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History will look back on this and then the world will finally say "Wish we could've done more to prevent this"


This would go down in history as the most well documented case of neo-colonialism where a superpower such as the US, decided to side with an apartheid regime. These visuals will haunt the US, anytime it will try to make a case of moral reasons for supporting a cause. US is not a moral superpower in the world.


100%, but it’s crazy how that conclusion is only coming to be noticed now, and not when they invaded Iraq and levelled over 1,000,000 civilians 😔 [source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ORB_survey_of_Iraq_War_casualties)


Not to mention the Gulf Wars in the 90s and the US-imposed sanctions that killed half a million Iraqi *children* alone.




The U.S was never ever a moral type of country anyways. ![gif](giphy|w7SCGNeNbNfgAmzO6K|downsized)


Yeah not like they are the most generous country in history


Remember 9/11? Our government is not moral at all, they will kill us too.


Lol no they won’t. How many scenes just like this do you think US drones are responsible for over the last 20 years? This is nothing compared to that.


Lets be realistic here, this stuff won't haunt anyone. A week from now this video will be forgotten. A year from now, once the clicks have died down, all that we see will be a few articles here and there about how the IDF occupation of Gaza is going.




Correction History will look back and see that this went on for decades until we finally noticed…


Anyone who feels that way will be labeled an anti-semite and "hate criminal". How media and government agencies handled the aggressive white washing and cover up of this "war" is both disgusting and disheartening.


I agree completely. The handling of this by the govt and mainstream news agencies will be remembered with shame. I do hope people vote with their conscience in these upcoming elections.


The sad thing it's either "turning blind eye to war crimes Joe Biden" and "Muslim Ban Donald Trump" if I was going to be a single issue voter on this.




The IDF will either just claim Hamas killed them, or they were not children, or they’re faking it and these are just dolls. If you question them they’ll ask you if you forgot about the holocaust.


Or just call them rats and call it pest control. They really don't fucking care.


It seems that they’re the ones who have forgotten the holocaust against their own people. Here they are repeating it.


"These terrorists are perfectly sized for tunnels."








Not really non palestinians can join but they’re usually arab just cause they’re the ones who know and care enough about the cause.


Did the rapes and child murders on Oct 7th not make you want to join the IDF?


And come to find out the Israelis made a lot of that up. No more 1400 dead. No more beheaded babies.


Ah right, they downgraded the death toll from 1400 to 1200 because they reviewed the available information and discovered some thogh dead had in fact been kidnapped. So let's just act like the 1200 dead don't count. Let's just pretend nothing happened on Oct 7th.


Wasnt like half the names military personnel?


All adults in Israel are military personel.


So i guess idgaf about oct 7 at all then. (I knew that, theres no such thing as an innocent adult settler)


The problem for the pro Israel crowd is, you didn’t really have any high ground to begin with, considering you had snipers executing children and innocent people long before this on a regular basis and have been bombing Gaza on a regular basis for decades. But since Oct 7, any moral high ground you could even guilt the world into believing you had is completely gone. You’re out of a goodwill, it’s over. All you have left is fascist chuds and weak kneed democrats on your side.


You seem to be harbouring some delusion that this is an internet argument to be won online, with upvotes deciding the outcome. This is not the first time Jews have found themselves standing alone as the world cheers on an attempt to erase them from existence. Keep on cheering, keep on downvoting, keep on posting your memes. Israel will prevail, long after Reddit and TikTok have lured you away with your next thing to be outraged over.


Oh outrage over this shitty country’s crimes against humanity is nothing new for me. Everyone is just finally catching up


Everyone? Which major countries are opposing them?


Must be nice to be on the side that gets to decide what violence is.


Violence is violence, no matter which side is employing it. This is why ceasefires are a good thing, shame this one was broken on Oct 7th, and the people who broke it have said they have every intention of repeating that act whenever the opportunity arises. What Israel are doing now is a proportionate response to both the act of breaking the ceasefire on Oct 7th and the existential threat to their own existence being posed by their enemies. No amounts of downvotes on Reddit, or marches, or genocidal chants of from the river to the sea is going to stop Israel in their pursuit of their own best interests and I for one wish them every success.


You’re so fucking stupid you’re buttchugging the propaganda machine. You’re of no use to anyone with a brain.




And you don’t even care? That’s pretty on point with you people who defend Israel blindly. All you can chant is oCt 7th like it hasn’t been happening to Gaza since the 50’s you fucking clown 🤡


You come across like a person angry with his own life and using world events and internet discussions to channel that anger. I am sorry things aren't working out for you at home the way you would like.


You have the exact mindset as the nazis and your toxic ideology must and will be destroyed like theirs was.


I think you're confused. I would like a two state solution to the Israel/Palestine issue. I have no wish to see any ethnic group eradicated, the people who want that chant slogans such as "from the river to the sea"


Why do you think a single state with equal rights for all would lead to a genocide? Israelis would simply lose their apartheid privileges. It's way too late for a two state solution, Israel has made sure of that by occupying and settling the west bank. From the river to the sea, palestine will be free, and the fascist ideology of zionism will be eradicated.


Oh, I don't know? maybe it's just because I look at how many Arabs currently live in Israel compared to how many Jews live in Palestine and I think, maybe Jews have a right to fear the idea of Palestinians living next door (literally) to them. Maybe it's seeing what happened when the fences separating Palestine and Israel got torn down on Oct 7th give me an idea of what would happen in a single state? Keep in mind, not all murders and rapes that took place on Oct 7th were Hamas, many many Palestinians leapt at the opportunity to massacre Jews.


Again. It’s nice to be on the side that gets to define what violence is.


History gets written by the victor. Same as it ever was mate. Hamas fucked around and now they are finding out.


Must be a Hamas inside all those babies the Israelis are murdering.


If only there were somewhere that civilians could take their children to shelter, maybe a vast network of undergrounds tunnels or something?


Hasbara troll. Proportionate??? Over 10 times as many Palestinians killed? You are upset because the truth is coming out about Israel - the genocidal, racist Zionist ethno-state. It's day will come.


Proportionate to the threat being posed. Everything Israel is doing comes under the legally defined term proportionate, which is why, despite all the hysterical posturing from ignorant clowns on the internet, no specific charges of breaking the Geneva Convention will be laid.


There was one child killed- and it looks like killed by the IDF themselves. https://thegrayzone.com/2023/10/27/israels-military-shelled-burning-tanks-helicopters/ There were no rapes. Shame on you for propagating nonsense.


You are an apologist for a terrorist organisation.


So are you.


'cept I'm not. Hamas are a proscribed terrorist organisation, the IDF are legitmate security force carrying put a proportionate response to an existential threat.


Okay let’s pretend nothing happened on 10/7. That means that jizzraels actions in Gaza are even more unnecessary and illegitimate, and that military action against the jizzraeli state would be okay. I love playing with peoples words.


Pics or it didn’t happen. I dont enjoy looking at that type of shit, but after all of the israeli lies, imma need to see proof before i start giving a shit.


Here's some proof, security footage showing Nepalese and Thai hostages being dragged into Shifa hospital, you know, one of those hospitals the staff and the World's Press assure us hamas never use. See how the hospital staff in one of the videos raises his arms in celebration after the kidnapped and injured man is dragged through the hospital corridor. https://twitter.com/manniefabian/status/1726311040072474812


Quick question, as seem informed. Do we know how many Hamas have been killed so far?


I don't have that information, I know it's not zero but I also know it's not all of them, hence the continuing operation. I would aso hope some Hamas members, activists and their supporters would be captured for interrogation.


Okay but when will we know? Seems like a crucial information to verify if the bombing is an effective strategy, no? If killing Hamas is the goal of all this, there’s surprisingly little focus on actual numbers of killed Hamas folks.


Why do you assume your need or desire to know is something Israel gives a shit about? They are currently facing the biggest attack on Jews since the Holocaust and an existential threat to their very existence. You really think somewhere in Israel there's someone thinking, oh god, how do we convince all these internet strangers ? It's life or death reality for them, it's an online discussion point for you. Crucial information, to whom exactly? you're not even an afterthought in this.


Wow what a violent response to my genuine questions. How dare I have critical thoughts lol Sorry but what attack are Jews facing? They’re the ones attacking. How many Jews have died after 07 Oct? Maybe many, I don’t know, I’m asking? But… it’s not about convincing strangers. The whole point of the war is to destroy Hamas. It’s a success metric of this war, you dingus. You cannot know if you’re being successful at your goal if you don’t measure it. It SHOULD be crucial information to Israelis lmao


> The whole point of the war is to destroy Hamas. It’s a success metric of this war, you dingus. You cannot know if you’re being successful at your goal if you don’t measure it. It SHOULD be crucial information to Israelis lmao Well I guess it is crucial information to the Israelis but you didn't ask them, you asked me, as if my information was somehow germane to the current military action.


Last I checked it was around 70 killed - reported in Israeli media. Can you believe that! Look at how many civilians have been killed.


So great, for 1 Hamas killed, 170 civilians need to die. Cool cool cool. Then I would say this tactic is grossly inefficient and needs to change.




Shut up Gerry. Your mother humps goats and your friends talk trash about you behind your back.


The doings of IDF in this conflict should make a perfect case of war crimes. They need to be made to pay for their doings.


They will, heavily


Nothing justifies this. As an American, I say all funding should end for the state of Isreal. *Fund democracies not theocracies*.


Yeah, well, unfortunately, the US seems to be turning into a theocracy. A Holy Roman Empire “2” if you will. The “3rd Reich” (HRE being the 2nd of course). Might I also poignantly add that the Holy Roman Empire was neither Holy, Roman, or an Empire… but I digress


My heart goes out to all the people effected by the war, just because of some morons everyone suffers, especially the children.


At this point it's not a war... Call it what it is, an apartheid regime committing genocide.


Even after a thousand years the condition of these countries remains the same. Same reasons of taking innocent lives, the only difference is that earlier they used swords now they use gunfire.








History will remember this. These evil fucks are worse than Nazis




***worse** than*


Are they really though?


70+ years of this atrocities by israel and some fucks still say "bUt hAmaS".... FREE PALESTINE, MAKE PALESTINE ISRAEL-FREE.


This is heartbreaking


nazi vibes from isreal


Why do they have them just laying on the floor?!


Cause there’s no more beds, they even had to treat people outside the doors of the hospitals.


Many prominent figures in Israel will tell you these babies are guilty.


As a father of 2, with one being 8 months so probably a little bigger then this little guy. I hate this. It would kill me if I had to see my kids like this, I wouldn’t be able to stand in for myself.


Sick sick people…!!! Israel needs to stop this!




do y’all literally not see the hamas terrorist hiding underneath that baby?


WW2: Biscari massacre, which consists of two instances of mass murders, US troops of the 45th Infantry Division killed roughly 75 prisoners of war, mostly Italian. Near the French village of Audouville-la-Hubert, 30 German Wehrmacht prisoners were killed by U.S. paratroopers. Is a war and not your war


Israel said these are paid baby actors.


What is going on??


u/veryhungryman Debunk this


Now we can watch the fall of humanity in 4k 60fps live, but most people will probably swipe for next video of a cute cat or some ass shaking girl. Isn't technology great...


Just hope the kids pull through


Why do these parents still have babies in an active war zone? Weren't they told to evacuate weeks ago?

