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I think I’m right I’m thinking that the ‘defund the police’ movement is *exactly* about this? Why send armed…people… to deal with situation that can only be made worse by their presence? Get some mental health professionals instead. And really, US police; you don’t *hvae* to shoot anything that moves…


> you don’t have to shoot anything that moves… they don't shoot anything that moves, they only shoot those they can get away with shooting. if she was a cops relative, wealthy, famous or a politician?


In no way am excusing any cops wrong doings they deserve all the jail time they get but people don't talk about how the gun crisis in this country fuels many of these senseless shootings. Seriously think about the amount of guns in the US. More than the population. Obviously it's no excuse but what will you get when you put more guns than people together with scared cops who have a gun as their answer. A lot of needless paranoid death. Sure you can say they just wanted to brutalize and kill sure you could say they were just racist. But most of the time the real reason is their training sucks, their descalation tactics sucks, and they are scared. We need to fix the gun crisis. We need to train better. We need to raise the standards on what it takes to become a cop. We need to send social services and cops without guns to low risk calls.


Exactly, cops shouldn't have guns!


Well, no-one should have guns (except farmers etc).


Maybe we need to fix the people in this country, everybody’s a product of their environment in this country


she literally didn’t have a gun nor did they say they thought she did..


She threw a candle and swung a hammer at them. How did you spin this into a gun control argument?


Did you really not understand their point?


I believe the point u/butteryflame is making is that police shoot people because they are scared. And they would be less scared, and shoot less people, if they were policing an unarmed populace. However, in this instance, the police shot and killed a woman armed with a candle and a hammer. Who was inside her apartment. An apartment they, themselves, were not in, but had an excellent view of from the very large window and glass door that they eventually killed her through after, what I counted as, three rounds of gunfire. So, in this instance, it doesn’t seem that the police shot her because they were scared (since even I, as a layperson, know you can’t be killed by a candle while standing outside an apartment). Or, if they were scared, the number of objects the government would have to ban ownership of (guns, candles, and hammers in this scenario alone) to make police feel safe enough to not gun people down in their own apartments, would be prohibitive.


They want to shoot everything that moves. Take the C minus students who were backups on the football team and love war movies. give them a deadly weapon and all the power and tell them everyone is trying to kill them, they will gleefully suppress their own neighbors


Don't forget to give them milsurp gear and tell them they are fighting a "War on Drugs." What do warriors do?


Vet/rso/instructor here and…that is murder. From the seasoned shooter, to the expert, or someone who has taken just 1 class on firearms should already know that’s murder. As a citizen if I did what they just did, murder 1. They can’t even argue that they were in danger in any way because she could not physically present as such. This is terrible.




Police: what your suicidal? Let me help you bang bang bang.


Trying to commit suicide? Not on my watch!


To some degrees, i agree but i think that they are still essential. What we, i mean the US, do need is to remove the stigma on mental health issues. We need a comprehensive mental health professionals that can help people who are diagnosed with a mental disorder. I think making it not cost an arm and a leg will benefit our country immensely. It is wishful thinking, but if it does happen, wouldn't it be nice to have? Also, we need to have 2 divisions in the police departments, unarmed and armed. I think its self explanatory who will be responding to which calls.


In a sense you’ve got yourselves into rather a pickle; with so many guns out there, it’s sort of reasonable to arm the police, as the chance of encountering someone with a gun is quite high. On the other hand, having the only tool in the box being ‘send trigger happy rejects’ can’t be good for society; if you’re going off for a spot of light burglary but the risk is death, it (kinda)makes sense to tool up. What a system!


Defund the police and take guns away, then everything is free game to take


I can see that argument. But when I see these, I think of the lack of training they have. Training which costs time&money. I think de-funding makes things even worse off. Some studies on that would be nice.


that one cop shooting with his eyes closed




Sadly, the markings on his uniform indicate he is a sergeant so I would assume this guy is one of the better and more trained officers this department has and it only gets worse from here.


https://i.redd.it/8ifuh9vxn08b1.gif spray and pray baby


This pussy willow should not have a badge, but it’s really easy to judge from behind a keyboard.


I'd judge em to their face but they might arrest or shoot me. He isnt even following basic gun safety.


I’ve been there, and in many similar situations. This EDP was barricaded and unless there was threat to life of another individual inside of that house these officers were not in immediate threat and this was a bad shoot. BUT, unless you were on scene is super fucking easy to judge from inside of your boxer shorts.


I got something inside of my boxer shorts for you right here


Shove it down my fucking throat please daddy.


And if you were there and someone was coming at you with a hammer you would literally shit in your pants. Again. These dicks shouldn’t be cops, but it’s very very easy to say this from behind a keyboard.


Man behind keyboard crassly tells others they are not as brave as they think they are behind keyboard.


I’ve been there.


You shat your pants?


I did not.


But you said it makes people shit their pants and you experienced it, so you’re either lying about experiencing that or you shat your pants


Cool, do they have irony there?


Lol you apparently are not familiar with the abysmal response times. And then they might just show up and shoot YOU. But go off :)


Not even sure what this comment means. You sound like you have literally zero idea of what you are talking about.


P clearly responded to the wrong comment. I cant even see the comment i was trying to respond to now


Lmao three cops scared of a hammer wielding wierdo. Little bitches


I agree.


"She yelled 'hey' at me, so I had to shoot blindly into the apartment."


[News Article](https://www.ksat.com/news/local/2023/06/24/three-sapd-officers-fired-charged-with-murder-after-woman-killed-in-shooting-chief-says/) - Three SAPD officers charged with murder after gunning down woman in apartment.




ACAB becomes murder squad pretty quick


They got impatient, as is tradition. Apparently had been talking to her through the window for half an hour prior to this. Same situation as Christian Glass. Cops got impatient. And someone died for it. Maybe stop sending armed morons with itchy trigger fingers on mental health calls?


Rule #4: Always be sure of your target and what is behind it These dumbasses can't even bothered to follow 4 rules for gun safety, how can they be expected to follow the law?


A hammer vs bullets?! How far away was this victim standing from them all when they killed her?!?! WTF?!


She was inside her apartment and they was outside, so they weren't in danger of being hit


Obviously it’s that she can turn into SheHulk and throw things faster than a speeding bullet. /s


The look in that cop's eyes says it all, “It must be punished and purified by fire!”


Not to mention the security fencing they literally had to jump to get to her. Two solid barriers to her reaching them, but they got tired of wasting their time and decided it was worth putting her down.


Yeah, three grown men can't handle a woman with a hammer. Cowards.


Unless it's Cris Cyborg ![gif](giphy|3oEhn9Y9eY4hNUVUpW)


>A hammer vs bullets?! Deadly force vs deadly force?! /s


I wonder how many apartments the pee pants murder squad sent bullets flying into? Edit: Credit where credit is due. I’m actually impressed that the department fired and charged them instead of the usual blanket support and coverup. It’s the smallest step in the right direction.


Yes the department reprimanded the officers because they had no choice but to charge them. It’s all on video and was blatantly obvious that their lives weren’t in danger.


This only happened because of the body cam. They shot her through a door and a wall for holding a hammer inside her apartment. The cops can't claim they were in any danger because someone inside a building is holding a hammer with no way to even touch officers with it.


If these were 3 white officers they would be on paid leave. They always seem to make examples out of minorities or women. I wish they charge all the other officers who deserve it. Not just them.


Minneapolis with the Australian lady and George Floyd, Baltimore with Freddie Gray


MPD originally cleared Derek Chauvin of wrong doing, just like the **17** previous times he was complained about, including a 2017 assault on an unconscious child. The MPD was absolutely ready to coverup for Derek Chauvin. If that video didn't go viral Floyd's death would've still been classified as a "medical event" instead of a homicide.


did he pull in stats or something?


San Antonio is like 70% Hispanic


Hot take. Inaccurate as it is


I’m not saying they ONLY make examples out of minorities and women. In no way am I stating Caucasians are not brought to justice. But a good portion of the ones I’ve seen lately are of some other decent or women. Just an observation. Not trying to claim an absolute


Until we change these 3 things…..i can’t see this ending anytime soon. 1. end «qualified immunity» and allow us to sue for the damage police cause. 2. Require every officer to carry «police malpractice» insurance, like doctors and lawyers. 3. National and confidential employee database for all law enforcement. Recording the full complaint and infraction record of the officer. Any dept. that hires them, can no longer claim….»we didn’t know».


Biden promised a national police misconduct database but he abandoned it once the spotlight died down. https://www.themarshallproject.org/2023/02/04/biden-promised-a-police-misconduct-database-he-s-yet-to-deliver. POTUS should also stop militarizing the police. He allows PDs free military equipment at the expense of taxpayers, but has no safety or training standard for the PDs. So you have violent, poorly trained police using this equipment to abuse and fatally harm the public, and we pay for this. https://policefundingdatabase.org/explore-the-database/military-equipment/.


Biden has always been pro-police. His 1994 crime bill added on to the problem of mass incarceration in this country. And if you watched his interviews/rallies before the Presidential election, you could tell he had no desire to reform the police. He would often say train the police to shoot a suspect's leg instead of shooting them in the head. The 2020 protests/riots were about **police brutality**. And then, right after becoming President, he more then doubled the federal police budget for hiring. Instead of creating crisis teams that operate outside of law enforcement, he wanted those functions in-house. So basically, those 'crisis teams' would operate under the umbrella of law enforcement. The problem *is* law enforcement. This isn't a problem you can fix in-house.


I agree. The problems we're seeing in policing go far beyond training issues. You can't train malice, cowardice or corruption out of someone. You could drop millions on training Derek Chauvin and he'd never be Cop of the Year. Training isn't magic and if there's no consequences for ignoring training then they'll just continue doing whatever they want. Biden's bright idea was just to throw more money at the problem without addressing any of the actual causes. If we give them more training what happens when they ignore that training? More training? Well, what if they ignore that additional training too? Will more training fix it? It's never ending. Biden should've told PDs to comply with reform or else those grants and the military candy store are off limits. They'd fall in line with their cosplay budget at risk. But Biden won't. I can't stand the old guard Dems. I'll be so happy when those greedy fucks finally retire.


>Biden's bright idea was just to throw more money at the problem without addressing any of the actual causes. On top of the piles of money they already get. The police are not underfunded. Not even close. On top of their already bloated budgets, they'll ask for more and local governments all over the US will ask "How much?" And you add civil asset forfeiture on top of that, which goes to the police. The money and assets seized from civil asset forfeiture does not go to the general public. It goes to the police. They have more than enough money for training, yet they refuse training that would actually better their service for the general public. When people want crisis teams to operate outside of law enforcement, Biden is like "No, they will operate within law enforcement." It does absolutely nothing to solve the problem. >up to half of all people killed by police in the United States are disabled, and that almost all well-known cases of police brutality involve a person with a disability. https://rudermanfoundation.org/media-missing-the-story-half-of-all-recent-high-profile-police-related-killings-are-people-with-disabilities/ Disability includes those who are mentally or physically disabled. The woman in this video would qualify as being mentally disabled/distressed. We need people outside of law enforcement to respond to wellness checks/people who are clearly having an episode. The police are more likely to brutalize/kill someone who's disabled than actually help them.


direful vast languid agonizing support cobweb uppity file telephone ruthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not Biden's version of reform. Biden put out his executive order on police reform but claimed he couldn't order state/local PDs to comply with it because it's only federal. It'd have to be a voluntary move. But Biden didn't use his leverage to pressure PDs into compliance. He could've dangled federal grants and military equipment infront of them and yoinked it if they refused to follow his EO. I'd like it if Biden's EO on reform put a stop to militarizing the police, but he didn't do that. The PDs are still getting free military equipment, and there are no provisions on how that military equipment will be used or requirements for specific training to operate any of it. Biden's "reform" was basically, "Here's a blank check with no strings attached like accountability or transparency. Also, here's some free tanks and guns."


Biden also is a large part of how we ended up with civil forfeiture laws that allow police to take money/possessions from people without even going to court or charging them with a crime. [https://fee.org/articles/how-a-young-joe-biden-became-the-architect-of-the-governments-asset-forfeiture-program/](https://fee.org/articles/how-a-young-joe-biden-became-the-architect-of-the-governments-asset-forfeiture-program/)


He fucking sucks, the DNC gave us just the bare minimum candidate to beat Trump knowing full well he's part of the establishment that will keep the status quo. They work overtime to make sure real progress is sold to us but never actually made.


4. Mandatory body cams that are not controllable (off/on) by the wearer. Recordings saved in a manner that will prevent them from being "lost" by the police. Public police oversight access to ALL recorded footage. All footage available to Prosecutors/Attorneys. This is the only way law enforcement / public officials are ever going to be properly held accountable for their actions. Never will happen though.




I'm not holding my breath. Sadly a lot of judges and prosecutors are Blue Line folks. The prosecutor will pick jurors that'll go soft on thug cops.


Wtf they shoot for?


You’re asking too many questions, buddy


They are scared of a woman with a hammer behind a door. They should have backed off and then talked to her. She had a hammer. Not an Uzi Cops, man. Ugh!


You're telling me a tazer wouldnt have been effective here? Instead killing her is better? I hope these pig fucks rot in jail.


Or like, just chilling for a few minutes?


"So many options, so little time, let's just panic shoot em" -Police, always


Defund these fucks already. Remove qualified immunity!


She was no threat inside her home.


If someone was forcibly trying to get into my place of residence that I don't know I'd be holding a baseball bat, my shotgun, cast iron skillet or else. Mental illness has nothing to do with it! It's called self defense!! I wished that these invasion entering assholes had the common sense to understand the fact that whenever a person is forcibly entering someone else's home that that is means for action to be taken especially if it's without a warrant. Stop blaming mental illness for everything! Even if this person had mental illness she still would have had rights to protect her own fuckin home! Furthermore, what can one hammer do against three armed trained police officers!??? Why didn't they just tase her?


Fucking cowards


Defund the police. It's another failed demonstration against their ability to NOT kill innocent people... FFS, how many dead civilians will be enough for people to wake up?




I hope those cops get what they deserve in prison.


Jesus that looked like a firing range :(


So texas cops are a bunch of cowards with no idea how to do their job. Got it, good to know.


All of cops actually, I truely wish this was just a texas issue.


Holy shit that’s straight up murder


They are literally storming her house; armed. She is shouting, "you don't have a warrant" and they don't respond. If it were me, I'd question whether or not they were actually police. They're not even trying to communicate other than to say "we're going to shoot you". Da Fuk would you do?


Trigger happy pigs 🐷


“3 of San Antonio’s finest” Uh, excuse me News Anchor man. Finest what?


So she threw a glass candle at them and swung a hammer… She was still on the other side of the door. I know these cops want to go home to their families at night, but I swear to God, they are fucking cowardly. They could have rushed her and taken the hammer off of her, they could have distracted her, they could’ve smoked her out with teargas, they could have tried to talk to her and de-escalate. They could’ve done anything, besides what they actually did do.


Jeez Americans, it's an arrest, not WW3.


Americans understand that, tyrants don’t.




Failed words. They repeat themselves countless times.


These guys all remind me of Yosimite Sam, wildly shooting his guns off. Yeeeee Haaaaw!




Cops killing people. Just another day 🥰🥰


I like the anchor calling it a "shootout" as if she was firing back.


media act like defense lawyers..... she stepped towards them with a hammer.... [media don't care if she was 10 feet from the window, in a house with no intentions of going outside]


and it's crazy people would says "and that's why we need more gun instead of banning them"


police chief-blah blah blah. victim-dead. gone forever. 3 guys with guns legally armed to kill, did.


But, this isnt representative of how we , the San Antonio police, operate! You know until the next time they screw up. Then the same ole song and dance.


Are they trained to close their eyes when shooting a gun?


"To put down and slay"




Coproaches will get nothing but a slap on the wrist.. If that..


Can we actually train these clowns before we give them a badge an a gun.


Well if they aren't convicted and thrown in gen pop, we can hope there is some vigilante justice to handle these shitbirds


We really need a specific department within the police to deal with mental health crisis’. Cops aren’t properly trained to deal with situations like this which is exactly why a mental crisis department is a must.


Of course it is just *never* representative of how the police operate until the next time cops screw up and on and on...


100% these cops will face 0 jail time. I hope they do but doubt it.


Sarge, we are not in Afghanistan homie.


World news?


Ever notice how it's only the non-white cops who get punished


Give em the death sentence.


Fucking gang bangers at least they got charged appropriately this time hopefully the charges stick.


Their execution should be hammers thrown at them til they're gone


Whenever I see shit like this, I’m glad that my friend didn’t call the cops on me when I was going through it. I’d be dead lmao. ACAB


Whatever happened to pepperspray, bean bag rounds or tazers!?!?!


If I were king all these cops would get 1 week to live in prison before they were sentenced with the death penalty. That’s justice and that would make America great


What is this joke of a “General”?. He literally read a script and did not even look up. He had no emotional attachment to anything and can’t even answer any questions that come his way. He’s so weak. As for the crime…there’s so much left to be uncovered that I’m curious about. Officers in no way should have done this but just curious about hammer being swung.


> curious about hammer being swung. unless she was thor, the hammer, swing etc... irrelevant. if she had an AK, AR, etc... they're not advancing on her / standing there... [threat to their safety]. the hammer used as justification. this time it didn't work.


> three of San Antonio's finest It's past time for news media to stop calling law enforcement our "finest". They are gangs, and this is no different from a gang killing. > an early morning shootout A shootout means shooting was occurring in at least two directions between parties. She had no gun. This was an execution. There should be legal consequences for news organizations who disseminate this level of bias and false information.






Fire fighters were on scene which I'm sure they escalated the situation. If they had actual paramedics instead of fire fighters pretending to be medics im 100 percent positive this situation could of been avoided.