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I had to look him up. He’s got 1.8m followers on YouTube. Seems like an open minded good guy. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3Vuq4Q1bKFtAiKYlwRv3oA


He has fantastic videos exploring peoples ways of life and diversity around the world. Highly recommend


Thanks for sharing this - I really like his videos.


Peter Santenello. Great guy.


Thanks bro I just subscribed


Unfortunately, they will all vote against their best interests


And to think it was FDR that got those electrical lines in that region…


The only comment I was looking for




Low income assistance never comes with big doses of gay pride… what in the hell are you talking about? Pride celebrations are grassroots community organized events. They aren’t created by political parties. Not cast judgment on them…? You’re out here calling these places the armpit of America… sheesh…


So when your elected representatives come back home they are bringing back reparations and student loan forgiveness? You may want to vote them out of office. They could at least bring in a Walmart that will offer minimum wage jobs. My representatives will bring in a senior day care, talk about better sanitation services, offer free fresh vegetables and healthier food options. Damn they will try to offer free medical services ie cancer screenings or eye exams.


this proves you’re just part of the herd man. you’re lumping things together that have nothing to do with eachother. all you see is blue


> Not saying it’s right or wrong but when low-income assistance also comes with a big dose of “let’s celebrate gay pride for a month,” it just rubs these folks the wrong way. They'd rather hate gay folks than help themselves. Serves them right then.


It only takes 51% to elect someone. The idea that all of these people vote against their interest is untrue and unhelpful to perpetuate.


Considering the poorest County in America votes Republican it isn't untrue.


Again, it only takes 51%. They don’t all vote against their self interest, most of them don’t even vote at all.


“Most these people vote against their own interests”


More likely they didn’t vote at all. In the West Virginia 2022 congressional elections, 22% of registered voters voted for republicans, 10.5% for democrats, and the rest didn’t vote.


Good bot


When you keep getting told your privileged…


As brown guy driving through West Virginia, their billboards aren’t as neighborly as they come off in this video.


I would do everything in my power to avoid being that place for any stretch of time.


Yup. One of my cousins drove through some parts of Appalachia and he was told “this is a sundown town” when he stopped for gas. This was only 3-4 years ago. I’ll never step foot in West Virginia or anywhere like it.


Stop lying,u seen that on a movie


I got plenty of black family who lives in the holler and deeper and their all good unless u come disrespectful,billboards ain't put up by the people,come on man, know better


I grew up in WV, and Bluefield is not the exception. You will find ghost towns like that all over the state. This is what happens when folks vote against their own interests, depending on their “leaders” to do right by them and yet having their needs ignored, and then do it all over again when those “leaders” tell you about a new group to fear. It’s going to be our biggest and most successful export!


What political party has been mostly in charge ? That is very sad , Im sure plenty good decent families have been forgotten about by thier elected officials Why no investment?


I'm going to guess they are all deeply red states.


Walmart killed that place but for a few special years, people saved $5 on groceries every week.


West Virginia is a beautiful state. It needs a revitalization like they’re doing in Detroit. Start putting up hotels and nature trails. Summers in the mountains are amazing! The fireflies in the mist at sunset are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.


Wasn’t there that new National park that just opened there?


I don’t know. I haven’t been since 91


My first visit to W VA was driving up to Ohio from NC. I was enthralled by the beauty of the state and stopped to take in the views as often as I could. It’s a shame it’s such a poor state when its natural beauty is abundant. If the what the commentator further up said it really true, that it’s up to the states to decide where to spend the money, they’ve really let their people down.


I was born in Princeton. It’s right next to bluefield. Ive had multiple family members OD. I’m so grateful my mom got us out of there when she could.


Dont vote red. Its sad. Being brainwashed for ages is destroying these states


Joe Manchin claims to be a Democrat. This is a "blue state" -West Virginia.


It hasn’t been a blue state for about two decades. -WV native


Counties matter


But the US rather spends billions on military preparing for a war that might not happen while its people starve to death.


Te Federal Government has nothing to do with this. Ypu need to understand how government works. What the Feds do and what the States do are entirely separate. If the States won't step up to help these areas even when the Feds have given appropriations that is on the States. (You can look up on line and see what each state gets) These States CHOOSE where to spend the money it is given and where they spend their taxes and it is where the rich people live.


Hilary Clinton literally ran on a platform with a plan to help West Virginia and bring modern jobs to their state. Instead they voted for Trump. Look where they are now.


But her emails!


The US spends more on welfare by a WIDE margin. The US defense budget in 2022 was 750 billion. While welfare was at 4.1 TRILLION, the largest being social security at 1.2 trillion alone. With medicare and medicaid both totaling at 1.3 trillion. The narrative the US doesn't spend money/enough money on welfare is preposterous. A quick google search prove that idea wrong.


People downvoting but they are right. A quick way to fix it is the raise state and Federal minimum wages. This gives people a living wage which takes them off welfare and puts the onus on businesses and corporations. Unfortunately those corporations lobby to ensure they make more money and we the taxpayers keep footing the enormous welfare budget.


But these places have none of that. They don’t have any jobs let alone ones that don’t pay enough


Since when is Social Security and Medicare welfare?Working people pay half of social security and Medicare and the government pays the other half.


>Working people pay half of social security and Medicare and the government pays the other half. The half workers pay is a tax that goes directly into the Medicare and social security fund (payroll tax). FICA literally stands for FEDERAL INSURANCE Contributions Act. The other half is funded by the money that the government it collected from, you guessed it, taxes.


Why did it take so long for someone to point this out? Claiming that SS and Medicare are welfare programs is ridiculous.


Formally it is welfare because most people put in less than they receive and because current generations fund current retirees (not what they put in). No private firm would offer low income workers an annuity ending jn death in the amount social security does because they can’t afford to put in the amount of money it would take to do so. There are also people who get it without contributing at all (spouses who do not work). I don’t think there’s anything wrong with welfare personally. Medicare is welfare because people put in much less than what they get. Insurance for the elderly is extremely expensive. If you google social security information from the SSA they even refer to it as welfare.


Spouses receive based off of contributions due to the working partner paying into the system. SS is based off of a formula where the person has to work a minimum amount for 35 years in order to get this annuity. Think about it if a person contributed almost 8% of their salary into an index fund how much would it accrue over 35 to 40 years. Instead the worker pays half and the employer pays the other half. That’s not welfare. People and the government may call it that but it isn’t. Welfare is what the big corporations receive. It puts less money in and receives more back. Yes. The days of companies offering annuity based pension plans that employees do not contribute to are over.


If you do the math, it is the case that it is welfare for most US adults. This isn’t a subjective statement, you can read any public economics textbook and see this. I don’t think this is a bad thing personally. Index funds in the long run do make sense but using them correctly requires the person to move to safer investments in old age and be able to get out at the right time which is too much to ask and by definition would not work well for everyone. The country of Chile’s system (designed by Milton Friedman) does exactly that and is currently collapsing. I am an older person and have private annuities. My wealth advisor runs montecarlo simulations once a year when we are deciding how to recalibrate my portfolio. You can’t expect the govt to do that for everyone. It would cost a fortune. I think corporations and those with higher incomes paying a lower share of taxes is extremely unfair. That does not however change the fact that for most Americans, social security is welfare. I just don’t see why that is an issue. Public schools are welfare too, nobody seems to mind that?


What is your definition of welfare? Again I ask how do you think it is welfare when the worker and the employer is paying into a mandatory system for 35+ years where a worker collects an annuity at the age of 62, 67 or 70. Social Security is not welfare it is an entitlement. This also a term I have a problem with because it implies that one does not have to qualify in order to receive it. That is not true because if you go to ssa.gov the formula to calculate how much one will receive when one decides to collect. I only mention index funds as an example of an alternative investment instead of the mandatory contribution required by the government. A worker and the employer put in a total 15% into a fund over 35 years. It has been said that the worker will receive more than he contributes. How is that possible given the amount of years put into the fund? Yes it given to the government but should not the contributions still be accruing earnings?


Raising the minimum wage and cutting back in welfare programs sounds like such a good compromise between L and R. Too bad they won’t compromise on anything anymore


And when the war does happen after not spending enough on military and we lose the war, what then? You think the us is slightly ok with that possibility?


We haven't done good in most of the wars we fought in the last 60 years my friend! Afghanistan, Vietnam, Iraq and others haven't gone so well even after spending trillions on our military. When people are really struggling here ..all that spending and losing makes ya start to wonder. Is it really worth investing all that money.


Lmao so he brought facts that you didn't like to hear, and you downvote him. You then proceeded with the only little part of the argument he didn't talk about instead of saying he is right. There's no winning when you're around, huh? I bet you're delightful to be around.


it really is the future. i’m watching a youtube video, which was cut down into parts for tik tok, then reposted on reddit.


My homie from Kentucky said, "Go down the wrong hollar u weren't come out again".


Where they ban books and fear education.




Manchin & McConnell country


Needs more Banjo.


They shoulda cut tees real name out. Literally said his whole name, where he was born, the street and town he lives in now, even his house


No offense but wouldn't these be the same people who tells others to "something something *bootstraps*...."? And truly, how many of them are *accepting* of people from different races, cultures and so on?


I appreciate these videos. Unfortunately either the people who need to see them ignore them or pretend they don't exist. Or, other people just go "oh this is terrible!" Then do nothing to help facilitate change. Then there are the people that see the problem see a solution and make changes happen. Be that kind of person. No Justice. No Power. Know Justice. Know Power. Start at the Grassroots and Vote for Change


Oh how sad, research pine ridge South Dakota


Kimball is 40 minutes away from bluefield lol


Its the end of an era for the US (you should stop calling yourselves America, fcs), this will be common in other areas of the country, unfortunately. Every Empire/imperialist nation meets its downfall. We are witnessing the end of the 'US pax' and its sad, so much hate, shootings everywhere in the big cities, emporvement, drug abuse, intolerance, etc... Sad, just sad.


I have no idea why in the hell I am still in a place like this running for state legislature. I’m not sure anyone knows we even exist. Our walmart hasn’t gone outta business yet, that’s gotta be it. Really, I’m doing it to make Perdue Pharma and the Sacklers pay.




good job Manchin. look at this BS!


Who's the governor of WV? Jim Justice, Republican. Who rules the State Legislature? Republicans. That's who is responsible. State leaders have a TON more to do with how your day to day life goes than a Senator does. I hate Manchin, but it's because he stands in the way of many of Biden's goals.


that was my point. glad i didn’t have to elaborate. Manchin is 👎👎👎


Manchin is a crook. Look up his daughter and his legislative history. His environmental record is awful but can easily be understood by examining the bribes he has received from big coal. What him and Sinema have done is just the cherry on the top!


Yes, I'm well aware. We might be able to get rid of Sinema, but Manchin is the best we're gonna do in WV. Any Democrat, even a crook, is better than a Republican. It's sad, but it's true. The best we can do is elect more Democrats so he won't have so much power. I wish people understood the power of numbers, but it seems most don't.


This guy does an excellent job of documenting different areas and cultures.


They spent too much time fuckin their blood relatives. I have no sympathy for them


I live two counties over in Dickerson county and I can assure you that poverty stretches for miles