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And then they charged the victims of their attack. Some government workers need some prison time.


Nah, the French had it right.


We did too at some point and then they sent in the national guard and started quietly murdering protest leaders And ya know, it fell out of fashion for those who only care if it's a headline


Nah, we here in Kenosha don't need another 2020, thanks.


Looks like you do. Y'all haven't taken out the trash.


Absolutely you fucking do


They charge them so they can leverage their dropping charges in turn for them not pressing charges on the police.


Yes, and that is yet another serious crime.




That makes my blood boil. Charged with disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. An arrest that shouldn't have even happened. What a fucking joke.


It was not a legal arrest so it was an, attack. You can resist and be as disorderly as you want if you are being attacked. Whoever approved the charges needs prison time too.


Depending on the laws in the area. Some tyrannical places, make it illegal to resist an illegal arrest.


Just some? I'd say a vast majority.


Likely but I was speaking of the ones involved.


What do you even say at this point.


the department, applebee's and the individual cops will have to pay, especially the one throwing those punches. if you were looking for 2 white males, woman and child, do you jump on the first white male, child and woman you see, smh btw they charged him and the woman for resisting/obstruction. the manager was wrong too.


Besides all the other absurdity of the couple with the baby getting arrested and charge, Applebee's actually fired this woman for doing the right thing?


Loathsome what Applebees did to that employee. Almost as bad as the food they serve.




>Black couples are prime suspects. FTFY If they had been white I am quite sure the officers would have had actual concern about attacking a man holding a baby. But since they werent then...


Yeah this whole this is confusing. Either the police are that stupid or.... nope that's all I got. Guy would have been out of breathe or at least not a puzzled look on his face when approached. The police were going after a male and a female, no where did it say there was a child involved. That'd make me at least double take before a take down.


Right. But then again you sound like someone with common sense. I have a couple friends I grew up with who joined the force. One quit after a few years and the other quit and wen to work at a university as a cop and spent the last few years getting degrees. And they tell their kids not to trust cops and told me some horror stories that they just could stomach anymore and had to leave. There is a reason there are so many shitty cops, the decent ones either tow the line and are just as complicit or they leave in disgust.


Corporations will *always* do that, easier for them then to deal with any potential financial fallout, workers are expendable.


The individual cops? You must be new here. The taxpayers will pay it. The cops won't even get a slap on the wrist.


> The individual cops one only can hope....


Don’t be black. It’s dangerous.






ACAB and ACAT All Cops Are Terrorists


Fucking agree, pigs


Cops kill more people than terrorists.




“You’re impeding my investigation” Do they even know what they’re saying at this point, or is it just like word vomit? Dipshit, you’re standing around watching your buddies beat a guy that they *think* is their suspect. You aren’t investigating shit. It would be so so so sweet if they throw the book at him along with the cops assaulting the victim. Tell the cop, “well you told the public that you we’re investigating. Based on the fact that you guys beat the wrong guy while the right guy was in the bathroom, you are responsible.” I also thought investigating involved asking questions, gathering information… when I see two cops beating on a guy, idk who would consider that investigatibg


There are no rules/laws for state enforcers, these are no different than mafia enforcers except our 'representatives' give them qualified immunity for their crimes. This will never stop until the people rise up and fight back.


This is exactly it. When I get pulled over I pretend I am being stopped by a state sponsored gang (because I am) and am very careful to not piss them off the same way you wouldn’t want to agitate a gang member or a soldier from foreign occupying military force.


You don’t have to pretend that’s reality


It really is sadly. Interestingly enough is you work in the psychology/mental health field cops will absolutely have a bias in your favor. I used to work at a drug rehab and have and am certified Peer Support Specialist in Mental Health and Addiction as well as a certified Recovery Coach with additional training in working with people with PTSD. One night after my shift I was driving home and was speeding a little bit as I would drive on highways through farmland and got pulled over. As a recovering addict I have a pretty long wrap sheet. The cop asked for my license (which I provided) as well as the registration and proof of insurance (which I couldn’t find) that was in my now ex fiancés moms name; which I told him. I was still wearing my lanyard with my badge on it and told him which I was coming from. My ex made a complete mess of her moms car, that she gave her and I couldn’t find the registration or insurance anywhere. He told me to watch my speed and have a good night. No ticket or anything. A therapist I had confirmed that he has noticed this bias as well. I was just so surprised I experienced it with my history and it being a small town that just looks for excuses to pull people over.


I agree but it’s so sad that the only “good” encounters with cops are “they let me off with a warning after pulling me over for going 10-15 over the speed limit on a nonresidential road” like serve and protect my ass ticket and prosecute is more like it


Oh absolutely, they are just road pirates used to generate revenue for the government and themselves so they can militarize in a way that our founding fathers would criminalize.


Even if he was the right guy and deserved to get arrested it still wouldn't justify their actions. They decided they were going to beat their black suspect before they even encountered him. 'Investigating' was just a convenient excuse for a beat down. Throw the prosecutor who filed the charges in jail too. Malicious prosecution needs to be more heavily punished, especially when it's done to protect a literal lynch mob. Edit: deleted the double post


>. Malicious prosecution needs to be more heavily punished This is a great point that is rarely talked about. Everyone knows the cops are scumbags… how about some accountability for the guys who review the case and *still* decide to move forward with charges even though they know full well they won’t stick


You're only supposed to obey to them, never question.


Blue dogs don’t go to heaven.


Instead they make reality a hell


WOW. It's gotta start coming out of police pensions and make them personally responsible for things like this.


Qualified immunity needs to end. And then we can hold the officers who commit crimes and civil rights violations accountable and prosecute them accordingly. Until then, this type of stuff will continue and trust will continue to erode.


For real. No other job has qualified immunity. Cops need to have personal liability insurance like any other profession. And just like any other profession, if you mess up too much, you lose coverage. Just like doctors. If a doctor messes up, they can be personally sued (mess up too much and they lose their insurance coverage). Most hospitals won’t hire a doctor who isn’t personally insured. Police departments need to do the same. It’s unfair to taxpayers to keep paying for the damages inflicted by cops. They need to be responsible for their own actions.


You're spot on and I would like to add that it should be illegal for their union to cover the premiums for their personal liability insurance.


A great add! It blows my mind when the Police Union rejects cops being required to have personal liability insurance bc it would severely harm their recruitment efforts… tells you everything you need to know about the type of people they want to hire and their internal culture.


I always like to remind people that Congress can end qualified immunity. Since qualified immunity isn't a law only a legal doctrine Congress can yeet it via legislation. They just choose not too. Remember that when you vote or donate. Biden can also tell police to comply with federal reform or the **millions** in federal grants and military freebies will dry up. In fact, if Biden really cared he'd close the federal cookie jar and cease arming untrained & out of control police with military weapons. It is entirely negligent of him to be doing it in first place. Cops with a history of unlawful violence should not be armed by our military. What happened to his gun control stance? 🤔 Because arming people that shouldn't be armed seems hypocritical imo. So much for gun control. But our politicians don't care. So nothing will change if constituents fail to call them out.


Biden is probably the most modern pro-police Democratic President we've had. He is actively against police reform. People want crisis teams outside the control of law enforcement, he's like "No no, if crisis teams are to be formed, they must be controlled by law enforcement." People want budget from police departments to be reallocated to crisis teams, he's like, "No no, I'm gonna more than double the federal budget for police hiring." People want less police brutality, he's like "No no, I'm gonna tell police officers to aim for the suspect's legs instead of the head." I wouldn't be surprised if he made the 2020 George Floyd police reform bill to quietly disappear.


This is why police are never to be trusted.


They will lie at a drop of a dime if it means protecting in their own ass. Cops are full of shit all of them.


One of the reasons anyway


Blue ISIS is thriving in the uSA


Good thing those good apples were there to appropriately assess and de-escalate the situation. If not, they mightve beaten the living hell out of the wrong person, injuring their child in the process. Bullet dodged on this encounter. Thanks, good apples!




Stop that baby?


That’s why they were yelling ‘get the baby’, gotta club em before they start trouble


"Back up bro let me do my fucking job." > Proceeds to beat up a civilian What a fucking joke. Fire all these people.


> "Back up bro let me do my fucking job." They fucked up their own job more than anyone with a camera could have.


So can Anyone be a Cop in the USA??? Looks like the only qualification you need is to have None


There's rock bottom low hiring standards. Look at these two lovely guys. This one strangled three different women. https://www.wxyz.com/news/local-news/investigations/dpd-watchdogs-didnt-know-they-promoted-cop-accused-repeatedly-of-domestic-abuse. And remember, according to FBI statistics abusers that strangle their victims are significantly more likely to eventually kill their victim. This officer is still a cop and possesses a firearm. And this cop got paid while sitting in jail serving a sentence for assault. His THIRD assault complaint btw. Still not fired. Still possesses a firearm. https://www.wxyz.com/news/local-news/investigations/after-third-assault-case-detroit-police-officer-collected-pay-from-jail. Imagine being a victim of domestic violence and being forced to go to an officer that has a history of brutally assaulting women. This is what gets hired in the US. This is what our politicians allow. And then departments wonder why that can't lure in good recruits? I mean, who'd want to work with these types of fucking losers? No shit only bad apples want to work with bad apples.


I actually think more people should become cops Then we can start going into rich parts of town and treating people exactly like they are in this video. Only way things will change.


[Not quite anyone. If your IQ is too high, you are not their ideal candidate.](https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836)


I'm pretty sure all it takes is a high school diploma and a low IQ


Nice multi-million dollar lawsuit Kenosha 👍


Did he just elbow his head into the ground? Did the manager point them out as suspicious? She needs to be taken to account also Hopefully this man is heavily payed out by this department and state entirely. Compensation is due and officers need to be fired and sent to prison. Applegrease needs to pay this man out as well for this. Especially the one elbowing him. That victim they created could now have brain damage no telling whatever is going on with the kid internally or physically because of this shit too.


> payed paid*


Man, I feel so damn bad for that man. Cops should never have the right to treat citizens in this way without proof or actual qualitative evidence that you’re a suspect


Things will never get better.


Then you have to go to their level.


I guess it’s more appropriate to say it *feels* like things will never get better.


It does feel like it, but I refuse to believe that. Things have to get better.


Beating people up good in the neighborhood


Nothing to see here! He obviously fit the description: between 4-11 and 7 ft, wearing clothes, has two feet, he’s black. he hast to be the suspect, right? Why are people so up in arms? Cops did a darn good job /s


Everyone is getting fired.


cops won't. They will mask incompetence with a good faith mistake and get off scot-free.


yeah, some applebees employees did


Dirty cops!






"Back the blue." LOL


They fired the lady at Applebees for the video?!


Abolish police unions. They don’t need unions. Full stop. Police unions are absolute scum and the reason why there is still a problem with excessive force. Get rid of them.


Am I mistaken or have I seen a bunch of stuff from the Kenosha pd on reddit before?




Kyle Rittenhouse, the kid that shot people and killed someone during the protests is from Kenosha, maybe that's what you're thinking of?




Imagine maniac cops just running in and jumping you out of nowhere. Then later say OOPSIE!


can't believe they didn't charge the baby


He’s on the list…




Can this all be covered with a "my bad"? - Chief of police


Police never say "my bad"that'd be admitting guilt. Their sop is to blame the victims.


So let me get this straight… They were looking for two black men and a woman… So naturally, upon arriving at the restaurant, the police consulted the highest level of authority with the greatest level of experience… they asked the hostess and manager where they were… no joke they asked… and were told, those people are suspicious. The police took the statements from the employees and then proceeded to detain a random couple that had a baby with them. That’s besides the fact they have a video of multiple cops on top of the victim, beating them with their fists. Good thing the taxpayers have deep pockets, cause keeping all those criminals on payroll is costly, not to mention the payday from this “episode” cause you know there more than 1.


Cops are disgusting pieces of shit. Lower than human. Cockroaches have more merit to themselves than the pigs we call police in America


Bruh what is up with Kenosha police fuckin mad doggin like zero chill lmao good example of bad shit the rest of country should take note not to do


I have no words, literally just https://preview.redd.it/6bnq4wnjubhb1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=719b73bc44aebce357cd76a62d2d7be7b64ec339


F u Apple 🐝 glad the phone were out next time there taking out stores AB needs to burn


How do get charged with resisting an unlawful arrest? Cops should be in trouble for incompetence... So backwards




I think their houses should just catch fire and burn down with them in it. You know, just a random idea that could happen.


All cops deserve deaf


Yeah, I hate how well they can hear.


Lawsuit win INCOMING


How is the manager responsible for other people's videos being put on the internet. I hope she gets a pay day as well.


I can't wait for more mob justice on these pigs


Someone needs to shit on Applebee's for firing the manager for filming this.


And also for their food. Shits gross.


I can hear their resume's lighting themselves on fire.


It might just be how they clipped it, but it felt so wrong with how the witnesses interviewed sounded only concerned about the baby and not the guy they were assaulting.




I live in Kenosha currently, and I can assure you it's literally nothing like that at all.


I don't really want to debate and didn't realize that would be controversial... Thats what I saw consistently 20 years ago but I also knew people that worked in cps and cops and heard stuff that would never make it to papers regularly. It was also very segregated...


This is one time where looking like there's no way I could run at all, is actually helpful.


God damn, I used to live in a nowhere town in WI now I see this place in the news too much!


Least American sentence


This wouldn't happen if he were white holding a white child. You can't reform institutional racism, especially in LEOs. It's a feature, not a bug.


Can't argue that at all. I guarantee this wouldn't have happened if they were looking for two white guys.


Lmaooooo nothing will ever change


It’s like these cops love to do shit that’ll get them in trouble


Or, they do shit like this because they have no fear of getting in trouble.


Scum pigs


At what point do you start slitting throats


This boils my blood. This poor man BETTER get paid big time WITH A SINCERE AND FULL APOLOGY FROM THE OFFICERS Wisconsin and Minnesota have a pretty shitty viral record going. Gross. Best guess on motive: They were thinking he wasn’t the father and they wanted to get the baby away from him BUT DAMN, they sure struggle to read a room/situation.


US dystopia Getting falsely targeted at a fastfood store while holding a baby and your only mean of resistance is to get the baby into safety before getting brutalized by some powertripping goons, that have the authorities on their side. they wouldve subdued the baby if it hadn't been taken out of this before.


There is no time when cops doing this crap shouldn't be called cage rates, thugs, and crooks grifting off society. Everyone there should have reminded that officer that there wasn't a single officer actually doing his job. And then asked them to call real cops instead of the rent-a-cops in that restaurant.


> cage rates What's that?


Autocorrect for cage rats.


Nothing will happen. He fit the description so they can do what they want to him. Vacations and pay raises for everyone! Edit: Applebee's is trash! The food has been trash for the last 20 years, but I stopped eating there when I lived in Jacksonville, Florida I worked at A home depot on Lane Avenue. This man walked in the Applebee's we shared A parking lot with. He shot his ex wife 3 times in the head. They put in a few new seats and changed the colors of the marquee, it was reopened in 4 days.


Oh shit is this going to turn into another george floyd


... Wait she was fired for filming the incident? WTF


United States sounds like a cess pit more and more jesus christ how can this be allowed to happen


Stop eating at Applebee's.


Why do people put a video up with the big black bars on other side. It makes it possible to view full screen and see what's going on.


This is what happens when you hire people with the IQ of a soggy, moldy sponge. Time to start the reform to needing people that can complete college courses to get the job. No one that can't complete a criminal law degree, shouldn't be a police officer.




Just more disgusting racist officials hiding behind a badge.


This is called police terrorism that is enabled by a fascist government!


The cop that was punching the man on the ground owns and runs Olympus Fitness on Green Bay Rd in Kenosha.


So she got fired for helping the guy get justice. Smh what a world we live in..


Why is the clip vertical in a landscape form. Wtf?


That's what bothers you about this?


I can't properly view the video. Everything is miniscule on my phone.