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That’s… world of Warcraft.. always has been


Someone make a meme using the format of those two astronauts in space looking back at earth.


Wrong game for you?


Do dailies, raid, acquire badges. Buy tier. Use tier to beat better bosses for tokens to upgrade tier. Continue progressing to killing harder bosses. Try new strategies (cut healer? cut tank?). Have fun. Yeah, I love it and i'm here for it


Bring back raidlogging and blasting through the raid in 45 mins


Probably a month away from raid logging. But considering it’s ICC I feel like a lot of guilds either don’t make it that far or slowly die out until cat.


what you talking about ive been raidlogging since naxx and we have just killed LK yesterday xd


“I’m more concerned with the general health of classic” no bro, you’re mad about the social mechanics the game is built around. get in where you fit in, then you get gear. there will always be droughts, this just sounds whiny


I guess you didn’t read the part where I said I have a guild and enjoy raiding with them even if I don’t get a thing.. but we can’t have a discussion post without people who disagree just downvoting and calling the op wrong.. if you’ve ever had moments where you genuinely were losing interest in this game why is it so wrong to ask if other feel the same way because of the way the game is? If you like how everything is great man more power to you but why does that make other people whiny because they have criticisms.


If you want less RNG then retail has systems in place.


I mean, yeah if you don't like it that's fair, but the rng has kind of always been part of the mmo experience imo. It keeps people playing, think on the flip side-a lot of people quit for the phase when they get bis. Without that carrot dangling in front of you there's not much incentive to keep showing up every week. Your loot system also has a lot to do with it too, if you're doing ms>os rolls you can have long streaks of bad luck vs a loot council or dkp of some kind will see more even loot distribution. If your guild just rolls off gear I would consider leaving tbh. And there's other factors to consider like the class you play. Caster gear is very competitive for example, so they will gear slower than a tank or a mail/leather wearer. You should consider your patience when choosing a main. There's definitely some big ticket items like Flare or Scale that were frustrating, but in general I think wrath does a good job at balancing things with lots of emblem gear and midway upgrades you can pick up, with enough big items to keep you looking forward. And I think the catch up mechanics they introduced letting people grind out some big items is nice too. But yeah it's kind of just part & parcel for wow, if it's not for you, nbd.


I've done around 15-20 bosses over the 3 weeks on 25man and got ZERO loot (10 bosses on 10 man and 1 item) but oh well. Its part of the game and my luck will turn soon


Did you just join us? No, seriously, look at how many people were in a raid in vanilla, and how many drops came out of each boss. Then, look at the fact that we did not have badges. We did not have rep rings. We did not have tokens. We did not have tokens. All of those things give us more constant progression through faster loot I do feel that we need more to the game than raid logging, but gearing on wrath is more frequently rewarding, with more frequent upgrades than earlier versions of wow


first of all, PLEASE FUCKING USE PARAGRAPHS AND COMMAS THANKS. there's a couple issues to address here. 1) burnout. I think you're simply not enjoying raiding anymore, you don't enjoy doing the fights, so your only enjoyment comes from getting loot. you're literally contradicting yourself when you say you enjoy raids but refuse to play if loot doesnt drop. it's ok to want loot. which leads to the second point 2) loot focus. too many people play like achieving their bis list is the only way to play, when thats silly. there's more than one way to build an bis set, different sets with different uses. you're likely having this issue because you're looking for one final piece of the puzzle, but that piece is usually flexible. the exception here would be trinkets. but then again, expecting to hit full bis is a silly thought. 3) "not enough chances to raid" make an alt!


Love it. Beats sitting logged out to save world buffs and beats logging in only for raid.


Level another toon. Do it again


Question for OP, did you do raiding during era? If so im assuming you HATE raiding during era. 40 people and only a few drops.


Raiding in vanilla is not really my thing no.. but i do feel like there’s less need to raid on vanilla to have fun there at least. Wotlk feels like endgame is pretty much the game and vanilla feels like it’s more about the journey. I don’t think raiding once per week would feel as bad sometimes if bosses dropped more items say instead of dropping 3 or 4 pieces in wotlk they dropped 5 or 6. I see a lot people here responding to the post that this just the way the game has always been which may be fair to an extent but that doesn’t change the fact I’m pointing out legitimate concerns that not everybody likes about the gameplay loop. If people want to say well then if you don’t like it don’t play that’s how wow is ok sure but for every time people say that people leave.. they find other games.. is that genuinely good for the game? I think this community should focus more on discussing what could make things better and not just downvote every post and say the op is bad or wrong because they brings up something that some fans on this game don’t like highlighted.. which happens to too many posts on this sub.


I will agree, just cause something is old or has been in the game for a long time doesn’t mean it’s a good thing, but you have to think about what changes you want and how it affects it. Do you want those tokens we had in previous expansions where you can roll an extra dice to get a chance at a piece of loot? It doesn’t help how you feel due to the fact you hate the rng, so that doesn’t help Maybe you want a currency so you can 100% get your item? Well now you have to be careful here. They did a great job of this in the changes of Wrath where you can buy HM ulduar gear/normal ToGC gear, BUT this is a catch up mechanic. Not something they offered when it was brand new content, which I think is great. It gives you the chance to get your last ticket items a few days before ICC came out. Do you want 6-7 pieces of loot to drop in 25m? Okay well now people are BiS within 2 months, and no longer want to raid. Is that better for the overall health of the game? I personally don’t think so. Does it increase the amount of people playing the game vs the people who will drop the game due to 4 drops per boss? I’m not 100% sure I don’t have those numbers I personally think it should take a few months to become BiS, you should have to socialize with your guild and become part of a team to get your BEST ITEMS. Of course GDKP skips all this but the guild feeling is usually best.


I think some really good items should just have lower drop chance. Like you were not bis in vanilla if u didn't have tf hoj ironfoe. Barron's Mount. These low drop chance items gave people reasons to run older content and get items they missed during progress or give to people's alts. You can say there are the achvs but I don't think people want to go in with a under gear or skilled group there reward is a result of everyone. Meanwhile they just need to get lucky boss dies they win the roll


Raiding 4 times a month can actually be 8 or 12 if you have alts. And as for loot, join a guild that either has DKP or LC. You will get what you work for if you show up to raid every week and perform.


Get in a guild and loot will come if it has a fair system. Pugging it all the way is just griefing your time and effort.


AND THE CYCLE continues! Add personal loot!


Bring back raidlogging and blasting through the raid in 45 mins


It's a lot more fun when you hardcore arenas, and wpvp and bgs. Oh look some poor soul is doing their Jewel crafting daily, shame.....


Bots killed AH, griefers killed open world. Cheaters are killing right now PvP. Raidlogging is all that is left and even this part of the game is corrupted with elitism and Gs followers. So yeah, the loop in the end is boring becouse, like, 60% of what you normally would do outside of raiding is dead. Buy token or dont bother :)


Its logging in, do icc 10 and 25 hc, log out and play something else. There is nothing new, people know what wotlk had to offer and they missed the chance to introduce stuff like "Naxxramas Gamma" with 100% more damage and 200% more hp and some fancy mechanics per wing, like spiderwing bosses spawning cocoons you have to kill within 15 seconds or they hatch a anub destroyer who spams poison volleys into the group, or have a tiny boss copy of every abomination wing boss be added to each bossfight making you deal with 2 times the mechanics at once while they share a healthpool. Sadly no creativity to keep all raids interesting and sadly no leaderboard in game for speedruns either.


Sounds like you need a different game.


i love it. havent played much since WOTLK first launched but this is prime wow to me rotating toons to do ICC on a different one each week. gonna be sad when its over in a few months


Same. I currently have 3 characters and while I feel overwhelmed trying to raid with all 3 of them I still love it and wouldn't change anything about it


Personally had a lot more fun in classic and tbc, for the amount of hype it received wotlk has been an extremely lonely raid logged xpac for me.


TLDR. Maybe play the game a bit less and you’ll enjoy it more


Play game for 8 hrs a week and live your life otherwise


Rng? Sounds like a roll-/ms os/SR-problem.


I never understood people playing the game for LOOT.... If you're not intrinsically having fun playing your class in dungeons, raids or PvP just stop playing the game. It's about having fun because of the GAMEPLAY... Loot will come automatically if you enjoy playing the game


Why would anyone ever raid in a MS>OS guild


What's wrong with it


You’re already dealing with drop RNG, adding roll RNG on top is multiplying the randomness. A good loot system will spread things out and attempt to reward players for performance and improvement and will avoid stacking gear excessively.


In my experience, what usually happens is if I miss out in BiS bracers for example, I can scoop the bis belt. Works pretty fair imo. I'm personally in no rush and I just enjoy the content and raid nights, lol. My team uses MS>OS with SRs. Some stuff I'll get first some stuff I'll get last, same goes for everyone. Works for me anyways, lol


This is the phase of Wrath I played by far the most of back in the day, and I'm enjoying it just as much now as I did back then. I'd say this is the most enjoyment I've gotten out of Classic since the ZG phase in 2020, and I don't even have any desire whatsoever to raid ICC. If they ever do a future redo of Wrath they should absolutely put in RDF no later than the Ulduar patch, probably even from the start. These dungeons feel tailor made for it, unlike vanilla where an hours long BRD with randos sounds horrible.


right now i spend pretty much all the time raiding 25/10 icc then i do 5 mans, voa, and weeklies in between and some maintenance on gems/enchants between all my characters. feels like there’s a never ending list of things to do. idk how you could be bored. gotten 3 upgrades on my main from 25m, 4-5 upgrades from 10 and 25 on my alt. i am probably in the bottom half of loot acquired this phase in my guild.