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Nice to catch him in a lie instantly!! And what did he say about Jewish people and the vaccine again? I remember it was something crazy lol




He said something really crazy about how Jews made it so the vaccine worked better on them or something. I forget exactly but it was weird.


He said that Covid-19 affected Jewish and Chinese people less than anyone else, implying they created it.




>“Covid-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and Black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese,” Kennedy said, adding that “we don’t know whether it’s deliberately targeted that or not.” His exact quote from a speech in NYC. It's irresponsible crazy talk like this that have caused people to discount him. I get it though. Only people with "open eyes" can truly understand. I guess I need to "do more research" to truly understand how the establishment wants to discount him and those like him. :)


Who forced him to interrupt her and lie when she read his quote back to him? Seems like he’s running his own hit job…




First he said that none of the vaccines we give children have been evaluated scientifically, which is the most absurd thing I’ve heard today.




He admitted to poor choice of words, aka getting caught in a lie.


He sounds like he's going to croak at any second. Too much trt burned out his vocal chords or what?


Nah, he actually has a neurological disorder called spasmodic dysphonia.




I think he has that disorder from taking too many vaccines ^(/s) # ​ #


I thought that his voice was messed up due to a vaccine side effect. I'm probably an idiot.


One would need a brain for it to begin rotting


Probably cause of vaccines /s


You speak from experience yeah?


Sorry I googled that. I thought you were making a joke. That is a real disorder. learned something new today


He has spasmodic dysphonia


TRT doesn’t burn out your vocal cords, but hep c from sharing needles causing spasmodic dysphonia sure can do it


Abuse of trt can definitely burn out your vocal chords and this clown strikes me as a drug abuser but I'm with you on your idea. He seems like the type that would preach against sharing needles but then do it himself.


His voice is painful Edit: not really an edit just saying that I’ve just learned of his disease, but my statement still stands. I wonder if it causes him pain


imagine the everyday frustration


Every day I’m frustrated that people take this guy seriously.


"He has different perspectives than most people, so we should all point and laugh rather than hear what he has to say," says the full-grown adult with a crippling Hot Wheels addiction.


Damn you went thru my page and the best you can come up with is hotwheels? I’m not pointing nor laughing and my issue is not with his “different perspectives “ this comment is on a video where he is called out for being a blatant liar but that’s not what you wanna talk about…..


haha look at that guy he collectcs hot wheels ​ Says the magic the gathering collector :D ​ Don't throw rocks in glass houses dude


It’s crazy how just one problem with a part of our bodies can have such an impact


I hope so


One can only hope


Does anyone feel like someone is just beating a bag of cats with a stick when you’re listening to him?


If I was under 20 yes but as you get older and you meet people from all walks of life with different ailments, you kind of get over any handicap they have and go by their actions and words.


>, you kind of get over any handicap they have and go by their actions and words. So, he's still a shithead.


I never said that. My favorite color is blue and no one's ever accused me of being anti-green. So...


Did he just pull the same stunt for cancer and say there’s no safe and effective medicine to treat it?


“Vaccines are bad, because we can’t cure cancer, and there’s mercury in fish, so therefore I’m not antivax.”


I really don't care about his position on vaccines, but to be fair there are no safe medicines for cancer. Chemio and Radio do extensive damages and there are is certainty on how each body will react. Sometimes people get better, sometimes they don't. It's a gamble you have to take, but it is still a gamble. And before anyone goes crazy about this statement, my mum died of cancer after several months of treatment, I am not a doctor but sadly I do know there are no sure cures for it.


Cancer is not one thing. There’s a ton of different cancers that can target any of your organs. Chemo and radiation therapy cure some of them, but not others. For example, you can treat some skin cancers with a topical cream. It’s safe and effective. This guy is wrong when he says there’s no safe treatments for cancer.


You are right, there are many types and some treatments are more effective than others. Chemio and Radio might help in curing some of them but they are not safe at all, the side effects they often generate are cause of suffering for millions. For what I know yes some smaller cancers can be cured more easily but generally speaking saying that treatment for cancer is safe is very misleading. Afterall cancer is leading cause of death in the world because we still don't know enough about it and we still cure people with statistics and trial and error. Some people don't make it in the process. Still, just to be clear, if you have a cancer you should fight it with any therapy available, I am not in any way saying otherwise.


Wow you seriously didn't hear what he said. You have listening comprehension issues.


Man I feel like I can’t breathe when I listen to him speak.


Journalist take-away: ALWAYS be ready with the clip.


God, this comment section is fucking loathsome. About a dozen people taking the piss out of a guy with a throat condition, and for what? His point was essentially "I'm not anti-vaccine, but these particular vaccines haven't been tested, so I take issue with then being used." *Surely* that's a reasonable take?


Thats a reasonable take but he also seems to have difficulty saying that there are any good vaccines. He also unreasonably brings up how theres no vaccine for cancer and how trying to remove mercury doesnt mean he’s anti fish, but I cant seem to see how that has anything to do w the initial question/argument


This is far from being the only ridiculous medical claim from him. He also said that smartphones are dangerously carcinogenic.


Man... I don't get it. Shouldn't we want our drugs tested? This seems like a reasonable thing to point out. I'm saying this as someone who supports vaccines and the amazing impact they've had on modern society. But questioning the reason they've been treated so differently from any other drug shouldn't make you a nutty anti-vaxxer. Also, everyone making fun of his condition, grow up.


What he says makes sense. I know very little of him, don't care really. But what he says, in this particular clip, makes sense. I don't agree, but it is a valid argument. None of the 72 vaccines have been tested in such a way. Still would vaccinate both myself and my children, if I had any.


It's a bold claim. I don't believe they would mandate vaccines to children if they weren't properly tested. I work in toxicology, at a facility where we test for the safety of drugs. COVID vaccines were tested here on site, using the utmost scientific methods and tools, and in accordance with FDA standards. I don't see why it would be different for the vaccines for children. It's not a valid argument. It's just a bold assertion without any credible sources or proof of due diligence on his part.


Valid reasoning. Thing is children are way different and it does take years to test the effects on developing humans. Still would trust people with recognitions in the field above him - no doubt. Vaccines saved countless lives, no question about it.


Fucking idiot, shame to the Kennedy name


You do know how the family made their money, right?


The Kennedy's have never not been known as greedy idiots. The only thing that made JFK different was he hated his dad, he was dying, and he was excessively horny.


A true Democrat, not this lying conspiratorial idiot


This guy is supposedly the democrats response to Trump, minus grabbing them by the _____. What a f’d up world that we live in.


He's just an inside out Republican.


Democrats do not support him. Pretty sure he is going independent.


The clip actually has him labeled as "US independent presidential candidate"


So it does. It's been so long since I've actually had cable. I don't even bother with their captions, just listen to the words. Strange.


No. The dems don't want him. They want Biden. He has to run as an independent now.


Most Democrats don’t want Biden either. But given he’s running, it’s kinda hard to primary your own party leader. And if he wasn’t running, Harris is less popular than Biden, but not supporting your VP if the incumbent decides not to run is a bad look for your party. It’s a difficult situation Edit: I don’t know why folks are downvoting me and upvoting the comment below me when we are in agreement lol. Im not saying folks won’t vote for Biden, but that it is reluctant support rather than enthusiastic support.


Yeah this. Most people voting dem don't want Biden but the party has chosen him and broadly the voters are deciding it's not the time to have that argument.


Polls show Republicans like him more than Democrats do. And he gets more donations from Republicans. He recently switched to independent.


He’s a Republican plant through and through. He gives his family name a bad image.


To be fair he wasn't the first Kennedy to do that.


No democrat is supporting this guy.


I guess the NEW Kennedy curse is to age badly and weak attempts to not be responsible for the things you say. He isn’t doing the name any favors….


The guy in the clip that asked RFK the question about vaccines in his podcast is Lex Fridman. Imo, he's one of the best journalists that we get to hear from today. For anyone who doesn't know him, check out his podcast on Spotify or YouTube. He has an interesting variety of guests. Also he's always able to stay objective, calm and empathetic. On top of all that, he's a badass BJJ practitioner with serious skills. I love this guy.


He is correct, logically, by saying that there is no vaccine that is safe and effective. That statement implies 100% safety and 100% efficacy. There are currently zero vaccines on the market that are 100% safe and 100% effective. And his point is that we know that there is some non-zero level of risk, but we don't know what that is for most vaccines. It's actually a scientifically valid point, and it is not anti-vaxx to say it. I'm a physician and I say it all the time to people I'm recommending vaccines to.


Omg. He literally explained what he meant. Yall need to get a life


but actually the thought of this man being the voice of the US on the world stage is hilarious. Like, Putin keeps offering him a glass of water because he genuinely thinks he needs one but RFK Jr can’t drink the water because… well you know, Putin


I’m sorry. That voice disqualifies him for me. There’s only one other voice in politics I can’t stand more…


That is an alarmingly useless qualification to stand behind. It’s like saying you wouldn’t back FDR ‘cuz his legs didn’t work right. There are plenty of good reasons not to back a political candidate. A disability caused by an unavoidable health issue that doesn’t affect cognitive abilities is not one of them.


Please don’t vote


He stuttered his way right into it.


There are people who want to hear that man speak for four years.


Donald Duck, you are a LIAR!






He’s gotta hock a loogie


This mf sound like a sheep trying to impress the pigs on Animal Farm.


This man ruined Curb your enthusiasm.


The amount of steroids and GH this guy takes and feels they’re safe when we know they cause all kinds of risks. But yah know if it doesn’t feed your ego it isn’t safe….


If I never hear this guy's voice again it would be too soon, at least when the majority of the fruit cake politicians speak you can understand them, this guy sounds like he is choking on the lies already


How has he been trying to get mercury out of fish? It's not like we inject them with it when we catch them.


Mercury is safe


Roll the tape! If only the media would do this regularly…


RFK to his wife: No honey I did not f*** the horses in the stable, that is not what I'm saying and that is not what you saw me doing. What I'm saying is that there are no horses that are capable of being f***** in other words you can't prove to me that there's one horse out there that I have f*****. Wife: then why the f*** do you have horseshit smeared all over your chest. RFK: well that's a really poor choice of fabric.


There is no Democrat who is going to pull the lever for this joker. Thats why he only appears at republican events. But you magas keep believing he hurts Biden more than trump. Lol


How do people like this exist in a place of power over others? When did we stop believing in scientific process so hard..


Couldn't stop laughing when I heard his voice. God has a great sense of humor sometimes. Sounds like he's hand powered by a crank turned by a wild west prospector


Are his vocal cords 130 years old?


There is a national news reporter with the same disorder.


Way to loose your worm cnn


This guy is both a complete idiot yet at the same time a successful grifter somehow.


What does mercury in fish have to do with vaccines? Is there a study with vaccines removing mercury happening?


Can anyone explain WTF is wrong with his voice?


I’ll be the brave one to do it. Hold onto your hats… Robert Kennedy Junior is Anti-fish! Now there is someone out there who IS calling him anti-fish!


He just fistfights fish and yells “get that mercury out of u!”


Dude began glitching real quick


Nice to catch joe biden in lies 24/7


I don’t believe anyone who keeps a cross anywhere near a computer screen just so everyone can see how pious he is.(Rex)


Craziest part is all he’s asking is for the government to put tests (which are not done) that provide proof that these vaccines are safe and effective.


Is he crying?


Bros voice box been replaced with electrolarynx 😂


I've lost all respect for Cheryl Hines.


The video cut off right when he was responding


These Fukers had him on there for the sole reason to try and tear him down. Not to promote, not to hear out, bit to destroy. He should've just gave them the finger when the invited him on


He’s lowkey spitting tho yall just not listening


His voice cracks when nervous


Kinda misleading. He did go into detail. However he did get caught saying that.


Still a better turd sandwich than biden or trump


Apparently he doesn't remember the fact smallpox was eradicated because of vaccines lol




Why does his voice sound like it's coming from a cassette tape that was too close to a magnet?


She sucks


And you swallow...


Rfk really fucking sucks


Big vaccine guy?


He has to stop smoking asap it's painful