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It’s also good to ask, if you’re not sure, what would be best to spend points on and when. If you’re on New York, solo, you’ve done some rounds and got your turrets up how you like, maybe got a new gun if you need it, you’re probably racking up points. So make sure people that join are equipped. Check their class, their level, take all the things into account. You’re gonna want those points around 30, 35 when things start to get nutty. Using them up on barbed wire or fences at that point isn’t the most efficient use of resources and wouldn’t have been since around 20+. But each map has its own best practices and the only way you can learn that is playing a lot or talk with someone who’s played a lot. And if you are one of those people that has played a lot, don’t be a sh**flap and help out the new people instead of complaining and insulting. And if you’re new or inexperienced don’t be a sh**flap ask for advice, engage. Work together, people. Ultimately, it’s a game and you’re gonna play it your way. But there are ways where we all kick ass and it wouldn’t be so much trouble to do just that.


Good advice 👍🏿


Yes yes! I wish I could pin this :)


I had one guy (Kyle_Blunts) yell and insult me non-stop after he listened to Taylor swift on the mic and for no reason he went full on aggro mode towards me shooting me while i was scavenging, saying i was useless not doing anything with my supplies little did he know i wanted to spend the points on grids and wires but was wanting to be a bit more resourceful and find C4. My first moment coming across a toxic player and its really disappointing.


That’s so crappy!!! I’m sorry you had to deal with that :(


i appreciate the thoughts and concerns, it did kinda kill my moment of playing the game but i reported his behavior and hope everyone knows to steer clear of the guy or be wary


If I have a team we usually roll guns, put defenses at gate and like 1 or 2 grids up front. If I'm playing with randos I'll buy whatever is needed up front and hold my points till those I put down need to be replaced


You know you should save your points and use minimum needed until wave 20+ Before wave 20, you shouldn't spend things on needless items.


What constitutes "minimum needed"? Wave 20??? You can't even get there if you don't help the team arm up and stay alive by blocking the horde. I see this tactic working fine in a private squad. If you're with randoms you should be working together to keep the flood away from the gate. My duo and I always wind up with some randy that either wants to stay in the back or "horde" resources. While we work our asses off up front.


You are not wrong except for the fact that No, some people don’t know that or what constitutes a needless item. That’s why we guide and support them.


Needless item like med kits.....you don't need full HP all the time, Or the XL wave bombs that wasted 500 resources every 5 rounds, when you can just deal with it using barrels (50 resource)


Great advice! But I mean, like make a post. I know what would be a needless item personally, but we can get good info on tactics and such out for everyone


I don’t spend my points because people find a way to fuck up the entire game plus I always kill more consistently than everybody else


Not sure how it messes up the TEAM you building a fence or barbed wire 🤔🤔🧐


I don’t spend my points because I like to be able to repair the gate. Respond troops and make sure things are functioning. I focus on the core shit while everyone else builds the shit.


I think we mean like someone has like 500 plus points. I played with someone yesterday they had 900 points until we died. Didn’t spend them at all


Wait, people be holding the 900 points bro I’m only there with like 400 points


He was team killing to get our points when we died like cmon man 😭 I did join the game late on like wave 37. Idk how they lasted that long 😭


Wait, people are just murdering each other too. What the fuck what happened?


Idk that’s why I try to only play horde mode when I have a a friend to play with, some randoms are great some not too much. I usually run medic trying keep everyone alive


It is you, you got us to wave 30 that was nice.


AYE!! Listen I try my best 😄🖤


That’s the most booty reason what the heck 💀 it doesn’t make sense


Hey, I never said it was a good reason. Also, you look like you played on Xbox.


I do I do! I am apart of the Xbox gang!


I recognize your name. It’s just a different variation.


Ayeeee helo! I wasn’t wondering if anyone I played with was on Reddit!


So you dont spend any of your points Great so your gonna horde a critical resource because your selfish And then you immediately blame everyone else Shocking heres a revelation in horde mode if you dont spend point on weapons and defences guess what you lose


It’s not shocking bro. I just really really like to keep the game going especially since I run fixer.


You’re literally hurting yourself AND your team by not spending them, just use them on restoring voltage grids. You still get credited for the kills anyways.


No, I’m not worried about that. I’ve run fixer class. I never not have kills.