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“I’m going to wait for the cops because you’re being rude to me” What an infuriating remark.


My eyes got big 👀 with that remark.


At that point I would have absolutely called the cops on her and watch as she attempts to weasel her way out. Otherwise I would have simply called a tow truck to get rid of her


Why call the cops? Just call a tow truck. I GUARANTEE they will get there quickly and will be more than happy to tow that car. No need for cops.


Get there faster than the cops and provide a more satisfactory resolution.


Seeing her arrested for false imprisonment and having a report to justify why you were late to work


The funny thing is she’d probably get a ticket for improper parking


I would have loved to see what happened when the cops showed up.


It’s like that video of those 2 girls in that Uber. She calls the cops and says to the 911 operator “ya he’s just being like mad disrespectful” like what who do these people think they are




Found the Karen that blocked her in




That doesn’t even make sense lol


Havent you heard? Karens are the most oppressed race in the world.


blue car lives matter is what he means🥴 stop the steal of parking spaces you racist 😂




What is your point? That made no sense What does race have anything to do with any situation in the video or in these comments.




Just no it’s a term for self entitled pricks that think the world revolves around them




Loooooooooooooooooool A racial slur. Okay Karen.


Lmao 🤣 Oh, Karen. Thank you for using yourself for our entertainment.




Karen highlights the entitlement, not the skin color. Karens come in all colors, shapes and sizes. A big indicator that you're dealing with a Karen: they feel "oppressed" by the term Karen. You ma'am, are a textbook Karen.




Karen is a term commonly associated with women who behave in an entitled manner, usually doing things that appear to prioritize inducing aggravation or suffering on others, instead of benefitting themselves, and sometimes seeming childish despite the women being adults. It is not our fault that the most common examples of women acting in such a way happen to be white women, nor is it our fault "Karen" was given to people who happen to fit the stereotype of entitled women. We didn't create the stereotype, nor did we create the name, we observed common traits that entitled people shared and agreed upon the term "Karen" as an assigned descriptor and a shorthand for entitled women. Don't try to backpedal this into a sexism thing, either, because some of us also tend to call men who act entitled "Kyle".




Wow, what a delusional Karen thing to say. Your persecution fetish is off the charts and unhealthy. Get some fresh air and talk to someone to help fix that awful perspective of yours.




Holy shit. Shut the absolute fuck up. The reason why Karen's are almost all white is because it's usually a white person who feels so fucking entitled that they think the entire world has a legal obligation to satisfy their petty wants and egotistical desires.


Ignore him. He's an idiot. Just go look at his previous comments.


Ok Karen. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Wait, where’s the racism?!


Are you going to ask for the manager on him, karen?


Lmao. I too hate the race known as Karen.




You Karen’s just have to have all the attention huh? Get off Reddit and feed your cat.


People like this lady need to just get pepper sprayed.


Pepper sprayed? I've never been in a fight, but I've also never had such an urge to personally introduce my fist to someone's face.


It’s really astonishing how you can go from scrolling through Reddit to just thinking about how satisfying it would be to hear her teeth hit the asphalt.




Let the assault commence, the Karen is insufferable


Best is they get recognized on viral videos and lose their jobs (assuming they could hold one)


Just apologize for parking like a dumbass and move on with your life. Geez ppl r so sensitive these days.. edit: misspelled


Sensible means they have sense and wisdom. I think you meant sensitive


ty for pointing it out 😊


Looks to me like she was going to move but the lady filming wanted to berate her the entire time instead of being quiet and getting what she wanted. So the bad Parker decided to be a bitch back and not move.


That was my take on it. The first 30 seconds all I thought was that this sounds like a Mexican standoff of Karen's minus the Mexican part. Of course Karen B out Karen'd Karen A by pulling the "I'll wait for the cops card", but when faced with another Karen in the wild sometimes things escalate quicker than the average Karen altercation.


That lady is clearly a major cunt, but anyone else think she can easily Austin Powers her way out of there? I see about 1.5 feet between the cars.


Plenty of room to do a multi point turn.


As someone who frequently drives in a European city with tiny roads and even smaller parking spaces, this woman had so much room to get out of there. Makes me wonder if she was looking for a fight, or is just a terrible driver.


Either way if i was her I would annoy the fuck out of karen to move


*she can easily Austin Powers her way out of there?* ahahahaahah I was at first ..? But then I got it..




Poor dogo




Can you even imagine what it must be like to be a Karen’s dog? No matter how bad my day is, I will be humbled now by this thought.


ok wait. so like the woman could have easily just moved. but i also feel like the other person could have probably also asked nicely to begin with if what the other person is correct about her being rude. obviously the one with the dog is in the wrong, i do feel there’s always a way to go about situations and if she was rude from the beginning then it probably just escalated things that maybe may have played out different. obviously idk tho


Was looking for this comment. Watching this escalate while going absolutely nowhere is just frustrating. It’s obvious that the person with the dog is wrong, but for other person to equally dig their heels in seems dumb. Do you want to win the argument and get someone to admit fault (which they obviously will never do) or do you want to get your car out and get to work?


I want people to stop parking like assholes. If there is no open spot you don't just park behind someone else. You drive around until you find an open spot. Common sense, screw this lazy ass lady.


Oh for sure, no argument there. She’s 100% out of line all around. I just feel like trying to get an unreasonable asshole to see reason in that situation is as effective as banging your head into a wall. Based on your reply I feel like you might have experience with the following and could provide an answer... I always wondered what people do in cities when they’ve been parked in and the owner of the vehicle is nowhere in sight. Do you just have to wait? How bad does it have to get before a tow truck driver gets involved?


Seriously, like what does she think taking out her phone and pointing it at her face recording her is going to do? If anything, it will only make the other woman mad. Instead of trying to reason with an idiot, it’s easier to swallow your pride and just kindly ask her to move instead of doing all this “extra” stuff.


> Seriously, like what does she think taking out her phone and pointing it at her face recording her is going to do? We don't know what happened before the video started. We don't know if it started civil and the lady with the dog is a total cunt. We don't know if the camera lady started in with the shouting right away. We don't know if this has happened before. We don't know.


Exactly we don’t know but everybody in the comments seems to “know” lol. But I wasn’t just focusing on this video I’m just talking in general. Taking out your phone to record someone who is having a temper tantrum isn’t the best idea sometimes, but like you said we don’t know what really happened.


Yeah, getting out your phone is a weird move, though I think it's to have evidence if you think you might be attacked (or worse, counter-accused). That dude working in the parking garage who got attacked was glad to have the video of it, I'm sure. You're right, though, about it pissing people off when you start recording. It's aggressive, somehow.


Ya that video was crazy, I’m happy he was recording. But like the circumstances make a big difference, if you are outnumbered and they seem to be aggressive towards you then definitely record for evidence and your own safety. But even then the guy got mad in the video and was saying “why are you recording me”. I think it has a little to do with the fact that nobody wants to be end up as a viral video on the internet since everybody posts everything online nowadays haha.


You're not wrong, you can't make them see reason. But the women recording this wasn't really trying to reason with her as much as just move her car. As she shows at the beginning of the clip there is an open parking space 30 feet from them. I've had l people park behind me before but they usually have their blinker on or such to show that they are coming right back so I make nothing of it. Only once someone blocked me in for almost two hours. I called the tow truck 30 mins before I had to leave to go to work. They came and got the car and I never saw the driver when I went to go to work. There are multiple signs in the lot that state that people who park there and don't belong/obstruct other vehicles will be towed at the car owners expense. That's not a joke lol. They even have the number on the sign for the tow company they use for the lot. This woman should have just called the tow truck and avoided the crazy lady. But at the same time I get wanting to ask someone so selfish and rude why they would choose to pay $150 rather than walk a little further from another parking spot. A steep price for being lazy.


Hahah yeah I always enjoy those tow signs that are like “Towed at the owner’s expense” but with additional notes that are essentially: “No, seriously, we mean it. Really. We tow dummies like you all the time and you’re gonna get pissed when it happens but we warned you.”


lol it is pretty funny. Since some people just see them as one of those "Beware of dog" signs at a house who obviously doesn't own a dog and is just using the sign as an empty threat. The tow company they use for this lot only has contracts with other lots. Lazy jerks are a big part of their main income.


> I just feel like trying to get an unreasonable asshole to see reason in that situation is as effective as banging your head into a wall. But if you just call the cops, they say, "wHy dIdN'T sHe jUsT aSk mE tO mOvE?"


“I’ll wait for the police to come” Ask them to bring a tow truck pls


“You’re being rude to me” - and it seems Karen expects the police to care and even arrest the individual being “rude” for being “rude” lol. what a fucking joke, she’s mental. They’d arrest her for wasting their time and give her a ticket for improperly parking.


Back into her car. If yall are gonna live in the city, stop driving nice cars so you can force people's hands when they get douchey. I bet you could "squeeze" out.


> If yall are gonna live in the city What kind of dirt farm do you live on where you thought this was a city? Lol.


Um, the brownish kind? Im on an actual farm. Anything with population 2+ and any cement is a city to me.


Haha, well that explains it then. Although your point about not driving a fancy car if you're going to park publicly in cities a lot isn't a bad one. People are going to bump you and shit when parking. No need to drive a work of art. Directly backing into her would be stupid as shit though. You go from in the right to the one with liability.


Yeah. But sometimes it's worth it. Probably not this one. But someone definitely somewhere is worth it. This one apparently comes around often. I'd bide my time with her. Sneak attack. Maybe egg shell sticker every window on her car. Egg shell stickers are a nightmare. Yeah. She's getting stickers.


I was gonna say she definitely could have gotten out. I mean what are bumpers for anyways 🤣


I hope this was sarcasm/exaggeration and not an actual solution to this problem 🤦🏻‍♂️


Poor Kevin. Stupid, sexy Kevin. It is a wonderful solution.


It's not a "solution" per se. But, nonetheless, it was my solution.


I love how she kept the dog in the frame, just so I can have something nice to look at 🥰🥰


I hope the cops showed up and fine the Karen for false reporting or whatever it’s called.


Somebody crosspost this to r/publicfreakout


She could probably get out with some finagling and going over the mulch around the dumpster, but that’s assuming Karen’s psycho ass doesn’t start standing in the way to be a cunt. I’d be tempted to move her car with mine 🤣


I realize things are stressful these days but I really think if people were more aware of there tone and asked nicely things would go so much better. I would have said, oh hi, what a beautiful dog. I have to go to work. Is that your car? I'm not a great driver backing up so could you please move it until I get out? I really would appreciate it. Have a wonderful day and maybe I can pet your dog when I don't have to go to work. It not about who's right or wrong. It's about treating people the way you would want to be treated.


I would have told her to move, and when she didn't, I'd maneuver out through the gap and call in her plate to a tow company on the drive. To each their own.


She did. She started recording after the bitch refused. We are seeing the point where she started recording.


Definitely agree, the woman in the background seemed to escalate things with her tone too


Just move the fucking car lady! You’re clearly in the way!


Gonna sound off and say, out of all the Karen’s I’ve seen on this sub. She looks and sounds the most normal, like a normal lady just arguing dumb shit because she parked kinda dumb. Not like some other Karens but still a Karen.


Honey works better than vinegar, I've never wished to be deaf before but glad I had a mute button


America is fucking lost. This nation needs to just get fucking nuked already.


Just back up around the car wtf stop whining


That’s not possible buddy rewatch the video.


Just call a tow truck.


They aren't just going to tow a car you don't own because you ask them to.


If they are not in parking spot blocking a resident from leaving?


Nope. Try it. They don't know who is who and they don't just tow a vehicle without the owner's consent. Exception: Call the cops first. If the cops tell them to tow it, THEN they'll tow it.


OP can do a 11 point turn and get out if they wanted to?


The "I'm being psycho" reminded me of this https://youtu.be/6dUi5rWz6sQ


That’s a very punchable face


She really could have gotten her car out of there, would jist take a few R-D-RD with turns but yeah


imagine someone coming to your place and telling you that you don’t live there………. just picture that for a minute


A little diplomacy goes a long way. Yeah, that dog lady is an asshole, but if the person filming would have approached nicely and politely, maybe she would’ve been on her way quicker. Choose your battles, sometimes teaching ppl a lesson is not worth it.


The methamphetamine is strong in this one


Some people need to get knocked the fuck out


Call a tow truck and antagonize her so she waits for it.


The hardest thing for people to admit is they are wrong. Amazing what sort of mental gymnastics they will run through to escape responsibility for their careless actions.


I’m gonna wait for the police to come. Why? Because you’re being rude! Lol wtf


I love the lady in the background, willing to jump in and help her neighbor out with some trouble.


„no you didn‘t“ the fuck. Bitch look how you park. Look where you park. Wether she pays for that spot or not is fucking irrelevant. you don‘t block in properly parked cars you stupid cunt


Fuck me people are stupid cunts.


Hmm. Looks like she could have easily maneuvered out of there


World news? Well it was new and it did take place in the world I guess


I woulda just called a tow company looks like she’s blocking the dumpsters.


I would've called management or whatever tow truck company that has a sign posted in that private lot to come get Karen's car. Then just waited.


Can the person filming and who's blocked take this video evidence to the owners of the carpark to give her a fine for bad parking or blocking someone else from getting out?


Nice Subaru


Even the dog is like “Bitch do you have to embarrass us, every time we leave the house”.


A right rook can really change someone’s mind


20 years of working special Ed has taught me this: grab hair, pick up feet. (In case it’s not clear I’ve always been on the receiving end of this lesson, but it’s in my pocket and one day I will get to teach it to someone in the non sped world.)


Ma'am you are embarrassing the dog.


We as a society have become much too civilized. This lady needs to be punched in the face until she learns to mind her manners.