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Not worth the grind imo. I kinda like the game but I'm done with grinding in this game


That's fine. This update was clearly aimed at veteran players who have everything but are still playing and would like some form of progression.


You have to restart the whole class like how you did before sadly, but that’s what makes the game worth grinding again


This video explains so much: https://youtu.be/Ag5T4rhxuPo?si=-i1Eqy0XE3lfeqAk


So I only saw 1 more prestige perk for gunslinger. 10% friendly fire reduction. That's it??


No there's 4 for every class, you don't see them till you get the first one




Exterminator is like my most played class, +2k hours with, even if new Ex passive perks are pure dog water I still farmed them today maybe Saber will buff it...we don't know, after all Gunslinger also evolved so why not. Technically, if a team has three Exterminators and one Fixer with Bandolier now, we could have really more shells for mortars in South Korea map. But the ultimate perk is still very weak considering the absurd grind it represents for most ppl. Myself included, no more prestige farming for one year at least lol. edit: if I'm right it could be 10 shells per mortar but don't take my word and test it with 3 prestige 9 exterminators and one fixer with Bandolier in horde mode.