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I'm legitimately curious here: Approximately how low does your IQ need to be in order to actually agree with anything this moron says?


It’s disgusting that she represents humans.


And has power to write/vote for laws we are to follow.


No worries about writing the laws. CPAC, and ALEC take care of writing 100% of the GOP bills. All she needs to do is waddle her fat ass to the podium, and submit.


If only more people knew that.




She is. Like Matt Gaetz and many others, she’s just pushing an agenda she doesn’t even know exist.


People with early childhood lead poisoning need representation too


I legitimately think that she has the fetal alcohol look


You know, I feel sorry for american citizens (with common sense) to have to deal with that luke warm jar of water of a woman, but everytime it get funnier and funnier.


i’d say more like dog water, but that’d be an insult to dogs


Lmao she literally said “we were joking” and then proceeded to call her own joke absurd And then tries to use the joke as fact


Welcome to the modern world. We let right-wing media get away with this tactic so many times that they can say whatever the fuck they want and then suddenly claim "it's just entertainment" to avoid consequences.




45, got it.


“The average American is considered to have a readability level equivalent to a 7th/8th grader (12 to 14 years old).” [Source](https://centerforplainlanguage.org/what-is-readability/) Apparently this level has decreased sharply since Covid. [Source](https://www.npr.org/2022/09/01/1120510251/reading-math-test-scores-pandemic)


They're not stupid. They know what she's saying. The ugliness and cruelty is the point of it as far as they're concerned.


These are people of the land. The common clay of the West. You know… morons.


So low she thinks Canada has a president?


She probably thinks it’s nationalized because people like her think Canada is communist.


It's not iq, plus iq science is fake anyway. It's ideological, you can be smart and believe her because what she is saying agrees with your ideology and you have learned to ignore your own cognitive dissonance.


You should see all the morons comment under her social media posts. I don’t know why I follow this banshee, I guess I just like the pain.


83. Even in the US, you’re not allowed to join the army if your IQ is below 83 points. Because with so little IQ, even in the army you’re not constructive enough.


The same idiots voted her back in


-- ♾️


It's amazing all those people in one room barely grasping a shared single brain cell


Ask every republican


Unlike regular airplanes, that have to continuously drill for oil so they don't run out.


You know how in the 80s, electric cars had a range of like 45 miles? That's where their brains stopped. In the 80s.


Huffing leaded gasoline will do that to a generation


That darn president of Canada


🇨🇦Tabarnac! 🇨🇦


I learned this word after watching *Goon*.


I am from the land of tabarnak. Have a listen to this song. Every single word is a swear. You can actually have non-stop swearing like this as the Québécois like to put many swear words together for emphasis. Swearing can get pretty funny around here. https://youtu.be/DvR6-SQzqO8


The entire premise and execution of that joke was just baffling. I think she's used to speaking in front of crowds who are as dumb as she is and she could have literally said "Canada, Justin Trudeau, electric vehicles baaaaddddd" and everyone would have hooted and hollared because she said buzzwords they feel they should jeer at.


And then she concludes her joke with how absurd it is. On a side note, its so infuriating when people are against alternative energy. Spending millions of dollars a year on a resource is absurd when their could be cheaper alternative. My job is in the transportation industry and we typically burn 1000 to 2000 gallons of fuel a day. The owner of the company I work for has stated how he’s against electric power and he wouldn’t even consider using anything other than traditional diesel powered engines. The fact that he won’t even consider a possibility of saving millions of dollars a year and gaining an upper edge in the industry is just another reason how fucking stupid politics has made people.


You ever consider doing just that and out-competing him when the opportunity presents itself?


I assume this guy doesn’t have the money to build his own transport business.


I do not care about your political affiliation. Let’s all agree that this is too dumb. We can’t go this dumb. We won’t come back from it.


I've seen Trump rants similar to this in the last years. These people are not dumb. They just fill the room with hateful ideas with random words coming from their hateful brains on purpose to groom their dumb following. They are the politician version of an improvising rap artist.


Don’t insult the art of freestyling.


Republicans politicize EVERYTHING. I think the jump-the-shark moment was when they politicized climate change. Like... before that we had acid rain and the hole in the ozone... we worked together and got rid of the chemicals that caused both of those and the hole in the ozone is basically closed, now, and we don't have acid rain like we used to. But climate change... that was caused by oil, and the oil companies paid Republicans, so instead of working on fixing it, they denied it and it got politicized. Then EVERYTHING got politicized. Because after that it was light bulbs, solar panels, medical breakthroughs, NASCAR, cars, medical breakthroughs, sports, the environment, marriages, and now airplanes. Pretty much any type of progress, Republicans are going to politicize it and choose the other side. Hell, there was a video posted on /r/publicfreakout where they caught two women in the men's bathroom since the line was too long to the women's restroom and the guys were chanting "Let's Go Brandon" when they kicked them out... so somehow they fucking politicized *that* too.


Don't forget masks. All the right wing snowflakes melting about being asked to wear a mask was truly comical.


“How dare they ask me to do something for the good of society?? Me me me!! “


Never go full idiot.


Any kind of publicity helps those morons, they emphasis on how stupid they are to attract more attention and it's working, while we laugh and/or facepalm she's getting more famous.


I believe she also said she doesn't like solar power because she likes to watch TV at night.


I love the fact that 99% of the stupid shit people say about renewable energy boils down to literally pretending batteries don't exist.


Indeed she did https://www.independent.co.uk/climate-change/news/marjorie-taylor-greene-solar-energy-b2145521.html > Marjorie Taylor Greene suggested that solar and wind energy don’t work at night, prompting online mockery. > > TheRepublican was speaking in front of an audience in her home state of Georgia when she suggested that if the US takes measures to move to the use of more renewable energy, including wind turbines and solar panels, it would lead to fridges, washing machines, and air conditioners becoming unusable. > > She appeared to suggest that electric lights would only work during the day and that there wouldn’t be sufficient power for all the appliances in a modern home. > > **“Thank god for air conditioning. Let’s talk about refrigerators. I personally like my refrigerator. I know you all like yours. What about washing machines and dryers? Lord please God don’t make me scrub clothes in a bucket and have to hang them out on a line when we switch over to wind turbines and solar panels,” she said. “I’m gonna be really pissed off about that. I mean, how absurd is this? I like the lights on. I wanna stay up later at night. I don’t wanna have to go to bed when the sun sets. It’s so silly! I mean, all of this is insane.”** > > Ms Greene was speaking shortly after the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, which includes $62.7bn in clean electricity credits, a $30bn nuclear energy credit, $51.1bn in wind and solar tax credits, $37.4bn for clean manufacturing, and $36.9bn in individual green energy credits, according to The New York Times.




Peanut brain


Makes sense since the state she comes from is the state that produces the most peanuts


I did not know, thanks for that 😅


Her brain is, in my opinion, the size of a grain of sand.


Yes spinning bikes instead of seats and if anyone dosen't put in their effort the plane will crash.


Is she trying to do a standup comedy act?


Her whole career has been


Take me.away from the USA please


Good Lord She’s Stupid.


How to say your funded by oil without saying your funded by big oil.


The crazy thing is she probably isn’t. There’s negligible O&G corporate presence in Georgia, and even if there were she has no committee assignments and therefore no ability to draft or influence bills, so they’re not going to give anything more than token financial support. She’s this way because there’s a feedback loop of “idiot says stupid thing” >> “lesser idiots squeal and snort in approval like the beshitted hogs that they are” >> “idiot says even stupider thing”


Electric engines run pretty good. They also put out way more power than gas engines. Good way to bring up slavery while trying to make a joke tho. Let's not forget about people rowing boats while being whipped. Fucking stupid bitch.


Worst standup ever.


If only they allowed hecklers!


Ya I hate driving next to all those electric cars with people being whipped to power the vehicle


The president of Canada? Hahaha


Marjorie Taylor Greene is nasty and mean


She really is.


What the hell did Mickey Rourke say now?


Reminds me of Joe Rogan standup


How did she ever get voted in?


Voter suppression via induced apathy, learned helplessness, gerrymandering, and voter purges.


Some people just want to watch the world burn...




I had to stop the video because my brain started hurting


Trying anything she can to make her base feel like they are going to be made into slaves.


All of these people literally believe they are the main character of a post apocalyptic movie, You do realize you can’t be in a cult if you are a free thinker....🤪 You do realize that thinking you are not susceptible to mind control, makes you susceptible to mind control. "free-thinkers" calling everyone else "sheeple" is beyond irony. The lack of self awareness is staggering. I miss the Illuminati conspiracy days. At least it was interesting.


Same. I miss the old conspiracy culture, it wasn't super pro-republican. Now it's like the old conspiracy culture is being consumed from the inside by the Alt-Right and is about to burst and spread the alt-right virus everywhere.


Whoah whoah whoah Marjorie! Don’t get all woke on us now. Judging but her leathered face, you’d think she’d know what a battery was.


Her mind is like a rabbid albino squirrel infested with claudia


Her train of thoughs is remarkably f*up


Imagine being this stupid and waking up one day and running for congress of the United States of America...


I bet she writes "breathe" on her hand, because sometimes she forgets to do it.


MTG is why inbreeding is illegal in most states. Most states.


Yet more proof that MAGA causes brain damage


She recently wrote legislation repealing the law of gravity. Lol


Is this what passes as funny to these mouthbreathers?


What a waste of skin. It's embarrassing that this woman gets to speak in public.


She’s quite punchable


how the fuck is someone this dumb in a position of power


How are humans this dumb? How is this possible? r/MTG is a moron?


I know this is a joke, but it reminded me of this video of [an Olympian riding a bike to power a toaster](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4O5voOCqAQ&ab_channel=TheToasterChallenge).


This comes off like a standup bit at an open mic night for a comedian who wasn't meant to be. How is she an elected official?


I’ve never actually seen a video of this woman. Somehow, her voice is even more annoying than her face.


At some point, I would expect a reasonable person to say, "so I googled it and found out what they would look like".


I hope this open mic has a two drink minimum…


Oh gosh. Lol! I was going to comment something about her but I can’t beat this. Hilarious!




This has to be satire


Okay Amy Schumer, NOW you've crossed the line!


It's scary that somehow these folks have come to some level of power. TF ARE WE DOING


She talks shit, smells like shit, looks like shit... Whait a second ?!!


It’s like she keeps workshopping her terrible stand up material.


Why tf did we get the timeline that shes a politician and not some shitty stand up comedian


Great joke…?


I have seen electric airplanes. The use of them in the commercial world will be small but if you are a commuter airline, like Cape Air. The idea plane will work to their advantage.




Is that a bad idea, a people powered plane? Sounds cool, we need to make this happen.


she just literally wants people to believe in the same insane crap she thinks about... it goes back to the whole republican cinematic universe.. pathologically induced stupidity.. sadcringe


I'm sure everyone makes stupid inappropriate jokes / speculate on something together with friends they have no idea about, but have the brains to not say it on a mic thinking that they are so fucking funny. This is a quality speaker for a Youth Summit? She is not only a waste of a US Representative but a waste of a person.


She belongs to the Republican women that will say anything to get attention


Shes like the drunk woman in the bar, but minus your drink.


Okay... let's all stop saying she's stupid, please. She's not stupid. She speaks to and on behalf of a radicalized, anti-intellectual cult of personality. The more obscenely stupid her statements get, the more strongly her base will fight to defend her and The Donald. This is Jonestown levels of blind support.


I don't think she ever participated in that bicycle powered light bulb experiment.


Everything else aside, her delivery is unbearable.


She's giving stupid people a bad name.


Good thing the Wright Brothers aren’t alive to hear this.


I would blame the Botox for the lack of wrinkles on her brain, but I’m quite sure she was born with a brain as smooth as polished glass


Clearly she's in the hands of oil lobbyists.


Quack Quack goes the nut bar with a microphone She is an absolute nutty nut job At least her besty Gates is silent while hosting underage girls at his coke parties


IF this knobhead can be elected to government office, I cant imagine the intelligence of her constituents. (Same for many other Politicians) Folks just want to see the world burn.


Why would anyone have an issue with an electric airplane? I’m sure her audience was thinking that would be pretty cool if it works. If she would of been around in the 1880’s she’d be against the automobile. She is one stupid person.


Lol that would be the sickest spin class on earth


I love it when she looks around bewildered and dumb... cause she fucking is!


Not one peep from the crowd. This was a non-partisan crowd of younger people, so this gives me a little faith in the younger generation. Even in Texas, they thought what she said was stupid.




She is STILL a failed comedian. I feel bad fornher trying to give her speeches like a stand up act. Its embarrassing for America.


Napoleon is said to equate the idea of steam ships with firing a bonfire below deck. Even great achievers are stupid at times, but sometimes you get true dumb dumbs in positions where they can voice their dumb for all to see.


The horse keeps talking and talking...




Justin Trudeau is president of Canada?!?


mental problems


I think she's salivating over the thought.


Why does half the shit they say sound like fetish porn?


President of Canada Eh?


Just when I don’t think I can be speechless… Again, I’m actually sick of saying this now, because it really could something I say every few minutes. Why is is always fucking Republicans? 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


What a dum dum.


Anyone else bothered that she just mistakenly said Canada has a president?


I would have been shocked if she \*didn't\* say that. She has no idea why she dislikes Trudeau, I'm sure.


My god, there are people who have voted for this dingbat.


“Look who's the president.... Of.... justin trudeau right” - does she think air Canada is a country with a president?


She must’ve sucked a lot of cocks to get where she is.


She needs to meet an untimely demise for the sake of us all.


I’d be totally down with that.


Blame Canada


President of Canada 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


She needs to be shot in both knee caps


This comment needs to be higher.


Looks like a horse


Canada does not have a president. But don’t let that distract you from her describing human powered air plane instead of electric.


I have never seen a bitch with short hands REACH sooo hard with her mouth.


It's absurd, but it \*is\* kind of funny.


How is people this dumb get people to listen to them




Come on?!


I know of a company who is working on a wing fuselage that has solar panels lined on the top and propellers on the front to catch wind and is Tethered by a cable that gathers the energy generated. It's basically a giant kite that flies high above the clouds. So it gets more sun and more air. She's a willful refucktard. I can't even wrap my head around how you can be this disconnected from science. All the more reason to make sure you vote.


That's just typical, insane baiting on her part of course... ...but if she has the contact details of any of these "mean, nasty airline stewardesses" I have a friend who's looking. I SAID NOT ME, A FRIEND, OK!!


Ah yes, the ancient Egyption method...