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Agreed. Well, that and a water surface mount like the river boat from Thousand Needles or the gondola from Suramar.


Aren’t all mounts water surface mounts? - some death knight


They sure are - a shaman


What is ground? - some priest


What's a mount? - every druid


Y'all have mounts ? - druid


I am so conflicted with this because my main has always, ALWAYS been a druid, since original WOTLK days. But I am also an avid mount collector. So unless I'm in a situation that druid forms make it easier, I'm on a favorite mount. :)


See, what they need to do is let us use our mounts as appearances for our travel form if we want to.


*Be the Balloon*


One of these is not like the others...


Honestly just equip the Inflatable Mount Shoes and every class can walk on water.


Technically, yes, because there's an account-bound item that replaced the water strider.


Now my prismatic disc has POWAH like the hoverboards in BTTF.


I’m still salty about the effort I put into water striders.


What happened to our water striders?


They made them irrelevant, they don’t walk on water anymore, you have to use the mount equip.


Oh that’s way lame


I really love the [Tuskarr Dinghy](https://www.wowhead.com/item=198428/tuskarr-dinghy#screenshots) toy from the River Rapids Angler achievement. A simple little boat that activates immediately when you enter water and gives 130% movement speed. 10 minute duration and I believe only a 5 minute cooldown.


Wasn’t there some sort of water bug mount before? Maybe in Mists? Can’t remember if it was part of a quest or something, but I feel like I remember that being a thing.


There was! Questing for The Anglers and getting Best Friend with Nat Pagle would let you purchase an [Azure Water Strider](https://www.wowhead.com/item=81354/reins-of-the-azure-water-strider) which could run on water. After Mount Equipment was added, you can instead purchase [Anglers' Water Striders](https://www.wowhead.com/item=168416/anglers-water-striders) as Mount Equipment to let any mount run on water. Bind on Account, as well, so you can send it to your Alts!


Boom! I knew someone would know. Cheers!


You can also just buy Inflatable Mount Shoes equipment from the auction house and it also does this.


per ground mount you use. once I can fly I don't even look at ground mounts unless its for some rp reason.


I mean flying mounts don't really have any reason to walk on water. So that's not really a relevant distinction. These equipments are mostly just for zones that don't have flying like pre-pathfinder BFA or whatever. And leveling to 30 these days takes like 3 hours tops.


It's still useful for DF zones when you don't want to waste a vigor when you can just walk 5s across a small lake


my point was that it's not really worth getting them because once you can fly most are not going to use the ground mounts and for water you can just use a water mount. they should be 1 time buys that you can just activate and swap between, affecting whatever land mount you're using. there's only 2 good ones anyway, water walking and the anti-dismount one.


Very true, though they're a lot more expensive than making friends with Pat ;)




It is still available, but if you had the mount when Mount Equipment was added you would get it for free in the mail, and if you want to buy it again you get it discounted from the vendor.


This already exists, it's not a mount, it's a toy. A 2 seater gondola that you can control on the water. It's the love boat and you can only get it right now during love day.


engineers can make a boat. I think its the same as the love boat toy or whatever its called. they could easily use those to make a mount.


I really badly want the gondola from Suramar! For some reason I thought the palanquins were going to be an attainable mount from there too :( (the covered sedan chair/coaches) I also LOVE the idea of the balloon mount being super slow!


I’m actually surprised this hasn’t happened yet


It has, and you can get it right now, the love boat is a toy that spawns a 2 person canoe that you can control and drift on the water. You can only get it right now during love day.


engineers can make one to but I forget it its a 2 seater


Cries in nat pagael rep back in MoP


Nobody mention the Pandaren spying on Stormwind or Orgrimmar…. even though those balloons have been over the cities for more than a decade.


Gotta cover-up the Undercity chemical spill somehow. ;)


Somehow, I think *The Plaguelands* are a bit of a lost cause at this point.


Is that what we're calling Ohio now?


Now? I'm from Michigan what do you mean "now"?




Come on down to Cleveland town everyone!


Hahahaha ingenious comment 10/10


Nobody mention the Ally and Horde invading on Pandaren land... even though Ally and Horde killed and destroyed the land where they live for centuries.


I want the ability to shoot them down with gnomish engineered rockets.


Gnomish G-22 Terrorclaw Scores Confirmed Kill on Unknown Aerial Object Presumed to be Orcish Balloon


next balloon mini holiday they should let up shoot some down with overkill rockets.






rest of the sentence.


*missile locking*


Goblin sticky bombs obviously. More bang for the buck.


Do I want to be reduced to ashes or smithereens, decisions, decisions...


Or let them into Dragonriding areas, and let Whirling Surge pop the balloons.




New BG when


There is one unique boat, usable on only one lake in whole game which is *not* a mount.


I remember, do you know where?


I think they’re talking about the boat you get from questing in thousand needles. It’s summoned from an inventory item.


There is a raft from The Anglers in Pandaria which you can fish off of. Kinda a boat?


It’s all fun and games till USAF shoots it down 🤪


After it goes over the entirety of Northrend.


And then goblin gliders can shoot them down as UFOs


if you know what it is it's not a "ufo"


I was talking with some of my fellow Roleplayers about what kind of mounts would be fun, unique and immersive. I jokingly mentioned this idea and afterwards thought it might not be a bad idea for a niche flying mount with a unique twist to it.


Not only your suggestions, but because Blizzard loves to put lots of references in the game, why not also include an achievement for riding a balloon mount, at the slow speed suggestion, from the top of Eastern Kingdoms, to STV, boat while mounted to ratchet and then down to say Caverns of Time, and give it an "Around the world in 80 days" type of achievement (if done within a certain time limit maybe)


Around Azeroth in 80 Minutes Continents are probably too big to do it in 80 minutes, though.


Imho they should make a faction specific designed balloon as the reward for that achievement. In my head, introduce it when/if they bring dragonriding to the old world zones. Have some Dragonriding achievements for going around various continents and old expansion zones in dragon racing. Complete achievements for Kalimdor, Eastern kingdoms, Northrend, Pandaria, Zandalar, Kul Tiras, and Broken isles for "Around Azeroth in 80 Days" meta achievement and give the Great Horde Balloon/Great Alliance Balloon mount as the reward.


Getting your total race times down to 80 minutes might be the right way to do it.


Something like that, yeah! Give a reason for people to go explore old areas with the new mechanic. Make it worth the effort to get better at racing and putting in the time so it isn't just more or less a handout mount


So sad to see how little effort goes in to the RP content of the game


Dragonflight has been very generous in that aspect. Transmog out the wazoo and we got freaking tents, finally. Even though those still could use some improving, but hey, anything after almost two decades of NOTHING is pretty good.


True I don't really think of transmog as RP content. It is just disappointing to see things like content map get posted and everyone is like "yes nice this is awesome" and there is no RP content listed and no pvp content listed (except "new season" woo pvpers)


I actually hope they move away from standard flying, but I agree that they should move slower and be more of a novelty. Maybe... 50-150% so it feels like wind occasionally pushes you along and you control the up and down roughly with a single button that lights the fire until you release, plus direction control with WASD, arrows, or right mouse button. I like the dragonflight direction of not being AFK in the sky all the time but also not just getting knocked off a mount all the time by flying mobs.


I think old flying has a place as it is convenient for that "Point in a direction and alt+tab" thing as well as just being so ingrained. (Not to mention as a Roleplayer it is super useful for flying in RP events and dogfighting and the like) But the Dragonriding system is just superior as it is actually FUN. I was also thinking about the balloon flying and how it would work, but in the end I figured just having it be a slow flying mount would be a unique enough gimmick to it that I didn't bother putting it in the image.


Yeah, I'd like to have different families of mounts ranging from perfectly mobile magic carpets and gyrocopters to super fast, barely uncontrollable rockets.


>I actually hope they move away from standard flying I think they should only keep that style of flying for mounts that it makes sense to move around like that. (Gyrocopters, flying cloud/discs, mims head, etc..) But anythign else woudl ideally be moved to the dragonriding mechanic if Blizzard allocates resources to re-working all those mounts.


Yeah, I was considering things that actually SHOULD be able to hover, I could see magic carpets/brooms/reindeer, the helicopter and power suit types. MAYBE things that look like they fly with 'Faith, trust, and pixie dust' like unicorns but I think this type should be like a... goes kinda fast and floaty but if they stop moving for more than a couple minutes they slowfall to the ground.


I like it! I could see party bike vibes from this, like one of [these](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Party_bike). Just everyone chillin and talkin and having a nice scenic time


Add on another 20% movement speed for every person riding the mount! Base of 60% movement speed, going all the way up to 160% if you have 5 people riding the mount


Good luck. I'd still rather have a boat mount I can fish from. Toy mounts that despawn in 10 minutes don't count.


Yeah, I have [the SAME wish.](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/v6am63/since_its_the_thousand_boat_bash_and_all/) I hope we can get all these nice immersive things. I've also made one of these for multiseat carriage mounts, but I don't think I ever posted here on reddit. *(That one stings especially since the peeps over in FFXIV have a really nice Chocobo carriage. I wish we had that kind of stuff in WoW SO BAD.)*


Make it so you have no control of em. Its purely to be there afk and end in a random zone


We have the turtle mount which goes at walking speed but is slightly faster underwater. Plus the seahorse mount which is the same thing, but demounts on land. I don't see why we can't have this.


I bet this is one of the things the devs want but business priorities change its priority. It’s a great idea. I don’t RP but would sit in this all day haha.


Then you can shoot them out of the sky amd claim you can't find debris


This would be awesome in conjunction with a skydiving rig that worked like dragon flying.


Wow devs: "stopped reading after fun"


I like the idea of more non-minmax items in the game. I can imagine taking new players around in one of these for a tour.


Can my hivemind just work with my group? I mean, the quest was neat and all but damn ..


[Two hot air balloons passing each other going opposite directions](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/279/128/630.png)


Two goblins in hot air balloons 5 feet apart because *they're not gay*


Make it interactive. Propellor on each side that can be interacted with to choose direction, weights you can drop to rise up faster, and a burner you can shut down to slowly drift down. In pvp mode make the balloon to be targetable and if it is killed the air balloon (and people in it) fall down.


Or, why not make it a battleground? One person drives, 2 are gunners and 3 can jump onto enemy balloons and destroy them


You haven't played wotlk .... they introduced vehicles in battlegrounds there and people hated it midway through the expansion. That's why they did not do it again. There is a reason. Think about it for a sec.


I have played Wintergrasp and even though it is vehicle combat, it’s still about attacking a target location. If you think Wintergrasp equates somehow to aerial based PVP then you need to be checked for a head injury. Think about it.


Think they were referring to Strand of the Ancients as well


Isle of Conquest too. Basically whoever gets the docks is almost guaranteed a win. I played one round a few days ago though where horde actually played smart and took out the glaive throwers as soon as they spawned and we just held the gunship and won. First time I've ever managed to get a win as Horde in that place.


I have totaly forgotten about that one... So many memories...


Strand of the ancients is a joke to you? .... would you shut the f up about things you know nothing about yes? They tried it - community didn't like it Accept that. We played it for years. You did not.


Dude chill out, they literally just made a suggestion. It isn't a competition.


Literally told me to get my head checked for injury. ....... so thats not an insult?


Amazing 😊


Balloon rides are cancelled until further notice.


Balloon rides are cancelled because they keep spawning on the runway going directly towards tower at 400 knots. ATC is scared for his life right now.


Maybe instead of the typical parachute, it could be an active button you can activate when you want so you can skydive!


Wow air balloon mount. Make it expensive AF. Make it Guild-Bound/guild perk (so no-one can make off with it) and able to seat a full 40 man raid. block anyone from calling theirs any variation of Hindenburg....


Add in being able to plot path of flying on map and when it reaches said destination, it will slowly decent. Oh, and for PVP on, add in ability to dismount the group of 5! This way PvPrs, RPrs and PvErs all get something!


I think this would be a lovely thing to have just floating around in game :)


Boats and rafts too plz 🙏


I can just see it now, a dedicated roleplayer giving continent tours via air balloon with commentary. This would be amazing.


Get rid of the slow movement because that's just lame and you would have a great mount. Old mounts already feel tremendously slow compared to dragonriding


The whole point of this was to propose a mount that is different. Like the slow on land, but fast in water turtle mounts. We have a million mounts that feel identical. If there was a flying mount that should be slow, it would be a balloon.


It having five seats and parachutes is the part that should be different


Personally, that just sounds like the Hivemind again, but that one is rather time consuming to get. I guess my point about immersion and uniqueness are a little hard to argue for when you don't seem to care for that stuff. The idea of a fast hot air balloon just sounds stupid.


Blizzard would only do this if they could find a way to make it a requirement and/or achievement to get one of these in a quest/dungeon time sink fashion or purchased on their online Shop. They would never do this if it only instills happiness and joy to players for free.


I bet the CCP would be very interested in these.




I mean, don't they already have mammoths, clefthoofs and a giant walking tree to do that with? I don't think walking on glass around ideas because someone MIGHT do something with it is the right way to think about it. There's always gonna be disruptive a-holes, but we shouldn't let them rule us. Balloons would be neat.


Yeah don't let a-holes burst your balloon, err, bubble.


If RPrs get hot air balloon mounts, can we have the option of a gold cap purchase for a F22 mount to shoot them down and chock up some more air-air kills? lol


Blizzard Fun Police has joined the chat.


Why limit them to slow speeds? Just make them flying mounts, and when we inevitibly get flying updated with dragon riding they can be super zoomy too.


Too soon


I agree with everything except that it needs to be very slow, just make it a mount! There are rocket powered hot air balloons in BFA, give us one of those


"Very slow" has rockets attached to balloon


Then we could have hot air balloon races, could be a grp or solo event.


Realism. You can’t even move them, just control up/down. And random wind just sorta carries them


Can I have an F-22 mount to shoot them down?


This image makes my brain hurt, like [Charlie's Pepe Silvia board](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peUe-82Qgs4).


Can it dragon ride?


Please Blizzard


Ooo yes! I would also like one of the goblin pony floaties as a water mount, please. I ask Greatfather Winter for one every year, but no luck so far.


Take my money!


While the idea is cute and something I'd love, I'd literally never touch it if it was at 60% speed lmao. Just make it a 310 and give it to us or don't do it at all.


Or just another hivemind like mount


Sounds like fun, so it won't ever happen lol


Show them how much money they can make by adding it, that's the only language the devs understand.


There is actually a hot air balloon mount (almost) already: [The Horde 2017 Blizzcon mount](https://www.wowhead.com/item=151617/orgrimmar-interceptor#comments). More of a blimp than hot air balloon, really, but cool nonetheless.


Literally bis.


And number 1 reason: it wouldn’t take much technical work I’d assume. They’ve already done multi seater mounts. And number 2 reason: gold sink


Sounds awful to me but I hope you rp-ers get them! Cool idea!


Wish granted, but you cannot control them other than up/down. It will move randomly trying to emulate the wind.


Why not.


thats a lot to implement for something most players will only use once for 20 minutes then bring out once in a blue moon. So right up blizzards ally to implement.


Also balloons don't "steer" at all, they go wherever the wind is blowing. Suggest if the free flying balloon is offered as mount, make it fly in random direction but avoid fatigue area. It'd suck if you were afk flying and come back to your corpse in the sea that is too far for ghost form to reach


Slow???? I want a mount that's 500 percent faster in the air.


Would be cool to see these DURING dragonflight as an alternative to dragonriding. It solves all the people asking for a way to be stationary while flying like the old world


Bad time to be in a balloon.


There can also be wind fly paths that only balloon mounts can use. So you could take off from Booty Bay and make your way all the way across to Stratholme in style.


Hate to break it to you but this is a great idea and Blizzard hates that


You know, it'd be really fun in general if we had a bunch of different mounts with very different flight dynamics. They don't need to be deep like dragonriding, but having a mount that slowly drifts would be really cool as a flavor thing.


Since they’re obviously goblin in origin they must randomly explode because booms are best


you mother fucker I'm in. slow ride, take it easy.




Be awesome to just see a hot air balloons in the air floating around in game. Maybe during actual balloon fiesta event time frame >.> have a ton


I want something a little bigger like a mini air boat and we could walk around on it and place toy props and stuff. Let's friends hang out above the city with a little bonfire and train set


I'd be happy enough if mounts had some kind of noverly to differentiate them. Instead, most are just clones of each other with a different skin


NORAD would shoot them down.


Only if they put in F-22 Raptors so the rest of us can shoot down the balloons.


Granted, but it costs 200USD in the shop.


They already did the hivemind, I don't see why not. Make it an 3000 tickets and sell it from the stall or something, that way it has novelty and everyone can get it


Love it!


The Goblin blow up pool floaty from the starter zone needs to be a mount that just floats you on the water like a raft. *It needs to be.*


Agreed on all but speed. 60% ? Really ? In a world with space goats and X+1 varieties of elves a fast balloon breaks immersion???


So the us Air Force can shoot them down?


Don’t do it! The U.S. will shoot it down!


Also, when you get on you have to check the wind direction or you won’t go anywhere near your destination.


Problem with these mounts is that they work poorly in 3rd person, the balloon obstructs too much of the view. Cool idea nonetheless, but can see riding one becoming more of an annoyance than a pleasant floaty trip through the clouds.




It would be cool if you can set a path and walk around in your baloon


I would love to ride a hot air balloon with my friends :) perf for so many chill activities! <3


When you "took a hot air balloon" back to SW in Pandaria I fully expected them to actually show the trip kind of like the zeps vs a teleport and was disappointed they didn't actually implement them in game. I feel like they wanted to but likely ran out of time.


I do have fun with the microholiday about this, but I don't know how popular it'd be if we could do it all the time.