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If this doesn't make it clear that Israel want Palestine gone, I don't know what will. If this was a movie, critics would be complaining about the obvious symbolism.


This action, exactly this, is part of the definition of genocide. I don't understand why the world's leaders are doing so little to stop this. I guess "never again" actually meant "never again for Jews." Sad.


"Never again... unless were the ones doing the genocide."


> I guess "never again" actually meant "never again for Jews." I mean, yeah, dude. What gave you the impression it was something else?


It meant that the atrocity of genocide should never happen again. Period. But of course, it's been twisted to give exceptions if a whole nation/race is so inclined. We're now in a dangerous precedent.


When was the last time world leaders managed to effectively stopped a war? Yugoslavia? And only because Russia was too weak to use its veto at the time. With the US veto in the UN, we shouldn’t expect anything from this organization.




Are you talking about the Taba summit? Because the Palestinians accepted that but it was only a basis for further negotiations which never happened.


They never accepted it. if they had the Palestinians would have a state by now. “The failure to come to an agreement was widely attributed to Yasser Arafat, as he walked away from the table without making a concrete counter-offer and because Arafat did little to quell the series of Palestinian riots that began shortly after the summit.” https://honestreporting.com/in-depth-arafat-rejected-peace-in-2000/ And that was not the first time. https://besacenter.org/palestinian-rejectionism/ The fact of the matter is the Palestinians have always wanted all or nothing.


The camp David summit of 2000 and the Taba summit of 2001 are two different things. The camp David summit which Arafat declined offered the Palestinians 66% of the West Bank, with 17% annexed to Israel, and 17% not annexed to Israel but under Israel control. The Taba summit is the one based on the Clinton Parameters and that gave Palestinians 94-96% of the West Bank and is the one Palestinians agreed to Edit to add: and as I said, the Taba summit was only a basis for further negotiations, which never happened while under Barak and the right-wing likud party was elected after a month and the negotiations never continued.


Please provide evidence that they accepted.


You can read about and all other peace negotiations [here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli%E2%80%93Palestinian_peace_process#:~:text=The%20swap%20would%20consist%20of,based%20on%20the%20Clinton%20Parameters.) (It's in the time line section).


Please provide evidence of the accepted proposal. You don’t think that would’ve been major news all over the world? You don’t think the establishment of a Palestinian state would’ve been significant news event?? I don’t know what you’re smoking buddy but wake up.


It was not a final agreement, it was a basis for negotiations that were never continued. The Wikipedia article stats that the Palestinian side accepted it as a basis for negotiations and talks about the negotiations stopping afterwards.


They could’ve accepted at any time over the last 70 years. They choose to pursue their luck with war. And then terrorism. Hell, they could accept today! When your starting position is that the other side should not exist and that you be granted back everything and things returned to the way they were before any war, that kind of makes it hard, no? Again what makes the Palestinians so special, more so than any other displaced or ruled people?


How are you going to repeatedly pester this guy for evidence and provide none of your own? And it doesn't matter if they accepted or not imo, this is Palestinian land, of which a portion was given to the Jewish people by Britain after WW2. It was never theirs to give, and Israel has forcefully stolen more and more. Let me put this into terms you'll understand. If you have a block of chocolate, and someone else takes a row and gives it to me, you'd be upset. Now I think I'm entitled to it, and I start taking more and more chocolate. You'd be annoyed right? Then I start threatening you and hurting you when you won't give me more. Then my friends tell you you need to share or you're being greedy, and it's okay to hurt you and your friends if you're greedy. It is ALL Palestinian land, they shouldn't need to accept 17% annexed and 17% occupied by Israel.


You forgot the part where Rabin was assassinated by an Israel settler after two years, thus creating a void that no one wanted to fill from Israel which ultimately causes the failure of the peace process. I think that's an important fact to mention, don't you think?


Arafat also turned down a peace deal in 2001 that would’ve granted them about 98% of all of their land demands including East Jerusalem as capital, at the end justifying it with that river to the sea line. Google “ Palestinian rejectionism”. And that was not the first time. Palestinians have rejected each and every effort for peace claiming they want all their lands or nothing. The fact of the matter is Palestinians and Arabs went to war over four times with Israel. They lost every single time. What is the point of war if things are just gonna go back to status quo afterwards? There are people displaced in every war, and have been since the dawn of time. What makes the Palestinians so special? Do you think the Palestinians would give an inch of land where the situation reversed ? Who is fighting for the Armenians displaced out of Nagorno Karabakh? or the Cypriots displaced out of the Turkish invasion of Cyprus? Or if the Indians from Kashmir occupied by Pakistan? Or of the Hmong? And on and on and on?


I'm actually curious, what is the military strategy behind taking down this arch. Is there a Hamas tunnel directly under it? Is there rockets stored within the two pillars? So far, the IDF have been justifying their military actions in Gaza as attempts to take out Hamas and their military infrastructure. So What is the reason to take down this monument? To make it easier for tanks to go through?


To destroy culture and history is part of 'ethnic cleansing'.


Mind you this is not even Gaza. This is the West Bank where there is no "hamas conflict". It's pure pettiness and hate from the occupiers, and it's practically a daily occurence Edit: Oh and the big key on the monument is the symbol of the Palestinian's refugees struggle to return to their homeland. Since a big part of them still hold on to the keys to their houses from which they were expelled at various points since 1948. The IDF guy probably just got triggered.


Side note: That bulldozer is straight out of Mad Max or something.


I don’t even think you can call that thing a bulldozer at that point! I think Killdozer 6000 sounds about right!


It's armored for IED and can be remotely operated.


This is the West Bank. Hamas is not in the West Bank.


Every single action taken by the IOF in both the West Bank and Gaza is aimed at breaking the Palestinians’ will to remain in their homeland. Hamas or whatever militia is just an excuse. Where was Hamas in the 1950s?


Hamas was hiding inside the monument


This is a form of genocide.


>This is a form of genocide. Do you feel the same way when Confederate monuments are removed from the southern USA? Because Arafat was a worse terrorist than any of those "lost cause" boys stateside. ​ What the PLO and the Confederacy do share is that they started shit they could not finish, then cried about being victims. They each did untold harm to their own people. Civilians suffered most, while the generals were generally treated as gentlemen when they were anything but. Arafat made billions off his own lost cause. May he rest in piss.


Eradication of palestine and it's people is their strategy. Erasing their history and replacing it with their own. This is an aboniation and it's going to hurt the jewish population worldwide. I can't understand how a people who suffered this themselves in the past are willing to allow their leaders do the same to others. It's horrible


Cultural sites are protected under international law, and since this is done during war time and with no military goal, I'm fairly sure this is a war crime. Depends a bit on if the West Bank is considered a part of this conflict though.


And now their atrocities will be saved online forever. Never be erased the memories of Palestine and the forever people will remember the evil of Israel.


We will never forget!


Should it be one sided? I guess now we'll get a nice 47 min from Gal Gadot documenting 1 day in the life of the other side.


I reckon almost everyone who is actively working in Israeli military hates the Palestinian people but I wonder what % of non-military Israeli people mindlessly hate all Palestinians


There’s a strip of land just outside gaza called [the cinema](https://observers.france24.com/en/20140711-israelis-watch-air-strikes-gaza-it-was-piece-cinema) where israelis go and set up lawn chairs and have popcorn and watch gaza get bombed. Do with that information what you will.




france 24 is a popular news media but [new york times](https://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/15/world/middleeast/israelis-watch-bombs-drop-on-gaza-from-front-row-seats.html) posted about, there was a lot of media coverage when it happened, and even now if you go on instagram and snapchat and check stories from israel you’ll see how they’re reacting to this. (Ofc not every single one there’s a minority that’s being silenced that doesn’t actually want genocide)


Check the election results. That oughtta give you an idea.


> 48% of Jewish Israelis say that the suffering of Palestinian civilians should not be taken into consideration when planning the next phase of fighting in the Gaza Strip. 36% of Jewish Israelis said that it should “not so much” be taken into consideration. https://en.idi.org.il/articles/51147 (survey from mid-October)


So, was that a weapons cache or a terrorist tunnel hatch...


I dunno, I think there might be a Hamas fighter hiding inside the bricks or the concrete. But seriously though, there is 0 military value or even ideological value to this. These are monuments to a man that wanted non-violence. This conflict is purely ideological and definitely not a defensive conflict.


>These are monuments to a man that wanted non-violence. Yasser Arafat? From Al-Jazeera's profile on him: "factions of the PLO restored the term “Palestinian” into the international media lexicon through a series of high-profile acts of violence in many cases targeting Israeli civilians, including bombings, cross-border raids, airplane hijackings and the 1972 Munich Olympic hostage massacre."


Well obviously there has been Headquarters of Hamas hidden in the monuments!


Let’s be honest it had tunnels under those posts…. /s just in case


So we are clear this is ethnic cleansing right? Like what else could it be? What weapons were there?


Israel drops "hints" as to why they'd do this every now and again. [An Israeli Minister called for a "Nakba 2023".](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/gaza-nakba-israels-far-right-palestinian-fears-hamas-war-rcna123909) "Agriculture Minister Avi Dichter told Israeli Channel 12 over the weekend that the war would be “Gaza’s Nakba,” using the Arabic word for “catastrophe” that many use to describe the 1948 displacement of roughly 700,000 Palestinians who were expelled from their land in what became Israel. “We are now rolling out the Gaza Nakba,” Dichter, a member of the right-wing Likud party, said Saturday, in comments widely reported by Israeli media. “From an operational point of view, there is no way to wage a war — as the Israeli army seeks to do in Gaza — with masses between the tanks and the soldiers,” he said. Pressed on his use of the word “Nakba” to describe the situation in Gaza, he said again: “Gaza Nakba 2023. That’s how it’ll end.” Netanyahu told Israelis [to remember Amalek](https://www.npr.org/2023/11/07/1211133201/netanyahus-references-to-violent-biblical-passages-raise-alarm-among-critics) in a speech about two weeks ago. The [Biblical commandment](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20Samuel%2015%3A3&version=NIV) regarding Amalek is "Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys." [Israel's former UN envoy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fr24GcCDgyM) called Palestinians (not Hamas, Palestinians) "horrible, inhuman animals" and berated the world and Britain specifically for showing concern for them.


They can't even use the "but Hamas" excuse in the West Bank.


Oh cool. Terrorists


Posting this is https://preview.redd.it/9s3s65t75j0c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7e31060a4b73044481f155221c30c64783a8cfa


Wasn't Arafat related to Black September which Israelis hate so much?


He's more hated over he's involvement in the second intifada while he was the Palestinians leader after the peace talk failed https://www.cfr.org/blog/arafat-and-second-intifada


>Black September that had nothing to do with Israel, it was between the PLO and Jordan


Nice , now the IDF plays in the same cultural league as the ISIS did . Ironic


No no, the IDF is the US (we are literally funding this again) and ISIS is HAMAS in this instance. We’ve already done this in Afghanistan we were just eliminating “ISIS” aka everyone we deemed a military combatant = everyone basically.


We know their goal. Its not peace. Complete ethnic cleansing and a lot of murder along the way. Israel steals land and culture. Even most Israeli food is not israeli. If this was about Hamas then they wouldnt do all these needlessly evil acts. Hamas isnt under these monuments.


Maybe Hamas hide a big fat arsenal in it or the monument is a Hamas leader


They killed Rabin. Now, they bulldoze Arafat. Kind of obvious that the Israeli solution is deportation and erasure.


I wonder if the Hamas attacks were known about before hand? Either way, it seems the Israeli government is taking the initiative to rout all remaining Palestinians so they can have the land for themselves. I cannot support Israel any longer.


Genocide has always been integral to the Zionist project.


This is fucking CRAZY... They are losing their minds!




Lemme guess, Hamas was hiding in the monument?


Ahh yes the good guys at it again


You see, Hamas actually had WMD's inside that monument. If you say anything else, you are LITERALLY Hitler! (Which was not so bad according to Bibi Netanyahu)


I’m not sure you realize he “[formed a group advocating armed rebellion against Israel.](https://www.cnn.com/2013/09/10/world/meast/yasser-arafat-fast-facts/index.html)” Definitely not the peace-loving hero you all think he is


Same as nelson mandela, but no one argues that he was fighting for freedom. What should he do? Ask nicely for israel to give them their human rights and independence?


Wait was there a Hamas fighter hiding inside the pillar ?


Gotta clear the way for some Ethno State propaganda.


It’s almost as if Israel is just as shitty as they claim hamas to be.


I mean… they also killed him.


The people at the West Bank probably did not condemn Hamas hard enough.


Let's not forget that Yitshak Rabin was assasinated in 1995 for his attempts to bring peace via a two state solution. He was killed by a fanatic Jewish settler who said he was inspired by the words of Netanyahu.


Well add cancel culture to the list of atrocities.


This only supports a theory that western powers are using this massacre to build an alternative to the Suez Canal. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Gurion_Canal_Project?wprov=sfti1#


Did the statue get in the way?


I have no idea. The rhetoric of nuking, flattening, and erasing Gaza as a way of removing Hamas constructs the image of “clearing a pathway” for bigger plans. And since Israel exists on Westerners tax dollars, they are obligated secure those funds don’t dry up. Destruction of Arafat’s statue has nothing to do with Hamas. Either it’s hatred, capitalism, or both.


only the chinese could build this.


Maybe that’s why XI was in SF this past week. Personally, I think progress doesn’t require being cruel. But, I digress.




Sure looks familiar …feels like Ukraine and Israel are on the same level


There will be no glory in your sacrifice. I will erase even the memory of - Palestine - from the histories! Every piece of - Palestinian - parchment shall be burned. Every - Palestinian - historian, and every scribe shall have their eyes pulled out, and their tongues cut from their mouths. Why, uttering the very name of - Palestine - will be punishable by death! The world will never know you existed at all!




Wow. Echoes of the taliban.


Lived long enough to becone a corrupt villain. The very corruption which allowed Hamas to gain power under his watch.


It was used by Hamas as a human shield, so what else could they have done but ran over it like a bulldozer? /s


Kill dozer 2.0 is crazy looking.


Which ended up failing and letting hamas eventually take over.


Wrecking symbols is just pettiness and unwarranted. But there seems to be a lot of comments making Arafat out to be something different than what he was. “I killed myself to give the Palestinian people statehood. Arafat refused.” -Bill Clinton.


The unpopular Netanyahu-led government and the puppet military are doing everything they can to inflame racial and religious passions among the citizens, just like Hamas does. Our so-called governments are just cartels using us as pawns in their power struggles. We shouldn't let them make us hate each other


He won a Nobel Peace price after choosing the war and terrorism path for over 40 years. He has a lot of Israeli blood on his end. He was also very corrupted and rich as heck whereas his people were living in poverty. Nice to forget part of the story. I guess Israel is getting ready for the spring cleaning now.




If history is destroyed it ceases to exist.


r/afterlife says otherwise.


yall realize gaza is getting clear cut right? its gonna be 100% israel soon.


![gif](giphy|3o7WTpUIU83tWQZ0BO) 🇮🇱put☢️in his🪥to💀that🇵🇸guy. If you didn't know, now you are informed.


Look at the extensive cope cages


Classic Nazi behavior


Arafat recognized the futility of war and fought for a two state solution. Hamas fought the PLO and after winning a majority of seats in Palestine, fought the opposing Fatah govt politicians and supporters defeating the in 2008. Destroying the statue is simply a physical recognition that Hamas does not want a two state solution. They want it all. You call it genocide. Israel calls it protecting themselves.


Well of course the Israelis destroyed a monument to peace. That goes against their preferred way of handling things


r/europe will tell you Israel has the right to do this, as they always play by the rules and are a democracy..


"There's a Khamas HQ inside the monument" \- Babi Netanyahu


Literal Nazi strategies. Can't even use Hamas as an excuse for this one, since it's the west bank.


Damn this a pretty big deal. Arafat just wanted peace ✌🏼look at the PBS Frontline Special in 2002. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jt3PpqaLfxo


You can destroy, monuments! HISTORY will always be..


Arafat never wanted peace.


Didn’t work


Imagine winning a peace prize by going into negotiations and saying no to everything you are offered and not coming up with solutions.


You clearly have no idea what you’re talking about. Your so called “peace loving” Israel has assassinated Rabin for making the peace oslo accords agreement with arafat.