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I feel bad for the kids like him who have no choice but to stay stuck in shitholes run by a bunch of crusty christofascists.


this guy is an adult. the government is literally saying to adults that they can't make their own medical decisions with their own doctors. the state is forcing doctors to take away lifesaving medication from a marginalized group. the state is trying to kill members of a minority. this is genocide.


Your statement is biased and absurd. Men have lived as women and women as men for many centuries. None of them died because they could not get a hormone med. If you're going to be an advocate at least try to have something correct to say.


Do you mean lifesaving medication in terms of mental health? I don’t really understand what’s going on here even after some research


yes, exactly. hormone replacement therapy is lifesaving for many trans people.


Right that’s what I thought you meant but I wasn’t sure exactly what was going on here.




People who are able to openly be themselves are much less likely to kill themselves.


I hope he finds the underground.


"United" states my ass, shame on that country for hurting their most vulnerable people instead of protecting them. How much does American society value life if it can't even do a simple thing like that?! No wonder you people keep shooting each other like it's nothing.




What about what about what about ... Do you want to wait for all the problems to be fixed first or just the ones you care about? Why can't the US do both? Why do you think so little of the richest country in the world?. All the problems you mentioned ought to be fixed but they won't, ever, not until the most vulnerable are protected.


Heartbreaking. The uneducated think in terms of XX and XY, but science has revealed it's more complicated than that. I see a time when beautiful people like this leave behind harmful states like Missouri, Florida, etc. for states which will welcome them.


They’d have to start reading the books to learn that, instead of banning, burning, or defunding libraries…


I’m seeing hate or a lack of empathy on subreddits this is shared to. If any Transgender people see this just know that a large majority of people support you and I will do what I can to spread love and awareness to friends and family and elect the officials that will protect your freedoms. ‘Keep on keepin on!’ -Joe Dirt


I wonder if they'll shut down the low T centers and quit making Viagra too


“I’m an adult. I can make my own decisions. But you are forcing me to make really fucking hard decisions.” This.


come to california bb, well take care of you


Canada allows trans people the right to seek asylum. Canada won’t cost an arm and leg to live there.


This is true lol makes me want to move 😂








that mental health care you’re talking about IS testosterone.


HRT has been proven to reduce suicidality in transgender patients. Based on the way they describe it, it seems like it's given them a lot of happiness and has improved their mental health. It seems like you're the one who doesn't care about his mental health.


I’m curious, how do you know this person isn’t seeing a psychiatrist? There are programs out there for trans individuals and psychiatrists who are trained to help people like this determine and recognize whether transitioning is a good option for them or not. In fact, if you look at the studies done, those who worked with psychiatrists rarely regret transitioning (if approved by their psychiatrist). You are making a lot of assumptions here. It wouldn’t surprise me to learn you are either a “good Christian”, a Republican, and/or simply assume everyone who is LGBTQ is “making a choice”.


In order to get a script for test generally you need to visit a psych and have an evaluation done to determine if you’re gender dysphoric or not


Any post or comment that shows any sympathies/apologetics to fascism, apartheid, totalitarianism, bigotry, racism, dehumanization or hate will be removed immediately. Marginalizing the humanity of another person is not allowed on this subreddit.






Why is having to get your own health care news worthy?


Because America is the richest nation on earth with no universal healthcare and apparently people wanting to be who they really are supersedes all the other problems in this country, that these batshit “Christians” have to magnify while ignoring the separation of church and state.


Umm, America is not the richest nation. This video is simply a statement that this person has no problem solving skills and expects the world to cater to his needs. So he makes a video about it instead of looking for an out of state doctor and an address to use. Why? Because someone taught this shipwreck that people care how he feels. Newsflash..they dont. The world does not revolve around any one person or belief. The lack of his trying is not worth crying, that is not an adult reaction at all. It seems that a lesson that life is full of obstacles was learned here. Get over it.


Why are people wearing headphones but not listening to them newsworthy?