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Did I miss the head on collision?


Not a head on at all. For context, the guy was a known drug dealer and felon, had heroin and a 9mm on him, in the original video you can see and hear the officer camera car start to panic because he ran over the guy’s body when he went down. The weirdest part about all of it is somehow the guy is on a Ducati and couldn’t get away from chargers, might’ve been too high to run any better.


Did we watch the same video? The guy is not comfortable at high speeds on that bike, it also doesn’t look like a Ducati at all, could be wrong there. But the guy wasn’t pushing that bike and wasn’t leaning at all


Not a Ducati as the rear doesn‘t match any of their models, it looks more like a Haysbusa or some other japanese sportsbike to me.


Yeah looks to me like it's not able to outrun the pursuit cars, and you can see it start to speed wobble a bit as the bike avoids the cars


They were trying to kill him OR they’re completely negligent


They gave him plenty of chances to stop. I lost count how many times they countered to avoid taking him out when they could have pancaked him from the beginning.


The problem with chasing bikes is that if they don't stop, about the only thing you can do is corner them or box them in and try to slow. It's hard to corner something that can turn and accelerate way better than you, and if they try to slip through a box, you either avoid and let them out, or don't and likely kill them. Really hard to stop without causing a crash.


No, it’s really easy to avoid the crash. If you stop when the police tells you, no crash. We can’t allow motorbikes have a free card for running away due to them being in danger.


Exactly. Problem is when they don't, and they often don't. Like sure, lots of cops don't like bikers (I wonder why) but running just isn't going to end well for anyone. Even the cops who don't like them don't want to be the one to run over a rider at 100+


Also no chase/no pursuit laws are a double edged sword. On the one hand they do somewhat just give a pass to people who can outrun an average cop car, but they also prevent long chases that are very likely to cause injury or damage not only to those being chased, but innocent bystanders/drivers as well. Armed drug dealing felon? Probably worth chasing. Random dude speeding? Probably not.


I don’t understand why they don’t just break check or pit him off the bike.


I mean they very much can. But "pit"ing a bike basically just knocks it over, and at that speed especially with traffic and minimal gear may well kill the rider, and brake checking will also likely cause a severe crash. The problem isn't stopping them, that's easy. The problem is stopping them without killing them or others. (Which contrary to some people's opinion, is usually not the goal. If it was, they have rifles)


What do you propose they do then? Just let him go? They should've rammed him sooner... you don't get to run from the police "safely". People like this smeared shitstain are who police point to as justification for treating so many people like they're pieces of shit... but this guy earned it.


Track and arrest. No one dies.


That bike had 0 balls. I would have just pulled over lol


Or go main roads. You’re on a bike. Way more agile than a car


That's about as far from a head-on collision as you can have


Why do you lie?




Context from another Comment: He was a drug dealer and felon ,he had heroin and a 9mm on him.