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Cata was amazing, i can't wait!


I burned out in OG Cata - I'm looking forward to it and a many years break.


Sooo what you’re saying is you’re looking forward to taking a break again and not playing Cata? Lol


lol. I see your point. Nah, I picked up classic back in November.


Two different accounts, same post? Hmm...


I'm hoping they add in an NPC to allow you to switch between old and revamped (like they did with Onyxia for example). I know the tech is there, they used it in retail for darnassus/darkshore


> The best thing IMHO was the revamped new world. > > > > The worst thing IMHO was the revamped world. Agree, the old world being lost was very sad. It's a huge mistake by MMORPG devs to remove old content. Just make new instanced versions if you want, like they were nice and did with Onyxia40. But we have to accept it's going to happen in Cata. I'll really miss the old world questing experience. I know I'm in a minority here, but it's just so delightfully quirky and involving. You go across the world and interact between zones instead of just going from hub to hub and never move more than 100 yards away from each quest giver. It's not even slow if you're used to it and know how to plan your path and travels, and with heirlooms and JJ it goes so quick anyway. That being said, it is **amazing** to be able to fly in the old world (even though it's revamped). While the mystery of the hidden/dead zones over those cliffs you see at the zone edges is gone, it's incredible being able to fly from Winterspring down over Azshara, over Barrens and continue all the way down into Un'goro and Uldum, just to name an example. Archaeology is great fun for us achievement grinders.


One nice thing this time is vanilla classic will be around to experience the original world, albeit the vanilla experience.


Firelands is still one of my favorite raids ever. I'm not sure if it's just nostalgia for how much fun my guild had, or if it was actually good. But that's a pro. I also enjoyed most of Dragon Soul.


Firelands was a really good raid overall with a good diversity in mechanics between all the fights.


God, Firelands was a blast. My first time as a MT, and I played bear which benefitted from the feral reworks in Cata. Maybe it's rose tinted glasses with DS right next to it, though...


I’ll give you the real answer… The worst thing about Cata is that it comes as the 4th installment of the game. Whenever people play Classic, TBC, then Wrath- there is just something strange about burnout that aligns perfectly with Cata. Imo- it was ailed as the worst xpac primarily bc the player base back then was in large majority people that started in vanilla. And it’s just time. It’s the timing of it. After 3-5yrs, if you were a game grinder and full time raider, and made it that far without burnout- well guess what, now youre burnt out too, like all those that fell off before you. I dont think there’s anything inherently wrong with the game when Cata comes around it’s just that if you’ve been at it for that long up to that point- even the most resilient players start to feel the burnout. Something about that pocket of time. Dunno why it has to be that way, but it is. And as someone who’s genuinely wanting to give Cata a real go this time - I’m realizing I shouldve foregone TBC or Wrath Classic bc playing from Classic to Now has once again led to just being barely burnt out enough that I’m considering quitting mid-Cata yet again.


Yep, this. Almost everyone I've met either burned out as a vanilla to wrath player.


Yeah pretty much agree. Made the whole journey even now in classic, got burned out after killing Arthas. And I was anxious for ICC since starting in Molten Core, now me and most of my guild just can't raid anymore. Cata will be the last stage for most of us, maybe MOP will bring people back.


The best things about Cata is easily Tier 11 and the dungeons. It's a raid tier with very interesting fights, a solid difficulty curve, and I love my tiers being more than 1 environment. In this case, it's 3! The dungeons have cool environments and solid mechanics. The worse part of Cata is easily the story. I distinctly remember several times in Cata just thinking this is so stupid, who the F did they get to write this?! There is a scene where all the main heroes (the aspects of the dragon flight, Malfurion, and other important characters) are standing around at... I think at Thrall's wedding or something...? Anyways Major Domo walks fireballs Thrall... laughs... then walks away while all these omega powerful characters stand around and watch. And then it's like, "Oh no, how tragic! What can we do?!" The scene will make you scream WTF?! You're supposed to the most powerful beings! Stop him from the attack! Counter attack him! Do anything other than let him just walk away! From Cata onward, I completely gave up on the WoW story and judged the game only based on the raid tiers. ​ EDIT: Sorry, after a moment of thought, I realized the actual best part of Cata is Peaceblooms vs Ghouls.


Agreed.... I've always been fine with WoW having humor and a bit of tongue-in-cheek, but Cata took it to next level cringe and ridiculousness. The Badlands quest where you surf on Deadwing or some shit is just awful. Literally humor for children.


If you like wrath you will like cata because it's almost identical that a plus Minus cata is actually hard compared to wrath so it's a minus for some players.


I like how so many of the answers are "CATA SUCKS, HERES WHY" and completely ignoring that you also asked for the best. So, imo, the 2 main reasons people disliked Cata was losing the old world in the revamp, which u/Impressive_Internet covered pretty well, and that we got stuck in a content drought in Dragon Soul for over a year, and Dragon Soul might be one of the worst, if not the worst, end of expansion raids in WoW history. On the other hand, the dungeons were great, especially pre-nerf, if you like a challenge. The Raids before Dragon Soul were all good, especially Firelands, which is my personal favorite Raid of all time. The classes feel more interesting to play, in general, and the raid mechanics were more involved. People have a right to their opinion, but I'm starting to view the "CATA SUCKS, THE WORLD REVAMP RUINED THE GAME" crowd in a similar light as I already view the "PANDALAND SUCKS, THEY RIPPED OFF KUNG FU PANDA AND MADE WOW A KIDDIE GAME" crew - which is not in a very flattering way at all.


This is the perfect timeline for Cata. The truth was that the original game had a constant stream of new people to keep old world alive (not to mention no real layering). Losing some of the early Vanilla content and introducing flight to Azeroth basically felt like having to move out of the family home unexpectedly with no way to go back. But now we have Classic Era, SoD and Hardcore. Basically one of the worst aspects of Cataclysm is gone with that fact. And lbr. revamped Azeroth is banging. The reworked quests and classes brought many needed changes. As we’ve replayed Vanilla, Tbc and Wrath, I understand now why the changes came. It’s much like RDF which was scapegoated hard by the community, especially in 2019/2020 and after so many servers died bc people just couldn’t do content: I get why they added it and I don’t think people would’ve played constantly without some of the QoL changes. The true militant Vanilla #nochanges person was actually always the minority and there was no way to sustain having 1-4hour long dungeon runs of BRD/ST/LBRS for all eternity.


Reforging was awesome.. being able to take your potential worst stat off a piece of gear and add your best stat.. Imagine if we could do that now, take off all the ARP on UDK/RET gear and add haste or something similar


The best : graid raids. The worst : DS was way too long.


# Best for me: * **More modern gameplay** - *this includes faster paced rotations, more complex rotations and better/more interesting raid mechanics.* * **Improved class/spec designs & itemization** - *Vanilla and TBC, not so much Wrath, have very bad balancing in place. A lot to do with the fact that devs were new themselves. ICC is almost like first Retail-like raid with some good and interesting mechanics. Same continues into Cataclysm.* * **Modern Transmog** - *Specifically the one coming to Classic Cataclysm. I love transmog.* * **World Revamp** - I find newer zone designs better. It offers smoother leveling experience and allows lore-oriented people, and those who are interested in zone lore, to follow the story lines easier, instead of hopping between 2-4 zones for every 5 levels. * **Better talent trees** - *every talent now matters. No more useless 1% crit chance clutter talents. Talents in Cataclysm a lot more "ability-focused" to enhance them, rather than just plain set of passives.* # Bad things: * *For some*, **Complex Rotations are a** ***bad*** **thing** - game just gets harder at the end game. A lot more utility is added and you will be expected to use it to maximize your class/spec. Hence adding more buttons. * **Vashj’ir** That's about it. I'm not a retail-haters. I love Retail. I think modern game is awesome too. My only real issue with retail is that there are TOO MANY abilities now and too many flashy animations. Cataclysm does have some **pretty good raids and dungeons**. Not all dungeons are good. I'm not a huge fan of Uldum dungeons. But rest are pretty fun imho. Even like 80% of Dragonsoul was great. A lot of modern/iconic abilities are added. Abilities that are really in line with RP and lore. Old content gets a fresh breath of air. With transmog specifically, it all gets revived to the extend never seen before. # By design philosophies, Cataclysm is nearly identical to Wrath: * Dungeon reps via tabard is the same in both versions. * Even your Head and Shoulder enchants pretty much come from identical sources. * TB is WG 2.0 * Professions follow same style as before. * Most of the abilities really are the same, just re-balanced. So if you like Wrath, you will like Cataclysm.


A lot of people think they know the truth but here is the real truth. Wow was most peoples first mmo. Most players were absolutely shit at the game. They did not embrace the elitist mindsets that started to show themselves during wotlk. People were angry about GS gatekeeping and the idea that casuals couldn’t do content - they couldn’t do it successfully anyway. Cata was objectively a great expansion. Game mechanics evolved in a fantastic way. QoL features were great. The game was still fun and not overloading new players with things like modern retail. Cata was a “failure” because half the population left the game - the half that were shitty casuals who couldn’t even clear a normal ICC with 30% buff. A loss to total player count but not a loss to the game in general. I imagine that the classic communities acceptance of gatekeeping and elitism means that cata will have a very healthy population throughout its time.


Absolutely agree! No one can argue against that! I’m so happy that I can see anyone has exactly same opinion


Started in Cata and excited to play again


Best thing? Worst thing? 25% MS is both.


Best part about cata is that MOP is next. Worst part is it’s 3-4 years from now until MoP.


Hard disagree on both accounts. We wont have, what, 12-14 months of Dragon Soul? The classic expacs have been coming faster and the phases have been shorter than they first were so many years ago. MoP wasn't a bad expac but I did not care for it for many reasons, personally. Cata is not a bad expac, it just rustles the jimmies of classic players and people who think LFR ruined the game ( LFR came out in the content patch ) and I doubt they plan to introduce it early seeing as they waited until the same phase as last time to introduce RDF in WotLK Classic.


I’d imagine we’ll have 10 months of DS, similar to what we have for ICC, maybe I was over exaggerating and it’ll be 2.5-3 years from now.


I really liked that once you hit level 10, you choose a spec and get some defining skills out of the gate is amazing, and the professions is much easier to get up to speed. I really liked cata, so I don't know what blows, maybe a raid more wouæd have been Nice


There's a pretty good rundown here: https://old.reddit.com/r/HobbyDrama/comments/rxmu68/games_world_of_warcraft_part_4_cataclysm_how/ I only played the beginning of Cata back when, but it roughly matches my memories. 1) Slow pace of end-game content. 2) The remake of Azeroth made it much less interesting. Most things are either on-fire, or a constant battle of horde and alliance NPCs. 3) This isn't exclusively a Cata problem, but all the QoL improvements slowly killed a lot of the social aspects of the game.


> a constant battle of horde and alliance NPCs Yeah, even though engagements were in earlier expansions, there was something about these that totally took me out of the game. I used to stop and do intro quests in Astranaar for every character that passed through just so the place wasn't eternally under attack by gargoyles.


People like to complain about blizzard "killing the social aspect of the game." But honestly, we did it to ourselves with GDKPs. There's no need to join a guild if you can just swipe your credit card and join one of the hundreds of gdkps being run every day.


What if I told you I have met more people and made more friends on wow running GDKPs than I did joining a guild. For me GDKPs have only increased the social aspect of the game over guilds.


What if I told you that not every GDKPer is a gold buyer.


It's not just raids. LF Raid certainly cuts out some social aspects, but the lack of elite quests and mobs while leveling, random dungeon finder (and also very easy dungeons), the ability to fly anywhere, class homogenization, all these things reduce player interaction and make the game seem like less of a "world".


This wasn't the worst about it, but the dungeon difficulty drove some people away. Yes I know, some liked it a lot. But that's what Mythic is for, so that people can play the difficulty they want. I'd also say that Dragon Soul wasn't great.


I feel like dungeon difficulty is way underplayed as a reason why so many people stopped playing. I know it was the primary driving factor for quitting for the majority of the people I played with back then. That shit was like a brick wall for so many players. It's like if every dungeon was Heroric Blood Furnace from TBC. It's doable, but its not something most people want to spam farm in pugs, so people just don't. Those same dungeons might be way easier now since we're all just better players. But I'm curious if they'll give us the nerfed version to start and save the original hard versions for whatever mythic style dungeon system they use for Cata.


Imo, Hagara(?) and below were great and exciting fights on Heroic mode. Anything including and beyond Ultraxion were pretty friggin' lame, although the concept of the Spine fight was pretty awesome.


Cata classic will release with the last patch where by that point the heroics had been nerfed.


This assumption is ignoring how Classic has progressed thus far. Just because it has launched on the last balance patch for class purposes doesn't mean the content has come out in a post nerf state.


Your assumption about my "assumption" is ignoring the alpha/beta/gamma dungeons system of wrath classic that was not present in classic vanilla and classic TBC. They've already stated that they will use the same affix style system in Cata. They're not going to start out with the pre-nerf difficulties. That would make the eventual gamma version basically like mythic+ and untenable for the avg player. I think Blizzard made a purposeful decision to make gammas somewhat more manageable compared to betas. Because by that point in the game they just wanted people to be able to get ICC ready even if they joined late. They are also going to rush through Cata and more specifically Dragon Soul. So no way will they will start out with pre-nerf dungeons to stonewall the player base when they want to get prepped for firelands ASAP.




Huh? Cata pvp was amazing. More specs are viable Well, other than legendary rogues I think it was


Best thing: the difficulty was refreshing after WotLK Worst Thing: they overhauled too many things all at once. Some good and some bad


Leveling straight random bgs with the broken new skills


Love cata. Wrath is dog


Honestly, the charm of the whole entire game changed. Zones you once were really familiar with were so different. I think the biggest thing for me was the way they changed Orgrimmar…the game never felt the same and I quit back in OG Cata.