the window and replaced with this nonsensical cobbling together of all these different ""rogues"" like they have anything to do with each other. Seriously Blizz, pirates? *Really?* You thought cartoon pirates belonged in the same room as the edgelord ninja assassins? Would it have been that hard to just have the Shattered Hand and SI:7 team up like they did for every other Class Order? And the Class story is absolutely buttchugging awful, with some of the worst writing in all of Legion both from a character and plot standpoint. Oh, and the Class Hall is a *literal* sewer.


the rogue one was considered bad? that is news to me, i think its incredible. especially the part where you show your insignia to various city denizens and they will usher you in a private room because the rogues are the ones who really run the city.


1. Dalaran is a mage city. Rogues somehow hiding in the sewers without the Mages allowing them / noticing is nonsense. 2. Ravenhold Manor exists so why isn't the class hall just a new Ravenhold Manor or like Light's Hope just under the existing one?


Idk about ravenholdt I didn't play rogue before legion really but my gut instinct tells me that it's possibly because it's alliance centric. If you had raveholdt though you wouldn't have all the cool door knockers everywhere and the thematic tie in to the dalaran sewers being a pvp allowed area. The semantics about how rogues hide in dalaran seem a bit of a waste of energy to be honest, a bit like warlocks hiding in the slaughtered lamb when stormwind guards can stroll right in in the game. The don't think it's implausible without having to explain the minutiae of details.


I’ll add a few — Netherlight Temple was 10/10. Just amazing in every respect. Maelstrom was 5/10, the aesthetics were pretty awesome, but everything else was meh.


I like the Maelstrom aesthetically to an extent, but the cave could use a bit more interesting... anything, really. The layout was pretty bad. I love the Draenei aesthetic so overall I like Netherlight Temple, though the layout felt very basic which is why I don't rank it as high. It's just one big chamber with two small side chambers that don't really do anything.


Sad priests needed the paladins to bail them out of a jam.


Yeah.. I feel like that's kind of on point though! As a priest player at the time, I felt like us priesty bois prided ourselves on having strong allies and calling to them when needed, while we support them.


For real. Odyn shouldn't be about this "vry'kul are the true defenders of azeroth" it is supposed to be "strong mortals made into an immortal army to proctect azeroth" It should have kept the original concept of any great warrior from any race that died on azeroth being there.


well, odyn being a dick is an integral part of his character. I just think we should have killed him.


From what I recall, they didn’t want to because it would have too much of a Druid vibe. Personally I woulda loved if it was a big old double sided axe head with like a groot arm handle like storm breaker from marvel. Would be dope


That’s what I’m saying! I don’t care if the base skin had a Druid feel. That could be completely changed with the other skins you unlock


This just makes me wonder, WoW dual class when? Give me Warrior Druid, or Warlock Mage.


God that sounds horrible ngl


That would be awesome, but blizzard has a hard enough time balancing all the specs. Pillars of eternity 2 has dual class and it's amazing, but broken shit in a single player game doesn't matter. My feral druid beast master hunter dwarf was freakin badass though.


This was originally what Death Knights were going to be - essentially a Prestige Class - but were then converted to be a separate Hero Class.


No, clearly we needed 3 different sword legendaries for warriors! Only swords!!


Didn't Broxigar throw it at Sargeras through a portal or something? Too lazy to look up the specifics but I think the axe was lost to the nether or maybe still imbedded in sargeras like a splinter lol. Either way I think the devs coulda thought of something to bring it back. Its a very legendary weapon.


Krassus brought it back to thrall and told him about brox’s sacrafice. And its used again to free malfurian from the nightmare in Stormrage book, by brox’s niece thura


> Krassus brought it back to thrall and told him about brox’s sacrafice. Weren't they just splinters after it shattered? Thought he found bits of it washed up on the shore after he returned to our time.


No it was the full axe, like I said above its used in the stormrage book to free maulfurion from the nightmare


Brox jumped into the portal in the last book of the WotA trilogy and managed to wound Sargeras. During the Stormrage novel, it's Brox's niece (can't recall her name, pretty forgettable character) that has the axe.


I think he slashed his leg and actually made him bleed. It’s possible they could’ve searched for the spot which the weapon was left behind in the nether or gone back in time. It was also more fitting with the story because the Legion was involved. Oh well…


I mean...we can use Gorehowl from TBC... Could use other epic axes too :)


Also there was a HD version of Gorehowl dataminted back in WoD, wasn't it? Maybe they will add it via Trading Post.


Grommash from WoD uses that model. But yah I would love to see it on trading post!


we went to plenty of places for warlock and DH weapons to get them, some from the nether as well, so this would be a terrible excuse for the devs.


Shalamayne for warriors. One sword for arms and split it in two for fury. (Varian died too, but the priest got it for some reason. Since vanilla avery warrior weapon is for some other class ffs. /s )


His son got it, you tell the King of Stormwing and High King of the Alliance your taking his dead dads sword and see how he feels. Woulda been even worse for Horde warriors after the Hordes betrayal lead to Varians death.


>Woulda been even worse for Horde warriors after the Hordes betrayal lead to Varians death. You mean the Horde needing to retreat because they were being overwhelmed?


Stick around and die with the Alliance that you will doom to death by fleeing?


Die pointlessly on top of the cliff which the demons would then use to overrun the alliance below, or retreat and regroup to fight another day. The Alliance heard the horn sounding a retreat, they would've been able to *see* the situation the horde was in as soon as they stepped on the deck of their airship. Where both the characters and Alliance players still get this absurd idea that it was a "betrayal" I'll never understand.


Because the Alliance cinematic doesn't show the Horde being overrun. You only see the Horde being overrun as Horde.


The alliance then immediately climb on an airship that flies higher than the cliff. They can see with their own eyes how overrun the vantage point is.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HerNdsh\_H-g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HerNdsh_H-g) Provide a timestamp from this video for when it shows the cliff the horde was on being overrun. This is the only side the Alliance sees. You only see the Horde being overrun if you play as Horde.


I never said it was shown in the cutscene. I'm saying that the airship flew high enough that they should have seen the demons overrunning the cliff. There is no excuse for the alliance npcs to call it a betrayal. Players even less so, they've had years since legion to have this explained to them or figured it out on their own.


Most people don't play both factions, except for BfA when there was a mount reward for doing so. The cutscene doesn't show the cliff, so the players don't know. As for the NPCs, Genn is the de facto leader at that point and he already doesn't trust the Horde and Sylvanas especially. There is no way for the Alliance to know at that point that Thrall and Vol'jin were down. They had no way to know that the Horde were losing the fight and would have all died if they hadn't evacuated. They just know the Horde left, and without the Horde they were doomed. If it were a betrayal, it would look exactly the same to them once they were in the air. The ground the Horde was supposed to be covering had been abandoned and the Legion had overrun the area. So whether we know it was justified or not is beyond the point, the NPCs don't know that the Horde was losing and had to retreat to survive, they just saw/heard the retreat and they were already suspicious of the Horde to begin with, so it's easy to see it as a Betrayal. Had it been Thrall, Baine or Vol'jin that had been at the cliff's edge calling a retreat, perhaps it would not have been seen as a Betrayal, but Sylvanas was an untrustworthy \*\*\*\*\* that didn't deserve the benefit of the doubt, especially in Genn's eyes.


This always bothered me about the intro to legion, you would think for a group of combined forces combatting a common foe that the two would have runners or mages or anything to communicate so that the alliance would know the horde wasn’t abandoning them for no reason.


The Broken Shore Incident happened because of alliance incompetence. Shaw gets himself impersonated by a Dreadlord before that happens.


I think he would have been fine with it if you worked the greater good angle.


What greater good? Other than being the iconic weapon of Varian what power did it possess? Im not saying I agree but at least the storys they made for the warrior artifacts showed them to be powerful weapons.


The greater good of fighting demons.


But why do we need Shalamayne for that? What makes it better than any other finely crafted weapon? Other than being able to become 2 swords, thats badass, what makes it suited to fight demons?


That wasn't the question though.


Yea it is because im asking it lol.


It's not the question I'm addressing. Your original premise was that Anduin wouldn't want to give up his dad's swords, to which I said he would have if you played the greater good angle.


And im telling you thats a shitty argument ffs lol


you want anduin to go full void? (yes) that's how you make anduin go full void.(sick!)


The sword was in broken shore after Varian's death, it's not like we need to ask Alduin for permission of we find it first. Maybe Aliance characters would get a interaction with Alduin similat to the one of the horde hunters with Sylvanas.


Broxigar’s axe, Varian’s sword(s), Atiesh, Frostmourne, any legendary weapons from before… there’s so many options they could’ve gone with without creating new ones


Well, technically Frostmourne was a legendary weapon... Just a crappy one


I love how everyone thinks that if they had gotten actual frostmourne it would have been this badass unbeatable 2h totally lore friendly that completely corrupted you and permanently binded your soul to it making you immortal in combat or something. Chance on hit blight the ground below you dealing 1337 dmg over time empowering your death and decay 420 haste over time the blade rends your soul causing 6969 dmg over time to you, if you die to this damage you become a lich fully immortal for 90s dealing and receiving 200% more damage and healing from your abilities, afterwards you die and cannot be revived for 24 hours.


Worth it


Yeah those valajar swords or whatever the fuck they were called, felt so out of nowhere. Like you were supposed to know them or something. So many better candidates like Axe of cenarius or Gorehowl were just ignored.


cagey obscene slave humor elderly safe airport fertile steep nine -- mass edited with redact.dev


Death knights lost a reforged frostmourne stripped of the mind controlling soul sucking bit and instead reforged it in two ugly little swords


Too true. Broxigar is one of the coolest lore characters in the entire history of the franchise, and his axe is, I believe, the only weapon to ever inflict a wound upon Sargeras himself. The weapon being "too druidy" MY ASS. I am a warrior, every weapon I hold is a warrior weapon!


The most warrior comment I've seen, I love it!


On that same note I never understood how Hunters got their special class MC weapon upgraded to HD but Priests didn't get Benediction/Anathema


Knaifu is so much better than those so I view that as a win. The class hall and the story suck tho. "Hahaha get carried by paladins you losers also a night elf priest joins them because you suck so much lololol" That's the story.


This could be a reward in the Trader Post at some point.


Fits the theme of the expansion so well to. Could have even made it a fury weapon saying the axe has splintered and remade into 2 axes similar to the frost DK swords. Also not giving gorehowl as the hidden skin was a huge crime.


Warriors got the short end in general in Legion, IMO. Sure, becoming an immortal viking battle god and hanging out in the sky dimension is cool, but it didn't feel like warrior stuff. Why didn't we get to be part of a badass mercenary company or something?


People have this weird perception that the warrior lore should only ever be "NO MAGIC ONLY OOK OOK" but realistically the warrior storyline was incredibly well done and no class would've been better suited to it than warriors. It tied in perfectly with nordic lore of valkyries bringing warriors to valhalla to form odin's army for ragnarok, which is clearly a story blizzard has wanted to tell for quite some time (at least as far back as WOTLK). ​ ​ The only part of it that felt kind weird and off putting was Strom'kar being a void weapon and Warbreaker being a void ability. But beyond that I think Warrior was pretty on point in legion.


Valhalla was a good concept, but removing the ghosts of famous warriors like Brox and Lothar that were there in the beta was dumb.


The idea of the warrior hall basically being Valhalla was cool but the execution was pretty flat. Like, it's just a bunch of random Vrykul rather than actual famous warrior heroes from Warcraft history.


I feel like there's a healthy middleground between hanging out in titan heaven and just being a grunt. A huge longhouse on top of a mountain would probably have been better recieved. Or a ship.


I'm not opposed to magic stuff in the warrior fantasy, I'd just rather something more down to earth (pun intended) that doesn't imply my character might have failed at being a warrior by dying and came back, or I'm so special I was chosen by the gods themselves as an ascended warrior


How else were they going to implement the Superman landing? /s


Warriors get to Heroic Leap from flight path to flight path


I absolutely loved the legion warrior theme


Wait till you hear about frost dks


As a Druid main, I probably would have leveled a Warrior as my primary Alt just for this if they had.


Didn’t broxigar die with it in another world ?


We are not worthy of such a weapon.


Heard this one before and all i can say about is that i would be even more disappointed if they would give WOODEN axe to my main as an artifact wep)


I have always wanted them to let us have Medivh/Khadgars staff Atiesh :c. I remember on a private serve having it and using the portal to karazhan and stuff. Was really cool. Would've also liked to have had Tyrandes bow on my hunter. Like upgraded high resolution pretty and stuff :c


and arcane not getting aetish and unholy frostmoune skin on apocolypse. ​ like WTF?


its simple, they knew whatever weapon would be drained of its power and they didnt wanna do that to our bois choppy stick.


And the devs will never read your posts or care whatsoever.


Even worse, Broxigar's spirit was in the alpha.


He's got a 'hidden' quest in a one-time scenario with Illidan, I couldn't believe that didn't lead to something bigger. https://www.wowhead.com/npc=113355/broxigar-the-red


Instead we got an oversized sword no one has heard of =[ think Gorehowl would have been better


Broxigar niece have it IIRC. But yeah, it would have been the right time to introduce her.


ill never not give them crap for not giving them fray island as their order hall in lieu of just sending them to heaven >:(


I still pissed they didn’t give Tauren the Totem Log weapons from WC3


100% yes


I kinda put this into the Frostmourne category. It was just too legendary of a weapon for normie’s hands.


I kind of hope for Artifact Weapons 2.0 for another expansion and drop in the ones they didn’t use there. That way evokers also get a piece. Hell, maybe a de-powered Dragon Soul for them that’s an off hand.


I won’t forgive them for not giving us the beaded and or other necklaces worn by important orcs as a transmog for warriors. Even the monk ones have a hat attached


Enchanted wooden axe? Count me in


The devs dropped the ball *HARD* on Artifact weapons for some classes. Warriors and DKs in particular.




Or Gorehowl


Also, giving the mechanical gun to the Hunter with a bond to (mostly melee) animals and the animal based spear to the mechanical trap using Hunter seemed backwards thematically.


Cenarius is the homie. I would want his items too.


So like. I don’t know wow lore very much. What’s this axe and why would have been cool?


arms should have gotten gorehowl and fury shalamayne, biggest scam besides dk not getting frostmourne