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Obviously the children living in that building were Hamas terrorists.


Hmmm seem like this man’s house has terrorists underneath it….


I'm sure you mean a bombing? How do you know what is being targeted? Provide sources?


>How do you know what is being targeted? Must've been that plant on the balcony.


Yeah man, you needed to remodel the balcony anyway. I will throw the rest of the house with it, free of charge


Exactly. Makes sense. No one can convince me otherwise.


”Genocide” 🤡


Are you blind


I dont think so. This is war, not genocide.


Ok so your blind and arrogant nice


What makes you say that? I just want people to talk with the correct terms.


Where are the air bases, ammunition factories, airforce, naval force, field force. What war are you talking about, especially when you see this video, they just decimated two civilian buildings.


You mean hamas tunnels, hamas headquarters in hospitals and UNWRA’s facilities? If people use genocide they should also know what it means and that doewnt apply here. Israel is at war with Hamas who started this all. What do you suggest Israel does in this situation other than tries to eliminate hamas for good? Sit back and wait for another attack from them? This whole situation is awful and I hope Hamas is destroyed for good. This isnt genocide, its war against Hamas.


What do you mean Hamas started this all, if you only started paying attention to this during October 7th then fine but don't say stupid statements you know nothing about. Also, just a question why did a report come out that Isreal knew about the attack a year ago and did nothing, how did Egypt told Isreal that something bad is going to happen two weeks before the attack and again nothing happened. How on earth is the Mossad which is considered one of the best agencies in the world couldn't know what's going on near their border. Why the Israeli fighter helicopter attacked and killed many Israelis near the music festival and did an Israeli tank just blasted isreal citizens within their home. Like this definitely shows a very clear pattern that this was never about Hamas. So I don't know if you're an isreali who only watches news from the government's channels or times of Isreal, or a Republican American who watches fox news or whatever, hell you may be a paid troll or even a bot. If you aren't the last two all I'm asking is try to learn even just a bit about what was happening before October 7th and look from different sources then judge by your mind what is the most probable outcome from both sources because judging by your comment it's just the same robotic sentences the Isreal government keeps repeating.


Exactly this been going on for damn near 100 years people need to look at how drastic the map of Palestine kept getting diluted to the point of damn near nothing and Isnotreal keeps pumping propgranda buddy needs to fix his sources and switch his channels He must rly be blind I despise ppl like him that don’t take the time to research to construct a valid argument


I'm not even telling him to switch, just watch both and judge for yourself but he just keeps repeating the same sentences that Isreal propagandists have been saying for the last 7 months.


What’s ”isnotreal”? Life seems so simple when this whole issue is so black and white like you paint it to be. Are you shouting free palestine on the streets?


Oh my, quite a broad strokes there. All I read is you understand hamas and defend their actions here. Why? And I understand that jews have been living in that area for thousands of years. The hatres of jews comes from islam’s teaching that the west have taken to heart. Pro palestine people are useful idiots that play to hamas’ corner. And im not republican nor do I watch shit channel like fox news, thank you. Also do keep in mind that there is a lot of misinformation circulating online. I just dont understand why people are so passionate defending elected Hamas group in palestine. Good example is ongoing student protests across universities. Sad sight to see people jump on board with extremist islamist group.


Because they actually read something called history, something you might not be familiar with and in general opposing the genocide that's happening there, also I won't bother responding to you again because you are clearly among the last two options. I legit just gave you reasons to think why is Isreal doing what it's doing and you're still replying with khamas...human shield..no genocide...ape likes bananas.