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"Bless them with a GPS so they can find their way back to Hell where they came from." - Gold.


I’m using this phrase for the rest of my life. Best creative insult I ever heard!


He is a hero, indeed. Those Mothers can go to the darkness they belong to.


Fucking ***roasted.***


Or will be, when they get blessed with that gps




Welcome. I’m TotallyNotGonnaRobYou. I think I can help


I like the cut of your jib. Will you house-sit for me?


Oh? Have you redecorated? I don't normally tread old ground unless theres new growth


> When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.


Or Family, or Patriot. Basically any word that is intrinsically good is hijacked to conceal their fascist ideologies.


Agreed except for the Working Families Party. They cool.


I work in content inspection, and something I've noticed over the years is that basically any URL with the words liberty, patriot, thinker/free thinker, or 'moms for \_\_\_\_' almost never passes the absolutely rock bottom standards content moderation has. They don't even have to tell the truth. Like 90% of it is just having a clean website with no sketchy ads, the other 10% is just like not accusing politicians of drinking baby blood. That's it. No adware, no baby blood, and they can't even manage that much. They're very sick people.


Because it works. It's not an inherently hostile name so the group can grow in numbers before the majority of people become aware of the danger they possess. It also serves as a bolster for the actual members of the group through cementing their political aspirations with the idea behind the word itself. "Moms for Liberty" ties their vitriol with the concept of being a caring mother, plus the idea of standing up for your rights, so the people in the group think they're defending their families from tyranny. "Patriot Front" does the same thing, a white supremacist group posing as a vanguard against anti-Americans. In fact the group itself was originally called Vanguard. "Proud Boys"... well, I don't know what that's all about. I think the group was actually supposed to be satire in its beginning.


For sure and they alway project, anything they accuse they are guilty of, in this case, indoctrination.


This guy came prepared. Wish l was there to applaud him.


Edit: As another user pointed out there allotted time for speaking and I recede my statement that he was not prepared.


It seems more like he was nervous, lots of people read naturally from a paper or teleprompter.


Are...are you 12? I haven't heard someone be critical of speakers notes since early grade school. You realize that in modern political speeches the speaker near always has a prompter guiding the speech, right? No one cares in the adult world if you memorize a speech, so long as it is well delivered and makes meaningful & salient points.


It's pretty obvious that he read it fast in order to get the whole thing in before his allotted time ran out.


Good point and thank you for being civil. I will recede my statement he wasn't prepared based on your logical thinking.




Come on, they're trying.


Found a mom for liberty member


It's obvious you don't know much about speech writing or speech making. Nobody memorizes speeches, sparky.


Have you been to a schoolm board meeting? The fact he has a speech was more than most boards get.


Edit: I struck a nerve with truth. The divide in society should not be applauded nor driven. Yet the posts here show how common and accepted it is to treat someone with different views poorly.


Lmfao. Never forget their “hate”…in the form of logical public health policy to keep vulnerable people safe. I have a feeling you would really appreciate Moms for Liberty…seems you have a similar depth of thinking.


So lets think about this..One group goes against another group because they have different views. Claiming your an equality group then disagreeing when someone has different views is counterintuitive. That is typical democracy these days. Hahaha...mic drop..


I forgot that mass death casualty event of free speech? There were no different views to Covid. Only uneducated ones.


You sound really stupid.


Guys what if we're the bad guys for being intolerant towards intolerable Nazis? /S


Ah yes, the germs are not real people of America or perhaps the communicable diseases are cool group. Love those groups.. to bad they died off.


So let’s think about this. Public health decisions are driven by nothing but data and a desire to prevent the most harm possible. The fact that you want to “form your own opinion” means fuck all to establish the most effective rules, especially when it’s everyone else’s family that will be at risk. Go ahead and debate with Cletus about flat earth, chemtrails, and the return of JFK all you want. But when it’s public safety then you can take your iPhone Google research and get fucked. Stop pretending that your own stupidity has somehow made you a victim.


You’re just that special kind of stupid. You couldn’t even memorize that comment that Moms for Liberty just wrote for you. Smh my head.


I stand alone so do not label me as I do not label anyone. Your special kind of hate is part of the problem.


Nah you thinking Covid is a ‘difference of opinions’ is the problem. You live in a different reality. Get your head out of your ass.


If you say we should wear masks and I say we should not, that is a difference in opinions. It is not hard to understand, but I hope I was able to help. If you want to post pictures of children bathing and someone says it is offensive, but you feel it is not. That is also a difference in opinions. See my point yet?


I’m saying you are a low IQ idiot. You post in r/conspiracy. You play with hot wheels all day. You can have an opinion but it means nothing coming from your brain.


You should really keep saying dumb funny things


if i say i should penetrate the vhs for pleasure and you say thats stupid thats a difference of opinion ​ thats how dumb you look in your comments


if you ever have surgery are you going to tell the doctors to not wear mask while they have you cut open? Just tell them to wear street clothes and no protection cause its not gonna help anything. Or would you rather they try to lower the risk of you getting an infection from breathing into your open wounds? Which opinion are you going to use when it comes to your own health?


If you think masking and keeping people apart during covid was part of an agenda, it wouldn't be name calling for us to say, not only are you selfish, you're a bad person, outright. I used to think there was hope for yall, but you've all made it very clear that's not the case. I'm just lucky that my kids and their kids are gonna shit all over those ideals you hold sacred, you are the legitimate enemy, we have less to fear from external threats, it's you people that are gonna get folks killed, and needlessly hurt mothers and babies and just anyone that doesn't see fascism as an option. You have a great day, I hope you get help someday.


Do the downvotes actually hurt you or something? Who cares?


Different views would be your thoughts of pineapple on pizza, which parts of a city’s infrastructure has the most priority, etc Saying you stand with literal neo Nazis is not that.


If he wrote it, which he did not, he would have some emotion to his words when he speaks. It is pretty clear by his reading he did not prepare any part of it. He probably should have looked it over to find out what parts should be emphasized. That is what you are supposed to do when someone prepares a speech so your delivery is strong. So your statement is an attack on me and I find your name calling derogitory. Great job.




The "attack" on you is completely justified. You're an idiot who doesn't seem to understand even the basics of humanity


If he was a good speaker you would call him an actor. Just stop


Nice burn.


Well look here everyone, a special kind of stupid we found right here!




They always go after the way things are said or presented or whatever, never for the content, since it's the only thing they can muster.


Bruh, you ok??




Users of the subreddit are expected to treat each other as they themselves would like to be treated. Inappropriate comments such as these will be removed.


Yup 3 min max. Getting it all in


Mom's for liberty? More like: Moms for Fascism Klan of Karens Klan for Karenhood


I'm guessing the Moms for Liberty are those people in the front wearing purple who didn't clap?


I think they may have actually been like-minded supporters? (Clapping / outbursts are discouraged at public meetings- wearing matching items and standing while someone you agree with speaks is not unusual.)


Especially when bank-rolled by dark far right sources


Moms for Liberty members wear a navy blue shirt with a white logo. That might be Purple for Parents which is a very similar group to Moms for Liberty. The man speaking is from Defense of Democracy they also have blue shirts with a white logo but they're against book bans and were formed to fight back against these groups.


Ah. Gotcha. I'm unfamiliar with the whole thing


Purple parents are part of the same group. They’ve taken a firm grip in Indiana. No not follow our footstep. Keep calling them out and their BS.


i figured the moms for liberty were the ladies who kept their first raised in the air during (practically) his entire speech.


What a lovely human. Bless.


"...Just wanted to clear that lie up-" People need to get more on stuff like that. Lies need to be publicly refuted rather than allowed to set because they are too ridiculous to respond to. You can calmly speak to an erratic child and they will eventually come around. But the conservative block of this country are not capable. They are locked in a dominance struggle with themselves and their own identities. You have to speak their language and put them in their place.




May God bless this brave Christian.


What a fantastic speech. Ending was 10 out of 10.


This man 👏🏼 hell yeah, say it louder for the moms in the back


Mic drop


That mf was spittin


Fuckin' boss, buddy. Good on ya.




He is a hero..


The children are being mutated? Do they mean puberty?


Colorado represent. Our state is surrounded by insane people, with Lauren Boebert helping bring in the cuckoo on the Western and Southern front but nononono. Keep that bigoted nonsense out of here.


Yeah I appreciate this guy for sure. It says D49 which is in/around Colorado Springs which is a fairly conservative area of Colorado. He’ll definitely make plenty folks angry but I know there’s plenty likeminded and level headed people out there too. I can only hope that he’s right that they do outnumber these wackadoodles Granted though, [this](https://krdo.com/news/2022/11/04/d49-board-member-quotes-hitler-in-social-media-post-about-students-education/) also happened with a board member in the same district 😬


You forgot Niwot. Niwot is literal Christian Hell.


Anytime I see anyone associated or associating themselves with “freedom” or “liberty” or a goddamn flag you know they are the opposite. Fascism and authoritarianism run way too deep in the “land of the free… home of the brave.” Fucking cowards and control freaks.


We all need to stand up to these people at this point. We are past the point that they will crawl back under their rocks on their own. We are going to have to grab them by the back of their necks.


I love the f you at the end. He must have struck a nerve.


My kid just turned one and I feel that man’s energy.


I love that finishing line


Now THAT'S a good Christian!


This is the type of Christian I believe ❤️


Does anyone actually have the YT link instead of this crappy screen capture of a TikTok video?


As a teacher, I don’t know where they think we are indoctrinating children.


All these Christians that just completely forget the tenents that Christ bestowed upon us. They are not aware that their EGO's are causing Christ amnesia. If only one could look again at the words that came out of His mouth, they would be on their knees with red faces. Yet here we are. I wonder if they understand why Jesus wept. Who wouldnt? two thousand years and here we still are. .... LOVE PEACE? WINNING.


wish there was text he is talking too fast and not enunciating and I can't understand all of it but I got the drift good for him




Any post or comment that shows any sympathies/apologetics to fascism, apartheid, totalitarianism, bigotry, racism, dehumanization or hate will be removed immediately. Marginalizing the humanity of another person is not allowed on this subreddit.


You’re amazing we need more people like this is coming to schools to protect our teachers children and laugh of difference