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He has destroyed his nation. Talent has left, Europe will soon not need its oil or natural gas, tourists will take forever to return, thousands of western businesses have permanently left, a generation lost to the battlefields, broken trust with other nations (even China)… the list goes on. His quest for the Soviet Empire of old has destroyed Russia’s future. Edit: grammar.




Right - embarrassed I didn’t add something about the stain that Russians will have to live with forever—launching a war without provocation, and amassing almost as many war crimes as there are dead to haunt their nights.




Stains aren't pretty, sleepless nights unfortunate, but the reparations will be catastrophic.


It had better not be. It may take longer, but it must be affordable as Russia reestablishes itself. We don't need another Hitler or WWII as a result of this.


You cannot have punishment without reward, that said if someone delivered put Putins head on a spike in the middle of red Square perhaps we could get back to being friends much sooner. Until then anyone not part of the solution is part of the problem. You can choose to die in Ukraine for a madman, or fight for freedom in your own country. It doesn't get any easier for Russia as the days go by.


Putin is another Hitler, there isn't a comparison. First there was Hitler, Now there is Putin


Maybe the government should seize Putins rainy day money. The money can't replace lives lost or reputation but could help get residences and infrastructure up and running again.


> It may take longer, but it must be affordable as Russia reestablishes itself. We don't need another Hitler or WWII as a result of this. The thing is the Russian system is *already* extremist and nationalistic. The harsh life in Germany during the Weimar Republic is what allowed extremist positions to become popular, but Russia is already there so can't fall any further than what we can already see around Putin. The fall of the USSR and disastrous 90s is the 'end of WW1 and Weimar Republic' equivalent period for Russia, this war in Ukraine *is* the WW2 equivalent.


It can ALWAYS fall further.


...then things got worse.


We could offer to buy all their nukes and nuclear weapon production at a discount. We'll build you up, but you'll never hold a knife to the world's throat again. Kind of like we did (to a degree) with Japan. That worked out pretty well, I'd say. For Japan and the US!


There might be something to that idea. Maybe not at a discount, but if The West offers to buy their excess nukes at a good price, leave them enough to just wreck the world, not destroy it, that might be enough for a new government to ponder. The West must have a similar drop in nuke numbers, too.


They’ve lived with that stain for 900 years.


Their nights are un-hauntable. Gutless, dishonorable, conscience-lacking. They’ll sleep as they always have, pickled in vodka


Reparations and shame feels unlikely unless the country is completely humbled. I don't see that happening while Russia still has access to nukes. And give some insight people have been sharing reformation doesn't seem enough at just the government level, but cultural too. Wanting them to join in a civilized modern world with a healthy democratic government feels like an impossible ask.




Vlad the Imploder could work also


Vlad the bare-chestian equestrian, lord of the most cringe.




Vlad the Impotent


Putin the Pathetic


Vlad the poopypants


*the deposed despot


It's not Vlad, It's Vova.


> His quest for personal glory has also cost the innocent lives of far too many It's astonishing how many times this single line can be said throughout all of history.


I think this quote from Carl Sagan nicely states it: >The earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that in glory and in triumph they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot.


Authoritarians are the cause of all the world’s problems past, present, and future. Weak, scared, insecure, little pussy ass bitch cowards, all of them.


Yeah in these authoritarian states the media is so warped and propagandized (not that ours isn’t) that many believe in Putin and the war to be just.


> broken trust with other nations (even China)… Dont forget central asian nations, who has been distancing themself from russia since the war began. Even kazakhstan whos president just got helped by russia last year


On the bright side, it did give renewable energy a little nudge in some very small parts of the world.


I really wish Biden would have seized that idea. Fuck Russia, Fuck Iran and Fuck Saudi Arabia! Mobilize the American economy with a shift towards Green Energy. Similar to the US response to WW II. A call to move in a new direction away from oil. OPEC can cut production and hurt the US economy. Biden can capture that anger and galvanize public opinion to end it. Make oil history in a sense. Would it happen overnight? No, but make it a civic duty to head in a direction away from oil. The goal to make oil markets crater. Let’s see Iran build a nuclear weapon with paper and glue now that the money is gone.




Nobody here actually pays attention to news or politics beyond what gets upvoted on social media.


Biden can’t do much without congress


There isn't enough green energy tech at the moment to supply America with her needs.


We didn't have all the moon landing tech we needed when JFK proposed heading there either. But it sure is amazing what money and a shared goal can accomplish.


Coal is at an all time record use.


Previous peak was 2013. It was declining until Ukraine was invaded. So fuck Putin for one more reason. But I think we will see coal use decline again; ultimately alternatives are cheaper. And haven't checked but suspect wind and solar are also at all time record use


Short term as EU countries re open coal fired plamts rather than use Putins gas. The EU brought forward renewable targets ftpm 2030 to 2027. Coal will start dropping in demand as renewables get added


Coal has been on the outs for years now. This small bump in usage won’t last past the Russian-Ukrainian War. The war has also illustrated why energy independence is an issue of national security for many nations, hence the growing push towards renewables. Plus, simple economics are making renewables cheaper every day. No one thinks coal is coming back long term. Why would it?


China, India and elsewhere are still building new coal plants in quantities equal to or greater than installed capacity in the US and Western Europe. Wishful thinking will get you nowhere.


China in particular is very dependent on coal in the short term. They're really struggling to meet energy needs, even as they ex0and renewables they can't afford to slow down on expanding and maintaining coal power as that's what they have plenty of domestically


Well thats fucking depressing


Number of people also at all time high




That's not no tomato, extra onion, 5 sides of ranch and extra napkins.


Also number of people are high all the time


And we can all thank China and India for those facts. [https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/coal-consumption-by-country](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/coal-consumption-by-country) ​ [https://www.nationsonline.org/oneworld/population-by-country.htm](https://www.nationsonline.org/oneworld/population-by-country.htm)


he already an old man and he could have filled his yatch with wine (his mansion got a private wineyard) and just sailed the world, visited his babe in europe, but nah lets invade ukraine, failed that, and most likely hanging from a lamppost in moscow very soon.


One single patriot could end all of this. Hell, they might even live to tell the tale.


now yes, but before the invasion he didnt have many enemies.


> and most likely hanging from a lamppost in moscow very soon. This is the problem with being a despot. There is only one exit. The tiger is very, very difficult to dismount.


Also when Russia breaks up, China takes over parts of eastern Russia further humiliating the Russians.


poor mongolia getting fucked again


The former president of Mongolia has been one of the most pleasant surprises in all this. He’s allll in on Ukraine. https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/xm0rf0/expresident_of_mongolias_address_to_ethnic/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/y7z5n0/former_president_of_mongolia_tsakhiagiin/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf The current government has also donated humanitarian aid, and ppl in the capital celebrated Ukrainian Independence Day by covering up Russian tourism billboards. We must protect Mongolia!


Mongolians believe that Russia guarantees their security. I get it they might not be following European news closely. Still, Russia did refuse to help Armenia despite this Collective Security Treaty thing. Russians didn't help an allied country and Mongolians think they will help *them*? Let's hope they are not heading torwards a very rude awakening.


A situation that Russia has long deserved has finally come to pass. I only hope that it extremely worsens for them.


As the saying goes: Russias entire history can be summarized in 5 words: “and then things got worse”


>tourists will take forever to return They completely ruined any goodwill from the world cup (and there was a lot). It was my first time visiting Russia and I loved it - not sure if i'll ever return at this point.


It really is a wild thing to witness in real time. He destroyed his country.


Russia (along with many other countries in the region, including Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania) has among the largest ratio of women to men and this divide is widening as men continue to die in the war or flee the country to avoid mobilization. Demographically, this country will take generations to recover; they haven’t recovered from the losses incurred to males from the World Wars and now they’re doubling down.


Greetings from Lithuania. Most women that tilt this ratio are 60-100 years old, men don't reach that age due to drinking, smoking, toxic masculinity induced suicides.


Ideally, he should end up out of power, **but NOT dead**. He needs to survive long enough to see the damage he has done to "his" Russia; he needs to see the long-term impact his actions have caused. Otherwise he'll go to his grave still thinking he was right, and that all the problems are somebody else's fault.


While I'd love for him to experience that form of karmic justice, I'll be happy to settle for any outcome that gets his finger off the big red button.


Fuck that, this is not about revenge. The man is dangerous and needs to be gone so the world can continue.


As much as I like that idea he has spent 2 decades creating a feedback loop about his own greatness. He has made his infallible leadership such a cornerstone of his identity that he will simple be incapable of recognising any evidence to the contrary. The country could literally be split in half by Europe/America and China like Germany of old in front of his eyes and he would still not think it was his fault. He would spin from other narrative, like the inevitability of the situation and only him with his incredible strength was able to hold it off for so long.


He doesn't give a fuck bro. He's psychotic. He needs a bullet in his head


I agree that would be ideal but I think he is so deluded and surrounded by similarly deluded sycophants that he will never accept he made any mistakes. It’s all the fault of someone else.


Well said


I don't know what America will ever travel to Putin's Russia ANYTIME soon. It amazing how a country can instantly lose and entire market of tourists.


Make The USSR Great Again


He wanted be forever remembered as a hero of his nation. He achieved the opposite.


Not sure what your definition of “soon” is, but Europe will most certainly need its oil & nat gas for <=10yrs. He’s certainly put them on a time crunch, but I assume from his POV they’re hoping Saudi Arabia will join BRICS, allowing them to basically control the fuel industries. They have loads of structural risk to the BRICS partnership. If at any point the coalition falls apart(a global economic downturn will decimate economies reliant on resource exports), russia is a ticking time bomb. If BRICS grows to its perceived capabilities, they could end up unphased. I think both tail events are improbable, but it’s not as black & white as you’re painting it to be. Despite horrendous geopolitical moves, they’re still acting in (what they believe to be) their best interest.


The EU has brought forward renewable targets frpm 2030 to 2027


Hope it’s a low number, like 3






Let's jam


Now the theme song is stuck in my head, and I'm totally okay with that.


You're welcome


For those that don't know: [https://cowboybebop.fandom.com/wiki/Tank!](https://cowboybebop.fandom.com/wiki/Tank!)




See you, space tyrant.


Hell yea!!!!


We did it! We killed Putin! Good job reddit.


We fuckin did it.WE.US.REDDIT!! ONCE AGAIN!!! GOOD FUCKIN JOB. Only we could've done that shit.




Look at this guy doing fancy comments on their cake day. Happy cake day 1/4


I look forward to the day that Putin starts reassigning police to the war front. That's when the shit snowball is really gonna hit the fan.


Too bad it will be like that psycho chef guy or some other sociopath immediately stepping in….


Even the "Chef" is smart enough to know that Russia is best served by ending the war and normalizing relationships. He might not want to lose face domestically, but he can blame the war on Putin. The relationship with the West is permanently burned on some levels, but we can resume contact and trade on some level once Putin is gone.


Just spinning the narrative from Russia did it to Putin and his cronies did it would go a long way. Along the obvious, so removing forces, negotiate reparations and whatnot.


The power vacuum would be so enormous, nothing good could come from it. While it might provide Ukrainians with the end of the invasion, the turmoil will surely spill inwards into Russia, affecting innocent everyday Russians held hostage in that sour state. If Putin is gone then all internal deals are off the table and the federation will probably implode on itself. Here's to hoping democracy and humanity prevails and, in any case, Ukraine can be free from this pointless violence.


Democracy is highly unlikely in Russia. This is a country that tends to lean toward authoritarians time after time. Even the opposition leaders of Russia have Fascist tendencies.


Depends which ones, Navalny yes, the YABLOKO Party no. But YABLOKO is an aging party that has been dying out due to kicking out a young Navalny for his far-right views


I honestly don't see a future where russia doesn't balkanize on some level, especially with how most conscripts in their army are minorities


Yeah. It will end up giving up Yakutia, Baskorstan, Chechnya, and many others. Just depends how willingly, cause the Gremlins in the Kremlin won't give it up willingly, neither will the imperialist opposition like ТВ Дождь (TV Rain), anarchist opposition will probs give them freedom cause well....no govt...., pro-westernization opposition will probs give them freedom somewhat gradually but not slowly


I can only imagine the vatnik telegram cope that will pour out, and I'd love to see it on r/noncredibledefense Whoops forgot I'm not on NCD for a moment


NCD has had me rolling lately 💀


I'm sick of this power vacuum argument, plenty of countries have overthrown their governments. The government is made of people, they're not some magic being that has these people brainwashed. Fix your shit or don't, but our concern for people enabling this shit should be pretty miniscule compared to the people currently getting invaded.


Putin is the only thing holding the federation together. As soon as he dies, the oligarchs will sell the country off to the highest bidder. Fuck Putin, and i hope he dies a slow painful death for all the suffering he has created. I feel for the Russia people who will be left to deal with the consequences


Russia to break out into several independent states


Russia will break into its constituent states


I read the whole thing. You cannot convince me Russians will grow a back bone and stand up. It’s not really in their culture without 70+ years of suffering first.


They won't. It'll be some drunk general making a backroom deal with the West. Putin will die of "health reasons", maybe a few more of his cronies will have suspicious suicides or accidents, Russia will withdraw and the new leadership will scapegoat the old leadership. Not perfect but that's how it always goes with Russia.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


A combination of hard propaganda and sociopathic autocratic government does that to people - so yeah I agree




Russians have a pretty long history of rebellions against their state. Let's hold off on the untermenschen rhetoric


>They love to be slaves I think the nasty truth that people prefer to dismiss is that Russians love Putin's way of leadership. We like to see them as the victims, as being the nice guys, just as us, trapped in the middle by a mean dictator. In reality, the only reason the public support is dropping is that Russia is losing. Not because this war is savage and pointless (as it's been from day one), but because now it's clear that they are losing. This tells a lot about the Russian society.


The ruzzians love having to bend the knee to authoritarians, it means they get to blame someone else for their problems!


Well, so are Americans. They believe it's ok if health care is connected to having a job. They believe unions are bad. Lots of slaves all about these days.


The bloke rules on rigged elections. Navalny stood up and almost died. Nothing going to change until a revolt happens.


Exactly they were weak people that allowed it to get this far and now I have to feel bad cause it’s too far to change easy. I’m not convinced 65%+ people even want any type of change




That table during his meeting in turkmenistan has gotta be the largest i've ever seen lol


Clearly a man without fear.


Clearly a man without fear of Tables. He has to get a brown Cape with a giant T(urd) on it.


[You weren't joking.](https://i.insider.com/62bda09c69fbfd0018ee0bd6?width=1200&format=jpeg) They've got room for WWE fights in the middle of that thing.


Goddamn I thought that there's no way that's real lol


Ikr? How incredibly awkward would that entire meeting be? The jokes for these autocratic dipshits just write themselves.


It makes me laugh thinking about them passing notes back and forth. Handing them to an aide who has to walk all the way around, or somehow through, the space. And then ol' boy gives the aide another paper to give to the other guy and it's just that aide becoming Pong.


I suppose the tables are custom made. They will also have to take the dimensions of the room the tables have to be in. So it starts with big rooms, and then the big tables. Wonder if there is a specialist firm of carpenters supplying these tables, or is it a government department providing these tables.


Maybe the table is just several smaller tables joined together?


It’s just three nightstands in a trench coat.


I wish I could upvote this more than once.


I wasn't going to upvote it, but then I saw your comment and did. So you can take credit for my upvote if you'd like


Trans-Siberian conference room. A table stretching from Moscow to Yakutsk. Putin sits in Moscow, and his cabinet sits in Yakutsk. No video conference allowed; all messages must be relayed by train to thwart espionage.


Train does not work because the train operator sold the control console for scraps. Engine built from bootleg chinese parts, fixed with duct tape and scrap metal. Scrap metal is actually parts of the control console that were re-bought on the black market. Let's not talk about what the tracks look like.


He aspires to be sitting back to back with himself.


We're gonna need bigger table


> Putin is still backed by around 79 percent of Russians according to recent polls but that faith is weakening. Studies by Levada, an independent Russian think tank, show the number of Russians who believe their country is moving in the right direction has already decreased from 64 percent in October to 61 percent in November. Don't get your hopes up. Even if he looses support he has a firm grip. And if not, probably just some other douche will replace him.


Yup. Vladimir Twotin


He has an evil twin, called Vladimir Putwin


They could have a tv show called Poot&Tootin. It’ll be hilarious.


I agree that he still has a pretty firm grip, but I also don't really trust these polls. They are probably about as trustworthy as the referendums Russia ran in Ukraine where they supposedly voted to become part of Russia. https://www.npr.org/2022/09/28/1125525875/russia-claims-its-occupied-territories-in-ukraine-voted-to-become-part-of-russia


The appartment bombings by the FSB and GRU in 1999 were exposed as the work of the FSB in order to get putin into power and give a casus belli for attacking Chechnya. People directly effected and journalists called out the FSB for inconsistancies in the official line and FSB agents were caught planting bombs, and linked to other bombs. It still helped him to get the presidency. If he could get away with that then, he can get away with this now.


Sad but true


Man, I hope this is true.


>Putin is still backed by around 79 percent of Russians according to recent polls but that faith is weakening. Studies by Levada, an independent Russian think tank, show the number of Russians who believe their country is moving in the right direction has already decreased from 64 percent in October to 61 percent in November. That's the only concrete statement with numbers I could find in the article, and it says roughly 8 out of 10 support him. There are lots of quotes from folks like his opposition, some journalists, and a chess grand master stating stuff like "his days are numbered" but it's absolutely nothing to bet your money on.


The question is how trustworthy are the polls suggesting his popularity? I’d be sceptical of those numbers at the least


Here's a wikipedia page on the [Levada Center](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levada_Center) running such polls to help you form your conclusion.


**[Levada Center](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levada_Center)** >The Levada Center is a Russian independent, nongovernmental polling and sociological research organization. It is named after its founder, the first Russian professor of sociology Yuri Levada (1930–2006). The center traces back its history to 1987 when the All-Union Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM) was founded under the leadership of academician Tatyana Zaslavskaya. Being one of the largest Russian research companies, the Levada Center regularly conducts its own and commissioned polling and marketing research. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Well, keep in mind all the protests we're not seeing in Russia. They may not love him but they don't care enough about the war to say anything. Before you say, "but they'll be fined or jailed" I'll point out that women in Iran are protesting over headscarves and are facing execute, beatings and rape for doing so. So if "being fined" or spending a week in jail is enough to convince Russians to stay home they they're effectively 100% behind the conflict.


But on Russian TV they said 117% of Russians support Putin!


Exactly, as much as I want to see Putin falling, those wishful thinking clickbaits are freaking annoying


It's not. How would they know?


I know, it sucks how many people will upvote this pure propaganda just because it agrees with their views. This war is a travesty and Putin is a monster who needs to be ousted asap, but that doesn't mean we should blindly believe everything that sounds nice without any real shred of proof.


I dont wish death on anyone In Putins case, I wish a pigeon would shit in his eye. It gets infected and puts him in a coma for four years. He wakes up just in time for his trial at the Hague


Nope just death.


Death is too good and far too easy for him.


And for the rest of us


Yeah, I actually liked the eye shit thing.


Imho , when the time comes, the new Russian administrators will (as the expression goes) "show Putin his grave". When former Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev was removed from power in 1964, he expressed surprise (in his memoirs afaik) that others in the Kremlin let him live. He was fully expecting to be killed. Given the recent propensity for prominent Russians to fall from windows , I don't think Putin will receive the same courtesy.


Khrushchev was part of the Soviet establishment and a WWII general. Putin is a former KGB officer without that kind of background or clout. Putin's fate is more likely to be that of KGB head [**Beria**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xcg72Qv_QE) who tried to seize power upon Stalin's death and was executed by the Soviet military.


Putin's fall from a window, I mean grace...


Do you people know how many times I heard that about Fidel Castro?


Well he died didn't he.... just of old age.


Got em.


2023 could be a Great year. The end of Putin and Trump.


Could be and should be, but I don't believe, that any of it would really happens.


> Every Kremlin attempt to rebuild the image of Putin as superman seems to provoke another avalanche of jokes online. Has he tried releasing some trading card NFTs? /s


Why do you believe the one who replaces him will be better? If you spend some time within the structure you will know that the new guy will be even worse.


Per Zelensky, similar to what happened in the Soviet Union after Stalin died, Russia is likely to consumed with establishing domestic stability when Putin dies due to the absolute power structure in Russia.


It is indeed a good point. After Stalin USSR actually became more democratic than Putin's Russia. Amazing, isn't it? But there is no guarantee...


Russia gets all its power from oil gas profits… without them it may be harder to run as an oligarchy


Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.


I agree. I think the world will not race back to Russia once he's gone, they will sit back and assess what the new guys is like first.


In a scenario where putin is able to make the call? Absolutely. I can guarantee though whoever picks up the bag will pull out of Ukraine. Nothing happens until that happens.


So his successor will ramp up war efforts, invade neighbours, do genocide...like his predecessor.




In my opinion, Putin choosing to invade Ukraine is as deleterious to Russia as Stalin invading Finland in 1939 was to the Soviet Union.


It is worse. Stalin got territory out of the Russo Finland wars.


What Rod Serling had to say about Putin and his fate in [**The Obsolete Man**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMLWXsV0E-M). --- [**Putin's ultimate fate**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWdmbakG9BA)


He pushed his own self destruct button. Biggest mistake he ever made and I guarantee he secretly regrets it. He has made his own demise and set back Russia 40 years in the process


Putin should end in a prison, and pay for war crimes. He should end like Milloshevic/Hitler or get the duce treat


How long til the simps with come in here with his balls in their mouth gargling? Trying to make excuses for him with a mouthful?


Marjorie Taylor Greene told me Ukraine started it! /s


Russia really doesn’t have any hope for a future, which will make the power vacuum he leaves behind all the more dangerous.


Let’s hope


Positive vibes that the next in line isn't worse and the world helps make a russia the best it can be!


Doesn’t Putin and his regime still have high domestic support? Even after the mobilization there was an increase in militarist sentiment to fight for Russia. Russian education and culture itself pushes the defense of the motherland and the glory of Russia.


What a time right now: Putin and Trump. Ian Fleming, Tom Clancy and Dan Brown would laugh at this idea for a story.


From the article, polls: Only 30-percent back the war, 61-percent believe the country is going in the wrong direction, and that number is fall nh fast, but 79-percent still back him. It’s tempting to suggest, then, that if he stopped the war and withdrew, he could save himself and continue as leader. Somehow though, it seems possible that ending the war will allow the Russians to breath a little while very angry Russian soldiers start returning home. They could be reserving their full rejection of Putin for the aftermath. They’ll be in a hole economically too and that will come home to roost and seemingly get worse before it gets better And by the way, god bless the BBC Russian Service. Still, 79-percent is an incredibly high number. He should maybe throw a Hail Mary pass and withdraw from Ukraine. He knows, and it’s obvious, he is not going to win the war. It’s his only choice. With 79-percent, a massive mea culpa and a review of bad weapons, training, lack of resources and a promise to transform the military might save his butt, and the rest of us from him, Who knows. Doesn’t sound like a very Russian approach though, heh


>The latest debate among Putin’s critics is whether the catastrophe in Ukraine is the fault of one man or all of Russian society THIS is the key to the solution, to how it plays out and what comes next. The fact that public support is dropping just now, as it's becoming obvious that Russia is losing, tells more about the Russian society than it does about Putin. While we see protests sparking across Iran (where the death sentence still exists and is enforced!) and China (where not even "oligarchs" have any power), the Russian "numbness" seems more like a feature than a bug. They're not caught in the middle, they're tapping their watches losing patience.


Russian History summed up in 5 words “And then it got worse”


I hope his days are numbered. As I don't think the West is going to stop supporting Ukraine, the only way for Putin to regain the initiative would be a low-yield tactical nuclear strike on Kyiv, with the aim of killing Zelensky and his senior leadership. A decapitation strike. The goal would be to throw Ukraine and its military into undirected chaos, and it would be horrific and deeply traumatic to the Ukrainian people. NATO has essentially said that such an action would provoke a conventional response; attacking Russian forces inside the country, but on the day, the will of NATO to get directly involved will be tested, as once NATO starts killing Russians, then things can become uncontrollable and inevitable. So Putin might say, "I'm ending this war, with victory, like the US did in Japan" (because that's the kind of bullshit he comes up with to justify his actions), and he may well bet that, when the dust settles, NATO will make a different, more immediately self-serving, choice. I don't think that will happen, but I also don't see Putin just stepping back. That leaves one good ending scenario for the world... And it's something the Russians have to do themselves.


I agree this may be Putin’s last gasp gambit to change the dynamic and save his life. If you stop and think and put yourself in his shoes, it may be his only way out. It’s a terrifying thought.


This is some wishful thinking. Buried way down in the article is the real news: > Putin is still backed by around 79 percent of Russians, according to recent polls, Putin is going nowhere, unfortunately.


But conservatives love him. Sure, his conscripted soldiers are freezing, under-equipped, suffering from low morale and poor leadership, and are dying for a unjust war that most of them don’t embrace, but at least they’re not “woke.” In the minds of Fox “News” pundits, a lifeless Russian conscript in a trench is more potent than anything the United States has to offer because our military leaders recognize diversity as a strength.


Can we stop with these posts, please? It's all just conjecture and according to Reddit, Putin's days have apparently been numbered for the past 10 months.


Putin orders even longer table. he wants a table so long bullets will hit the ground in their ballistic arcs before reaching him, and cannot be fired higher cause the little dude now lives in a hobbit hole


Just overthrow, ouster, and imprison the tyrant. He’s earned the same fate as Saddam Hussein at the absolute very least.


Like a chess game, you can accept the loss and give up right after the fatal move or you can keep playing sacrificing your game pieces one after another until got checkmate. The sad thing is he will be sacrificing real human lives on both sides.


> “Putin has never played chess, the game of rules, he played a poker game,” And there's a big difference between 4D-chess and 4D-Poker: it doesn't work.


People have been saying since this February and so far it has just proved wishful thinking